Group nodes which are visually together - javascript

I am implementing force-directed graph in d3js.
I want to divide my graph into two halves and colour both the halves with different colour, after the network has been rendered and forceSimulation has completed.
What I am looking for is explained in image.
I am refering here.
I don't want to update the group field into my data as described in the link because my links are changing dynamically on several events which is also changing the orientation of the network and updating group field into the data is creating the groups of same nodes whether they are near or far from each other.
Currently, I am using the window coordinates to divide this.
const screenWidth = window.screen.availWidth;
const halfScreen = screenWidth / 2;
nodes.selectAll().attr("fill", function (d) {
return d.x < halfScreen ? "blue" : "green";
But this is not the good idea. I would love to know any other way that is possible to do this.

So, my, interpretation of your question: you want to divide the nodes into two groups. Preferably each with half of the nodes, in which the distances between the nodes in each group is as small as possible.
The best algorithms for this that I know of are algorithms for constructing a "minimum spanning tree", for example, Kruskal's algorithm.
Adapting the algorithm to your problem, you start with (a copy of) the graph, having no edges. You then add the edges, sorted by length, smallest first. You stop doing this as soon as you have exactly two connected components. These connected components form groups in which nodes have a small mutual distance.
However, the groups probably won't have the same number of nodes, and I don't guarantee that this gives you the smallest mutual distance.
If there is more than 1 connected component, you could group them by starting with two empty groups and repeatedly adding a component (largest first) to the group that has the smallest number of nodes. This will probably give you more or less equal groups.


What kind of visualization should I use for displaying combinations?

I need to create a visualization/chart showing all the ways to choose from a set of items (i.e., number of possible combinations)
Concretely, I am showing potential offspring from two animals, where each parent may possess some number of genes, and the offspring inherits 0, 1, or both parent genes of each type. The genes have fun names (e.g., fire), and sometimes combinations of those genes have their own names (fire + pastel = firefly), but this is beside the point.
Here's a simple example that shows 2 and 2 genes from parents (with 1 shared), which makes for 2^2 = 16 possibilities.
The current UI shows the list of possibilities, but nothing visually conveys the magnitude. Secondly, it would be great if the outcomes which share commonality (i.e., contain same genes) could be visually related.
My idea is something like a diamond shaped graph, or layered network, where at the top is the outcome where all genes are chosen, and below that a row of nodes with N-1, and so forth until the bottom row has 0 selected. Edges would connect the nodes beween layers with shared genes. Size of nodes could indicate probability. Something like this (but ignore the data):
I'm aware of Punnett Squares, but I'm not sure it's the best for combinations of this order (for one it doesn't not combine equivalent outcomes).
I was hoping d3js would have something like this but in the abundance of examples in the gallery I didn't see anything quite like it.
The current UI shows the list of possibilities, but nothing visually conveys the magnitude.
Instead of annotating each possibility with a fraction - e.g. "1 / 16" - place a horizontal bar chart beside your possibilities, where the size of a bar is proportional to that possibility's likelihood. You can sort the possibilities by decreasing likelihood as well.

