How to extract an HTTP URL using vanilla Javascript? - javascript

I want to extract the first URL from the following string using vanilla Javascript.
var str = 'Anhang 72306';
var pattern = /^http(.*?)(")/g;
var match = pattern.exec(str);
What would be a good search command or regex? Please note that there is a second URL-like string later in the string that I don't want to extract.

It's not regex but here is a solution :
var str = 'Anhang 72306';
var url = str.split('href=')[1].substring(1).split('"')[0];
I first split the string on "href=", then I take the second part of the split, remove the first quote and split again on quote


How to remove a a substring followed by a dynamic string from a string?

I have the following string
And I want to get the results as
search/period/value By removing the year/20212022-2/ from the above string. The year is static but 20212022-2 is dynamic.
How could I do this in jQuery?
You can do it easily with a regular expression:
var str = 'search/year/20212022-2/period/value';
var regex = /(year\/[0-9\-]+\/)/g;
console.log(str.replace(regex, ''));
year/20212022-2 can be in any location inside the string. Just want to remove year followed by a / and string and then again a /
In this case use a regex to find /year/ followed by a string of numbers and hyphens to be replaced, like this:
let input = "search/year/20212022-2/period/value";
let output = input.replace(/\/year\/[\d-]+/g, '');

Javascript RegEx contains

I'm using Javascript RegEx to compare if a string matches a standart format.
I have this variable called inputName, which has the following format (sample):
And what I want to achieve with Javascript's regex is to determine if the string has the following but contains _team in between those brackets.
I tried the following:
var inputName = "input[name='data[product][tool_team]']";
var teamPattern = /\input[name='data[product][[_team]]']/g;
var matches = inputName.match(teamPattern);
I just get null with the result I gave as an example.
To be honest, RegEx isn't really my area, so I suppose it's wrong.
A couple of things:
You need to escape [ and ] as they have special meaning in regex
You need .* (or perhaps [^[]*) in front of _team if you want to allow anything there ([^[]* means "anything but a [ repeated zero or more times)
Example if you just want to know if it matches:
var string = "input[name='data[product][tool_team]']";
var teamPattern = /input\[name='data\[product\]\[[^[]*_team\]'\]/;
Example if you need to capture the xyz_team bit:
var string = "input[name='data[product][tool_team]']";
var teamPattern = /input\[name='data\[product\]\[([^[]*_team)\]'\]/;
var match = string.match(teamPattern);
console.log(match ? match[1] : "no match");
If you are trying to check for DOM elements you can use attribute contains or attribute equals selector

regex get part of the link
need to get "This-Part-I-Need-To-Get", with "-" symbols and capital letters at the wordstart.
All I managed to do is "/([A-Z-])\w+/g", that returns
"This" "-Part" "-I" "-Need" "-To" "-Get" "F1ST2", but I don`t need "F1ST2".
How should I do it?
It might depend on URL format, but at this point:
var url = '';
Try this regex
Here is a SNIPPET
var url = '';
As #MichałSałaciński said, you should consider using split function.
BTW, if you wan't to use regular expressions, then this one will work if url format does not change : [^\/]+(?=(?:\/\w+){2}\/)
var re = /[^\/]+(?=(?:\/\w+){2}\/)/
var url = ""
if(re.test(url)) {
// URL match regex pattern, we can safely get full match
var value = re.exec(url)[0];
[^\/]+ Any character but a slash n times
(?=...) Followed by
(?:\/\w+){2}\/ a slash and any word character (2 times) then a slash
Solution 2
This one also works using captured group 1: :\/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)
var re = /:\/\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)/;
var url = "";
if(re.test(url)) {
// URL match regex pattern, we can safely get group 1 value
var value = re.exec(url)[1];
console.log(value );

Substring a part of a string using angularjs

I have a string like this string(1), I want to get substring remove the last part to obtain just string any suggestions please!!
PS.the string could be: sringggg(125).
You can use various options to get the desired string.
//With regular expression with split() and fetch the first element of array
//Using string with split() and fetch the first element of array
//Using substr and indexOf
var str = 'sringggg(125)'
console.log(str.substr(0, str.indexOf('(')));
If string is always in same pattern and ' ( ' is a separator use split .
var string = 'string(1)'
var result = string .split('(')[0];
Try using regexp
var tesst = "string(1)"
var test = tesst.match(/^[^\(]+/);
// test = "string"

Grab the end of a URL after the last slash with regex in javascript

I need to be able to grab the number at the end of the url, and set it as the value of a textbox. I have the following, but it's not correctly stripping out the beginning of the URL before the last slash. Instead, its doing the opposite.
<input id="imageid"></input>
var referrerURL = "";
var assetID = referrerURL.match("^(.*[\\\/])");
The result of the regex match should set the value of the text box to 750 in this case.
JSFiddle: Link
The simple method is to use a negated character class as
Regex Demo
var referrerURL = "";
// Output
// => 750
Can use a simple split() and then pop() the resultant array
var assetID = referrerURL.split('/').pop();
Easier to read than a regex thus very clear what it is doing
var referrerURL = "";
var myregexp = /.*\/(.*?)$/;
var match = myregexp.exec(referrerURL);
<script src=""></script>
<input id="imageid"></input>
You could try avoiding the usage of regular expression for this task just by using native javascript's string functions.
Splitting the text:
var lastSlashToken = referrerURL.split("/").pop(-1);
Looking up for the last ending "/text" token:
var lastSlashToken = referrerURL.substr(referrerURL.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
However, if you still want to use regular expression for this task, you could try using the following pattern:
Working DEMO example # regex101

