Assign views randomly using an array - react native - javascript

I'm trying to come up with a way of randomly inserting views into a flexbox grid I've made in my app. The app looks like this
I have an array which will have a maximum of 6 elements, however these can change.
I want to insert these elements into the grid at random, however it's proving to be more difficult than I expected.
I grab the array asynchronously, so it needs to update on the fly.
Can anyone recommend any way of doing this? I'd post the code I've tried but it's pretty useless up to now.


Compare and print HTML DOM diffs

I am pretty struggling with this task. I want to run a program that compares 2 HTMLs and prints the diffs in its DOMS.
Using JAVA
the diffs that interest me are - which elements were deleted, which were added, and which changed location?
I came across Jsoup and thought of combining it with selenium but couldn't really understand how and I struggle with it. I dont mind to use any other lib
My goal is to track the URL layout, so I need to know
1. How do initially save the URL layout?
2. How do I compare the "original" saved layout, with the new "production up to date" layout and print the relevant diffs?

Way to implement lazy loading in Angular

I currently am working on a web application based on AngularJS. On few screens, I have to repeat an array object to display multiple tiles on screen.
The data however is not much but the rendering on DOM is taking too much time, due to multiple directive compilation for each of the tiles.
On another screen, I am using highcharts library to plot 4 series for each such object in the array.
So, to improve the performances, I am thinking on the lines to restrict DOM rendering only to view-port area. I have gone through few external libraries in jQuery that provides such implementation but I am looking for a pure and simple AngularJS based idea.
One thing I tried was using limitTo in ng-repeat. It reduces DOM manipulation to limited data. However, I am looking for a technique that would fetch data from server as and when required as per user scrolling.
Is there a simple method to do so on Client side? Should I go for handling scroll event and call server for data.
An easy way to improve performance is indeed by paging the results. If you want to page items by scrolling you might want to take a look at ngInfiniteScroll.

How to speed up AngularJS rendering with big scopes?

I'm developping an angular app right now for my company, but I reached a point where the app became extremely slow so I tried tunning it by using onetimebind everywhere I can, track by ...but it's faster to load at first but still laggy, it is composed of a pretty much huge nested objects, I've counted the total number of objects, it starts at 680 and can go up to +6000 for normal use of the app, oh yeah I should precise that the app is generating a form and pretty much +90% of the objects in the scope belongs to an input and are updated each time the client click(radio) keyup/change(text).
It also have like 5/6 arrays composed of objects and the array gets bigger/smaller accodring to the clients choice, and that's where it gets laggy, each time I add an object to the array, it takes like a second to render it, so I tried using nested controllers thinking that if the child of an object is updated Angular will render only this child and not all the others, but somehow the app got even slower and laggier :s (it's a bit faster when I use ng-show instead of ng-if but the memory used jumps from ~50Mb to ~150Mb)
I should also precise that the form is in a wizard style, and not all the inputs are displayed at once, the number of inputs that are displayed are between 10%-20% of the total inputs
Has anyone encountred this problem before? does anyone know how to deal with big scopes?
Sad to say, but that's intrinsic of the view rendering in angular.
An update in the model triggers a potential redraw of the entire view. No matter if you have elements hidden or not. The two way data binding can really kill performances. You can consider evaluate if you need to render the view only once, in that case there are optimizations, but I'm assuming that your form change dynamically, therefore a 2 way data binding is necessary.
You can try to work around this limitation but encapsulate sub part of the entire MVC. In this way a contained controllers only update the specific view associated to that scope.
You may want to consider using react (that has as first goal to address exactly your use case)
Have a look at this blog post for a comparison of the rendering pipeline between angular and react Js.

reshuffling table columns with D3 or Angular

Hi fellow Javascripters,
I am using both Angular and D3 in my project (no jQuery, which I intend to keep this way). One thing that I want to support is to enable users to play with 'raw' tabular data. So, data from a CSV is loaded into my app and displayed in a plain old fashioned table (currently with Angulars ng-repeat). However, I now want to be able to animate that columns of the table get reshuffled. So, as a simple example, I would programmatically want to switch column 2 with column 4 and this transition must be D3-like. Furthermore, easily dragging whole columns to other positions should be possible.
Since I am not really experienced with working with jqLite inside Angular directives, my preference would go out to a solution based on D3. I can then see two possible solutions:
Render all of the data in a regular table using the D3 append functionality. Whenever column order changes, somehow reconstruct the table and create a smooth transition.
Simulate a table with div's and css (not looking forward to that though), to enable easy repositioning of data.
Since both solutions are far from trivial (I would say), I would really like to have some opinions. Do you see any other solutions for me? And if one of these two solutions seems right for you, how would you go about implementing them?
Thanks in advance!

ExtJS Grid storing Cell State automagically

I am porting quite a huge piece of software to an ExtJS Grid. Lots of data (and I mean lots of data) is loaded on-demand into spans that are placed inside grid's cells.
Imagine grid cells having <span id="foo_bar'></span> as content, and special ajax handlers are polling the backend for updated information and once available the spans are filled with it.
Now, in case I collapse some part of the grid and then re-exand them again I loose all automatically filled cell content, and am left with empty spans (which I started from in the first place).
I know the correct way is to setup a store and push all data into the store. But as I've mentioned above: I am porting quite a huge piece of legacy software to ExtJS, and I do not really have much choice here.
Is there a way to automagically push grid cell values to the store?
A grid is loaded with, suppose, 2000 cells (this can vary tremendously). Every cell contains various grades of HTML, mostly this is , but this can be pretty much anything (including several spans or divs in one cell). In the background there is a comet process pushing new data to the HTML page almost in real time. This data is populated to the corresponding SPANS and DIVs either based on their IDs or class or both.
What I want to achieve is that either:
a) the model for the grid is atomagically updated with the new html content of the cells (how can I achieve this)?
b) when collapsing/expanding tree's nodes the model data is NOT reloaded afresh.
Is either a or b possible? if so — how?
Just update your store when the 'special ajax handlers' successfully return values. In staid of manually messing with the dom.
so in the success callback do something like -> loadData()
Seems like you are working with very bad legacy code :) If adding a simple line of code to the ajax handler is a tremendous effort.. You can however attach dom listeners, but it's very bad practice. Here are some events to listen to
Here is an example of the use of how you could listen to dom events, it's rather a pure js solution but, meh.. it works..

