variable loses value outside while loop - Javascript - javascript

I'm trying to solve this problem involving linkedlists. Partition a linked list so that values less than the partition come first followed by values equal to or greater than the partition.
input: 90 -> 30 -> 40 -> 50 -> 100 -> 40
partition: 50
output: 30 -> 40 -> 40 -> 50 -> 100 -> 90
Everything less than the partition(50) comes before all nodes greater than the partition(50).
function partitionLl(node) {
let list = {
"head": {
"data": 90,
"next": {
"data": 30,
"next": {
"data": 40,
"next": {
"data": 50,
"next": {
"data": 100,
"next": {
"data": 40,
"next": {
"data": 15,
"next": {
"data": 90,
"next": {
"data": 200,
"next": {
"data": 90,
"next": {
"data": 10,
"next": {
"data": 90,
"next": null
let test;
let current = list.head;
let p1 = {
data: null,
next: null
let p2 = current;
while (current !== null) {
if ( < node) {
p1 = current;
p1 =;
} else {
p2 = current;
p2 =;
current =;
This is the code I have and the list I am aiming to get is great while in the loop, it has the list that I need. The problem is that I need to attach these lists(p1 and p2) when the loop is completed, but the variables log something completely different and inaccurate when outside the while loop.
The current variable is being tracked both in side and outside the loop. Not sure why this is or what kind of scope loop might have that causes this. How would I access the values out side the loop?

The problem with the OPs program is that it never actually changes the list and also does not build a new list for the result, i.e. no assignment to a data or next property ever happens. Only the "pointers" p1 and p2 are moved around, until the end of the list is reached. The way the assignments are done, either p1, or p2 are bound to be null in the end.
A solution would create copies of the current element and append them to either p1 or p2 by setting the next property.
Like so:
function partitionLl(node) {
let list = {
"head": {
"data": 90,
"next": {
"data": 30,
"next": {
"data": 40,
"next": {
"data": 50,
"next": {
"data": 100,
"next": {
"data": 40,
"next": {
"data": 15,
"next": {
"data": 90,
"next": {
"data": 200,
"next": {
"data": 90,
"next": {
"data": 10,
"next": {
"data": 90,
"next": null
let p1 = {
"head": null
let t1 = p1.head
let p2 = {
"head": null
let t2 = p2.head
let current = list.head
while (current !== null) {
if ( < node) {
if(p1.head === null) {
p1.head = {
"next": null
t1 = p1.head
} else { = {
"next": null
t1 =
} else {
if(p2.head === null) {
p2.head = {
"next": null
t2 = p2.head
} else { = {
"next": null
t2 =
current =;

Typically working with linked lists are exercises in using recursion.
I'd build a couple of primitives for working with linked lists and then combine them to produce the result that you want - partition can be built from a filter and concat:
// given a list return a new list that contains only those items than pass the test function
const filter = (list, test) => {
const next = ? filter(, test) : null;
if (test( {
return { data:, next };
return next;
// given two lists return a new list with them concatenated together
const concat = (l1, l2) => {
if (! {
return { data:, next: l2 };
return { data:, next: concat(, l2) };
const partition = (list, value) => {
const smaller = filter(list, d => d < value);
const bigger = filter(list, d => d >= value);
return concat(smaller, bigger);

You could take three lists for smaller values: (a) left; (b) for greater or equal values right; and (c) split the right part into first and last, where all values goes into the last list until the pivot value is found, and then all values goes into first.
At the end, combine all lists to a single one, and return a new list.
function partition(list, pivot) {
var leftHead = {},
left = leftHead,
firstHead = {},
lastHead = {},
right = lastHead,
isLast = true,
node = list.head;
while (node) {
if ( === pivot && isLast) {
right = firstHead;
isLast = false;
if ( < pivot) { = { data: };
left =;
} else { = { data: };
right =;
node =;
if ( { =; =;
} else { =;
return { head: };
var list1 = { head: { data: 90, next: { data: 30, next: { data: 40, next: { data: 50, next: { data: 100, next: { data: 40, next: { data: 15, next: { data: 90, next: { data: 200, next: { data: 90, next: { data: 10, next: { data: 90, next: null } } } } } } } } } } } } },
list2 = { head: { data: 90, next: { data: 30, next: { data: 40, next: { data: 50, next: { data: 100, next: { data: 40 } } } } } } };
console.log(partition(list1, 50));
console.log(partition(list2, 50));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


