How to decrement each click of the animation - javascript

I am trying to create animation game. Animation game must consits of One image alternating with another every half a second. I am intended to count++ on each click of the happy-face fish and count-- on each sad-face fish clicked. But, my code is only incrementing, whatever the image is clicked. Also,my code shows me two different images while It must have to be only one.
I have to count a click while my animation is running ( animation: images should be alternating every half a second. It will look like fish is smiling for half second and then crying for another half second then repeats). If i click on happy face, I will score 1 and if click on sad-face I will lose 1. In the end it must show you win if i achieve 10 and resets again on clicking Start Animation.
[Output should be like this:][1]
var image = "happy";
var totalscore = 0;
var counter = 0;
var Schedule;
function happyFish() {
var happyclickSpan = document.getElementById("score");
happyclickSpan.innerHTML = totalscore;
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == 10) {
var finalwords = document.getElementById("d");
finalwords.innerHTML = "Your Score:" + counter + " Game Over. You Win!";
function sadFish() {
var sadclickSpan = document.getElementById("score");
sadclickSpan.innerHTML = totalscore;
counter = counter - 1;
if (counter == -10) {
var finalwords = document.getElementById("d");
finalwords.innerHTML = "Your Score:" + counter + " Game Over. You Lose!";
function StartAnimation() {
counter = 0;
totalscore = 0;
fish_img = document.getElementById("happy_fish");
f_img = document.getElementById("happy_fish");
Schedule = setInterval(animationfunction, 500);
function animationfunction() {
if (image == "happy") {
image = "sad";
fish_img.src = "";
} else {
image = "happy";
fish_img.src =
<img src="" alt="" id="happy_fish" onClick="happyFish()">
<img src="" alt="" id="sad_fish" onClick="sadFish()">
<h1 id="d">
Your Score: <span id="score">0</span>

I modified your StartAnimation and animationfunction methods to make the fish dissapear with a toggle instead of trying to modify the source of the image.
I made it with a css class off which will make a fish dissapear with display: none;
var totalscore = 0;
var counter = 0;
var Schedule;
function happyFish() {
var happyclickSpan = document.getElementById("score");
happyclickSpan.innerHTML = totalscore;
counter = counter + 1;
if (counter == 10) {
var finalwords = document.getElementById("d");
finalwords.innerHTML = "Your Score:" + counter + " Game Over. You Win!";
function sadFish() {
var sadclickSpan = document.getElementById("score");
sadclickSpan.innerHTML = totalscore;
counter = counter - 1;
if (counter == -10) {
var finalwords = document.getElementById("d");
finalwords.innerHTML = "Your Score:" + counter + " Game Over. You Lose!";
function StartAnimation() {
counter = 0;
totalscore = 0;
var initialWords = document.getElementById("d");
initialWords.innerHTML = "Your Score: <span id=\"score\">0</span>";
Schedule = setInterval(animationfunction, 500);
function animationfunction() {
var fish_img = document.getElementById("happy_fish");
var f_img = document.getElementById("sad_fish");
.off {
display: none;
<button onClick="StartAnimation()">Start Animation</button>
<img src="" alt="happy" id="happy_fish" onClick="happyFish()">
<img src="" alt="sad" id="sad_fish" class="off" onClick="sadFish()">
<h1 id="d">
Your Score: <span id="score">0</span>

