Getting values of json array in Mocha JS - javascript

I have following issue, this json is returned by api:
"products": {
"10432471": {
"id": 10432471
"10432481": {
"id": 10432481
and I need to get names of all variables under products array, how to get them?
That values are constantly changing everyday, so I can not refer to their names
Trying console.log([i].products.values()); but its not worked.
Any sugesstion how can I get 10432471 and 10432481 from products? Without referring to variable names.

You are able to get that via Object.keys([i].products)

To get the object properties, the shortest is using Object.keys()
var obj = {"products": {
"10432471": {
"id": 10432471
"10432481": {
"id": 10432481
var properties = Object.keys(obj.products)


Accessing JSON value with unique named subarrays

I want to sort a JSON array based on time value in a subarray with the key names of the subarrays being named uniquely.
I'm searching for the method to access key, value update_time of every element in Products so I can use that value in a sorting script.
I have tried sorting the array but can not determine how to access the key, values of the subarrays
Expected behavior should be that every unique_keyname_# element is available for sorting and is sorted for further processing in JavaScript. Ultimately with the newest unique_keyname_# as the first element in a list, based on the update_time key.
var obj = {
"company": {
"department_1": {
"Products": {
"unique_keyname_1": {
"product_owner": "co-worker-1",
"update_time": "unix_timestamp_1"
"unique_keyname_5": {
"product_owner": "co-worker-4",
"update_time": "unix_timestamp_45"
"unique_keyname_8": {
"product_owner": "co-worker-2",
"update_time": "unix_timestamp_5"
"department_2": {
"Products": {
"unique_keyname_3": {
"product_owner": "co-worker-1",
"update_time": "unix_timestamp_21"
"unique_keyname_6": {
"product_owner": "co-worker-2",
"update_time": "unix_timestamp_7"
"unique_keyname_4": {
"product_owner": "co-worker-3",
"update_time": "unix_timestamp_75"
I solved the issue by writing an intermediate script in python which makes the API response a valid array. From there it was fairly easy to sort the data.
Thanks for the replies confirming the data itself was deliverd to me in an inappropriate format!
In your example, there are no arrays.
Anyway, in Javascript you can access a node using . like:
Or using [] which gives you more freedom to use costume fields
// can also be more dynamic as:
obj["company"]["department_"+ department_counter]["Products"]["unique_keyname_" + keyname_counter]
Is there a possibility that you will change the structure of your JSON? to make it more manangeable ?
if so, i would recommend the folowing structure:
var products = [
department: 'SomeDepartment',
productName: 'Something',
productOwner: 'Someone',
update_time: 'Sometime'
Then you can sort the array easy using Array.sort()
for the sort topic use this : Sort array of objects by string property value

How do I access certain info from a JSON data file? is it through array form? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?
(31 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
In the following JSON data, I want to access 'lon' and 'lat' in 'coord'. I know data.coord would give me [ 'lon', 'lat' ], but how can I get the values belonging to each?
Here's my JSON data:
var data = {
"coord": {
"lon": 159,
"lat": 35
You could accesss them like this:
var data = { "coord":{ "lon":159, "lat":35 }, "weather":[ { "id":500, "main":"Rain", "description":"light rain", "icon":"" } ], "base":"stations", "main":{ "temp":22.59, "pressure":1027.45, "humidity":100, "temp_min":22.59, "temp_max":22.59, "sea_level":1027.47, "grnd_level":1027.45 }, "wind":{ "speed":8.12, "deg":246.503 }, "rain":{ "3h":0.45 }, "clouds":{ "all":92 }, "dt":1499521932, "sys":{ "message":0.0034, "sunrise":1499451436, "sunset":1499503246 }, "id":0, "name":"", "cod":200 };
//Also you can do that using object destructuring in es6 like this:
var {lon,lat} = data.coord;
Checkout MDN for more about objects and properties:
Check out Object destructuring
data.coord won't give you [ 'lon', 'lat' ] array, rather it would give you { "lon": 159,"lat": 35 } object.
You can get their values just like you would get value of any object like: and data.coord.lon
So something like
var latitude =;
var longitude = data.coord.lon
Similarly, for weather you can access weather using, however thing to note is that weather is an array. So, you can get hold of 1st element using index=0.
Effectively, you'll write, var myWeatherObject =[0]; //0 is index of 1st element
Again, to access individual weather properties, you can use:, myWeatherObject.main, myWeatherObject.description and myWeatherObject.icon
You can also access the values with this syntax data['coord'].
With this syntax you can run through the json file searching for a corresponding key.
for(let key in json) {
//do stuff

