JavaScript build nested array from string values - javascript

From my data source I am getting values like;
USA |Arizona
USA |Florida
UK |England |Northamptonshire
UK |England |Derbyshire
UK |Wales |Powys
These are flat text values that repeat in a column.
I need to build them dynamically into nested array
source: [
{title: "USA", children: [
{title: "Arizona"},
{title: "Florida"}
As per
Unfortunately my brain has stopped working today I am can't see a elegant way.
Any pointers would be most gratefully appreciated.
So I solved this eventually using a post from Oskar
function getNestedChildren(arr, parent) {
var out = []
for(var i in arr) {
if(arr[i].parent == parent) {
var children = getNestedChildren(arr, arr[i].id)
if(children.length) {
arr[i].children = children
return out
This builds the nested array.
To ensure inferred values were present (e.g. USA which is in the hierarchy but is not a unique value).
var CountryArray = CountryText.split("|");
// Variables to hold details of each section of the Country path being iterated
var CountryId = '';
var CountryParentPrefix = '';
var CountryParent = '';
// Iterate each section of the delimeted Country path and ensure that it is in the array
for(var i in CountryArray)
var CountryId = CountryParentPrefix+CountryArray[i];
// Find the Country id in the array / add if necessary
var result = FlatSource.filter(function (Country) { return == CountryId });
if (result.length == 0) {
// If the Country is not there then we should add it
var arrCountry = {title:CountryArray[i], parent:CountryParent, id:CountryId};
// For the next path of the heirarchy
CountryParent = CountryId;
CountryParentPrefix = CountryId+'|';
I did not use Sven's suggestion but I suspect that it is equally valid.

Turn it to JSON:
var str = '"USA|Arizona","USA|Florida","UK|LonelyIsland","UK|England|Northamptonshire","UK|England|Derbyshire","UK|Wales|Powys","UK|England|London|Soho","Switzerland|Lucern';
var jsonStr = "[[" + str.replace(/,/g,'],[') + "\"]]";
jsonStr = jsonStr.replace(/\|/g,'","');
var nested = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
Then play with parents and children.
function findObject(array, key, value) {
for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++) {
if (array[i][key] === value) {
return array[i];
return null;
function obj(arr){
this.title = arr.shift();
obj.prototype.addChild = function(arr){
var tmp = new obj(arr);
if(typeof this.children === 'undefined'){
this.children = new Array();
result = this.children[this.children.push(tmp)-1];
result = findObject(this.children, 'title', tmp.title);
result = this.children[this.children.push(tmp)-1];
return result;
obj.prototype.addChildren = function(arr){
var obje = this;
obje = obje.addChild(arr);
var finArr = [];
for(i=0; i<nested.length; i++){
var recc = new obj(nested[i]);
if(oldObj = findObject(finArr, 'title', recc.title)){
console.log('--------------------The End---------------')


Javascript object transform

I want to transform this object so that I can call it that way
cars.ox, bikes.ox
var baseValue = [
'2014-12-01': {
'2014-12-02': {
I try do this in many ways, but at the end i completely lost all hope.
var category = []
var obj = baseValue[0]
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
var dane = obj[key]
Object.keys(dane).forEach(function(key) {
splitted = key.split(';')
var category = splitted[0]
var serviceName = splitted[1];
I would be grateful if anyone help me with this
I think you were close, you just need to create objects if they do not exist for the keys you want. Perhaps something like this.
var obj = baseValue[0]
var result = {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) {
var dane = obj[key]
Object.keys(dane).forEach(function(key) {
splitted = key.split(';')
var category = splitted[0]
var serviceName = splitted[1];
if(!result[category]) {
result[category] = {};
if(!result[category][serviceName]) {
result[category][serviceName] = [];
(The result is logged to the console.)