You can make things a lot simpler by having one img element and one click handler.
In the snippet I merged the two click handlers into one and added a check for the state of the fish (being represented now by the boolean isHappy).
I attached this handler to a single img element in your HTML and in the animation function I alternate its src attribute between the happy and sad fish according to the isHappy state.
Additionally, Since the counter and the total score are the same, I use only the total score variable.
var isHappy = true;
var totalscore;
var Schedule;
function clickFish() {
if (isHappy) {
} else {
var scoreSpan = document.getElementById("score");
scoreSpan.innerHTML = totalscore;
if (totalscore === 10) {
var finalwords = document.getElementById("d");
finalwords.innerHTML = "Your Score:" + totalscore + " Game Over. You Win!";
function StartAnimation() {
isHappy = true
totalscore = 0;
Schedule = setInterval(animationfunction, 500);
function animationfunction() {
fish_img = document.getElementById("fish");
isHappy = !isHappy;
if (isHappy) {
fish_img.src = "";
} else {
fish_img.src = "";
<button onclick="StartAnimation()">Start animation</button><br />
<img src="" alt="" id="fish" onClick="clickFish()">
<h1 id="d">
Your Score:
<span id="score">0</span>


How to make value become 0 in textbox?

I am making a dice game where you roll dice. When you roll a number that number adds to your total score. But when you roll a 1 you lose your total score and it switches to the other player. You can also hold to switch player.
As it is right now it become 0 after getting a 1 the first time. My problem is that when you switch back to the original starter player the score that was there before comes back. Like it does not stay the value of 0 but only looks like it.
var swithcing = false;
var current1 = 0;
var total1 = 0;
var current2 = 0;
var total2 = 0;
function roll() {
var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
var player1score = document.querySelector('.player1total');
var player1curent = document.querySelector('.player1');
var player2score = document.querySelector('.player2total')
var player2curent = document.querySelector('.player2')
if (randomnumber == 1) {
swithcing = !swithcing;
player1score.innerHTML = 0;
player1curent.innerHTML = 0;
player2curent.innerHTML = 0;
if (randomnumber == 1 && swithcing == false) {
player2score.innerHTML = 0;
if (swithcing == true) {
current2 += randomnumber;
player2score.innerHTML = current2;
player2curent.innerHTML = randomnumber;
if (swithcing == false) {
current1 += randomnumber;
player1score.innerHTML = current1;
player1curent.innerHTML = randomnumber;
function hold() {
swithcing = !swithcing;
<h1>Player 1</h1>
<h2 class="player1"></h2>
<h3 class="player1total"></h3>
<h1>Player 2</h1>
<h2 class="player2"></h2>
<h3 class="player2total"></h3>
<input type="button" onclick="roll()" value="Roll Dice!" />
<input type="button" onclick="hold()" value="Hold!" />
I think your code should look something like this
let switching = false;
let current1 = 0;
let total1 = 0;
let current2 = 0;
let total2 = 0;
let randomnumber = 0
const player1score = document.querySelector('.player1total');
const player1current = document.querySelector('.player1');
const player2score = document.querySelector('.player2total');
const player2current = document.querySelector('.player2');
function roll() {
randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
//logic for normal rolls
if(randomnumber > 1){
current2=randomnumber;//set to number rolled
total2+=randomnumber;//sum to total score
} else {
current1=randomnumber;//set to number rolled
total1+=randomnumber;//sum to total score
//logic if player loses
if (randomnumber == 1) {
switching = !switching;
//if switches to player 2
//console.log("Player 2 selected");
total2+=total1//total becomes player 1 previous total
total1=0;//player 1 total resets
} else {
//console.log("Player 1 selected");
total1+=total2//total becomes player 2 previous total
total2=0;//player 2 total resets
player1score.textContent = total1;
player1current.textContent = current1;
player2current.textContent = current2;
player2score.textContent = total2;
function hold() {
switching = !switching;
player1score.textContent = total1;
player1current.textContent = 0;
player2current.textContent = 0;
player2score.textContent = total2;
<h1>Player 1</h1>
<h2 class="player1"></h2>
<h3 class="player1total"></h3>
<h1>Player 2</h1>
<h2 class="player2"></h2>
<h3 class="player2total"></h3>
<input type="button" onclick="roll()" value="Roll Dice!" />
<input type="button" onclick="hold()" value="Hold!" />

