How to draw splitting polygon continuously with Konva? - javascript

split polygon by lineArea
I want to drag LineArea to split polygon continuously with Konva.
If lineArea is a Konva.Shape. I can use following procedure to split polygon:
let prePt
prePt = this.getAbsolutePosition();
let curPt = this.getAbsolutePosition();
move split line denoted by lineArea;
split polygon by line
but how can I change lineArea's shape in dragmove event? or any improved solution is appreciated;

If I am getting this right, you want to create a kind of »sweep line« effect, such that the »lineArea« will be the intersection of the polygon and a rotated rectangle.
However, a general solution would be exactly that: The intersection of two polygons, since the rectangle/lineArea can be treated as a polygon as well. Have a look that this question, since it lists libraries that support boolean operations, whereby an intersection is one of them is paperjs.
How to compute such an Intersection is far beyond the scope of such an answer here and since this has been done already, i would recommend you to use an existing library.


Is There Any Function or Algorithm For [Draw a Feature Surrounds Another Feature]?

I have to use OpenLayers to create a logic that draws two Features.
After the user draws Feature A,
We need logic to draw Feature B that surrounds the Feature A outside.
Draw Feature A on a map.
After Feature A is drawn, the system must create Feature B that surrounds Feature A.
The final result should be the same as Image.
Feature can have 3 - 6 angles.
The length of each side is unpredictable.
The angle of each side is unpredictable.
All sides of Feature B must be made from all sides of Feature A with the distance specified by the user.
How do we solve this problem?
full source code :
Hey this looks like creating a geometry with a buffer of x (x is defined by the user).
You can use JSTS to create buffers from a geometry and then map it back to an openlayer geometry.
OpenLayers example that draws geometries with a buffer. This example uses LineString geometries but you can use any geometry.
Looking at your example you probably want sharp edges on your outer geometry so you can use a mitre line join style
var bufParams = new jsts.operation.buffer.BufferParameters();
var outer = inner.buffer(spacing, bufParams);
See docs for BufferParameters for more options.
Here is a jsfiddle that shows it.

How to traverse an array of latitude and longitude in JavaScript in an order?

I have an array of point like
aa = [ [1,2], [1,2],[2,1], [2,2], [3,1], [3,2] ]
How can I traverse through those point in an order. Fiddle here:
jsFiddle Link
I took some idea from Sort latitude and longitude coordinates into clockwise ordered quadrilateral but didn't work out
update: I think it would make sense if we add more description like traverse from A to F, with east to west direction, like shown in fig below. With this case I think we could sort the following way (noted in fig)
If you read the answer carefully, they admit that it's not an optimal path. It's simply following an arc from the selected point, and selecting in order anything that lies between the arc and the point. So imagine a pendulum swinging, and anything the bar of the pendulum touches is selected in that order.
This is not a quadrilateral path.
To make a quadrilateral path it may work if instead of calling the method from point A to all other points, you call it recursively selecting only the first point.
Basically, if instead of going from point A to all points, you use the algorithm in recursion, and after the first point is selected, you call it again with the new point. So each point is the clockwise most away from the previous point. Then after every call, you remove the selected points from the list of available points.
However, that will only work if the problem is simple. Meaning you won't have to indent your shape to select all points. So if you have points that is within the interior of a shape of outermost points, the solution will be drastically more complex.
It would require picking a point of indent, and then reversing the algorithm. Then doing that recursively.
I'd recommend ordering the points first.
Take the smallest as a point of reference then use the distance from the reference to sort.
var upper = upperLeft(points);
points.sort(function (point) {
return -point.distance(upper);
This will invert them in sequence.
Remove the - sign to start from F to A

