Uncaught Error: Couldn't find Materialize object on window - javascript

I'm trying to use MaterializeCSS on my Angular 6 app. I'm using materialize-css and angular2-materialize module from npm. When I run the app it builds successfully. But I've got this error in the browser console. And the app doesn't show on the browser.
Uncaught Error: Couldn't find Materialize object on window. It is
created by the materialize-css library. Please import materialize-css
before importing angular2-materialize.
Though I imported them in the app.module.ts
Here is my code:
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import 'materialize-css';
import { MaterializeModule } from 'angular2-materialize';
import { LayoutComponent } from './layout/layout.component';
import { SliderComponent } from './layout/slider/slider.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
styles and scripts array from angular.json
"styles": [
"scripts": [
I'm not using jQuery since jQuery is no longer a dependency of materialize-css and I don't want to mix up jQuery and Angular
I've also opened an issue on Github about this. Check it here.


angular material table pagination issue angular 10

i am using angular material table for angular 10 project. I added material table successfully.
but now i am trying to add pagination to my table. therefor i added below code to my component.
import {MatPaginator} from '#angular/material/paginator';
i added above import to my app.module.ts file.
this is the code that i added for my html page to load pagination
<mat-paginator [pageSizeOptions]="[5, 10, 20]" showFirstLastButtons></mat-paginator>
but this html tag did not work. it occurred error.
please check below image.
my modules
As stated by your IDE, the module doesn't know that component.
The solution is to add it in your app.module.ts (or equivalent depending where your ar ein the app)
You should import the module MatPaginatorModule in your appmodule
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { MatPaginatorModule } from '#angular/material/paginator';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Note that i have imported the module and not the component directly

Issue setting up dependencies for Angular testbed with ng bootstrap elements despite importing NgbModule.forRoot()

I'm having trouble setting up the dependencies for a component that includes an ng bootstrap modal. The following code is from a test project that isolates the issue. The component works and runs with no errors when the website is served but there seems to be a dependency issue with the tests. I'm using the NgbModal service to open and close the modal within the component. Here's the setup of the component:
selector: 'app-main-component',
templateUrl: './main.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./main.component.css'],
providers: [ NgbModal ]
export class MainComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private modalService: NgbModal) { }
and here's where the dependencies are set up in the app.module.ts:
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { MainComponent } from './main/main.component';
import { NgbModule } from '#ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';
declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
and the dependencies for the testbed are set up in the main.component.ts file here:
beforeEach(async(() => {
declarations: [ MainComponent ],
imports: [ NgbModule.forRoot(), BrowserModule ],
providers:[ NgbModal ]
component = TestBed.get(MainComponent);
modalService = TestBed.get(NgbModal);
When I try to run the tests it's giving me this error
Failed: StaticInjectorError(DynamicTestModule)[NgbModal -> NgbModalStack]:
StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[NgbModal -> NgbModalStack]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for NgbModalStack!
which seems to imply there's a missing dependency. With errors like this in the main app it seems like it's usually caused by the NgbModule.forRoot() not getting imported but it's in the imports for the test.
Thank you for your time.
Turns out the issue wasn't in my main component spec file, it was an issue running the test for my app component spec file. Since the component was used in the main app component it needed to have the same imports in the app component spec file.