How to push score into an array, then display it

I'm trying to make a dice game where the goal for each of participants is to collect points as fast as possible to pass 100. Each participant can throw the die as many times as they want and add the points, but achieved points within a certain game fall away if a one is rolled. For example, if you have 15 points in a game and have stopped in time, these points can be taken further to round two. These points cannot be lost in a later round and thus become included in the summary.
I've managed to:
write the code that shows images of dice and sums up the current score (images = 1.png, 2.png etc).
Resets the current score to 0 when the player rolls a one.
What I need help with is how to write the code that activates the button "done for now" and takes that value and pushes it into an array(????) then clears the score for the next round -> then displaying the score on the site while the other rounds keep on going. It should also sum up the score and throws from each round (first to 100).
Here is my code:
var points = 0;
var start, dice, print;
window.onload = run;
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
function run() {
start = $("throwDice");
dice = $("dice");
print = $("print");
start.onclick = throwDice;
function throwDice() {
var throwD = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
throwD.innerHTML = '<img width="20%" src="' + throwD + '.jpg">';
function add(value) {
points += value;
if (value == 1) {
points = 0;
$("print2").innerHTML = "GAME OVER"
} else {
$("print2").innerHTML = "";
$("print").innerHTML = points;
<div class="round">
<h1>The endless road</h1>
<button id="throwDice">Throw Dice</button> <button>Done for now</button>
<div id="dice" class="dice"></div>
<h2 id="print"></h2>
<p id="print2"></p>
Basically you just have to add another click event listener to the 'Done for now' button whose callback function
pushes the current points to an array
resets the points to 0
updates the text elements on screen
Something like:
var points = 0;
var pointsArray = new Array();
var start, dice, print;
function $(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
function run() {
start = $("throwDice");
dice = $("dice");
print = $("print");
start.onclick = throwDice;
done = $("done");
done.onclick = stopRound;
function stopRound() {
points = 0;
$("print").innerHTML = points;
$("print3").innerHTML = pointsArray;
function throwDice() {
var throwD = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 1;
throwD.innerHTML = '<img width="20%" src="' + throwD + '.jpg">';
function add(value) {
points += value;
if (value == 1) {
points = 0;
$("print2").innerHTML = "GAME OVER"
} else {
$("print2").innerHTML = "";
$("print").innerHTML = points;
<div class="round">
<h1>The endless road</h1>
<button id="throwDice">Throw Dice</button> <button id="done">Done for now</button>
<div id="dice" class="dice"></div>
<p id="print3" style="float:right;"></p>
<h2 id="print"></h2>
<p id="print2"></p>

