i want to make a counter function dynamic in javascript - javascript

i have called a counter function in loop. there are 4 items per page.
i have passed $i in loop and written 4 functions
but if i changed pagination limit to 5 or 10 ,it is not a good solution
anybody can help me to solve it?
here is my div in foreach loop where l called function
<div class="tick"
<div data-layout="horizontal center"
<div data-view="swap"
handleTickInit'.$i is function
function handleTickInit2(tick) {
var value = tick.value;
var target = 0;
var timer = Tick.helper.interval(function() {
// have we reached the donation target yet?
if (value>=target) {
// no, keep going
var realprice=$("#realprice-2").val();
var startdate=$("#startdate-2").val();
var currenttime = Math.round((new Date()).getTime()/1000);
var stepsec=$("#stepsec-2").val();
// alert(stepsec);
var diffsec=currenttime-startdate;
var loss=diffsec*stepsec;
var start=realprice-loss;
tick.value = start.toFixed(4);
// value= tick.value ;
else {
// yes, stop the timer
}, 1000);
please give some solution to make it dynamic

Try this
var handleTickInit = {};
var num = 5;
var handleFunc = function() {
return function (tick) {
var value = tick.value;
var target = 0;
var timer = Tick.helper.interval(function() {
// have we reached the donation target yet?
if (value>=target) {
// no, keep going
var realprice=$("#realprice-2").val();
var startdate=$("#startdate-2").val();
var currenttime = Math.round((new Date()).getTime()/1000);
var stepsec=$("#stepsec-2").val();
// alert(stepsec);
var diffsec=currenttime-startdate;
var loss=diffsec*stepsec;
var start=realprice-loss;
tick.value = start.toFixed(4);
// value= tick.value ;
else {
// yes, stop the timer
}, 1000);
for(var i = 0; i< num; i++){
handleTickInit[i] = handleFunc();
All your handle tick functions are in handleTickInit;


Finishing a sub-function with setTimeout loop before function

I've been wrestling with a timing issue in my code for a few nights now, and can't come up with the correct solution.
Psuedo code description:
//event listener on button trigger a die roll each time it is clicked
// call animation function
//generate random values x number of times
//display each result with setTimeout
//run code to determine final "settled upon" value and display results
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Make Cards</title>
<p>Total:<span id="total"></span></p>
<div id="contain">
<div class="die"></div>
<div class="die"></div>
<div class="die"></div>
<div class="die"></div>
<div class="die"></div>
<div class="die"></div>
<button id="rollBtn">Roll</button>
<input type="number" value = "1" min="1" max="6" id = "numDice">
var diceValue = ["&#9856", "&#9857", "&#9858", "&#9859", "&#9860",
var dice = document.querySelectorAll(".die");
// select number of dice
var numDice = document.querySelector("#numDice");
// convert string to value
var newNumDice = Number(numDice.value);
var roll = document.querySelector("#rollBtn");
var total = document.querySelector("#total");
// make animation function
// call animation function
function init(){
roll.addEventListener("click", function(){
var subTotal = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < newNumDice; i++){
var value = generateRandomDice()
dice[i].innerHTML = diceValue[value];
subTotal = subTotal + (value+1);
total.innerHTML = subTotal;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
dice[i].style.color = "black";
numDice.addEventListener("click", function(){
total.innerHTML = "-";
newNumDice = Number(numDice.value);
// console.log(Number(numDice.value));
function resetDice(){
for (var i = 0; i < diceValue.length; i++){
dice[i].innerHTML = "";
// only display chosen number of dice
function displayDice(){
for (var i = 0; i < newNumDice; i++){
dice[i].innerHTML = diceValue[i];
function generateRandomDice(){
var dieSide = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
return dieSide;
function animate(){
for (var i = 0; i < 50000; i++){
var ani = setTimeout(rolling, 650);
function rolling(){
for (var i = 0; i < newNumDice; i++){
var value = generateRandomDice()
dice[i].innerHTML = diceValue[value];
dice[i].style.color = "grey";
Not sure what is going on, but it appears to me that the animate(); code is not run until the rest of eventListener is finished. Any help is great, thank you.
The issue is that you are waiting for asynchronous code to finish before you execute synchronous code. Every time you call setTimeout, it is storing the function to call for when it's ready to be called (which is 650 ms from 'now'!).
To fix, you can await for your animation to finish. Here's how I got it working on your codepen:
Change animate to:
function animate() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
for (let i = 0; i < 50000; i++) {
setTimeout(() => {
if(i == 49999)
}, 650);
and then you can await for the Promise to resolve by changing your click listener to this:
roll.addEventListener("click", async function() {
await animate();
var subTotal = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < newNumDice; i++) {
var value = generateRandomDice();
dice[i].innerHTML = diceValue[value];
subTotal = subTotal + (value + 1);
total.innerHTML = subTotal;
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
dice[i].style.color = "black";
The result showing afterward was correct for me.
Hope that helps!