creating an angular package that has RouterModule as a dependancy

I'm trying to create a package using
Angular library starter
Everything works fine until I add RouterModule.
The module that causes an issue
import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '#angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
import { ClientMenuComponent } from './client-menu/client-menu.component';
import { ClientMenuItemComponent } from './client-menu-item/client-menu-item.component';
import { RouterModule, Router, Routes } from '#angular/router';
imports: [
RouterModule.forRoot([]) <---- Error: AoT compilation failed
declarations: [
exports: [
export class ClientMenuModule {
static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: ClientMenuModule,
providers: []
static forChild(): ModuleWithProviders {
return {
ngModule: ClientMenuModule,
providers: []
This is the full error I get.
Error during template compile of 'ClientMenuModule'
Function calls are not supported in decorators but 'RouterModule' was called.
Error: AoT compilation failed
The environment that i'm using is
Angular CLI: 6.0.3
Node: 8.11.1
OS: darwin x64
Angular: 6.0.0
Pull out the function call:
export const MyModule = RouterModule.forRoot([]);
imports: [
declarations: [
exports: [
If this is a library or a module that will be imported into other libraries/modules you SHOULD NOT call the .forRoot() function when you pass it into the #NgModule.
RouterModule declares and exports some directives, e.g. router-outlet, routerLink, routerLinkActive etc. Also, it provides some services e.g. Router, ActivatedRoute etc. To avoid having multiple instances of services, RouterModule defines two methods, "forRoot" and "forChild". As the name suggests, "forRoot" method should be called only by root module, i.e. app.module, and forChild should be called by other feature modules. This way, you still get to use directives, components, pipes exported by this module and don't get new instances of services.
While this doesn't specifically get the root of your issue, it will likely resolve your issue. (Also this issue may help)

Confusion regarding BrowserModule in Angular 2/4

I have a module AppModule and another module say FooModule. I have some components in FooModule and I' am loading routes of FooModule in AppModule like any normal app would do.
Following is the sample code for AppModule:
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '#angular/router'
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from 'app/components/app';
imports: [
path: 'foo',
loadChildren: './foo.module#FooModule'
declarations: [AppComponent],
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Following is the sample code for FooModule:
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { RouterModule } from '#angular/router'
import { FooComponent } from 'app/components/foo';
imports: [
path: '',
component: FooComponent
declarations: [FooComponent],
export class FooModule {}
Now when I run the app, I' am getting Can't bind to 'ngIf' since it isn't a known property of 'div'. error which as per my understanding shouldn't happen because I' am using BrowserModule in AppModule and loading routes of FooModule in AppModule.
Am I missing something?
I' am using Angular CLI v1.2.0 and Angular 4.2.5.
I know that to fix this issue I need to import CommonModule in FooModule. But that's exactly why I' am asking this question in first place that when I have imported BrowserModule in AppModule which re-exports CommonModule then why I need to include CommonModule in each individual module?
In each feature module, such as your fooModule you need to import CommonModule. It contains the common directives and pipes.
Actually, the BrowserModule imports and re-exports CommonModule, so they export the same functionality.
For more information, see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntJ-P-Cvo7o&t=2s
Modules are not inherited. To say it another way, you cannot get the functionality of a module unless you import that module or another module that exports it.
As shown in the above diagram... If Shared Module imports Forms Module and App Module imports Shared Module, App Module would not have access to the Forms Module component, directives, and pipes (such as ngModel in this example) unless Shared Module exports Forms Module.
Orange lines: Imports
Gray lines: Exports
Blue lines: Declarations
Import CommonModule into FooModule and any other module. BrowserModule imports CommonModule. CommonModule contains *ngIf etc. directives

Angular 2 Module is available only after server is running

I've an Angular 2 application, using Angular CLI and Webpack, where I'm using a external Angular 2 module called angular2-swiper, it's basically a wrapper to a library called Swiper.
I've to import a module in my AppModule called KSSwiperModule, but when I try to start my server with my code, it give me an error:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: KSSwiperModule is not an NgModule
But if I run without the import of this module, the server runs, and I put the import after it's running, it doesn't give any error and execute perfectly. (no, my app can't work without this module).
My code:
import { BrowserModule } from '#angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '#angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '#angular/forms';
import { HttpModule } from '#angular/http';
import {KSSwiperModule} from 'angular2-swiper';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { SwiperComponent } from './swiper.component';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app-routing.module';
import { FlickityComponent } from "./flickity.component";
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Somebody know why it's happening and how to handle it?
I found the answer thanks a guy from my work (Warren)!
The problem is with the angular-cli version. I was using 1.0.0-beta.22-1, when i rolled back to 1.0.0-beta.19-3 it worked smoothly.

