Electron, D3.js and Angular. Need to create an offline chart application - javascript

I've been tasked at work to create a charting application that will function offline. I've been thrown into the fire with this one as I'm a junior dev and ill be doing this by myself.
I've been trying to research the best way to get this done and I'm thinking Electron is the best for the offline functionality and d3.js for the charts. I wanted to use Angular for the work experience.
Before I begin developing this, I wanted to test and see if this made any sense. I found this repo and tried publishing it with Electron.
None of the charts show up however.
So I'm sort of in a rough place because there's no one at work I can ask about this. Does this stack make sense? Can I use D3.js offline with Electron?
Thanks for any feedback.


It is possible to create a Desktop app using Java and Electron JS?

I'd like to build a Desktop application for drawing. I've already the model and controller written in Java and now, i'm gonna make the view. I don't want to use JavaFX for the ForntEnd of my application. Instead, I'd like to use Electron... it is possible? and how?
If I'm saying stupid things please forgive me and tell my what is wrong with my idea!
Yes, you can build a desktop app using Electron. Any Electron website app could be made to run as a Desktop application. I recommend checking out some of the apps on Electron's website: https://www.electronjs.org/apps
Some of them which are open source have links to their GitHub repositories which would be useful to see how they operate. A simple one to start with would be the Trivia Bot one they have on the page I mentioned: https://github.com/Trivia-Bot-Apps/trivia-desktop
As for how to do it yourself, I'd recommend searching YouTube or other resources for Electron tutorials as there are many. Even if they are showing how to create an Electron app in a web browser you can still follow the majority of their process for making a desktop application.

What exactly is required in order to create custom WebChat for Twilio Flex?

I would like to understand how exactly I would go about creating a completely custom webchat for a website.
The reason why is because I realize that there are some limits to the degree to which I can customize the WebChat that is out-of-the-box, especially using JS alone.
I went about viewing the instructions for how to setup WebChat using the instructions, and I was just not able to figure out how to use the npm approach, only the CDN (using asp.net core and a separate website is using Wordpress). which sort of limited the degree to which I could make customizations to the UI.
I really wish I was able to use the npm package, but unfortunately the two web frameworks that the sites were build with (asp.net core, and WordPress) didnt have a clear way of accomplishing this. I posted about this issue previously with someone just saying "Its easy, just search online" . My search didnt result in anything helpful, unfortunately.
If someone can provide us engineers interested in making tweeks with clear instructions or an example of using javascript alone to add/remove components, I wouldnt have to build the web chat from scratch. There is just very limited documentation I feel for this. It almost appears that the app needs to be a react app, just to host the webchat if trying to customize using the extensibilty options twilio flex team provided.
Any insight is appreciated. What I am expecting is someone saying "Unfortunately, completing customizations using NPM is only available if the web framework is react based". or something like that. Is this true or false? If it is false, how exactly can I replace a component using javascript alone?

Rally custom app creation using node.js step by step

I am very new to Rally.
I want to create a custom application using node.js toolkit.
In this application I want to retrieve iteration details like StartDate and EndDate and display them in HTML.
I was unable to find step-by-step guide to do this.
I was able to good example at https://github.com/RallyTools/rally-node/wiki/User-Guide, however I don't understand how to make custom application out of it(to use within Dashboard as custom HTML).
Please suggest how to achieve this or if this is not the right approach please suggest alternative to do this.
The node toolkit is great for writing integrations that live outside of Agile Central.
If you'd like to display something within a Custom HTML panel on a dashboard or custom page in Agile Central you'll need to write an app using the App SDK.
so I started on the a similar journey really and came across the
RallyCommunity/GettingStarted Guides..
Published on GH by David Thomas
This really helped me push through the learning curve and once you start pulling out the debugger it gets clearer and clearer especially if you tie that back to the https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/doc/webservice/ documentation..
I'd also recommend hanging around the AC SDK & Sencha ExtJS 4 docs..
Feel free to pull this apart and have a look at a simple data store example
To push the output into HTML there are various ways to do this using fly if needed or direct into the xtype's HTML property...

Jointjs with TogetherJs

I am planning of developing a web based application that would allow people to draw architectural diagrams and I want to give it the functionality of collaborating. If one user makes some changes the other could see and also make further changes if needed in real-time.
I researched and found that Jointjs and Togetherjs, if worked together can do the trick. I tried looking for integration ideas online but was unable to.
Has anybody tried using both of these together? Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying through these two libraries?
Any leads would be really appreciated.

New to PhoneGap, need guidance to get started

Ok, I've been in planning for developing a PhoneGap app for a few months, and it's come time for me to start coding. There are a few things I am confused about that I need to clear up before I can get going, because things don't seem to be going well.
To begin, I am using PhoneGap to build this app because I plan to release it to multiple platforms (primarily iOS and Android) and based on the tutorials for Objective-C that I've read, I'd much rather use JavaScript/jQuery/jQueryMobile to develop the app. If anyone thinks that these are not appropriate reasons to be using PhoneGap and that I should be using something else, please let me know.
I seem to be misunderstanding some things that are apparently self-explanatory about PhoneGap, and after hours of scouring the internet looking for answers, I can't seem to find anyone else who has had the same problems as me. To clarify, I am quite comfortable with my HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills. I literally just need to GET STARTED.
I see the terms PhoneGap and Cordova used interchangeably. From the sources I've seen they are pretty much synonymous, but I'd like to know what the ACTUAL difference is.
I'm fairly certain I have PhoneGap installed. I can run PhoneGap commands and I was able to get the basic Hello World application and run it on an iPhone emulator. I then began to make changes to the files and rebuilt and reinstalled to test it and it replaced all my changes with the original application. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I feel like I'm missing something.
Can I use other JavaScript libraries like jQuery or jQuery Mobile with PhoneGap? I'm not sure what I'm limited to, or if I can use them, what the best way is to do that.
I've seen example applications that were able to use PHP even though many sources say that you can't. How is this done?
Can multiple pages be used or is it better to modify one to make it seem like there are multiple pages?
Any other suggestions on exactly how to get started will help. Thanks!
Only edit the files in your www folder, because when you run
phonegap build ios
it copies files from the www folder into the various different platform folders (depending on which platforms you've added) and compiles an application out of them.
http://www.tricedesigns.com/ - lots of sample apps and tutorials
http://www.raymondcamden.com/ - ditto
http://coenraets.org/blog/ - ditto
http://devgirl.org/ - tutorials
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/phonegap - official group
Cordova is the open source community driven version of the framework, Phonegap is a "snapshot" of cordova at a given point that Adobe specifically supports through it's build service, there are small differences but on the whole they're more or less identical in feature set and use.
You can use any JS libraries you want, and you'd use them exactly as you would normally on the web.
PHP code cannot be used inside a phonegap/cordova app but there's nothing to stop you loading data from external sources.
Regarding multiple pages, I'd generally stick with a single page and just show/hide parts of it as needed, just so you're not having to deal with re-loading libraries on each page load and adding overhead to the app itself.
As for where to start - there's a few good books out there but you could do worse than to give this tutorial a go..