Split weakly-simple-polygon to true simple polygon or polygons

I want to divide weakly-simple polygons into simple polygons.
The use case is to simplify polygons that are Simplified (Unioned) using Javascript Clipper. Javascript Clipper's as well as original Clipper's SimplifyPolygon() function removes self-intersections and combines common edges, but it cannot produce true simple polygons. The output is used in three.js, which has TriangulateShapes() which needs polygons to be simple. Three.js accepts polygon structures that have one contour and zero or multiple holes.
Input, weakly-simple polygons
Weakly-simple polygons cannot have sequential-duplicate-vertices (true duplicate points), nor holes (islands) nor self-intersections (edge crossing over other edge), but there can be non-sequential-multiple-vertices (vertices that have exactly the same coordinate but not as sequential). The input polygon can have either CW or CCW winding order, which means that CW input is outer polygon and CCW is a hole. The input is either CW or CCW polygon.
The input is an array of polygon points eg.:
// This is a true example of weakly-simple polygon:
var input = [{"X":270,"Y":520},{"X":130,"Y":490},{"X":210,"Y":250},{"X":60,"Y":170},{"X":130,"Y":490},{"X":20,"Y":410},{"X":60,"Y":300},{"X":60,"Y":20},{"X":780,"Y":40}, {"X":680,"Y":180},{"X":460,"Y":130},{"X":210,"Y":250},{"X":320,"Y":100},{"X":220,"Y":80}, {"X":210,"Y":250},{"X":520,"Y":250},{"X":680,"Y":180},{"X":770,"Y":480},{"X":540,"Y":470}, {"X":520,"Y":250},{"X":380,"Y":280},{"X":430,"Y":390},{"X":540,"Y":470},{"X":270,"Y":520},{"X":330,"Y":350},{"X":210,"Y":250}];
This is the above input polygon as an image:
And here are the points numbered, where you can easily see what points are duplicates:
As you see, the above polygon can be divided in multiple ways, eg.:
- One outer polygon with five holes
- five outer polygons of which one has one hole
Output, simple polygons as a exPolygon structure
Simple polygon is a polygon that have no self-intersections, no duplicate coordinates whether they were sequential or non-sequential, no holes. The output's simple polygon can have CW or CCW winding order. CW means outer and CCW holes.
The output can have (and in many times there will be) holes, but in certain cases the output has no holes. The output has always at least one outer polygon, but there can be also multiple outer polygons that have zero or more holes.
The output should be an array of exPolygon objects that have properties "outer" and "holes". "outer" is an array of point objects, "holes" is an array of arrays of point objects. If "holes" is populated, the holes in it have to be holes of "outer" polygon in the exPolygon object.
The example of output:
// This is an example of output, but the points are random:
[ { "outer": [{"X":54,"Y":4},{"X":2,"Y":50},{"X":30,"Y":5},{"X":10,"Y":50}],
"holes": [ [{"X":0,"Y":8},{"X":60,"Y":13},{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":3,"Y":1}],
[{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":50,"Y":2},{"X":6,"Y":1}] ] },
{ "outer": [{"X":54,"Y":4},{"X":2,"Y":50},{"X":30,"Y":5},{"X":10,"Y":50}],
"holes": [ [{"X":0,"Y":8},{"X":60,"Y":13},{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":3,"Y":1}],
[{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":50,"Y":2},{"X":6,"Y":1}] ] },
{ "outer": [{"X":54,"Y":4},{"X":2,"Y":50},{"X":30,"Y":5},{"X":10,"Y":50}],
"holes": [] }
Output's "outer" polygons are CW, and "holes" are CCW.
There is no limit for counts of points in polygons, count of exPolygons objects nor count of holes.
Here are other examples of weakly simple polygons:
Example of division
Here is an example of input polygon:
Here is how it could be divided:
Some other polygons can have multiple possible alternatives of ouput depending where are the pseudo-duplicate-points.
My question
How the polygons can be divided this way and the desired output structure achieved? I'm not asking full code (but if you have some spare time and want to show that it is possible). Thoughts of possible algorithms are also welcome.
I have searched hours a solution and tried to find an algorithm.
In case you want to try a solution, I have here a code which I have used to find the duplicates: It shows the polygon in SVG and shows the points as red circles and an array index of each point (after pressing button "Run with JS").
Here is the same, but with 12 example polygons (change pindex in Javascript window to change the polygon):
EDIT: Javascript Clipper 6 is available now and there is support for StrictlySimple. But according to the documentation "There's currently no guarantee that polygons will be strictly simple since 'simplifying' is still a work in progress". I have tested StrictlySimple and it fails in certain cases: Orientation problems and lack of rotation invariance. We hope these are fixed soon and StrictlySimple works as expected.
There may be something that I'm missing, but this looks like a classic problem of finding the articulation vertex of a graph. Essentially you're trying to find the weakest point in a graph such that when you cut the graph at that point, you end up with two separate graphs. So in your example, if you cut the polygon at that vertex, you end up with multiple polygons. You can represent your polygons quite easy as a graph, with each vertex representing a graph vertex, and the polygon edges as graph edges.
If I had to solve the problem, this is the approach that I would take. You can check out the following resources:
Articulation vertices from the Algorithm Design Manual - This is your best bet. He explains the algorithm in simple terms and also gives you C code that you can easily translate into JavaScript. If I had to start writing an algorithm, this is where I would start.
Biconnected component
Detection of Articulation Points (search for "articulation")
I'll try and give you a brief overview of the problem and the solution to point you in the right direction. An implementation of this algorithm using graphs will necessarily go into graph-algorithm terminologies, so if you are not familiar with graphs, you might want to read up on them.
The brute-force approach in your case would be to traverse the graph, temporarily delete each vetex and then see if the graph is connected when doing a DFS/BFS traversal on the modified graph. This is not very efficient and will run in quadratic time O(n(m + n)). But there is a linear-time algorithm that is based on classifying the edges of the resultant DFS tree that is formed from a DFS traversal.
In a DFS tree that doesn't contain any back-edges (edges connecting a "lower" node to a node "higher" in the tree [assuming "higher" nodes are those closer to the root]) leaf nodes are not articulation nodes, since deleting any one of them will still leave the graph connected. However, deleting any of the internal nodes will disconnect any nodes that follow it from the root.
Deleting the root of the tree depends on whether it has one or more children. If it has just one child, then it's more-or-less a leaf and so deleting it will have no effect. However, deleting a root node that has more than one child will disconnect the graph.
But in a general graph, you can have back-edges and so deleting any of the nodes in between will not disconnect the graph. So figuring out the articulation vertices boils down to figuring out which sections of the tree are linked to ancestor nodes by back edges (i.e., figuring out the "reachable ancestor" of a vertex).
In the page I linked to from the Algorithm Design Manual, Skiena describes three cases where a vertex can be an articulation vertex (root, bridge, and parent cut-nodes). Using the algorithm he describes, you can figure out if the vertex you are processing, meets any of those conditions. If it does, it is an articulation node.
Hopefully this helps you get started!

