Javascript How to push item in object - javascript

var data = {items: [
{id: "1", name: "Snatch", type: "crime"}
And I would like to add the mark's key.
So the result would be:
var data = {items: [
{id: "1", name: "Snatch", type: "crime", mark:"10"}
How can I do ?
I tried to do data.items.push({"mark": "10"}) but it adds another object which is not what I want.

Access the correct index and simply set the property
data.items[0].mark = "10";

You may not need push here because you want to create a new key to n existig object. Here you need dot (.) to create a new key
var data = {
items: [{
id: "1",
name: "Snatch",
type: "crime"
data.items[0].mark = "10";

And, if you want add β€œmark” property to all the items:
data.items.forEach(function(item, index) {
data.items[index].mark = 10;


JavaScript Get Indexes based from the Selected Array of Object Id

Today, I'm trying to get the list of javascript index based from the selected data id that I have.
I'm following this guide from where it needs something like this: checkedRows: [data[1], data[3]] to able to check the specific row in the table.
What I need to do is to check the table based from my web API response.
I have this sample response data. // value is [{id: 1234}, {id: 83412}]
and I have the sample data from the table.
const data = [{
id: 1234,
name: 'Jojo'
id: 43221,
name: 'Jeff'
id: 83412,
name: 'Kacey'
So basically, I need to have something, dynamically, like this: checkedRows: [data[0], data[2]] because it matches the data from the
So far, I tried using forEach
let selectedIndex = []; => { => {
if ( {
// need the result to be dynamic depending on the
this.checkedRows = [data[0], data[2]]
I'm stuck here because I'm not sure how can I get the index that matches the selected checkedRows from response.
Any help?
Map the response checkedRows, and in the callback, .find the matching object in the array:
const checkedRows = [{id: 1234}, {id: 83412}];
const data = [{
id: 1234,
name: 'Jojo'
id: 43221,
name: 'Jeff'
id: 83412,
name: 'Kacey'
const objs ={ id }) => (
data.find(obj => === id)
If there are a lot of elements, you can use a Set of the IDs to find instead to decrease the computational complexity:
const checkedRows = [{id: 1234}, {id: 83412}];
const data = [{
id: 1234,
name: 'Jojo'
id: 43221,
name: 'Jeff'
id: 83412,
name: 'Kacey'
const ids = new Set({ id }) => id));
const objs = data.filter(obj => ids.has(;

Update nested data arrays of object (Redux)

I have an issue with updating the immutable redux and quite nested data. Here's an example of my data structure and what I want to change. If anyone could show me the pattern of accessing this update using ES6 and spread operator I would be thankful. πŸ˜€
const formCanvasInit = {
id: guid(),
fieldRow: [{
id: guid(),
fieldGroup: [
{ type: 'text', inputFocused: true }, // I want to change inputFocused value
{ type: 'text', inputFocused: false },
// ...
This should do the trick, assuming the data is set up exactly as shown, with the given array indices:
const newData = {
fieldRow: [{
fieldGroup: [
{ ...formCanvasInit.fieldRow[0].fieldGroup[0], inputFocused: newValue },
...formCanvasInit.fieldRow[0].fieldGroup.slice(1, formCanvasInit.fieldRow[0].fieldGroup.length)
If index of the element to be changed is to be determined dynamically, you'll need to use functionality such as filter to find and remove the array element you're updating, and then spread the corresponding subarrays by editing the structure of the call to slice.
Try using Immutability Helper
I think in your structure, like this
let news = update(formCanvasInit, {
fieldRow: [{
fieldGroup: [
{ $set: {type: "number", inputFocused: false}}
I've tried it
Click Me
This is a longer solution but might help you as your redux state grows. I've also changed some of the values in the original state to make a clearer explanation.
const formCanvasInit = {
fieldRow: [
id: 1001,
fieldGroup: [
{type: 'text1', inputFocused: true}, // I want to change inputFocused value
{type: 'text2', inputFocused: false},
id: 1002,
fieldGroup: [
{type: 'text3', inputFocused: true},
{type: 'text4', inputFocused: true},
// the id of the field row to update
const fieldRowID = 1001;
// the value of the field type to update
const fieldTypeValue = 'text1';
const fieldRow = [...formCanvasInit.fieldRow];
// obtain the correct fieldRow object
const targetFieldRowIndex = formCanvasInit.fieldRow.findIndex(fR => === fieldRowID);
let fieldRowObj = targetFieldRowIndex && formCanvasInit.fieldRow[targetFieldRowIndex];
// obtain that fieldRow object's fieldGroup
const fieldGroup = [...fieldRowObj.fieldGroup];
// obtain the correct object in fieldGroup
const fieldIndex = fieldGroup.findIndex(fG => fG.type === fieldTypeValue);
const fieldToChange = fieldIndex && fieldGroup[fieldIndex];
// replace the old object in selected fieldGroup with the updated one
fieldGroup.splice(fieldIndex, 1, {...fieldToChange, inputFocused: false});
// update the target fieldRow object
fieldRowObj = {...fieldRowObj, fieldGroup};
// replace the old fieldGroup in selected fieldRow with the updated one
fieldRow.splice(targetFieldRowIndex, 1, fieldRowObj);
// create the new formCanvasInit state
const newFormCanvasInit = {...formCanvasInit, fieldRow};