JavaScript, access json property

I have a .json file like this:
import single from 'file.json'
"id": 4,
"code": 4508099576,
"important": [
"id": 4,
"name": "services"
I want to access "services" for render it. But the following syntax doesn´t work:
<span>Plans: {}</span>
important is an array and you need to access its first object. Your would write
<span>Plans: {single.important[0].name}</span>
In case if you want to render all the plans within the important array, you would make use of map like
<div>{ => {
return <span key={}>Plans: {}</span>
Important is an array. You need to access it with an index ex.

JavaScript Json Array Parsing using Backbone

I have the following sample json:
"camp": [
"name": "Name",
"data": [
"date": "04/08/2014",
"value": 1000
"date": "05/08/2014",
"value": 1110
Here, I'm able to do: model.get("camp")[0], but when I try: model.get("camp")[0].get("data"), I get the following error:
undefined is not a function
Here model is the standard backbone model which extends Backbone.Model
I'm confused what I'm doing wrong !!
You only need to call the model.get() function once. After that, you can treat the returned object just like any other javascript-object. For example, you could do this to get one of the values deep inside the object:
To achieve what you are trying to get, do this:
If you want to acces a property of your json array, you should simply do like this:
var test =
This is how you get your value:[0].data[0]

Parsing a JSON object-within-an-object in javascript

I have a JSON object that looks like this:
var json = {
"cj-api": {
"products": [
"$": {
"total-matched": "231746",
"records-returned": "999",
"page-number": "1"
"product": [ {... // contains lots objects with the data I'd like to access } ]
As noted above, I want to access the product array of objects. I can't seem to do this though. I've tried:
But I get typeError: Cannot read property 'products' of undefined.
What's the correct way to access the array of product (note, singular product, not products). This data is coming from an external source so I can't alter the hyphen in cj-api.
EDIT: Here's what the raw console log of json looks like:
{"cj-api":{"products":[{"$":{"total-matched":"231746","records-returned":"999","page-number":"1"},"product":[{ << lots of data in here>>
EDIT 2: To further clarify, I got this object by running JSON.stringify(result) after I put some XML into XML2js.
i have tried the following JSON structure:
var json = {
"cj-api": {
"products": [
"$": {
"total-matched": "231746",
"records-returned": "999",
"page-number": "1"
"product": [
"a": "a",
"b": "b",
"c": "c"
with the log statement as:
And result is as follows:
[Object { a="a", b="b", c="c"}]
Well your way of accessing json is absolutely correct. This is for debugging. Try
Which ever line returns undefined means your json is broken there.
If this doesn't work then you need to check for other similar keys. Maybe they value you are trying to find is actually undefined.
Maybe you are trying to loop. If you are then check for the condition if (JSONStructure[key]==undefined) console.log("Undefined at position ..."). That is the only way if you have valid JSON.
typeError: Cannot read property 'products' of undefined means that json exists, but json['cj-api'] is undefined. If you are sure that you are using the right variable name, I think this might be a scope issue, where you are using an other variable than you intend to. json might be the json string, instead of the array-like object. Try renaming your variable and see if you still get this problem. Otherwise the string is not automatically parsed for you and you'll have to parse it with JSON.parse( ... ).
var json = '{ "me": "be an evil string" }';
console.log( json ); //'{ "me": "be an evil string" }'
console.log( json['me'] ); //undefined
console.log( JSON.parse( json )['me'] ); // 'be an evil string'
Since your question is missing the last
and others here changed your example and made it work, did you try to correct it?
If not then I suggest you or the dataprovider correct the structure of the reply.
I have tried below json structure
var json={
"cj-api": {
"products": [
"$": {
"total-matched": "231746",
"records-returned": "999",
"page-number": "1"
"product": []
now json['cj-api']['products'][0]['product'] will work

