Javascript Angular 6 change security through browser dev tools - javascript

Good afternoon in my timezone
I am new to SPA and i am learning Angular.
I am in the Route Guards chapters.
My question is :
How can we prevent the users from change the code through the browser Dev tools for instance ? In the back end , the code is in the server machine, but in this applications , the code is sent open to the client machine.
If this is not possible to prevent why should we used it ?
If there is some blogs or book regarding this subject it be very appreciated
Thanks in advance
Best Regards

You can't do that, but your (let's say admin page) which is guarded, enables the user to access some APIs in the backend, now those APIs should require authorization on the server, using tokens or however you implemented your authentication.
So that only valid users (in this case admins) can use that API.
So if the user is hacky enough, he will be able to access that page on the frontend, however all API calls will be denied by your backend.


Node.js + Ember.js Login System

I have a server running node.js and my client-side is in ember.js.
I'm trying to implement a login system but there is not much on the interner about these two tools working together. I've got a simple authentication system
But what I need to do is the $_SESSION part like in php.
I can login and get my information right away but I don't know how to remain logged in to forbid/allow to go trough certain pages. I need some cookies or something but not quite seeing how I'm going to do this with these two tools.
Thanks in advance
Here are two examples of handling sessions/authentication and login in ember
here is a ember-addon
you can store the session token in a cookie, so that when the page is closed the application can retrieve it.
you can send the session token to your nodejs api to authorize the user to whatever resources you are using

Get username in WCF service from web client on Windows and Citrix

My current project constists of 2 components:
a WCF server application
a purely client-sided (javascript, jQuery, TypeScript etc) website which consumes the service.
When the client saves data to my database via the WCF service, I need to log who made the last modification to that data.
To do this I need the username of the account the client website's browser is running under.
Browser support needs to be:
IE 10/11.
I don't want to create a login form for my website, I want the user to be able to open the website and be logged on using their Windows/Citrix account.
Javascript can't get to the account username because of security concerns obviously.
Any suggestions?
I have a experimental answer for you. Not sure but posible to work correctly. I think, you can activate impersonation and basic authentication on iis. Then client(browsers) ask credentials to client. In service layer, you can enable impersonation too. but only iis impersonation may enough.

oAuth2 authentication on a JavaScript app

I'm planning to refactor a legacy Rails 2 app by splitting the logic into a RESTful API, and the view into a separate Javascript client. The API itself will be protected by oAuth2. This is basically the second option explained on this question:
Separate REST JSON API server and client?
There's a lot of questions out there concerning the security of using oAuth with a JS app, the main concern seems to be that storing the access token on the client is a bad idea since it acts as a password and someone that has physical access to the computer can hijack the user's identity. A possible solution I've read is to expire the access token every 1h or so and use the refresh token stored on Yahoo's YQL to request a new token when necessary. This doesn't looks to me like a good solution since at the end you'll need again a token to access the YQL service.
But at the end, aren't we facing the same problem as when using persistent sessions? I mean, AFAIK, the common method to keep the session alive across browser opening/closing (when you tick "remember me") is to generate a token associated to a user and store it both on the DB and on a long-living cookie. So again, anyone with access to this cookie has the "key" to your session. AFAIK this is the method all the "big guys" use.
I am right? And if I am, aren't we worrying too much about something that we cannot control at all? Of course I'm talking about those applications where an intrusion is not too harmful for the user like social networks, blogs, forums, etc.

Chrome Extension + Devise + Rails App - Making authenticated requests from extension?

I'm building a chrome extension that facilitates the creation of contacts straight from the browser without needing to go to my devise-powered rails app itself. Contacts#Create requires authentication so I'm wondering how I can do send authenticated requests from the extension.
I've enabled devise TokenAuthenticatable and so my users have an authtoken. I've written a method in my extensions js that posts to my rails app's contacts#create action. For testing, I've simply hard coded my own auth token in, which seems to work. But how can the extension access the auth tokens for users? It doesn't seem right/secure to store this token into a cookie.
I think I'm supposed to use chrome.cookies to access and do something with my app's session info somehow. But I only get a sessionID here.
any help appreciated!
Although not from a chrome extension, I was building something similar that would work from terminal. I ended up bypassing devise and creating by own token authentication that would allow users to access just the one controller#action I needed. That way you can minimize the damage if the token gets stolen.
So anyway, I would allow users to generate (and regenerate) tokens within the rails app interface and make it so that the extension asks for the token on the very first launch. I'd store the token itself in localStorage.
You can also check authentifiation_tokenstored in your app cookie.
You can achieve this using the chrome.cookies.getAll() method detailed here -

PhoneGap and OAuth2

I am developing a PhoneGap application and require my users to sign in through Google with OAuth2. Is this possible directly through JavaScript? I have almost no experience with JavaScript (and jQuery).
What are the options? I have thought of a cumbersome alternative which involves posting the username/password to an application I have hosted on a server which then takes care of logging in. Then the PhoneGap app will have to ask the server if the authentication was successful. However, I was hoping there would be a simpler way.
What is the best way signing in through Google on a PhoneGap app?
I have managed to get it working! I'm posting my thoughts here because I had a hard time finding the answer after hours of searching the web.
The important steps are:
Make sure ChildBrowser works properly
Setup a function that will listen to page changes
window.plugins.childBrowser.onLocationChange = function(fooUrl) { console.log(fooUrl); }
Build the URL with the query string as described in this tutorial
Point ChildBrowser to the URL
When the user logs in, you will be able to extract the session token from fooUrl
If you still don't know how to do this, have a look at this Android app.
(There is a lot of code, and it might seem overwhelming, so I suggest only going for this as a last resort)
Google will not allow you to perform direct authentication by handling the user credentials directly. Instead Google wants you to perform an authentication protocol, typically OAuth 2.0. Other popular authentication protocols you may hear about is OpenID 1.0, 2.0, OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0, ID-FF, etc. These protocols will redirect the user to the Identity Provider (Google, in this case), and send you back with an assertion that you may use to trust the user. With APIs, like Google, you would make use of the authorization functionality of OAuth, which provides you with a token that you may use with all Google APIs after authentication.
A good introduction to how OAuth 2.0 works
With PhoneGap and mobile apps, things are a bit different than the typical OAuth setup.
In your case, the browser is in a controlled environment, your app, and you may
select to redirect the user to Google Authorization endpoint using the main view,
select to open a ChildBrowser with the Google Authorization endpoint, to not lose any state on your app.
to somehow open Safari or another browser with the authorization endpoint, and register a custom schema handler, to redirect the user back to your app after authentication.
These examples are vaguely mentioned in the OAuth 2.0 specifications, but there are no aid in what is the best or optimal in a specific use case. Often the best possible option is not perfect (from a user perspective).
I recently wrote a tutorial on how to make this work with Phonegap and ChildBrowser for iOS.
OAuth 2.0 Guide for Phonegap using ChildBrowser and JSO

