Split operating without concating [closed] - javascript

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a string 'OR-xxxxxxxx-001-01'.
I need to split it as 'OR-xxxxxxx-001' and '01'. Is it possible without split by '-' and concatenating again ??

In Java, use lastIndexOf:
String string = "OR-xxxxxxxx-001-01";
int lastDash = string.lastIndexOf('-');
String prefix = string.substring(0, lastDash); // OR-xxxxxxx-001
String suffix = string.substring(lastDash + 1); // 01

This solution is for JavaScript (Java and JavaScript is not the same thing).
Since you don't want to split by - it's possible to do it with indexes. You haven't specified if it's of fixed length or not (which this solution depends on), but this should do the trick:
t = 'OR-xxxxxxxx-001-01'
str = t.slice(0, 12) + t.slice(16);
Will give str = 'OR-xxxxxxxx-01'

You could use a split with a positive look-ahead:
String str = "OR-xxxxxxxx-001-01";
String[] split = str.split("-(?=[^-]+$)");
[^-]: any character other than -.
+: repeated one or more times
$: at the end of the String
Then the (?= ... ) is used for the positive look-ahead, so it won't be removed by the split. This means only the - outside the parenthesis act as delimiter to split on.
Try it online.
PS: In Java.


Regex, how to detect value in double curly braces? [closed]

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Closed 10 months ago.
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Sorry i can't speak english :(
I write Supplant I have a regex
needs regex to detect what is in a rectangle
I need it rigidly between {{' - '}} because there can be any character between the quotation marks (e.g. one { )
best to use it \1 because regex is more longer
Thanks for the help. Regards
This can work for you:
\{\{' - start by matching {{'.
( ... ) - if you're writing a template engine you probably care about what's inside the curly braces and quotes. This captures the string inside the quotes so you'll be able to use it.
(?: ... ) - a non-captureing group (the value here will not be used).
(?!\{\{'). - match anything, except if we're seeing another {{'.
(?!\{\{').)*? - *? is a lazy match, so we'll stop at the first '}}
and finally, the closing '}}
as code it will looks something like this - I included a function to set the replaced value, because typically that's what you'd do in a template engine:
let s = "n {{'a{123456789}'}} n {{\"a{123456789}\"}} n {{'a{1234{{'a{12345{{'a{123456789}'}}6789}'}}56789}'}} ";
s = s.replace(/\{\{'((?:(?!\{\{').)*?)'\}\}/g, (wholeMatch, capturedKey) => {
console.log('captured key:', capturedKey);
return "REPLACED " + capturedKey;
if you want to support double quotes it becomes a bit more complicated:
s = s.replace(/\{\{(["'])((?:(?!\{\{["']).)*?)\1\}\}/g,
(wholeMatch, quote, capturedKey) => { ... }
Try this:/(?<={{')(?!.+?{{)[^']+/gm
This basically looks for the {{' which doesn't have any other {{ in front of it then, matches everything till the first '.
Test here: https://regex101.com/r/rw6kkP/2
var myString = `{{'a{content 1}a'}}
{{'a{every{{'a{every{{'a{inside content}a'}}sign}a'}}sign}a'}} `;
var myRegexp = /(?<={{')(?!.+?{{)[^']+/gm;
// [ "a{content 1}a", "a{everysign}a", "a{inside content}a" ]

Javascript Array - Split string at numbers [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have an unknown string containing a set of numbers like so:
var string = "stuff 1.23! (456) 789 stuff";
I would like to split the array, in order to modify the numbers and later rejoin the array. The result I'm looking for should look like this:
var result = ['stuff ', 1.23, '! (', 456, ') ', 789, ' stuff'];
Is there a better solution than to loop through each character individually? Thanks!
use a character class to split the values:
-? May start with a negative such as -123
[\d.]+ Has one or more numbers and decimals
var string = "stuff 1.23! (456) 789 stuff -234".split(/(-?[\d.]+)/);
The ideal solution really depends on what exactly you are doing with the data. One simple solution is a regular expression with replace.
var string = "stuff 1.23! (456) 789 stuff";
var updated = string.replace(/\d+(\.\d+)?/g, function (m) {
return "xxx";
A regular expression is an expression you can use to search within your string, in you case, for digits. Create a regular expression which searches for sequences of digits, and you'll be able to use the split method on your string to create an array of strings like you specified.

Javascript - Regex Does not contain some character [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I try to regex for not contain some character.
I need to show /%7(.*?);/g which dose not contain "=".
I try to input
and change to
?!( (.?)=(.?) )
But it dose not work.
Please help. Thanks.
//Here is my simple regex
reg = /%7((?!xx=1).*?);/g ;
//Here is my string
str = "%7aa; %7bb=11; %7cc=123; %7xx=1; %7yy; %7zz=2;"
//I need
%7aa; and %7yy;
Instead of using a negative lookahead, try using a ^ block:
const reg = /%7([^=;]+);/g;
The ([^=;]+) bit matches any non-=, the condition you're looking for, and non-;, the character at the end of your regex.
I left the capture group in since your question's regex also contains it.
const reg = /%7([^=;]+);/g;
const str = "%7aa; %7bb=11; %7cc=123; %7xx=1; %7yy; %7zz=2;"
const matches = str.match(reg);

split a string with comma and colon [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a string like as shown below:
var String = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string without comma,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string,with comma,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string without comma,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string , with comma,xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:String,with comma"
Where xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx represents an alphanumeric generated Id and after the colon is a string related to that Id.The string can be a string with comma or without comma.What I wanted was that I wanted to split the string such that I get an array with ID:its corresponding string , just like shown below.
["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string without comma","xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string,with comma","xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string","xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string without comma",
"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:some string , with comma","xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:String,with comma"]
I used the javascript split function where i split the string by comma followed by 36 characters (for ID) and colon.
PS: I apologize as previously I was not able to ask the question in the correct manner.Hope this time people understand it.
You could use String#split by comma and a look ahead for numbers and colon.
var x = "123456:a,b,c,435213:r,567876:e,363464:t,y,u";
array = x.split(/,(?=\d+:)/);
For alphanumeric values
var x = "1A3456:a,b,c,43Y213:r,567W76:e,363x64:t,y,u";
array = x.split(/,(?=[a-z0-9]+:)/i);
You can use the method .split(). I used the "$" as a split sign instead of "," because i thought you would like to keep them.
var values = "123456:a,b,c$435213:r$567876:e$363464:t,y,u".split("$");
var x = values[0];

Get regex rules for a capture group [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for a method to get the regex rules, for a capture group.
So if I had: /(\w) (\d)/ I would want $1 = /\w/ and $2 = /\d/.
Is there a method for this?
Provided that the regex is valid and no nested groups are used, then you can try this out.
var arr = (regex + "").match(/\(.*?\)/g).map(function(rule){
return rule.replace(/[()]/g, "");
Now, arr[0] will have rule of group1, arr[1] will be group2 and so on.
Although I don't know of any direct way to do this on a regex rule given by /(rule1)(rule2)/ you could build the regex rule using strings and specify your grouping in different strings.
var group1 = '([A-Za-z]+)',
group2 = '(\\d+)',
r = new RegExp(group1+group2);
To get the groups from a regex string you could run a regex on that regex string to extract the groups. If your regex string is "(\w+)(\d+)" then you'd have a regex to extract the groups as /(\([^\)\))+/