json object from javascript nested array

I'm using a nested array with the following structure:
arr[0]["id"] = "example0";
arr[0]["name"] = "name0";
arr[1]["id"] = "example1";
arr[1]["name"] = "name1";
arr[2]["id"] = "example2";
arr[2]["name"] = "name2";
now I'm trying to get a nested Json Object from this array
id: example0,
name: name00,
id: example1,
name: name01,
id: example2,
name: name02,
I tought it would work with JSON.stringify(arr); but it doesen't :(
I would be really happy for a solution.
Thank you!
If you are starting out with an array that looks like this, where each subarray's first element is the id and the second element is the name:
const array = [["example0", "name00"], ["example1", "name01"], ["example2", "name02"]]
You first need to map it to an array of Objects.
const arrayOfObjects = => ({
id: el[0],
name: el[1]
Then you can call JSON.stringify(arrayOfObjects) to get the JSON.
You need to make a valid array:
arr = [
id: 'example0',
name: 'name00',
id: 'example1',
name: 'name01',
id: 'example2',
name: 'name02',
Note that I am assigning the array to a variable here. Also, I use [] to create an array where your original code had {}.

JS – How to build a dynamic nested object of arrays with objects etc. from string

This is a nice evening project, but actually i'm stuck with some headache.
All I need is a function like this example:
result = set("itemCategories[0].items[0].name", "Test")
which should return:
{ itemCategories: [
items: [ {name: "Test"} ]
...and in case of the given attribute "itemCategories[1].items[2].name" this result:
{ itemCategories: [
items: [
{name: "Test"}
Use lodash#set:
result = lodash.set({}, "itemCategories[0].items[0].name", "Test")
If you are asking about the vanilla JavaScript Set method then you could do this.
/* this is what you are trying to get.
{ itemCategories: [
items: [ {name: "Test"} ]
var mySet = new Set(); // your set object.
Create your data (number, text, string, object, array, null).
ver data1 = 365;
ver data2 = 'Dragonfly';
ver data3 = {name: 'Bobby', age: 20000, job: 'dj'};
Then you just add to that set using its add method.
So to get what you are looking for you would write this.
var itms = {items: [{name: 'test'}]};
The good thing about set is that is like an array. So you can use forEach.
mySet.forEach( function(val){
console.log(val); // gets all your data.
You can even check if a value is in your data using the has method.
mySet.has(365); // true
mySet.has(36500000); as false
JavaScript Set

Is there any key/value pair structure in JavaScript?

I want to store information like:
array(manager) = {"Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"};
array(employee) = {"namit","amit","sushil"};
array(hr) = {"priya","seema","nakul"};
What kind of data structure can I use?
You can use arrays to store list of data ; and objects for key-value
In you case, you'd probably use both :
var data = {
'manager': ["Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"],
'employee': ["namit","amit","sushil"],
'hr': ["priya","seema","nakul"]
Here, data is an object ; which contains three arrays.
An object:
var myobj = {
"manager": ["Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"],
"employee": ["namit","amit","sushil"],
"hr": ["priya","seema","nakul"]
alert(myobj['employee'][1]); // Outputs "amit"
A normal object will do:
var a = {
key1: "value1",
key2: ["value2.1","value2.2"]
Access with:
With ES2015/ES6 you have Map type.
Using Map your code will look like
const map = new Map([
['manager', ['Prateek', 'Rudresh', 'Prashant']],
['employee', ['namit', 'amit', 'sushil']],
['hr', ['priya', 'seema', 'nakul']]
To get Individual value you can use Map.get('key') method
you could store them in an array of objects:
var Staff = [
{ name: 'Prateek', role: manager },
{ name: 'Rudresh', role: manager },
{ name: 'Prashant', role: manager },
{ name: 'Namit', role: employee },
{ name: 'Amit', role: employee },
{ name: 'Sushil', role: employee },
{ name: 'Priya', role: hr },
{ name: 'Seema', role: hr },
{ name: 'Nakul', role: hr },
adding an ID attribute might be useful too depending on your application. i.e
{ id: 223, name: 'Prateek', role: manager },
Or use JSON like this. A little change of your pseudo code, but it will be serchable and extendable.
var Person = [
"name": "Prateek",
"position": "manager"},
"name": "James",
"position": "employee"}
Yes there is:
var theArray = {};
theArray["manager"] = ["Prateek","Rudresh","Prashant"];
theArray["employee"] = ["namit","amit","sushil"];
theArray["hr"] = ["priya","seema","nakul"];
Even you can use stuff as below :-
var obj = new Object(); = 'Jatin'; = 'Delhi';