Button does nothing when pressed

I've been working on my own project for a little bit, and I'm currently working on adding another button in. Now I've set it up pretty similar to the other ones, but it isn't working when I press it. For my code, the firstx2, secondx2, and first building buttons all work fine, But when you try and click on the second building button, it doesn't do anything. I probably made a small typo or missed a line, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. To get to the second building button, you have to have already clicked on both multipliers and the first building. Thanks for your help!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click to get started!</p>
<button onclick="addPoints()">Add points</button>
<button id="btn_multiply" onclick="firstx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 100</button>
<button id="firstbuild" onclick="build1()" style="display:none;">Building 1. Cost x</button>
<button id="multiply2" onclick="secondx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 1000</button>
<button id="secondbuild" onlcick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
var points = 10099;
var pointMulti = 1;
var buyupgrade = 0;
var b1cost = 200;
var b1count = 0;
var b2cost = 1000;
var b2count = 0;
var currentpoints = setInterval(pointupdate, 500);
function addPoints() {
points += pointMulti;
var pointsArea = document.getElementById("pointdisplay");
pointsArea.innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
if(points >= 100 && buyupgrade == 0) {
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "inline";
function firstx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 0) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 100;
var multiplierArea = document.getElementById("multidisplay");
multiplierArea.innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti;
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "none";
if (buyupgrade == 1) {
var firstbuild = document.getElementById("firstbuild"); = "inline";
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + b1cost;
var show2ndx2 = document.getElementById("secondx2"); = "inline";
function pointupdate() {
document.getElementById("pointdisplay").innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
function build1() {
if (points >= b1cost) {
points -= b1cost;
b1cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b1").innerHTML = "You have " + b1count + " of building 1!"
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + Math.round(b1cost);
var build1add = setInterval(build1points, 1000);
var secondbuild = document.getElementById("secondbuild"); = "inline";
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + b2cost;
function build2() {
if (points >= b2cost) {
points -= b2cost;
b2cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b2").innerHTML = "You have " + b2count + " of building 2!"
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + Math.round(b2cost);
var build2add = setInterval(build2points, 1000);
function build1points() {
points += 1;
function build2points() {
points += 4;
function secondx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 1 && points >= 1000) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 1000;
document.getElementById("multidisplay").innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti; = "none";
<p id="pointdisplay"></p>
<p id="multidisplay"></p>
<p id="b1"></p>
<p id="b2"></p>
it should be onclick not onlcick in <button id="secondbuild" onlcick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Click to get started!</p>
<button onclick="addPoints()">Add points</button>
<button id="btn_multiply" onclick="firstx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 100</button>
<button id="firstbuild" onclick="build1()" style="display:none;">Building 1. Cost x</button>
<button id="multiply2" onclick="secondx2()" style="display:none;">x2 Multiplier. Cost: 1000</button>
<button id="secondbuild" onclick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button>
var points = 10099;
var pointMulti = 1;
var buyupgrade = 0;
var b1cost = 200;
var b1count = 0;
var b2cost = 1000;
var b2count = 0;
var currentpoints = setInterval(pointupdate, 500);
function addPoints() {
points += pointMulti;
var pointsArea = document.getElementById("pointdisplay");
pointsArea.innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
if(points >= 100 && buyupgrade == 0) {
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "inline";
function firstx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 0) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 100;
var multiplierArea = document.getElementById("multidisplay");
multiplierArea.innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti;
var multiply_button = document.getElementById("btn_multiply"); = "none";
if (buyupgrade == 1) {
var firstbuild = document.getElementById("firstbuild"); = "inline";
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + b1cost;
var show2ndx2 = document.getElementById("secondx2"); = "inline";
function pointupdate() {
document.getElementById("pointdisplay").innerHTML = "You have " + Math.round(points) + " points!";
function build1() {
if (points >= b1cost) {
points -= b1cost;
b1cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b1").innerHTML = "You have " + b1count + " of building 1!"
firstbuild.innerText = "Building 1. Cost " + Math.round(b1cost);
var build1add = setInterval(build1points, 1000);
var secondbuild = document.getElementById("secondbuild"); = "inline";
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + b2cost;
function build2() {
if (points >= b2cost) {
points -= b2cost;
b2cost *= 1.10;
document.getElementById("b2").innerHTML = "You have " + b2count + " of building 2!"
secondbuild.innerText = "Building 2. Cost " + Math.round(b2cost);
var build2add = setInterval(build2points, 1000);
function build1points() {
points += 1;
function build2points() {
points += 4;
function secondx2() {
if (buyupgrade == 1 && points >= 1000) {
pointMulti *= 2;
points -= 1000;
document.getElementById("multidisplay").innerHTML = "Your multiplier is: " + pointMulti; = "none";
<p id="pointdisplay"></p>
<p id="multidisplay"></p>
<p id="b1"></p>
<p id="b2"></p>
I think you should check your button(secondbuild)
the keyword onclick is wrong
Spelling Mistake. onclick not oncilck.
<button id="secondbuild" onlcick="build2()" style="display:none;">Building 2. Cost x</button> <script>

