JavaScript: generated object with multiple objects inside -> one object - javascript

this is how my object looks like:
, but I need just one object like
obj = {
var: "DB3,B0",
zahl: "DB3,Int2",
zahl2: "DB3,Int4",
How do I convert it?
I tried different things but it all won't work inside a for loop.
I generate my Object from a string with a code like this:
var text = msg.payload;
var nt = text.split(" ");
var n = nt.length;
var add = [];
var name = [];
var ab = [];
var variables = {};
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ab[i] = nt[i].split(";");
add[i] = ab[i][0];
name[i] = ab[i][1];
variables[i] = {[name[i]] : add[i]};
msg.payloadvars = variables;
return msg;
I think it should be quite simple but I don't come to any solution.
input looks like
DB3,B0;var DB3,Int2;zahl DB3,Int4;zahl2 DB3,Int6;zahl3 DB3,Int8;zahl4
DB3,Int10;zahl5 .....

You could split the string by groups and then for value and key.
var string = 'DB3,B0;var DB3,Int2;zahl DB3,Int4;zahl2 DB3,Int6;zahl3 DB3,Int8;zahl4 DB3,Int10;zahl5',
target = Object.assign(
...string.split(' ').map(s => (([v, k]) => ({ [k]: v }))(s.split(';')))

Use Array.reduce
let str = "DB3,B0;var DB3,Int2;zahl DB3,Int4;zahl2 DB3,Int6;zahl3 DB3,Int8;zahl4 DB3,Int10;zahl5";
let obj = str.split(" ").reduce((a,c) => {
let v = c.split(";");
Object.assign(a, {[v[1]]: v[0]});
return a;
}, {});

if you want to make single object then you should try this:
var variables = {};
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
ab[i] = nt[i].split(";");
add[i] = ab[i][0];
name[i] = ab[i][1];
variables[name[i]] = add[i];


How to create an object/array from a key/value string made up with '/'

Take the following string:
I need to parse this into an object or array which ends up being:
foo = 1
bar = 2
cat = bob
var sample = "/foo/1/bar/2/cat/bob".substring(1);
var finalObj = {};
var arr = sample.split('/');
for(var i=0;i<arr.length;i=i+2){
finalObj[arr[i]] = arr[i+1];
const str = '/foo/1/bar/2/cat/bob/test/'
const parts = str.split('/')
.filter(val => val !== '')
const obj = {}
for (let ii = 0; ii < parts.length; ii+=2) {
const key = parts[ii]
const value = parts[ii+1]
obj[key] = !isNaN(value) ? Number(value) : value
Regular expressions is the tool of choice for all kinds of parsing:
str = '/foo/1/bar/2/cat/bob'
obj = {};
str.replace(/(\w+)\/(\w+)/g, (...m) => obj[m[1]] = m[2]);
Just for the fun of it,
let str = "/foo/1/bar/2/cat/bob",
arr = str.split("/"),
obj = {};
while (arr.length) obj[arr.shift()] = arr.shift();

how to create json with two array in javascript

I have two json:
I want to create json with those two array;
var __columns = ["Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4"];
var __rows = ["valueField1_1", "valueField2_1", "valueField3_1", "valueField4_1", "valueField1_2", "valueField2_2", "valueField3_2", "valueField4_2", "valueField1_3", "valueField2_3", "valueField3_3", "valueField4_3"];
The thing is that I wanna create something like this
var json = [{
ES6 solution using Array.from and Array#reduce methods.
var __columns = ["Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4"];
var __rows = ["valueField1_1", "valueField2_1", "valueField3_1", "valueField4_1", "valueField1_2", "valueField2_2", "valueField3_2", "valueField4_2", "valueField1_3", "valueField2_3", "valueField3_3", "valueField4_3"];
var res = Array.from({
// generate array with particular size
length: __rows.length / __columns.length
// use map function to generate array element
}, (_, i) => __columns.reduce((obj, e, i1) => {
// define object property based on the index values
obj[e] = __rows[i * __columns.length + i1];
return obj;
// set empty object as initial argument
}, {}));
function convertToJsonArr(__columns, __rows){
var obj = {};
var arr = [];
var len = __columns.length;
var count = 0;
$.each(__rows , function(key, value){
if(count >= len){
count = 0;
obj = {};
obj[__columns[count++]] = value;
return arr;
you can call like convertToJsonArr(__columns, __rows);
One way to achieve this is using loops
var __columns = ["Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4"];
var __rows = ["valueField1_1", "valueField2_1", "valueField3_1", "valueField4_1", "valueField1_2", "valueField2_2", "valueField3_2", "valueField4_2", "valueField1_3", "valueField2_3", "valueField3_3", "valueField4_3"];
var arr = [];
for(var i = 0; i < __rows.length; i = i + __columns.length){
var tempObj = {};
for(var j = 0; j < __columns.length; ++j){
tempObj[__columns[j]] = __rows[i];