Split weakly-simple-polygon to true simple polygon or polygons

I want to divide weakly-simple polygons into simple polygons.
The use case is to simplify polygons that are Simplified (Unioned) using Javascript Clipper. Javascript Clipper's as well as original Clipper's SimplifyPolygon() function removes self-intersections and combines common edges, but it cannot produce true simple polygons. The output is used in three.js, which has TriangulateShapes() which needs polygons to be simple. Three.js accepts polygon structures that have one contour and zero or multiple holes.
Input, weakly-simple polygons
Weakly-simple polygons cannot have sequential-duplicate-vertices (true duplicate points), nor holes (islands) nor self-intersections (edge crossing over other edge), but there can be non-sequential-multiple-vertices (vertices that have exactly the same coordinate but not as sequential). The input polygon can have either CW or CCW winding order, which means that CW input is outer polygon and CCW is a hole. The input is either CW or CCW polygon.
The input is an array of polygon points eg.:
// This is a true example of weakly-simple polygon:
var input = [{"X":270,"Y":520},{"X":130,"Y":490},{"X":210,"Y":250},{"X":60,"Y":170},{"X":130,"Y":490},{"X":20,"Y":410},{"X":60,"Y":300},{"X":60,"Y":20},{"X":780,"Y":40}, {"X":680,"Y":180},{"X":460,"Y":130},{"X":210,"Y":250},{"X":320,"Y":100},{"X":220,"Y":80}, {"X":210,"Y":250},{"X":520,"Y":250},{"X":680,"Y":180},{"X":770,"Y":480},{"X":540,"Y":470}, {"X":520,"Y":250},{"X":380,"Y":280},{"X":430,"Y":390},{"X":540,"Y":470},{"X":270,"Y":520},{"X":330,"Y":350},{"X":210,"Y":250}];
This is the above input polygon as an image:
And here are the points numbered, where you can easily see what points are duplicates:
As you see, the above polygon can be divided in multiple ways, eg.:
- One outer polygon with five holes
- five outer polygons of which one has one hole
Output, simple polygons as a exPolygon structure
Simple polygon is a polygon that have no self-intersections, no duplicate coordinates whether they were sequential or non-sequential, no holes. The output's simple polygon can have CW or CCW winding order. CW means outer and CCW holes.
The output can have (and in many times there will be) holes, but in certain cases the output has no holes. The output has always at least one outer polygon, but there can be also multiple outer polygons that have zero or more holes.
The output should be an array of exPolygon objects that have properties "outer" and "holes". "outer" is an array of point objects, "holes" is an array of arrays of point objects. If "holes" is populated, the holes in it have to be holes of "outer" polygon in the exPolygon object.
The example of output:
// This is an example of output, but the points are random:
[ { "outer": [{"X":54,"Y":4},{"X":2,"Y":50},{"X":30,"Y":5},{"X":10,"Y":50}],
"holes": [ [{"X":0,"Y":8},{"X":60,"Y":13},{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":3,"Y":1}],
[{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":50,"Y":2},{"X":6,"Y":1}] ] },
{ "outer": [{"X":54,"Y":4},{"X":2,"Y":50},{"X":30,"Y":5},{"X":10,"Y":50}],
"holes": [ [{"X":0,"Y":8},{"X":60,"Y":13},{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":3,"Y":1}],
[{"X":21,"Y":2},{"X":50,"Y":2},{"X":6,"Y":1}] ] },
{ "outer": [{"X":54,"Y":4},{"X":2,"Y":50},{"X":30,"Y":5},{"X":10,"Y":50}],
"holes": [] }
Output's "outer" polygons are CW, and "holes" are CCW.
There is no limit for counts of points in polygons, count of exPolygons objects nor count of holes.
Here are other examples of weakly simple polygons:
Example of division
Here is an example of input polygon:
Here is how it could be divided:
Some other polygons can have multiple possible alternatives of ouput depending where are the pseudo-duplicate-points.
My question
How the polygons can be divided this way and the desired output structure achieved? I'm not asking full code (but if you have some spare time and want to show that it is possible). Thoughts of possible algorithms are also welcome.
I have searched hours a solution and tried to find an algorithm.
In case you want to try a solution, I have here a code which I have used to find the duplicates: It shows the polygon in SVG and shows the points as red circles and an array index of each point (after pressing button "Run with JS").
Here is the same, but with 12 example polygons (change pindex in Javascript window to change the polygon):
EDIT: Javascript Clipper 6 is available now and there is support for StrictlySimple. But according to the documentation "There's currently no guarantee that polygons will be strictly simple since 'simplifying' is still a work in progress". I have tested StrictlySimple and it fails in certain cases: Orientation problems and lack of rotation invariance. We hope these are fixed soon and StrictlySimple works as expected.
There may be something that I'm missing, but this looks like a classic problem of finding the articulation vertex of a graph. Essentially you're trying to find the weakest point in a graph such that when you cut the graph at that point, you end up with two separate graphs. So in your example, if you cut the polygon at that vertex, you end up with multiple polygons. You can represent your polygons quite easy as a graph, with each vertex representing a graph vertex, and the polygon edges as graph edges.
If I had to solve the problem, this is the approach that I would take. You can check out the following resources:
Articulation vertices from the Algorithm Design Manual - This is your best bet. He explains the algorithm in simple terms and also gives you C code that you can easily translate into JavaScript. If I had to start writing an algorithm, this is where I would start.
Biconnected component
Detection of Articulation Points (search for "articulation")
I'll try and give you a brief overview of the problem and the solution to point you in the right direction. An implementation of this algorithm using graphs will necessarily go into graph-algorithm terminologies, so if you are not familiar with graphs, you might want to read up on them.
The brute-force approach in your case would be to traverse the graph, temporarily delete each vetex and then see if the graph is connected when doing a DFS/BFS traversal on the modified graph. This is not very efficient and will run in quadratic time O(n(m + n)). But there is a linear-time algorithm that is based on classifying the edges of the resultant DFS tree that is formed from a DFS traversal.
In a DFS tree that doesn't contain any back-edges (edges connecting a "lower" node to a node "higher" in the tree [assuming "higher" nodes are those closer to the root]) leaf nodes are not articulation nodes, since deleting any one of them will still leave the graph connected. However, deleting any of the internal nodes will disconnect any nodes that follow it from the root.
Deleting the root of the tree depends on whether it has one or more children. If it has just one child, then it's more-or-less a leaf and so deleting it will have no effect. However, deleting a root node that has more than one child will disconnect the graph.
But in a general graph, you can have back-edges and so deleting any of the nodes in between will not disconnect the graph. So figuring out the articulation vertices boils down to figuring out which sections of the tree are linked to ancestor nodes by back edges (i.e., figuring out the "reachable ancestor" of a vertex).
In the page I linked to from the Algorithm Design Manual, Skiena describes three cases where a vertex can be an articulation vertex (root, bridge, and parent cut-nodes). Using the algorithm he describes, you can figure out if the vertex you are processing, meets any of those conditions. If it does, it is an articulation node.
Hopefully this helps you get started!

