Resubmit a Request with updated jwt token - javascript

I have an end point which issues a JWT token:
token: {
"access_token": "kjhfdhglkfhjkjfhgkjfghdkjhgkjdsgfkjhdfkjgkjhfujksfknbvckjfhdbncvujkdhgvbnfjkdghnbv",
"expires_in": 2592000, // this is equal to 30 days - I dont have information when it is generated
"token_type": "Bearer"
And my application has various end points to get data like:
and so on ...
All this end points need JWT to access.
If the JWT expires, I get following response back:
"code": "401",
"message": "Unauthorized",
"errorList": [{
"code": "AUTH0007",
"message": "Malformed JWT token",
"fieldName": "Authorization"
code:"AUTH0007" is unique for JWT expiry.
Can I make a request to getJwt only based on the error response I get back from above end points and resubmit the failed request or do I need to ask user to trigger the request again?
I'm open to suggestion to implement any better approach.
I am successfull in making call to JWT for every req - I want to make a call only when it fails.
simple 'GET Request'
.then((result) => {
.catch((err) => {
if (err.response.status === 401 && === "AUTH0007") {
//utill function to get jwt token and update the token in code
// at this point can I send request back with updated token or do I need to ask user to trigger the new req

Better approach to handle this would be to redirect users to login page (when you get a 401) where they can re-authenticate. So you can fetch a fresh JWT and allow user to trigger the API call again.


Firebase ID token has expired. Get a fresh ID token from your client app and try again (auth/id-token-expired)?

I am using postman to mimic requests to firebase and firestore, i am using FBAuth middleware for protected routes like uploading images, posting a comment, so i need to make sure that the user is authenticated before posting an image or writing a comment, but i always get a message in postman that my id token has expired,
FBAuth middleware:
const FBAuth = (req, res, next) => {
let idToken;
if (req.headers.authorization && req.headers.authorization.startsWith('Bearer ')) {
idToken = req.headers.authorization.split('Bearer ')[1];
} else {
console.error('no token found');
return res.status(400).json({ error: 'unauthorized' })
admin.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken).then(decodedToken => {
req.user = decodedToken;
return db.collection('users').where('userId', '==', req.user.uid)
}).then(data => {
req.user.handle =[0].data().handle;
return next();
.catch(err => {
return res.status(403).json(err)
Then use the middleware like this:'/user/image', FBAuth, uploadImage);`
In post man, i am using the token i get from sign in process to make the request, but i always get that message:
"code": "auth/id-token-expired",
"message": "Firebase ID token has expired. Get a fresh ID token from your client app and try again (auth/id-token-expired). See for details on how to retrieve an ID token."
The error message is telling you that you have a problem on the frontend, not on the backend. Your frontend has simply delivered an expired token. It will need to keep refreshing the token every hour, since that's how long they last.
You haven't really said anything about your frontend at all, but it should be using an ID token listener to get fresh tokens delivered every hour. If the client is JavaScript, it would use onTokenIdChanged. If you're copying the token from your web or mobile client for use in postman, know that you will need to keep generating and copying a new tokens during development in order to stay fresh every hour.