Javascript for loop not repeating strings

very new to Javascript here, and I think I'm having a logic issue. So basically for class I'm building a hangman game, and I am having trouble with double letters. for instance if the word is food, when I enter an "O" it will pass through the for loop, hit that first O, push it to the screen, and stop dead in its tracks. I can do whatever I want to that first "O" but a second one or any other repeated letter gets ignored. Now the alert I wrote directly under the start of the for() loop, will successfully print both "O's", as will logging it to the console, or even flat out writing document.write(splitWord[m]);
So to me, I think it has to be my if statement. I could be 100% wrong on this, but I assume that the if statement tells it to see the first "O", do what's in the bracket, and then move on to the next letter skipping any doubles. If I am right about this, what would be a better option to keep the loop going, so both "O's" would be filled. And if I am completely wrong, what would be a better course of action to accomplish this task. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.
var remainingLetters = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"];
var removedLetters =[];
var wordList = ["django", "the#good#the#bad#and#the#ugly", "a#fistful#of#dollars","for#a#few#dollars#more","once#upon#a#time#in#the#west","the#wild#bunch","pale#rider"];
var titleList =["django", "The Good The Bad And The Ugly", "A Fistful of Dollars", "For a few Dollars More", "Once Upon a Time in the West", "The Wild Bunch", "Pale Rider"];
var songList =["Jango", "The Good The Bad And The Ugly", "Fistful of Dollars", "For a few Dollars More", "Once Upon a Time in the West", "The Wild Bunch", "Pale Rider"]
var selectedWord;
var livesRemaining = 12;
var score = 0;
var wordWorth = 0;
var wins = 0;
var losses = 0;
var gameOn = false;
function chooseAWord(){
selectedWord = wordList[Math.floor(Math.random() * wordList.length)];
function printWord(){
document.getElementById("wordDisplayer").innerHTML = selectedWord;
function buildTiles(){
// create a new div element
// and give it some content
var splitWord = selectedWord.split("");
for(i = 0; i < splitWord.length; i++){
if (splitWord[i] != '#'){
// var newTile = document.createElement("div");
//var newContent = document.createTextNode("");
//newTile.appendChild(newContent); //add the text node to the newly created div.
document.getElementById("wordTiles").innerHTML += '<div class="tileStyle" id="' + splitWord[i] + '"></div>';
// add the newly created element and its content into the DOM
//var currentDiv = document.getElementById("wordTiles");
//currentDiv.appendChild(newTile, currentDiv);
// newTile.setAttribute("class", "tileStyle");
}else if(splitWord[i] == '#'){
var blankTile = document.createElement("div");
var spaceContent = document.createTextNode("");
document.getElementById("wordTiles").innerHTML += '<div class="blankStyle" id="' + splitWord[i] + '"></div>';
function clearTiles(){
var myNode = document.getElementById("wordTiles");
while (myNode.firstChild) {
function refreshAlphabet(){
remainingLetters = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"];
function keyPressed(){
var playerGuess = document.onkeyup = function myKeyDown(event){
playerGuess = event.key;
function checkPlayerGuess(){
document.getElementById("isThisWorking").innerHTML = playerGuess;
// function myFunction() {
// var str = "Tha bast things in lifa ara free";
// var patt = new RegExp(playerGuess);
// var res = patt.test(selectedWord.toLowerCase());
// document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = res;
function displayAvailableLetters(){
document.getElementById("lettersStillAvailable").innerHTML = remainingLetters;
function displayRemovedLetters(){
document.getElementById("lettersUsed").innerHTML = removedLetters;
function updateScore(){
document.getElementById("scoreTotal").innerHTML = score;
function updateWins(){
document.getElementById("winTotals").innerHTML = wins;