Javascript physics engine and simulated infinite curve

I'm trying to do a Tiny Wings like in javascript.
I first saw a technique using Box2D, I'm using the closure-web version (because of the memory leaks fix).
In short, I explode the curve into polygons so it looks like that:
I also tried with Chipmunk-js and I use the segment shape to simulate my ground like that:
In both cases, I'm experiencing some "crashes" or "bumps" at the common points between polygons or segments when a circle is rolling.
I asked about it for Chipmunk and the author said he implemented a radius property for the segment to reduce this behavior. I tried and it indeed did the trick but it's not perfect. I still have some bumps(I had to set to 30px of radius to get a positive effect).
The "bumps" append at the shared points between two polygons :
Using, as illandril suggested to me, the edging technique (he only tested with polygon-polygon contact) to avoid the circle to crash on an edge:
Also tried to add the bullet option as Luc suggested and nothing seems to change.
Here the demo of the issue.
You can try to change the value to check :
bullet option
edge size
iterations count
the physics
(only tested on latest dev Chrome)
Be patient (or change the horizontal gravity) and you'll see what I mean.
Here the repo for the interested.
The best solution is edge shapes with ghost vertices, but if that's not available in the version/port you're using, the next best thing is like the diagram in your question called 'edging', but extend the polygons further underground with a very shallow slope, like in this thread:
I first thought the problem could come from the change of slope between two adjacent segments, but since on a flat surface of polygons you still have bumps I think the problem is rather hitting the corner of a polygon.
I don't know if you can set two sets of polygons, overlapping each other ? Just use the same interpolation calculations and generate a second set of polygons just like in the diagram hereafter : you have the red set of polygons built and add the green set by setting the left vertices of a green polygon in the middle of a red polygon, and its right vertices in the middle of the next red polygon.
This should work on concave curves and... well you should be flying over the convex ones anyway.
If this doesn't work try setting a big number of polygons to build the slope. Use a tenth of the circle's radius for the polygon's width, maybe even less. That should reduce your slope discontinuities.
-- Edit
In Box2D.js line 5082 (in this repo at least) you have the PreSolve(contact, manifold) function that you can override to check if the manifolds (directions in which the snowball are impulsed when colliding the polygons) are correct.
To do so, you would need to recover the manifold vector and compare it to the normal of the curve. It should look like that (maybe not exactly) :
Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactListener.prototype.PreSolve = function (contact, oldManifold) {
// contact instanceof Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2Contact == true
var localManifold, worldManifold, xA, xB, man_vect, curve_vect, normal_vect, angle;
localManifold = contact.GetManifold();
if(localManifold.m_pointCount == 0)
return; // or raise an exception
worldManifold = new Box2D.Collision.b2WorldManifold();
contact.GetWorldManifold( worldManifold );
// deduce the impulse direction from the manifold points
man_vect = worldManifold.m_normal.Copy();
// we need two points close to & surrounding the collision to compute the normal vector
// not sure this is the right order of magnitude
xA = worldManifold.m_points[0].x - 0.1;
xB = worldManifold.m_points[0].x + 0.1;
// now we have the abscissas let's get the ordinate of these points on the curve
// the subtraction of these two points will give us a vector parallel to the curve
var SmoothConfig;
SmoothConfig = {
params: {
method: 'cubic',
clip: 'mirror',
cubicTension: 0,
deepValidation: false
options: {
averageLineLength: .5
// get the points, smooth and smooth config stuff here
smooth = Smooth(global_points,SmoothConfig);
curve_vect = new Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2(xB, smooth(xB)[1]);
curve_vect.Subtract(new Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2(xA, smooth(xA)[1]));
// now turn it to have a normal vector, turned upwards
normal_vect = new Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2(-curve_vect.y, curve_vect.x);
if(normal_vect.y > 0)
worldManifold.m_normal = normal_vect.Copy();
// and finally compute the angle between the two vectors
angle = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Math.Dot(man_vect, normal_vect);
$('#angle').text("" + Math.round(Math.acos(angle)*36000/Math.PI)/100 + "°");
// here try to raise an exception if the angle is too big (maybe after a few ms)
// with different thresholds on the angle value to see if the bumps correspond
// to a manifold that's not normal enough to your curve
I'd say the problem has been tackled in Box2D 2.2.0 , see its manual, section 4.5 "Edge Shapes"
The thing is it's a feature of the 2.2.0 version, along with the chainshape thing, and the box2dweb is actually ported from 2.2.1a - don't know about box2dweb-closure.
Anything I've tried by modifying Box2D.Collision.b2Collision.CollidePolygonAndCircle has resulted in erratic behaviour. At least a part of the time (e.g. ball bumping in random directions, but only when it rolls slowly).

