Pointer Events on mobile creates new pointerId on every pointerdown - javascript

To begin, I have read the documentation that says pointerId conveys no meaning
but to some extent it feels like it does.
When retrieving events from pointerdown on a desktop computer you can see that the pointerId property is always 1. I use this to verify if pointerdown event is coming from a mouse click.
However, when I open the Chrome developer tools and use the responsive mode and change it to a mobile device, let's say Pixel 2, and I click on the screen (which is simulated as a touch event) I get an incrementing pointerId on every click.
Now again, I understand it doesn't have a meaning but why does it stay 1 on desktop but go up infinitely on mobile?
I have inserted a simple snippet which when you run on the page it'll show 1 every click and if, you're on a desktop, click on full page and switch to responsive mode and pick a mobile device, it'll show an incrementing value.
window.addEventListener('pointerdown', (event) => {
Thanks to the comments I realize that pointerId increments every time because there could be who knows how many fingers touching the screen of a mobile device so there is no way to differentiate them from others.
Why do I need (want) to keep track of pointerId?
Let's say I'm making an application that on desktop only needs the 1 mouse pointer but on mobile it requires 2 fingers to be used to interact with the application.
I need to keep track of where the left finger has been on the screen and what events it has caused and the same for the right finger. The problem comes where the incrementing pointerId comes in is there is no way for me to tell which finger is touching the screen.
Has anyone come across a solution for a problem like this?


holding a button touched on smartphone causes the button element to be selected

I have studied my earlier problem with onmousedown and ontouchstart, and I now realized that with smartphones (at least with android), holding the finger touch pressed without moving normally causes the element to be selected. Whereas, with a mouse, holding the click pressed works perfectly fine.
Now, my problem is that my goal is that the user has to do some effort in order to make a stack grow, and for this purpose, holding the mouse click pressed over time is the effort. So I am thinking now, that maybe a smartphone would ideally have some other design of effort, like moving the finger or something.
Anyway, if I would still continue trying to replicate this mouse-logic with the finger touch, would I have to somehow tell the browser something like 'holding touch pressed does not mean selecting an element/this element'?
Many thanks!
On iOS at least you can use -webkit-user-select: none to prevent this behaviour. I tested this out on an iPhone in person.

How to capture touch pad input

I've looked everywhere for how to capture touch pad input for laptops but I can't seem to find anything for Chrome extensions/JavaScript.
Question: how can I capture the number of fingers down (not clicked, just down and potentially moving as you would with a mouse), their corresponding x,y coordinates, and their corresponding up events, for a touch pad on a laptop?
I'm not interested in detecting touch screen events. Just touch pad
Can assume the touch pad lives on 3 year old or newer lap tops.
I can't find it by now, but I somewhere read about this topic. But the synopsis is simple: it's a draft/in development but no browser supports it by now.
Here is the W3C draft: https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/
I think it is not possible to do this using JavaScript only. Let's take it this way:
Consider the following situation:
I am using a Macbook pro 13in Retina Display, with multi touch and multi gesture touchpad.
Now Suppose if I have gesture settings in my Operating System that if I tap two fingers, register it as a normal Left Click, and when I tap a single finger, register it as a right click.
Now imagine we are capturing both the events, click and dblclick, now tell me which event will get fired when I will do a single tap with one finger. It will be a dblclick, and when I will do a tap with two fingers it will be click event fired.
Another Case: Imagine i have inverted scrolling turned on in my computer, now when I will scroll upwards my page will scroll downwards. And this is something which chrome/ firefox is not controlling.
There can be varied number of such settings across varied types of operating system, across varied number of devices such as trackpads, trackballs, touchpads, mouse, magic mouse etc. This gives me a feel that there is a layer between the external hardware and the browser detecting the firing events and this layer is provided by the operating system. Its operating system which manipulate the events according to the user defined/preset settings.
There can be devices which intent to provide and fire multiple events like touch device, on touch they fire multiple events. But that is not the case with all the devices. So it doesn't matter if you are clicking from mouse or from the trackball or from the touchpad or from the touch screen you will get one common event that is a click, there is definitely a possibility that some more events are fired but they are dependent on the type of device and not on the settings you have done in your Operating System.
One way you can capture is the event is by establishing some sort of connectivity between your browser web page and operating system as suggested by #AlvaroSanz.
to develop such kind of extension, you need to write chrome native client with Windows Touch Input to make it happen.
I know that you´re asking for a solution for Chrome extensions/JavaScript but I´ve been searching and getting nothing, so I finished with a possible solution combining VB and JavaScript.
There is VB api for Synaptics (https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/65849-controlling-synaptics-touchpad-using-com-api/) and you can call javascript from VB (http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/35373/VB-NET-C-and-JavaScript-communication#cjfv), it's a long way, but it's a way.