Sort function with undefined value

I have an array of object like below:
var stores = [
"name": "store3",
"ditance": 8
"name": "Store5",
"distance": 7,
"web": {
"validateAttributes": {
"isSelectedDispostionSupported": true,
"isFutureOrderPossible": false
"name": "Store1",
"distance": 12,
"web": {
"validateAttributes": {
"isSelectedDispostionSupported": true,
"isOpen": true
"name": "store2",
"distance": 13,
"web": {
"validateAttributes": {
"isSelectedDispostionSupported": true,
"isOpen": true
Expected Result to be sort based on isopen and distance
"name": "Store1",
"distance": 12,
"web": {
"validateAttributes": {
"isSelectedDispostionSupported": true,
"isOpen": true
"name": "store2",
"distance": 13,
"web": {
"validateAttributes": {
"isSelectedDispostionSupported": true,
"isOpen": true
"name": "Store5",
"distance": 7,
"web": {
"validateAttributes": {
"isSelectedDispostionSupported": true,
"isFutureOrderPossible": false
"name": "store3",
"ditance": 8
Need to sort an array based on isOpen and distance .The challenge is some object have web property and some object don't have. Even if web available sometimes isOpen won't their. I have tried the below approch it's not working
const sorter = (a, b) => {
if (a.web) {
if (a.web.validateAttributes) {
if (a.web.validateAttributes.isOpen) {
return 1;
} else if (b.web.validateAttributes.isOpen) {
return -1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
} else {
return 1;
Try this
const stores = [{"name":"store3","ditance":8},{"name":"Store5","distance":7,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isFutureOrderPossible":false}}},{"name":"Store1","distance":12,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}},{"name":"store2","distance":13,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}}]
const sorter = (a,b)=> {
if(!b.web) {
return -1;
else if(!b.web.validateAttributes) {
return -1;
else if(!b.web.validateAttributes.isOpen) {
return -1;
return (a.distance - b.distance)
You can use some optional chaining to turn the isOpen properties into a -1 if truthy or 1 if falsy to establish their position.
If those properties are equal, then fallback to a distance comparison.
// fixed "ditance" to "distance" in "store3"
const stores = [{"name":"store3","distance":8},{"name":"Store5","distance":7,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isFutureOrderPossible":false}}},{"name":"Store1","distance":12,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}},{"name":"store2","distance":13,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}}]
const sorted = [...stores].sort((a, b) =>
(a.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen ? -1 : 1) -
(b.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen ? -1 : 1) ||
(a.distance - b.distance))
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I see 2 problems.
typo at the first item "ditance": 8
Your sorting function.
Here is my logic. Firstly, check both are Opening or Closing, then compare distance.
Else just simple compare the state open/close
var stores = [{"name":"store3","distance":8},{"name":"Store5","distance":7,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isFutureOrderPossible":false}}},{"name":"Store1","distance":12,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}},{"name":"store2","distance":13,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}}];
stores.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen && b.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen || !a.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen && !b.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen) {
return a.distance - b.distance;
if (a.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen) {
return -1;
return 1;
Try this.
const stores = [{"name":"store3","ditance":8},{"name":"Store5","distance":7,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isFutureOrderPossible":false}}},{"name":"Store1","distance":12,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}},{"name":"store2","distance":13,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}}]
const sorted = stores.slice();
sorted.sort((a, b) => {
if (!a.web || !b.web) {
return -1;
if (!a.web.validateAttributes || !b.web.validateAttributes) {
return -1;
const x = a.web.validateAttributes.isOpen || false;
const y = b.web.validateAttributes.isOpen || false;
return (x === y) ? a.distance - b.distance : -1;
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After fixing some typos here is another alternative.
If not set, default each isOpen to false and store.
If they are the same, sort on distance, otherwise sort on the isOpen.
This uses a combination of the Optional Chaining operator and Nullish Coalescing operator
The Optional Chaining operator will return null if any property along the chain does not exist. So in the case of .web or .isOpen not existing a null is produced.
That is followed by the Nullish Caolescing operator so that if a null is produced as above, the default value is false so that the sort order is based upon that value (true will be placed before false.
let stores = [{"name":"Store1","distance":13,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}},{"name":"store2","distance":12,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isOpen":true}}},{"name":"Store5","distance":8,"web":{"validateAttributes":{"isSelectedDispostionSupported":true,"isFutureOrderPossible":false}}},{"name":"store3","distance":7}];
function comparator(a,b) {
let aResult = a?.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen ?? false;
let bResult = b?.web?.validateAttributes?.isOpen ?? false;
return (aResult === bResult)? a.distance - b.distance : bResult - aResult;