Drawing half of a Bezier path in Raphael

Let's say I have a cubic Bezier path as follows (formatted for use with the Raphael path function):
M55 246S55 247 55 248
Just an example. This was taken from my drawing application, where I use the cursor to draw a line when the user holds the mouse button down, kind of like a pencil or marker. I'm using jquery's mousemove event to draw the line between two points every time the user moves the mouse. There is another (the reference point) that is taken before the line is drawn, so that the Bezier curve can be created.
Here's my question: is it possible to make Raphael only draw half of a given path? I'm aware of the getSubpath() function, but if my understanding of Bezier curves is correct, it would be rather difficult to calculate the second argument. The problem with the animate function is that it creates double lines (that is, it creates the curved line that I want, and the boxy line around it which should not be shown, possibly because the mouse is being moved faster than the animation can handle).
Of course, if my approach itself is flawed in some way (or my understanding of the possible solutions), I'd like to hear it. Any help would be appreciated.
It is a bit messy, but maybe this will answer it:
line[line.length] = paper.path(drawPath); //drawPath being the fill line length
//get a subpath, being half the length of your bezier curve
subPath = line[line.length - 1].getSubpath(0, line[line.length - 1].getTotalLength()/2);
//remove the full-length bezier curve
line[line.length - 1].remove();
//Draw your new line
line[line.length - 1] = paper.path(subpath);
Honestly, this this is quite inefficient. But, I can't think of a better way to go about it. You can't just grab the tangent and divide by half, since a bezier curve will be longer the length of a tangent line (as a crow flies). This means that you must process the line via rapheal and then get a subPath of half the length.
The middle point can be calculated, not aware of any functionality in Raphael that will cut the bezier in half for you.
From the looks of those commands, it's standard SVG markup (see the SVG spec to understand it better:
M=> MoveTo the absolute position 55,24
S=> Smooth Curve to the absolute 55,247 55,248
Smooth curve can be rewritten as a standard CurveTo or C if you want, S is only the shorthand for it and the curveto / C you can easily calculate the center point.
Splitting a bezier curve in half is just a bit of math, nothing too hard. You might be helped by the path extensions for raphaël, and it should be pretty simple to add a method there to do the splitting.
The "just a bit of math" part could e.g use De Castelau's algorithm for splitting the curve at any given point.