Is there possible to add a moreLink to display all events in a popup regardless the space available in the dayCell?

I am trying to add a moreLink in full calendar on each day i have events and in the more link i want to force displaying all the events on that day!
this is the solutin i choose because the title of the events are very long and do not fit in a tablet or phone screen!
so far i am unsuccesfull on the days i have one single event because the function computeRowLevelLimit returns false!
i am open to any crazy idea that helps me but keep in mind that i am a java dev with minimal kowledge of js and add some extra info if possible
since i was under presure i took the matter in my own hands so here is the resolve
here i added the last else in order to be able to execute 2 methods when levelLimit is false
limitRows: function (levelLimit) {
var rowStructs = this.eventRenderer.rowStructs || [];
var row; // row #
var rowLevelLimit;
for (row = 0; row < rowStructs.length; row++) {
if (!levelLimit) {
rowLevelLimit = false;
else if (typeof levelLimit === 'number') {
rowLevelLimit = levelLimit;
else {
rowLevelLimit = this.computeRowLevelLimit(row);
if (rowLevelLimit !== false) {
this.limitRow(row, rowLevelLimit);
} else {
The added metod are:
- one for clearing the existing links
- second for adding new links - remember this is for days with only one event
the methods are the following:
unlimitRow2: function (row) {
var rowStruct = this.eventRenderer.rowStructs[row];
var cellMatrix;
var oneDayCell;
cellMatrix = rowStruct.cellMatrix;
var _this = this;
for (i = 0; i < cellMatrix.length; i++) {
// console.log("celmatrix ", cellMatrix[i]);
oneDayCell = cellMatrix[i];
console.log("outati", oneDayCell)
if (oneDayCell.moreEls) {
oneDayCell.moreEls = null;
if (oneDayCell.limitedEls) {
oneDayCell.limitedEls = null;
addMoreLink: function (row) {
// console.log("inside addMoreMethod", row);
var rowStruct = this.eventRenderer.rowStructs[row];
var cellMatrix;
var oneDayCell;
var coloana;
var nrCol;
var td, moreWrap, moreLink;
var moreNodes = [];
var segsBelow;
// console.log ("structura randului", rowStruct);
cellMatrix = rowStruct.cellMatrix;
var _this = this;
for (i = 0; i < cellMatrix.length; i++) {
// console.log("celmatrix ", cellMatrix[i]);
oneDayCell = cellMatrix[i];
for (j = 0; j < oneDayCell.length; j++) {
coloana = oneDayCell[j];
nrCol = j;
segsBelow = _this.getCellSegs(row, nrCol);
moreLink = _this.renderMoreLink(row, nrCol, segsBelow);
moreWrap = $('<div/>').append(moreLink);
// rowStruct.limitedEls = $(limitedNodes);
rowStruct.moreEls = $(moreNodes); // for easy undoing later
and for the rest i manipulated a litle bit limitRow: function (row, levelLimit)
also i had to hide the text and i choose a nasty method, not proud of it but ...
in getMoreLinkText(num) i added a last else if
else if (num === 0 ){
return '';