Connecting Rooms

I've created a simple algorithm for a game I'm working on that creates a cave like structure. The algorithm outputs a 2 dimensional array of bits that represent the open area's. Example:
(0's represent wall, 1's represent open areas)
The problem is that the algorithm can sometimes create a cave that has 2 non connected sections (as in the above example). I've written a function that gives me an array of arrays that contain all the x, y positions of the open spots for each area
My question is, given a number of lists that contain all of the x,y coordinates for each open area what is the fastest way to "connect" these area's be a corridor that is a minimum of 2 thickness wide.
(I'm writing this in javascript but even just pseudo code will help me out)
I've tried comparing the distances from every point in one area to every other area in another area, finding the two points that have the closest distance then cutting out a path from those 2 two points but this approach is way to slow I'm hoping there is another way.
Given two caves A and B, choose a point x in A and y in B (at random will do, the two closest or locally closest is better). Drill a corridor of thickness 2 between A and B (use Bresenham's algorithm). If you have multiple disconnected caves, do the above for each edge (A,B) of the minimal spanning tree of the graph of all the caves (edge weight is the length of the corridor you'll drill if you choose this edge).
Edit for the edit: to approximate the distance between two caves, you can use hill climbing. It will return the global minimum for convex caves in O(n) rather than the naive O(n2). For non-convex caves, do multiple iterations of hill climbing with initial guess chosen in random.
If you need the exactly minimal solution, you can consider first building the frontiers of your caves and then applying O(nm) algorithm. This will eliminate the need to compare distances between interior points of your caves. Then as soon as you know the distances between each pair of caves, you build the minimal spanning tree, then you drill your tunnels.
Since I don't know too much from your description, here are some hints I would consider:
How do you look for the pair of nearest points? Do you use a naive brute-force approach and thus obtain a run time of O(n*n)? Or are you using a more efficient variant taking O(n log n) time?
If you have obtained the closest points, I'd use a simple line-drawing algorithm.
Another approach might be that you generate a structure that definitely has only one single connected area. Therefore you could do the following: First you take a random cell (x,y) and set it to 1. Then, you traverse all it's neighbours and for each of them you randomly set it to 1 or leave it at 0. For each cell set to 1, you do the same, i.e. you traverse it's neighbours and set them randomly to 1 or 0. This guarantees that you won't have two separate areas.
An algorithm to ensure this could be the following (in python):
def setCell(x,y,A):
if x>=len(A) or y>=len(A[0]) or x<0 or y<0:
A[x][y] = 1
def getCell(x,y,A):
if x>=len(A) or y>=len(A[0]) or x<0 or y<0:
return 1
return A[x][y]
def generate(height, width):
A = [[0 for _ in xrange(width)] for _ in xrange(height)]
from random import randint
import Queue
(x,y) = (randint(0, height-1), randint(0, width-1))
setCell (x,y,A)
q = Queue.Queue()
while not q.empty():
(x,y) = q.get()
for (nx, ny) in [(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)]:
if randint(0,8)<=6:
if getCell(nx,ny,A)==0:
if randint(0,2)<=1:
return A
def printField(A):
for l in A:
for c in l:
print (" " if c==1 else "X"),
print ""
Then printField(generate(20,30)) does the job. Probably you'll have to adjust the parameters for random stuff so it fits your needs.

Click detection in a 2D isometric grid?