function updateLosses(){
document.getElementById("lossTotals").innerHTML = losses;
function checkScore(){
if(score == selectedWord.length && livesRemaining > 0){
document.getElementById("gameOver").innerHTML = "WINNER! Congratulations!!!";
}else if (livesRemaining == 0){
livesRemaining == -1;
document.getElementById("gameOver").innerHTML = "You have failed!";
document.getElementById("gameOver").innerHTML = "Good Luck!";
function checkPlayerChoiceNew(){
var splitWord = selectedWord.split("");
var choice = new RegExp(playerGuess);
var compareWord = choice.test(selectedWord.toLowerCase());
var compareAlphabet = choice.test(remainingLetters);
var compareRemovedList = choice.test(removedLetters);
for (m = 0; m < splitWord.length; m++){
if(playerGuess == splitWord[m]){
document.getElementById(splitWord[m]).innerHTML = playerGuess;
//check playerGuess against selectedWord
function checkPlayerChoice(){
var choice = new RegExp(playerGuess);
var compareWord = choice.test(selectedWord.toLowerCase());
var compareAlphabet = choice.test(remainingLetters);
var compareRemovedList = choice.test(removedLetters);
if(compareWord == true && compareAlphabet == true ){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = playerGuess;
}else if(compareWord == true && compareAlphabet == false){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Already tried that one";
}else if(compareWord == false && compareAlphabet == true){
document.getElementById("lives").innerHTML = livesRemaining;
}else if (compareWord == false && compareAlphabet == false && compareRemovedList == true){
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Already tried that one ;)";
}else if (compareWord == false && compareAlphabet == false && compareRemovedList == true){
document.getElementById("lives").innerHTML = livesRemaining;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Not a Valid Key";
//document.onkeyup = function myKeyDown(event){
// playerGuess = event.key;
//start / Restart the game
function resetGame() {
livesRemaining = 12;
score =0;
wordWorth = 0;
document.getElementById("lives").innerHTML = livesRemaining;
border:1px solid black;
<button onclick="checkPlayerChoice()">Try it</button>
<p id="demo"></p>
<p> lives: </p>
<p id = "lives"> 0</p>
<p> Score: </p>
<p id = "scoreTotal">0</p>
<p id ="winTotals">0</p>
<p id ="lossTotals">0</p>
<p id ="gameOver"></p>
<button onclick ="resetGame()">New Game</button>
<p>Here is the word</p>
<p id = "wordDisplayer">Press New Game to Start</p>
<div id = "wordTiles"></div>
<div class ="fixer"></div>
<button onclick ="checkPlayerGuess()">What Key was Pressed?</button>
<p id ="isThisWorking">What will I say?</p>
<p>Letters Still Available</p>
<p id ="lettersStillAvailable"></p>
<p>Bad Guesses</p>
<p id ="lettersUsed"></p>
<br />
selectedWord ="food";
function checkPlayerChoiceNew(){
var splitWord = selectedWord.split("");
var choice = new RegExp(playerGuess);
var compareWord = choice.test(selectedWord.toLowerCase());
var compareAlphabet = choice.test(remainingLetters);
var compareRemovedList = choice.test(removedLetters);
for (m = 0; m < splitWord.length; m++){
if(playerGuess == splitWord[m]){
document.getElementById(splitWord[m]).innerHTML = choice;
You can refer this below logic. In this example, I have given some inputs.
var selectedWord ="food";
var displayString = [];
for(var i = 0; i < selectedWord.length; i++){
displayString[i] = "-"
var outputEle = document.getElementById("output");
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerText = displayString.join(" ");
function checkPlayerChoiceNew(playerGuess){
var newWord = "";
var regExp = new RegExp(playerGuess,'ig')
selectedWord.replace(regExp, function(value, index){
displayString[index] = value;
return value;
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerText = displayString.join(" ");
newWord = displayString.join("");
if(selectedWord == newWord){ alert("You Won the game"); }
//outputEle.innerText = displayString.join(" ");
<div id="output">