Trouble iterating through an object

I have an object that looks like this:
salesDetails:{ "1":{
What i am trying to do is to get all the amount per currency of all that has status of "1" and put it in an object that should look like this:
perCurrency: {
I was able to put all the currency in an object but I'm having trouble with the amount, the last amount from the object overlaps the previous one. I keep on getting {"CAD":{"1":"250"},"USD":{"1":"180"}} Here's my code so far.
function countPerCurrency(){
var currencyArray = new Array();
var perCurrency = {};
var totalSales = Object.size(salesDetails);
for(var i=1; i <= totalSales; i++){
var currency = salesDetails[i]["currency"];
var amount = salesDetails[i]["amount"];
var status = salesDetails[i]["status"];
var totalCurrency = Object.size(currencyAmount[currency]);
var currencyCtr = {};
if(status == 1){
if(!inArray(currency, currencyArray)){
currencyCtr[totalCurrency] = amount;
perCurrency[currency] = currencyCtr;
} else {
var currencyAdd = {};
currencyAdd[totalCurrency] = amount;
perCurrency[currency] = currencyAdd;
I know it might seem easy, but I'm lost here.. TIA! :)
The previously accepted answer uses an array of values, whereas you asked for an object. Here's an object version:
var perCurrency = {};
var currencyCount = {};
Object.keys(salesDetails).forEach(function(key) {
var obj = salesDetails[key];
var currency;
if (obj.status == 1) {
currency = obj.currency;
// If this is first for this currency, add it to objects
if (!currencyCount[currency]) {
currencyCount[currency] = 0;
perCurrency[currency] = {};
// Add currency values
perCurrency[currency][currencyCount[currency]++] = obj.amount;
BTW, this has nothing to do with jQuery.
Note that Object.keys is ES5 so may need a polyfill for older browsers, see MDN:Object.keys for code.
try something like this
function countPerCurrency(){
var perCurrency = {};
var totalSales = Object.size(salesDetails);
for(var i=1; i <= totalSales; i++){
var currency = salesDetails[i]["currency"];
var amount = salesDetails[i]["amount"];
var status = salesDetails[i]["status"];
if(status == '1'){
// if currency already present than get currency array.
var currency_arr = perCurrency[currency];
// add new value to existing currency array.
// if currency not present than create currency array and add first value;
var currency_arr = [];
// add newly created currency array to perCurrency object
perCurrency[currency] = currency_arr;
perCurrency: {
I have created currency array instead of key value pair
Change your code like this, i have simplified your things,
function countPerCurrency() {
var perCurrency = {};
var currencyArray = [];
for(i in salesDetails)
if(!perCurrency.hasOwnProperty(salesDetails[i].currency) && salesDetails[i].status === "1")
perCurrency[salesDetails[i].currency] = [];
if(salesDetails[i].status === "1")
currencyArray = perCurrency[salesDetails[i].currency];
perCurrency[salesDetails[i].currency] = currencyArray;
sorry for the late conversation anyway try like this use .each()
var CAD = new Array();
var USD = new Array();
$.each(salesDetails, function (i, value) {
if (value.status == 1) {
if (value.currency == "CAD") {
} else if (value.currency == "USD") {
var perCurrency = {

Filtering an array of Objects in javascript

I'm really new to JS, and I'm now stuck on a task, hope someone can guide me through it.
I have an Array of Objects, like this one:
var labels = [
// labels for pag 1
{pageID:1, labels: [
{labelID:0, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt1 Eng'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt1 De:'}]},
{labelID:1, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 2 Eng:'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt2 De:'}]},
{labelID:2, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 3 Eng:'},{lang:'de', text:'Txt 3 De:'}]}
// labels for pag 2
{pageID:2, labels: [
{labelID:0, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt1 Eng'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt1 De:'}]},
{labelID:1, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 2 Eng:'}, {lang:'de', text:'Txt2 De:'}]},
{labelID:2, content:[{lang:'eng', text:'Txt 3 Eng:'},{lang:'de', text:'Txt 3 De:'}]}
What I am trying to do is write a function to return me an array of labels (Objects) for a specific page and a specific lang. By calling this function specifying pageID 1 and lang eng, I'm basically trying to build an array like this one:
var desideredArray = [
{labelID:0, text:'Txt1 Eng'},
{labelID:1, text:'Txt1 Eng'},
{labelID:2, text:'Txt2 Eng'}
Now, I'm trying to write the function to retrieve/build the new array:
this.getLabelsForPageAndLang = function (numPage, lang) {
// this part filters the main object and selects the object with pageID == numPage
var result = labels.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.pageID == numPage;
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i=0; i<tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
// simpleLabelObject.text = ?????
results[i] = simpleLabelObject;
console.log (results);
...but how can I access the right value (the one corresponding the lang selected) in the content property?
You can use the same technique as the one used to keep the matching page: the filter method.
this.getLabelsForPageAndLang = function (numPage, lang) {
// this part filters the main object and selects the object with pageID == numPage
var result = labels.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.pageID == numPage;
var contentFilter = function(obj){ return obj.lang === lang};
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i=0; i<tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
var matching = tempResult[i].content.filter(contentFilter);
simpleLabelObject.text = matching[0].text;
desiredResults[i] = simpleLabelObject;
console.log (desiredResults);
I didn't do bound checks because in your code you assumed there is always a matching element, but it would probably be wise to do it.
And if you want to avoid creating two closures each time the function is called, you can prototype an object for that:
var Filter = function(numPage, lang) {
this.numPage = numPage;
this.lang = lang;
Filter.prototype.filterPage = function(obj) {
return obj.pageID === this.numPage;
Filter.prototype.filterLang = function(obj) {
return obj.lang === this.lang;
Filter.prototype.filterLabels = function(labels) {
var result = labels.filter(this.filterPage, this);
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i=0; i<tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
var matching = tempResult[i].content.filter(this.filterLang, this);
simpleLabelObject.text = matching[0].text;
desiredResults[i] = simpleLabelObject;
return desiredResults;
console.log(new Filter(1, "eng").filterLabels(labels));
Just filter again:
var getLabelsForPageAndLang = function (numPage, lang) {
// this part filters the main object and selects the object with pageID == numPage
var result = labels.filter(function (obj) {
return obj.pageID == numPage;
var tempResult = result[0].labels;
var desiredResults = []; // here I want to store the new objects
for (var i = 0; i < tempResult.length; i++) {
var simpleLabelObject = {};
simpleLabelObject.labelID = tempResult[i].labelID;
var lg = tempResult[i].content.filter(function (lg) {
return lg.lang == lang;
simpleLabelObject.text = lg[0].text;
A rather 'safe' implementation for cases when pages have the same pageID and multiple contents with the same lang:
this.getLabelsForPageAndLang = function(numPage, lang) {
var result = [];
var pages = labels.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.pageID === numPage;
for (var p = pages.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) {
var page = pages[p];
for(var i = page.labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var labelId = page.labels[i].labelID;
for (var j = page.labels[i].content.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
if (page.labels[i].content[j].lang === lang) {
result.push({labelID: labelId, test: page.labels[i].content[j].text});