I've been doing web development for years now and I'm slowly getting myself involved with game development and for my current project I've got this isometric map, where I need to use an algorithm to detect which field is being clicked on. This is all in the browser with Javascript by the way.
The map
It looks like this and I've added some numbers to show you the structure of the fields (tiles) and their IDs. All the fields have a center point (array of x,y) which the four corners are based on when drawn.
As you can see it's not a diamond shape, but a zig-zag map and there's no angle (top-down view) which is why I can't find an answer myself considering that all articles and calculations are usually based on a diamond shape with an angle.
The numbers
It's a dynamic map and all sizes and numbers can be changed to generate a new map.
I know it isn't a lot of data, but the map is generated based on the map and field sizes.
- Map Size: x:800 y:400
- Field Size: 80x80 (between corners)
- Center position of all the fields (x,y)
The goal
To come up with an algorithm which tells the client (game) which field the mouse is located in at any given event (click, movement etc).
I do want to mention that I've already come up with a working solution myself, however I'm 100% certain it could be written in a better way (my solution involves a lot of nested if-statements and loops), and that's why I'm asking here.
Here's an example of my solution where I basically find a square with corners in the nearest 4 known positions and then I get my result based on the smallest square between the 2 nearest fields. Does that make any sense?
Ask if I missed something.
Here's what I came up with,
function posInGrid(x, y, length) {
xFromColCenter = x % length - length / 2;
yFromRowCenter = y % length - length / 2;
col = (x - xFromColCenter) / length;
row = (y - yFromRowCenter) / length;
if (yFromRowCenter < xFromColCenter) {
if (yFromRowCenter < (-xFromColCenter))--row;
} else if (yFromRowCenter > xFromColCenter) {
if (yFromRowCenter < (-xFromColCenter))--col;
return "Col:"+col+", Row:"+row+", xFC:"+xFromColCenter+", yFC:"+yFromRowCenter;
X and Y are the coords in the image, and length is the spacing of the grid.
Right now it returns a string, just for testing.. result should be row and col, and those are the coordinates I chose: your tile 1 has coords (1,0) tile 2 is(3,0), tile 10 is (0,1), tile 11 is (2,1). You could convert my coordinates to your numbered tiles in a line or two.
And a JSFiddle for testing
EDIT: changed the return statement, had some variables I used for debugging left in.
A pixel perfect way of hit detection I've used in the past (in OpenGL, but the concept stands here too) is an off screen rendering of the scene where the different objects are identified with different colors.
This approach requires double the memory and double the rendering but the hit detection of arbitrarily complex scenes is done with a simple color lookup.
Since you want to detect a cell in a grid there are probably more efficient solutions but I wanted to mention this one for it's simplicity and flexibility.
This has been solved before, let me consult my notes...
Here's a couple of good resources:
From Laserbrain Studios, The basics of isometric programming
Useful article in the thread posted here, in Java
Let me know if this helps, and good luck with your game!
This code calculates the position in the grid given the uneven spacing. Should be pretty fast; almost all operations are done mathematically, using just one loop. I'll ponder the other part of the problem later.
def cspot(x,y,length):
vlist = [ (l*(k%2))+(lp*((k+1)%2)) for k in range(1,y+1) ]
return x + sum(vlist)

Spatial Data Structure for Games

I need to implement a spatial data structure to store rectangles then be able to find all rectangles that intersect a given rectangle. This will be implemented in JavaScript.
So far I am developing a Quad Tree to cut down the search space but because it is for a game, all objects that move will need to update its position in the tree. Back to square one.
Are there any data-structures or methods to help? It will need to process around 10,000 objects so brute force isn't good enough.
A hash table works fairly well as an approximate intersection test. Hash tables are used as part of a more sophisticated algorithm for detecting collisions in ODE.
Logically, this test divides the space into a regular grid. Each grid cell is labeled with a list of objects that intersect that cell. The grid is initialized by scanning all objects. I don't know javascript, so I'll use python-ish pseudocode.
for each ob in objects:
for each x in [floor(ob.x_min / grid_size) .. floor(ob.x_max / grid_size)]:
for each y in [floor(ob.y_min / grid_size) .. floor(ob.y_max / grid_size)]:
hashtable[hash(x, y)].append(ob)
To find collisions with a given object, look up near-collisions in the hash table and then apply an exact collision test to each one.
near_collisions = []
for each x in [floor(ob.x_min / grid_size) .. floor(ob.x_max / grid_size)]:
for each y in [floor(ob.y_min / grid_size) .. floor(ob.y_max / grid_size)]:
near_collisions = near_collisions ++ hashtable[hash(x, y)]
remove duplicates from near_collisions
for each ob2 in near_collisions:
if exact_collision_test(ob, ob2):
You can still use quadtree even if you have moving objects – just remove and reinsert an object every time it moves or every time it crosses region boundary.
But quadtrees aren't very good at storing rectangles and I would recommend using an R-tree instead.