How to count the JSON object and on the basis of count take the same output

How to count the JSON object and on the basis of count take the same output
var obj =
{"id":"0","name":"Mike Johnson","group":1},
{"id":"1","name":"Bob Smith","group":2},
{"id":"2","name":"Richard Thomas","group":3},
{"id":"3","name":"Betty White","group":16},
{"id":"4","name":"Tim Thompson","group":3},
{"id":"5","name":"Carl Lewis","group":16},
{"id":"6","name":"Kathy Towers","group":3},
{"id":"7","name":"Billy Bob","group":1},
{"id":"8","name":"Sally Bailey","group":1}
First I would like the count after it on the basis of count. I want same output like input.
for Count:-
var count = 0;
function getCount() {
for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
return count;
for output :-
function showDetails() this is not giving the proper output
for(var j=0; j< count; j++){
And I want an output like:-
var obj =
{"id":"0","name":"Mike Johnson","group":1},
{"id":"1","name":"Bob Smith","group":2},
{"id":"2","name":"Richard Thomas","group":3},
{"id":"3","name":"Betty White","group":16},
{"id":"4","name":"Tim Thompson","group":3},
{"id":"5","name":"Carl Lewis","group":16},
{"id":"6","name":"Kathy Towers","group":3},
{"id":"7","name":"Billy Bob","group":1},
{"id":"8","name":"Sally Bailey","group":1}
Can anybody help me please?
var data ="January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October";
var obj = data.split(',').map((item)=>{
return {
obj will be the desired output
var str = "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October";
var arr = str.split(',').map(function(v) {
return {name: v};
var str = "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October";
var months = str.split(",");
var result = [];
for (i in months)
var month = {}; = months[i];
//you can do more things else here, for example:
//month.monthOfYear = (i+1);
//month.numberOfDay = 123123123;
You can do something like this:
var array = string.split(",");
var finalArray = [];
var obj = {
name: item
MDN reference
use var array = string.split(',');
For a more ES2015 heavy version. Constants, arrow function and implicit return statement.
const str = 'January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October'
const result = str.split(',').map(name => ({name}))

Sorting object in JavaScript by value

Let's say I have an object like this one
I want to create a new object like this one:
How can I achieve this.
you can try this code (i dont test it).
thenew is the output, and theold is the input.
var thenew = {};
for(var k in theold) {
var v = theold[k];
if(!thenew[v]) {
thenew[v] = {};
thenew[v][k] = '';
Using Lodash:
var transformedObject = _.transform(yourObject,
function(r, v, k){
if(!r[v]){r[v] = {}}; r[v][k] = {};

How to parse bracket tag on Javascript

I have tag like this, how the best way to get every key and value of those attribute and populate it within an array (number of attribute will be increasing)?
myData = '[data attr1="value1" attr2="value2" attr3="value3"]';
and get result array :
var arr = new Array();
arr['attr1'] = "value1";
arr['attr2'] = "value2";
arr['attr3'] = "value3";
and so on...
This probably does what you want, though it assumes that tag is already in the format you have described, i.e. a singular occurrence of [data ... ].
Also, the regular expression is purely based on what I've seen in your question; not sure whether it will break on other strings.
function decode(tag)
var r = /(\w+)="([^"]*)"/g,
h = {};
while ((m = r.exec(tag)) !== null) {
h[m[1]] = m[2];
return h;
Since you have string key in the data, use jquery object instead of array.
var arr = {};
var str = '[data attr1="value1" attr2="value2" attr3="value3"]​​​';
var n = str.split('[data ');
var str_arr = n[1].replace(']','').split(" ");
var x = str_arr[val].split('=');
arr[x[0]] = x[1].replace('"','').slice(0,-1);
Try this code. It may help you.
Here is the DEMO
Though it can be more optimized if you put some more details about your code.
var tagRe = /\[(\w+)((?:\s+\w+="[^"]{0,50}")*)\s*]/g;
var attrRe = /\b(\w+)="([^"]*)"/g;
function parse(text) {
var result = [];
tagRe.lastIndex = 0; // reset start position
var tagMatch = tagRe.exec(text);
while (tagMatch) {
var currentTag = { 'name': tagMatch[1], 'attrs': {} };
var attrString = tagMatch[2];
attrRe.lastIndex = 0;
var attrMatch = attrRe.exec(attrString);
while (attrMatch) {
var attrName = attrMatch[1];
var attrValue = attrMatch[2];
currentTag.attrs[attrName] = attrValue;
attrMatch = attrRe.exec(attrString); // next match
tagMatch = tagRe.exec(text);
return result;
parse('[data attr1="value1" attr2="value2" attr3="value3"]');
> [{name:'data',attrs:{attr1:'value1',attr2:'value2',attr3:'value3'}}]
This works for any number of tags in the string. The name of the tag does not matter.