filter objects matching details

Functions works fine, they filter inventory by barcode, and manufacturer. I want to make it like default angularjs filtering. If I choose manufacturer - LG and barcode - 112 and if they don't match, then it shouldn't display anything.
But for now it displays separately, when i click on filter function it filters barcode when on filter2 function filter manufacturer
$scope.filter = function(barcode) {
var filtered = [];
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.inventories.length; i++){
if($scope.inventories[i].barcode == barcode){
$scope.filtered_inventories = filtered;
$scope.filter2 = function(manufacturer) {
var filtered = [];
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.inventories.length; i++){
if($scope.inventories[i].manufacturer == manufacturer){
$scope.filtered_inventories = filtered;
Try this
$scope.filter = function (barcode, manufacturer) {
var filtered = [];
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.inventories.length; i++){
if($scope.inventories[i].barcode == barcode || $scope.inventories[i].manufacturer == manufacturer){
$scope.filtered_inventories = filtered;
You could create a more general way of filtering:
$scope.filterByBarcode = function(list, key, value) {
return list.filter(function(item){
return item[key] === value;
And when you filter you could call:
$scope.filtered_inventories = $scope.filter($scope.filter($scope.inventories, 'barcode', 112), 'manufacturer', 'LG')
But to simplify that you could create a function:
$scope.filterByBarcodeAndManufacturer = function(barcode, manufacturer) {
$scope.filtered_inventories =
$scope.filter($scope.filter($scope.inventories, 'barcode', barcode), 'manufacturer', manufacturer);

Dynamically building array, appending values

i have a bunch of options in this select, each with values like:
while looping through the options, I want to build an array that checks to see if keys exist, and if they don't they make the key then append the value. then the next loop through, if the key exists, add the next value, comma separated.
the ideal output would be:
arr['context'] = 'cow,test,beans';
arr['thing'] = '1,5,27';
here's what i have so far, but this isn't a good strategy to build the values..
function sift(select) {
vals = [];
$.each(select.options, function() {
var valArr = this.value.split('|');
var key = valArr[0];
var val = valArr[1];
if (typeof vals[key] === 'undefined') {
vals[key] = [];
Existing code works by changing
function sift(select) {
var vals = {};//notice I made an object, not an array, this is to create an associative array
$.each(select.options, function() {
var valArr = this.value.split('|');
if (typeof vals[valArr[0]] === 'undefined') {
vals[valArr[0]] = '';
} else {
vals[valArr[0]] += ',';
vals[valArr[0]] += valArr[1];
Here is a demo:
How about an extensible, reusable, encapsulated solution:
function MyOptions()
var _optionNames = [];
var _optionValues = [];
function _add(name, value)
var nameIndex = _optionNames.indexOf(name);
if (nameIndex < 0)
var newValues = [];
var values = _optionValues[nameIndex];
_optionValues[nameIndex] = values;
function _values(name)
var nameIndex = _optionNames.indexOf(name);
if (nameIndex < 0)
return [];
return _optionValues[nameIndex];
var public =
add: _add,
values: _values
return public;
var myOptions = MyOptions();
myOptions.add("context", "cow");
working example:
I guess this works, but if someone could optimize it, I'd love to see.
function updateSiftUrl(select) { var
vals = {};
$.each(select.options, function() {
var valArr = this.value.split('|');
var key = valArr[0];
var val = valArr[1];
if (typeof vals[key] === 'undefined') {
vals[key] = val;
vals[key] = vals[key] +','+ val;
Would something like this work for you?
var optionArray =
$(":selected", $(this)).map(function(){
return $(this).val();
}).get().join(", ");
If you've selected 3 options, optionArray should contain something like option1, option2, option3.
Well, you don't want vals[key] to be an array - you want it to be a string. so try doing
if (typeof vals[key] === 'undefined') {
vals[key] = ';
vals[key] = vals[key] + ',' + val;