JS: How would I display a decrementing value through an html header? (and more)

Basically, I'm making a simple javascript/html webpage game where you guess a number and you have three chances to guess correctly. I'm having a problem displaying the number of attempts a player has left (It gets stuck at three). The color change that is supposed to occur also doesn't happen.
It also doesn't reset the page's display after a refresh (it takes 5 playthroughs of the game to get it to reset).
Maybe my for loop/if statement is screwy?
Here's my code.
var guesses = 3;
var random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
//start the guessing
handleGuess(prompt("Pick a number to win the game!"));
function handleGuess(choice) {
guesses--; //subtract one guess
if (guesses > 0) {
if (choice != random) { = "#CC0000";
var x = "";
x = x + "You have " + guesses + " chances left" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
} else {
var x = "";
x = x + "You win!" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x; = "#009000";
//return false;
} else {
//running out of turns
var x = "";
x = x + "Game Over!" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x; = "#FF0000";
//return false;
The prompt is a blocking event, so you don't see the page update until after the prompts... try the example below, where setTimeout is used to allow a delay...
var guesses = 3;
var random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
//start the guessing
handleGuess(prompt("Pick a number to win the game!"));
function handleGuess(choice) {
guesses--; //subtract one guess
if (guesses > 0) {
if (choice != random) { = "#CC0000";
var x = "";
x = x + "You have " + guesses + " chances left" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
setTimeout(function() {
handleGuess(prompt("Try again!"));
},1000);//wait 1 second
} else {
var x = "";
x = x + "You win!" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x; = "#009000";
//return false;
} else {
//running out of turns
var x = "";
x = x + "Game Over!" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x; = "#FF0000";
//return false;
<h1 id="demo">You have 3 chances to guess the correct number.</h1>
Attention. This is a fully workable example, and definitely an "overkill demo" for your "blocking" request.
I've removed the prompt calls with new inputs, and created 2 buttons for the game. One that calls the Start Game, and a second for the "in game try attemps".
I'm assuming you are still learning so this example might be helpful for you,by showing the advantages of separating your code into different elements, based on what they are doing, and also making it easier for you to "upgrade" the features of your game.
I could replace a lot more repeated code to make it look better, but that would not make it so familiar anymore to you.
/*function ChangeDif(Difficulty) {
var i = ""
if (Difficulty == 'easy'){
i = 10;
if (Difficulty == 'medium') {
i = 5;
if (Difficulty == 'hard') {
i = 3;
var random = 0;
var start_chances = 3;
var start_attemps = 0;
var x = "";
function startgame() {
document.getElementById("start").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("number").hidden = false;
document.getElementById("again").hidden = false;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "Pick a number to win the game!";
random = Math.floor((Math.random() * 10) + 1);
//Cheat to see the random number, and make sure the game is working fine
//document.getElementById("cheater").innerHTML= random;
max_chances = start_chances;
function lostAchance() {
if (max_chances > 0) {
} else {
function loser() {
//running out of turns
x = "Game Over!" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x; = "#FF0000";
function step() {
var choice = parseInt(document.getElementById("number").value);
if (choice !== random) { = "#CC0000";
x = "You have " + max_chances + " chances left" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
document.getElementById("start").hidden = true;
} else {
x = "You win! In " + (start_chances - max_chances) + " attemps <br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x; = "#009000";
function endGame(){
document.getElementById("start").hidden = false;
document.getElementById("again").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("number").hidden = true;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input type="radio" name="difficulty" onclick="ChangeDif(this.Difficulty, 'easy')">Easy
<input type="radio" name="difficulty" onclick="ChangeDif(this.Difficulty, 'medium')">Medium
<input type="radio" name="difficulty" onclick="ChangeDif(this.Difficulty, 'hard')">Hard
<h1 id="demo">You have 3 chances to guess the correct number.</h1>
<input type="number" id="number" hidden />
<button type="submit" id="start" onclick="startgame()">Let's PLAY</button>
<button type="submit" id="again" hidden onclick="lostAchance()">Try Again</button>
<p id ="cheater"></p>