How to iterate nested object keys with child nested

I want to iterate the nested object keys which will be have inner child nested as well:
Nested object code:
"F2C3C496-BEA6-A5E8-15F0-E2867304B463": {
"D39FD497-9529-6CC3-70DE-E8D9277C18D3": {
"child": {
"87A1817D-CFA9-70FD-131B-224658AF13CE": {
"next": {
"F7A90266-B7F4-4CC2-0F1B-D4B320E2EC1A": {}
"next": {
"B49927ED-369E-E219-FC1A-8E4BAAFC3933": {
"next": {}
JS code to iterate:
flowThrough = (obj, callback, context?, path?: string) => {
let nestedKey=';'
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
callback(key, context, path);
if (!isEmpty(obj[key]) && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
nestedKey = obj[key].next;
else if(obj[key].hasOwnProperty('child'))
nestedKey = obj[key].child;
else nestedKey = obj[key];
this.flowThrough(nestedKey, callback, context, (path)? has(context, path.concat(".next"))?path.concat(`.next[${get(context, path.concat(".next").length)}]`): path.concat('.').concat("next[0]") : key)
Actually, the above code working for one nested level to get key(ids). If it reaches the empty object key then the loop is ending there. actually, it should check any other child/next is there or not.
Expected output:
{ "flow": [
"id": "F2C3C496-BEA6-A5E8-15F0-E2867304B463",
"next": [
"id": "D39FD497-9529-6CC3-70DE-E8D9277C18D3",
"child": [
"id": "87A1817D-CFA9-70FD-131B-224658AF13CE",
"next": [
"id": "F7A90266-B7F4-4CC2-0F1B-D4B320E2EC1A",
"next": []
"next": [
"id": "B49927ED-369E-E219-FC1A-8E4BAAFC3933",
"next": []
Please give me the solution for this.
let obj = {
"F2C3C496-BEA6-A5E8-15F0-E2867304B463": {
"D39FD497-9529-6CC3-70DE-E8D9277C18D3": {
"child": {
"87A1817D-CFA9-70FD-131B-224658AF13CE": {
"next": {
"F7A90266-B7F4-4CC2-0F1B-D4B320E2EC1A": {}
"next": {
"B49927ED-369E-E219-FC1A-8E4BAAFC3933": {
"next": {}
const setObj = e => {
let tmp = {}
if (Array.isArray(e[0])) e = e[0]
if (typeof e[0] === 'string' && e[0].split('-').length === 5) {
tmp = {
id: e[0],
next: setObj(Object.entries(e[1]))
} else if (e[1]) {
tmp = {
child: setObj(Object.entries(e[1]))
return tmp
let newobj = Object.entries(obj).map(setObj)[0]
Original answer...
Here's one way to go about it. Use a recursive function along with Object.entries to gather the data. I found that the result was a series of nested arrays of id's - so I flattened them all with join() and then split them again. Finally, filter() helped remove the empty array indexes
let obj = {
"F2C3C496-BEA6-A5E8-15F0-E2867304B463": {
"D39FD497-9529-6CC3-70DE-E8D9277C18D3": {
"child": {
"87A1817D-CFA9-70FD-131B-224658AF13CE": {
"next": {
"F7A90266-B7F4-4CC2-0F1B-D4B320E2EC1A": {}
"next": {
"B49927ED-369E-E219-FC1A-8E4BAAFC3933": {
"next": {}
const getKeys = e => {
let ret = []
if (e[0].split('-').length === 5) ret.push(e[0]);
if (e[1]) ret.push(Object.entries(e[1]).map(getKeys))
return ret.join(',')
let keys = Object.entries(obj).map(getKeys)[0].split(",").filter(e => e)