Android browser touchend event bug workaround

I've been developing a mobile site for my homepage and I have run into an issue when hooking into mobile touchevents. Basically I would like to accomplish the following:
User scrolls down
on touchend event is fired --> a function is called to figure out the amount of the document that is hidden above after the scroll (like jQuery scrollTop)
program takes action based on the amount of the document that is hidden up top
My issues are the following. So touchend works like expected in iOS, when the user lifts her finger the function makes a call to jQuery.scrollTop() which gives me a pixel value for how much the user has scrolled down. However on Android Browser devices it seems that the jQuery.scrollTop() value is calculated on touchstart. That is to say the event doesn't fire off properly, I get the correct pageX & Y coordinates from the touchend event, however scrolltop() returns the value from when the user started scrolling. I've checked around on the inet and this seems to be a known android browser bug, what I want to know is if there a decent workaround for this issue i.e. one that doesn't involve preventing the default scroll behaviour!? Thanks in advance!
Are you taking into account smooth scrolling? or just basic scrolling?
With basic scrolling you should be able to get the correct value simply by using document.body.scrollTop
Let me know if there is an issue

Handle onTouchDown on mobile browser and onMouseDown on desktop/laptop?

I'm developing a web game application with a, HTML5 canvas that has to react to "click" events (in the general meaning).
On a mobile platform (or touch-capable), that means reacting to onTouchDown, on a desktop/laptop platform (with a mouse or pad), that means reacting to onMouseDown.
Problem is, if I handle both events, then sometimes the same "click" will result in both events getting fired, so I get a double signaling.
What would be the best way to handle that?
Currently, upon the first touch event I receive, I turn off mouse events, but that may be a bit heavy handed if the platform supports both touch & mouse clicks (f.i. an Android tablet with attached keyboard/pad/mouse)
Measuring the delay between touch & click to ignore a click after a touch doesn't work too well, as there are circumstances where user may touch/click at a high frequency, so a too long delay leads to dropped double taps/clicks, and a too short delay lets through the occasional double signaling slipping through.
I've looked at user-agent detection, but that seems quite fragile (many user agents out there), and doesn't solve the cases where the platform has both touch & mouse/pad.
Maybe a combination of your suggestion:
Measuring the delay between touch & click to ignore a click after a touch doesn't work too well, as there are circumstances where user may touch/click at a high frequency, so a too long delay leads to dropped double taps/clicks, and a too short delay lets through the occasional double signaling slipping through
And detecting the x,y coordinates of the tap would decrease the false positives. So if both events (tap & click) happening in sequence got the same coordinates they are handled as the same.
Or maybe let the user switch (through some sort of options screen) if he wants to use mouse or touch for his device if both is supported. Display a warning message for example saying you're on a touch device so we enabled touch events, if you're using a mouse please see options or something like that.
Most users would be happy with the auto-choice and everybody unhappy can change it.

Does Android browser lock DOM on touchStart?

I'm trying to build a menu with 5 blocks that the user can spin around.
You can see a demo here: http://m.iijax.com/menu.php
Works fine on iPhone, (if a little sluggish sometimes, but that is beside the point :p ) if i draw my finger more then 90 pixels (which i set as a limit) in either direction the menu spins.
On Android (2.1, a Samsung Galaxy S) however the menu does nothing until i release my finger from the screen, I've tried adding an alert on the 2 functions that changes a bunch of classes around to spin the menu either to the right or left and they do get triggered as I draw my finger.
So my best guess is either the browser locks access to the DOM until touchEnd, or it blatantly cheats and simply shows me some kind of screenshot of the page awaiting touchEnd.
Can anyone confirm either of these theories? I've spent about an hour searching here and on google and found nothing, but maybe I haven't found the rightsearch terms.
I've tried lots of swipe and slider examples I've found however and haven't found anything that animates in real time as i draw my finger.
Would also be interesting to know if this menu works on newer Android versions.