jQuery addClass or other methods doesn't seem to works on an element

(Sorry for my bad english)
I know, this question has been posted so many times, but the threads that I read didn't fix my problem.
I have a grid, with a random black cell drawn for each time I refresh the page. When the time come to "00:01", the cell need to replicate with the neighbors cells, I tried to put a background-color with jQuery, I tried to use attr('id', 'replicant'), I tried addClass... Nothing seem to work :S
Here the code for the draw :
function drawReplicant(replicant, cellTab)
for (var i = 0; i < replicant.length; i++) {
if($.inArray(replicant[i], cellTab))
var concat = 'row'+replicant[i].x+'col'+replicant[i].y;
And here, the full code :
var lastClicked;
var cellTab = Array();
var replicant = Array();
var neightbors = Array();
var newReplicant = Array();
var randomRow = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var randomCol = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
var rows = 10;
var cols = 10;
var grid = clickableGrid(rows, cols,randomRow,randomCol,cellTab, function(el,row,col,i){
console.log("You clicked on element:",el);
console.log("You clicked on row:",row);
console.log("You clicked on col:",col);
console.log("You clicked on item #:",i);
lastClicked = el;
function clickableGrid( rows, cols, randomRow, randomCol, cellTab, callback ){
var i=0;
var grid = document.createElement('table');
grid.className = 'grid';
for (var r=0;r<rows;++r){
var tr = grid.appendChild(document.createElement('tr'));
for (var c=0;c<cols;++c){
var cell = tr.appendChild(document.createElement('td'));
if(randomCol == c && randomRow == r)
storeCoordinate(r, c, replicant);
$(cell).css('background', '#000000');
storeCoordinate(r, c, cellTab);
return function(){
return grid;
function storeCoordinate(xVal, yVal, array)
array.push({x: xVal, y: yVal});
function replicate(replicant)
for (var i = 0; i < replicant.length; i++) {
var supRowX = replicant[i].x-1;
var supRowY = replicant[i].y;
storeCoordinate(supRowX, supRowY, newReplicant);
var subRowX = replicant[i].x+1;
var subRowY = replicant[i].y;
storeCoordinate(subRowX, subRowY, newReplicant);
var supColsX = replicant[i].x;
var supColsY = replicant[i].y-1;
storeCoordinate(supColsX, supColsY, newReplicant);
var subColsX = replicant[i].x;
var subColsY = replicant[i].y+1;
storeCoordinate(subColsX, subColsY, newReplicant);
function drawReplicant(replicant, cellTab)
for (var i = 0; i < replicant.length; i++) {
if($.inArray(replicant[i], cellTab))
var concat = 'row'+replicant[i].x+'col'+replicant[i].y;
var w = null; // initialize variable
// function to start the timer
function startTimer()
// First check whether Web Workers are supported
if (typeof(Worker)!=="undefined"){
// Check whether Web Worker has been created. If not, create a new Web Worker based on the Javascript file simple-timer.js
if (w==null){
w = new Worker("w.countdown.js");
// Update timer div with output from Web Worker
w.onmessage = function (event) {
var bool = false;
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = event.data;
if(event.data == "00:01")
replicant = newReplicant;
drawReplicant(replicant, cellTab);
} else {
// Web workers are not supported by your browser
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = "Sorry, your browser does not support Web Workers ...";
// function to stop the timer
function stopTimer()
timerStart = true;
w = null;
The replication WORKS, I have my new replicants in my array. But when I loop in this array to draw them, it doesn't seem to work although I'm able to get the cell to draw with :
var concat = 'row'+replicant[i].x+'col'+replicant[i].y;
If my first black cell if at the row4col4 position, this line will return :
And then, when the timer will restart, those 5 black cells will replicate with their neighbors, etc.
I use a web worker for the timer, here the code :
var timerStart = true;
function myTimer(d0)
// get current time
var d=(new Date()).valueOf();
// calculate time difference between now and initial time
var diff = d-d0;
// calculate number of minutes
var minutes = Math.floor(diff/1000/60);
// calculate number of seconds
var seconds = Math.floor(diff/1000)-minutes*60;
var myVar = null;
// if number of minutes less than 10, add a leading "0"
minutes = minutes.toString();
if (minutes.length == 1){
minutes = "0"+minutes;
// if number of seconds less than 10, add a leading "0"
seconds = seconds.toString();
if (seconds.length == 1){
seconds = "0"+seconds;
if(seconds >= 20)
seconds = "00";
// return output to Web Worker
if (timerStart){
// get current time
var d0=(new Date()).valueOf();
// repeat myTimer(d0) every 100 ms
// timer should not start anymore since it has been started
timerStart = false;
Thanks a lot :-)

Can't make the function true when the argument is passed JQuery

Problem is simple. When the scoring variable is higher than 10, I can't make the sprawdzRyzyko() function return boolean true.
var high_ryzyko_kraj = ['Polska', 'Afganistan', 'Ukraina'];
var less_ryzyko_kraj = ['Serbia', 'Egipt'];
var scoring = 0;
$('#country, #country-bd, #country-wd').change(function(){
caunt = $(this).val();
var arr = $.inArray(caunt, high_ryzyko_kraj);
var drr = $.inArray(caunt, less_ryzyko_kraj);
if (arr>-1){
scoring += 4 ;
}else if(drr>-1){
scoring += 2 ;
var sprawdzRyzyko = function () {
if (scoring > 10){
return true;
// For Testing
var a = sprawdzRyzyko();
if (a){
console.log("Hey it works!");
You can set the scoring variable above 10 by sting the selects to 3 countries in high_ryzyko_kraj array.
Here is a solution. Answer Fiddle
function sprawdzRyzyko() {
if (scoring > 10) {
return true;
Try this: http://jsfiddle.net/uJA39/15/
var high_ryzyko_kraj = ['Polska', 'Afganistan', 'Ukraina'];
var less_ryzyko_kraj = ['Serbia', 'Egipt'];
var scoring = 0;
var sprawdzRyzyko = false;
$('#country, #country-bd, #country-wd').change(function(){
if ($.inArray($(this).val(), high_ryzyko_kraj)>-1)
scoring += 4;
else if($.inArray($(this).val(), less_ryzyko_kraj)>-1)
scoring += 2;
if (scoring > 10){
alert("Hey it works!");
I don't know your dynamics but are you sure that scoring shouldn't be set to 0 (zero) every time DDL changes (so inside change event handler)?
Hope this helps,
Have a nice day,