Token Authentication - JWT

When we use jsonwebtoken in Node, we sign a particular token for the user and send it back. However, when we verify the token when the user sends it in the header (Authentication: <token>), how does the jwt know that that token which it is verifying is for that particular user and not for some other user who also sent a request at the same time? Does it store the token somewhere internally?
At the time of login, you sign a token where payload is the userId, which is nothing but the _id field in the queried user object.
loginUser: async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const { email, password } = req.body
const user = await User.findOne({ email })
const token = auth.signToken({ userId: user._id })
res.status(200).json({ user, token })
} catch (error) {
return next(error)
function signToken(payload) {
return jwt.sign(payload, JWTSECRET)
function verifyToken(req, res, next) {
const token = req.headers.Authorization || req.headers.authorization || ""
if (!token) {
return res.status(403).json({ error: "Not authorized" })
jwt.verify(token,JWTSECRET, (err, decodedObj) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(403).json({ error: "Not authorized" })
req.user = decodedObj
module.exports = { signToken, verifyToken }
In the callback of jwt.verify, you get a decodedObj which is like:
{ userId: '5edb3ae6d6b129183c1393bc', iat: 1591425786 }
where iat is the time at which the jwt was issued.
req.user = decodedObj
Here, we're "attaching" the decoded data to the user object so that when a request is made to the protected route, we can get the userId from the request object, like req.user.userId, and then query it from the database.
When you sign a token, you provide a payload which can be a userId and a secret. So, the token gets signed. After that, you need to verify the token in case you're trying to access some protected page that requires a token.
So, when you send a request to that protected route, like this:
router.get("/me", auth.verifyToken, usersController.identifyUser)
where identifyUser is a controller function that just identifies the logged in user by checking the userId(remember the user object contains the decoded object data).
how does the jwt know that that token which it is verifying is for that particular user and not for some other user who also sent a request at the same time? Does it store the token somewhere internally?
It's because of the payload that you give, which is unique to the user.
The Authentication token is stored in an Authentication Server, so when you send the Authentication token in your request header, the Authentication Server authenticated your client.
After being authenticated by Authentication Server, the client can now pass JWT to make API calls to the Application Server. Since client is allowed to make API calls, Application Server can verify the JWT token the client has sent and can process the API call.
Note that for making API calls, the client has to send a Authorization: Bearer <token> for each API call, which is stored at the server (aka Authorization Server)
the token is most store in the client
when the token verifying successfully, we will get some user info, etc account id, so we can use account id to find more user info in the database, and check the use is really exist
maybe it is useful for you?
You will typically sign the token with the user id when sending it from the server. So when the client then sends back that token you decode it and it will return the id to you. Which you then use to find the user in the data base

JWT verification error: JsonWebTokenError: invalid algorithm

i am trying to implement a single sign on for my web application. I am using for the access managment and token generation.
I followed the steps in gravitees quickstart tutorial and i am now at the point that i want to verify my id_token.
In order to do that i am using the node-jsonwebtoken library. i am using total.js for my backend (which should not be as important, but i still wanted to mention it).
What i have done so far.
i have my client-id and my client-secret as well as my domain secret in the total.js config file
./configs/myconfig.conf (key/secret is changed)
url :
client-id : myClientId
client-secret : uBAscc-zd3yQWE1AsDfb7PQ7xyz
domain : my_domain
domain-public-key : EEEEEB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCW4NF4R/sxG12WjioEcDIYwB2cX+IqFJXF3umV28UCHZRlMYoIFnvrXfIXObG7R9W7hk6a6wbtQWERTZxJ4LUQnfZrZQzhY/w1u2rZ3GEILtm1Vr1asDfAsdf325dfbuFf/RTyw666dFcCcpIE+yUYp2PFAqh/P20PsoekjvoeieyoUbNFGCgAoeovjyEyojvezxuTidqjaeJvU0gU4usiiDGIMhO3IPaiAud61CVtqYweTr2tX8KabeK9NNOXlTpLryBf3aTU1iXuU90mijwXZlmIzD28fWq+qupWbHcFZmmv3wADVddnxZHnFIN7DHGf5WVpb3eLvsGkIIQpGL/ZeASDFa
i added a model to handle the login workflow for total.js in order to get the jwt tokens from gravitee by REST-call.
So far everything works as expected. a session is created and stores the response in it. the gravitee response is the expected json which looks like this
access_token: 'some-long-token',
token_type: 'bearer',
expires_in: 7199,
scope: 'openid',
refresh_token: 'another-long-token',
id_token: 'last-long-token'
I split up the tokens in seperate cookies because when i tried to save them as a single cookie, i got an error that told me the cookie exceeds the 4096 length limit.
So far everything works just fine. in the frontend ajax call the success callback will be executed, just setting the window.location.href='/'; to call the dashboard of my application. I set this route to be accessible only when authorized, so that when my dashboard is called, the onAuthorize function is called by totaljs.
F.onAuthorize = function (req, res, flags, callback) {
let cookie = mergeCookies(req.cookie);
// Check the cookie length
if (!cookie || cookie.length < 20) {
console.log(`cookie not defined or length to low`);
return callback(false);
if (!cookie) {
console.log(`cookie undefined`);
return callback(false);
// Look into the session object whether the user is logged in
let session = ONLINE[];
if (session) {
console.log(`there is a session`);
// User is online, so we increase his expiration of session
session.ticks = F.datetime;
function(err, decoded){
if (err) {
console.log(`jwt verify error: ${err}`);
return callback(false);
console.log(`decoded token user id: ${decoded.sub}`);
return callback(true, session);
I also tried to just send the CONFIG('client-secret') without buffering. I also tried to send the CONFIG('domain-public-key'). But the error i get is always the same:
jwt verify error: JsonWebTokenError: invalid algorithm
When i copy and paste the id_token into the debugger at with algorithm beeing set to RS256 i'll see the following decoded values:
// header
"kid": "default",
"alg": "RS256"
// payload
"sub": "some-generated-id",
"aud": "myClientId",
"updated_at": 1570442007969,
"auth_time": 1570784329896,
"iss": "",
"preferred_username": "myUsername",
"exp": 1570798729,
"given_name": "Peter",
"iat": 1570784329,
"family_name": "Lustig",
"email": ""
i copied the public key from my domain in to the respective textfield and i also tried to use the client-secret. no matter what i do, the error i am getting here is
Warning: Looks like your JWT signature is not encoded correctly using
base64url ( Note that
padding ("=") must be omitted as per
I dont understand why there is an algorithm error when i try to verify the token in my backend and some encoding error at debugger.
can somebody explain to me on how to fix the issue? Thanks in advance
edit: changed title

