How to convert dates to UNIX timestamps in MomentJS? - javascript

I want to convert my date time values to Unix timestamp format (basically an epoch timestamp). For that I use:
let startDate = '2018-09-28 11:20:55';
let endDate = '2018-10-28 11:20:55';
let test1 = startDate.unix();
let test2 = endDate.unix();
However it gives me an error
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'Unix' of undefined
Can anyone tell me how I can convert datetime to Unix using MomentJS?

The issue is because you're calling unix() on plain strings. You need to instead call it on MomentJS objects. To create those, you can provide the date strings to a MomentJS constructor, like this:
let startDate = '2018-09-28 11:20:55';
let endDate = '2018-10-28 11:20:55';
let test1 = moment(startDate).unix();
let test2 = moment(endDate).unix();
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Convert string to date format in JavaScript

I have a string variable I want the variable into date format.
My Code:
var date = '2/3/2022 17:57:30'
var temp = new Date(date)
My Output:
Expected Output:
You can use toLocaleDateString with an argument that specifies a locale for which your format is used. For instance, the Swedisch locale uses the YYYY-MM-DD format:
var date = '2/3/2022 17:57:30'
var temp = new Date(date).toLocaleDateString("se");
There's no built-in method to convert date into your expected output although you can try this piece of code to convert date into your expected output;
var date = '2/3/2022 17:57:30'
var temp = new Date(date).toLocaleDateString().replaceAll("/","-");

currentDate.diff() is not a function error in moment.js

const currentDate = moment(new Date()).format('DD/MM/YYYY'); //03/01/2022
var days_diff = currentDate.diff(returnDate,'days'); // returnDate = 08/12/2021
Uncaught TypeError: currentDate.diff is not a function
I am trying to get the days difference between the current date and the return date but it is giving me an error currentDate.diff is not a function
Please solve this error.
This is because .format('DD/MM/YYYY') outputs a string, which is not going to have the Moment functions available to it. Instead do this:
const currentDate = moment(new Date('03/01/2022'));
const returnDate = moment(new Date('08/12/2021'));
var days_diff = currentDate.diff(returnDate,'days');
Maintain the Moment Date object throughout your operations. Formatting it early just makes it a string.

Days between dates in DayJS UK Format

Im using dayjs, and I'm trying to calculate the days between 2 days so that I can output Today, Tomorrow and X days time
The problem I'm having though seems to be with the date formats
const date1 = dayjs('31/10/2021');
const date2 = dayjs().format("DD/MM/YYYY")
let hours = date2.diff(date1, 'days')
No matter how I try, I'm getting date2.diff is not a function when I add .format to date2. Does anyone know how to format this correctly and get the correct outcome?
If i try const date1 = dayjs('31/10/2021').format("DD/MM/YYYY"); then it errors with invalid date
You can try the following:
const date1 = dayjs('2021-01-25');
const date2 = '01/11/2020'; // or '2020-11-01'
let hours = date1.diff(date2, 'day')
console.log(hours) // 380
The format function just returns a string. This is why date2.diff is not a function.
The diff function is only available for dayjs objects (not for strings).
Docs for difference function:
Docs for format function:
const date1 = dayjs('2019-01-25')
date1.diff('2018-06-05', 'day', true)
You don't need to call format function, just use dayjs constructor to convert both dates to dayjs object and return the difference between the 2 dates in number of days.

Convert given timestamp to influxdb timestamp

My Incoming Date is in format : 15.08.2017 23:03:23.120000
Here I am using Node-Red Platform to convert msg.payload.time in Influx timestamp but I am getting this Error:
"Error: Expected numeric value for, timestamp, but got '15.08.2017 23:03:23.120000'!".
Please let me know the script for given timestamp to influxdb timestamp.
InfluxDB expects unix timestamps and msg.payload.time might be a string, hence you are getting the error.
In order to generate a timeStamp from a date, you can use the Date functionality of JS.
It works in the following way:
new Date('<your-date-string>').valueOf()
Here the date-string is expected in 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ssZ' format.
In your case, since the msg.payload.time is available in hh:mm:ssZ format, you will need to perform some additional operations.
You can update your code as below:
const incomingDate = msg.payload.time;
// extract the date from the incoming Date String
const splittedDate = incomingDate.split(' ');
// Convert the date from to yyyy-mm-dd format
let date = splittedDate[0].split('.').reverse().join('-');
// Store time value in a separate variable for later use.
const time = splittedDate[1];
// merge date and time to form yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssZ format
const datetime = `${date} ${time}`
// assign the timestamp value to fields.time
fields.time = new Date(datetime).valueOf();
Here is a working example
const incomingDate = '15.08.2017 23:03:23.120000';
const splittedDate = incomingDate.split(' ');
let date = splittedDate[0].split('.').reverse().join('-');
const time = splittedDate[1];
const datetime = `${date} ${time}`
console.log(new Date(datetime).valueOf())

convert string to UTC time using jquery

I am trying to convert string to time, the string i have are in this format, '8:3' and '16:45'.
I want to convert UTC time in jQuery.
You can write your function to create UTC date with the time string.
function toUTC(str) {
let [h, m] = str.split(':');
let date = new Date();
date.setHours(h, m, 0)
return date.toUTCString();
You don't need jQuery for such operations. Just the simple Date object will do the trick. Say you want to convert time from a specific date.
let date = new Date('2020-04-01'); // leave the Date parameter blank if today
date.setHours(16); // must be 24 hours format
let theUTCFormat = date.getUTCDate();