Google Apps Script: How to get this code run after UI is closed?

This may seem a very newbie question, but I'm stuck with it. I've got this code to show a check list in a UI and insert the paragraphs of one or more documents into another target document:
var fact_list = [ ["Kennedy Inauguration", "politics", "tZwnNdFNkNklYc3pVUzZINUV4eUtWVWFSVEf"], ["Pericles’ Funeral Oration", "politics", "sdgrewaNkNklYc3pVUzZINUV4eUtW345ufaZ"], ["The Pleasure of Books", "culture", "1234rFszdgrfYc3pVUzZINUV4eU43usacd"], ["I Am The First Accused (Nelson Mandela)", "law", "34rsgadOsidjSZIswjadi95uydnfklsdks"] ];
function showList() {
var mydoc = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var app = UiApp.createApplication();
var panel = app.createVerticalPanel().setId('panel');
// Store the number of items in the array (fact_list)
panel.add(app.createHidden('checkbox_total', fact_list.length));
// add 1 checkbox + 1 hidden field per item
for(var i = 0; i < fact_list.length; i++){
var checkbox = app.createCheckBox().setName('checkbox_isChecked_'+i).setText(fact_list[i][0]);
var hidden = app.createHidden('checkbox_value_'+i, fact_list[i]);
var handler = app.createServerHandler('submit').addCallbackElement(panel);
panel.add(app.createButton('Submit', handler));
function submit(e){
var numberOfItems = e.parameter.checkbox_total;
var itemsSelected = [];
// for each item, if it is checked / selected, add it to itemsSelected
for(var i = 0; i < numberOfItems; i++){
if(e.parameter['checkbox_isChecked_'+i] == 'true'){
var app = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
ScriptProperties.setProperties({'theses': itemsSelected}, true);
return app;
function importTheses(targetDocId, thesesId, thesesType) { // adapted from Serge insas
var targetDoc = DocumentApp.openById(targetDocId);
var targetDocParagraphs = targetDoc.getParagraphs();
var targetDocElements = targetDocParagraphs.getNumChildren();
var thesesDoc = DocumentApp.openById(thesesId);
var thesesParagraphs = thesesDoc.getParagraphs();
var thesesElements = thesesDoc.getNumChildren();
var eltargetDoc=[];
var elTheses=[];
for( var j = 0; j < targetDocElements; ++j ) {
var targetDocElement = targetDoc.getChild(j);
// Logger.log(j + " : " + type);// to see targetDoc's content
if(el[j]== thesesType){
for( var k = 0; k < thesesParagraphs-1; ++k ) {
var thesesElement = thesesDoc.getChild(k);
elTheses[k] = thesesDoc.getText();
targetDoc.insertParagraph(j, elTheses[k]);
But when I call these functions inside my main function, I got a red message (in my language): service not available: Docs and, after the UI from showList() is closed, nothing more happens with my code (but I wanted the main functions continues to run). I call these functions this way:
if (theses == 1){
var thesesArrays = ScriptProperties.getProperty('theses');
for (var i = 0; i < thesesArrays.lenght(); i++){
var thesesId = ScriptProperties.getProperty('theses')[i][2];
var thesesType = ScriptProperties.getProperty('theses')[i][1];
importTheses(target, thesesId, thesesType);
showURL(docName, link); // Shows document name and link in UI
So, how can I fix that? How can I get the code run until the line showURL(docName, link);?
This function creates only Ui.
You are setting the script properties only in the Server Handler which executes on the click of submit button. Since then:
will hold nothing. So you need to call these lines:
var thesesArrays = ScriptProperties.getProperty('theses');
for (var i = 0; i < thesesArrays.lenght(); i++){
var thesesId = ScriptProperties.getProperty('theses')[i][2];
var thesesType = ScriptProperties.getProperty('theses')[i][1];
importTheses(target, thesesId, thesesType);
Inside server handler or put them inside a method and call the method from the server Handler.