Best way to refresh JWT token using Node.js

I have created node.js backend. On Login i am sending a jwt token. For user experience i don't want them to re-login but instead get their tokens refreshed, which i have set to expire in 4 hours.
However i am not getting a good lead on how to do this effectively. My idea is to provide a button in client side, by clicking on which user can get their tokens refreshed. Assuming a rest call that i can make from client side, i need help in its implementation. Appreciate it.
if (response) {, response.password, (error, result) => {
if (result) {
const token = jwt.sign(
userId: response._id
expiresIn: '4h'
return res.status(200).json({
message: 'Auth Successful! User Found. ',
} else {
return res.status(404).json({
message: 'Auth Failed! User Not found'
You would need two tokens:
Refresh Token (will be saved in db)
Access Token (your JWT which will expire quickly e.g. 10 mins)
Refresh token typically does not expire quickly. However, there may be a challenge on how to secure the refresh token.
you also need to change the refresh token in the database every time the user refreshed their token / logs in.
You also need to store expiry_date of your access token (you can make it a response from your login api).
Then, in your front-end, you can store those tokens in localStorage / sessionStorage depending on your security requirements.
Then, each API call would check the expiry date that you've set. And if it reaches a certain threshold (e.g. 5 mins before expiry_date), you'd call the refresh token API.
This is a method that I've used. However, it may not considered as a best practice. "Not authenticated" with read only token

I am using the django client. My backend code looks like the following, it generates a read-only token and stores it in the response with my jwt token that is sent on a successful login. This code is at the bottom of my file, which contains the STREAM_API_SECRET, and STREAM_API_KEY key settings. These are also in my and match what is in my dashboard.
from stream_django.client import stream_client
def jwt_response_payload_handler(token, user=None, request=None):
user_feed_1 = stream_client.feed('user', str(
readonly_token = user_feed_1.get_readonly_token()
return {
'token': token,
'stream': str(readonly_token)
On the frontend, the token is correctly gotten from the login response, which contains the stream token. It attempts to setup a real time stream, but when it connects i get a "Not authenticated error". I have confirmed, that the token passed to the following client side function, matches the token generated above.
function setupStream (token, id) {
var client = stream.connect(STREAM_API_KEY, null, STREAM_APP_ID)
var user1 = client.feed('user', id, token)
function callback (data) {
function failCallback (data) {
alert('something went wrong, check the console logs')
user1.subscribe(callback).then(() => {}, failCallback)
I am not sure what I am doing wrong because as far as I can tell everything is setup correctly. The tokens, and user id's match what is on the front and backend.
I am following what is in the documentation, but its not working:
When i tried just the following in console:
user1.get({ limit: 5, offset: 0 })
The exact error response body i get from that is:
"code": null,
"detail": "url signature missing or invalid",
"duration": "7ms",
"exception": "AuthenticationFailed",
"status_code": 403
it seems by changing:
get_readonly_token() to .token, creating a read/write token, the client side code works. Does readonly token not work?
so it turns out, I am decoding the read_only token incorrectly. Changing the backend code to the following solved my issues;
'stream': readonly_token.decode("utf-8")