NodeJS - Generate a dynamic JSON from data received via database

I'm trying to generate dynamic JSON based on the dynamic structure defined in DB. But the function doesn't wait till the response is received from database.
Expected JSON:
"ROOT_1": [
"ROOT_2.1": {
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.1.1": "XXX"
"ROOT_2.2": [
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.2.1": 11
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.2.1": 12
"ROOT_2.3": [
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.3.1": 21
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.3.1": 22
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.3.1": 23
"ROOT_2.1": {
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.1.1": "XXX"
"ROOT_2.2": [
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.2.1": 11
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.2.1": 12
"ROOT_2.3": [
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.3.1": 21
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.3.1": 22
"column2.1": 1,
"column2.3.1": 23
Actual JSON:
"ROOT_1": [
All the columns are generated from database and assigned as an object.
I tried promise for making the DB call and waiting for the response but the data doesn't bind. The await is calling before the response from DB.
async function getJSON(){
for (var m = 0; m < masterDataList.length; m++) {
var childObj = {};
var childList = [];
rootDataList.push(parseObjData(childObj, getChildList(null), masterDataList[m]));
await Promise.all(rootDataList).then(function () {
context.res = {
body: root
}, function () {
return context.res = {
status: 400,
body: APP_CODE + "Error fetching data"
function parseObjData(dynamicObj, structureMapList, masterDataObj) {
for (var sml = 0; sml < dynamicObj.length; sml++) {
var rowDataPromise = getRowDataList(); //data that fetches from DB
rowDataPromise.then(function (rowData) {
}, function () { });
function getRowDataList() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
req.query(sqlQuery).then(function (result) {
return resolve(result.recordset);
}).catch(function (err) {
return reject(err);
Any suggestion would be great help...!!!
This line return rowData; is not working as you are expecting it to work. You could have written it like this:
var row;
rowDataPromise.then(function (rowData) {
row = rowData;
}, function () { });
return row;
And use async await with this function.

Need help to make validation when two range contradict

I have an object name config in which i have "from" and "to".
const config = {
"0": {
id: 0,
from: 0,
to: 10,
hex: null
"1": {
id: 1,
from: 11,
to: 20,
hex: null
"2": {
id: 2,
from: 21,
to: 30,
hex: null
"3": {
id: 3,
from: 31,
to: 40,
hex: null
"4": {
id: 4,
from: 41,
to: 50,
hex: null
I have to check that now range will contradict with each other eg: form:0 => to:10 and from:5=> to:20
here the from of second is contradict because 5 lies between 0 to 10
i have tried following but doesn't full-fill my requirement
function found(conf) {
let isFound = false;
for (let obj in conf) {
for (let x in conf) {
if (
conf[obj].id !== conf[x].id &&
(conf[x].from >= conf[obj].from && conf[x].to <= conf[obj].from)
) {
console.log(conf[obj], conf[x]);
isFound = true;
if (isFound) break;
return isFound;
Create a single array by combining all ranges
const arr = Object.entries(config).map(([a, b]) => b).flatMap(({from, to}) => RANGE(from, to))
where RANGE is method which return array of given ranges:
const RANGE = (a,b) => Array.from((function*(x,y){
while (x <= y) yield x++;
Then find duplicates in the given arr using the following function:
function findDuplicate(array) {
var object = {};
var result = [];
array.forEach(function(item) {
if (!object[item]) object[item] = 0;
object[item] += 1;
for (var prop in object) {
if (object[prop] >= 2) {
return result;
const duplicates = findDuplicate(arr)
Then finally check duplicates.length
Try renaming your variables so they make sense.
Your logic is: IDs don't match and inner is after outer, but before outer's from.
There will never be a case where this will return true.
const config = {
"0": { id: 0, from: 0, to: 10, hex: null },
"1": { id: 1, from: 11, to: 20, hex: null },
"2": { id: 2, from: 21, to: 30, hex: null },
"3": { id: 3, from: 31, to: 40, hex: null },
"4": { id: 4, from: 41, to: 50, hex: null }
function found(conf) {
for (let outer in conf) {
for (let inner in conf) {
let idsDontMatch = conf[outer].id !== conf[inner].id;
let innerFromGteOuterFrom = conf[inner].from >= conf[outer].from;
let innerToLteOuterFrom = conf[inner].to <= conf[outer].from;
let innerAfterOuterButBeforeOuterFrom = innerFromGteOuterFrom && innerToLteOuterFrom;
if (idsDontMatch && innerAfterOuterButBeforeOuterFrom) {
console.log(conf[outer], conf[inner]);
return true;
return false;
.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }

How to get one json object format from another JSON format

Maybe this question has already been asked and answered somewhere but after searching for more than 3 hrs I'm asking this question.
Below is my JSON data
var my_data = [
"TempRture_qc": 4,
"VoltAGE": 44.09722,
"TempRture": 22.32,
"VoltAGE_qc": 55,
"_time": "2018-08-07T03:39:29.001Z"
"TempRture_qc": 2,
"VoltAGE": 42.09722,
"TempRture": 22.12,
"VoltAGE_qc": 0,
"_time": "2018-08-07T03:39:30.006Z"
"TempRture_qc": 1,
"VoltAGE": 43.09722,
"TempRture": 22.82,
"VoltAGE_qc": 0,
"_time": "2018-08-07T03:39:31.009Z"
desired output i need
"name": "TempRture_qc",
"data": [
"name": "VoltAGE",
"data": [
"name": "TempRture",
"data": [
"name": "VoltAGE_qc",
"data": [
for getting this above output i have tried below code.
var accounting = [];
var fieldName = {};
for (var x in obj){
var mykey = Object.keys(obj[x]);
for (var mk in mykey){
if(mykey[mk]=='VoltAGE'){ = mykey[mk];
// accounting.push({
// "name":mykey[mk]
// })
if(mykey[mk]=='TempRture'){ = mykey[mk];
// console.log(mykey[mk]); //to get the key name
"name" : obj[x]._time,
"y" : obj[x][],
}) = accounting;
console.log(fieldName );
by doing this what I'm getting is below JSON
{ name: 'TempRture',
[ { name: '2018-08-07T03:39:29.001Z', y: 22.32 },
{ name: '2018-08-07T03:39:32.014Z', y: 22.12 },
{ name: '2018-08-07T03:39:33.017Z', y: 22.82 } ] }
I'm not able to understand how I will get the data in one JSON object.
For a solution with low time complexity, try .reduceing into an object indexed by keys of the inner object, creating a { name, data: [] } at that key in the accumulator if it doesn't exist there yet. Then, push to the data array, and get the values of the whole object:
var my_data=[{"TempRture_qc":4,"VoltAGE":44.09722,"TempRture":22.32,"VoltAGE_qc":55,"_time":"2018-08-07T03:39:29.001Z"},{"TempRture_qc":2,"VoltAGE":42.09722,"TempRture":22.12,"VoltAGE_qc":0,"_time":"2018-08-07T03:39:30.006Z"},{"TempRture_qc":1,"VoltAGE":43.09722,"TempRture":22.82,"VoltAGE_qc":0,"_time":"2018-08-07T03:39:31.009Z"}]
my_data.reduce((a, { _time, ...obj }) => {
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([name, val]) => {
if (!a[name]) a[name] = { name, data: [] };
a[name].data.push({ name: _time, y: val });
return a;
}, {})
var my_data=[{"TempRture_qc":4,"VoltAGE":44.09722,"TempRture":22.32,"VoltAGE_qc":55,"_time":"2018-08-07T03:39:29.001Z"},{"TempRture_qc":2,"VoltAGE":42.09722,"TempRture":22.12,"VoltAGE_qc":0,"_time":"2018-08-07T03:39:30.006Z"},{"TempRture_qc":1,"VoltAGE":43.09722,"TempRture":22.82,"VoltAGE_qc":0,"_time":"2018-08-07T03:39:31.009Z"}]
var keys = Object.keys(my_data[0])
var result= [];
for(i = 0; i<keys.length-1; i++) {
var obj = {name: keys[i],data: []} =>({name: val["_time"], y: val[keys[i]]}));
An understandable answer with map, findIndex and forEach functions will be
var my_data = [{ "TempRture_qc": 4, "VoltAGE": 44.09722, "TempRture": 22.32, "VoltAGE_qc": 55, "_time": "2018-08-07T03:39:29.001Z" }, { "TempRture_qc": 2, "VoltAGE": 42.09722, "TempRture": 22.12, "VoltAGE_qc": 0, "_time": "2018-08-07T03:39:30.006Z" }, { "TempRture_qc": 1, "VoltAGE": 43.09722, "TempRture": 22.82, "VoltAGE_qc": 0, "_time": "2018-08-07T03:39:31.009Z" } ],
result = []; => {
let keys = Object.keys(itm);
keys.forEach(iitt => {
if (iitt != '_time') {
let index = result.findIndex(ii => {
return == iitt;
if (index == -1) {
name: iitt,
data: []
result[result.length - 1].data.push({
name: itm["_time"],
y: itm[iitt]
} else {
name: itm["_time"],
y: itm[iitt]

