Scroll HTML table horizontally using JS - javascript

How would I go about scrolling HTML table horizontally to a specified column using JS, I have overflow: scroll; on my table and I want to know if I could do something like:

You can use scrollIntoView
If scrollIntoView somehow breaks DOM, use focus() method. Key point here if element don't have tabindex first you need add it.
In your case table column probably don't have tabindex, code will be:
element.setAttribute('tabindex', '999');
If you need this for Selenium here code (Java):
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].setAttribute('tabindex', '999'); arguments[0].focus();", seleniumElement);

first of all, take any one element from that column using document.getElementsByClassName("class_name")[n].
Applying getBoundingClientRect() method will give you that elements' left and right properties with respect to their position on screen as follows,
if left is negative then you'll have to scroll on right or else you'll have to scroll on left.
table_Element.scrollBy (x, y) will help you to scroll the table.
Put y as 0 as you dont want to scroll vertically and put x as -1 * (value of left).


Inside of a scrolling div, offset and position do not properly give dimensions in term of the top of the doc

I have a scrolling div, which has enough controls to scroll. Which all flow in a block display. when scrolling down, when i was to take a snapshot of all the elements, i was wanting to get the list of all the positions and print them out. The issue at hand is that when scrolling, things that are out of view (towards the top) have a neg. position.
I was looking at offset and Position, but they both arent giving me the numbers i was wanting.
How would i get the X:Y positions of all the children, from the top of the div? IE: [0,0], [0,20], [0,40] etc etc.
Is there another variable i am not making use of? some sort of scrollY or something which should be appended to adjust everything?
Edit: When dealing with scrollable divs, making use of: $.scrollTop gives the offset, which would need to be applied to all the children. when getting the position of all the items
If I'm understanding the question correctly, it sounds like you want scrollTop, i.e.
...which you can get and set. If I've misudnderstood, perhaps you could create a jsfiddle?

width of dynamically inserted div containing text

I have a script that dynamically inserts a div containing text in the dom. The text content is not known in advance.
I need to know the width of this div, but it seems that that the return value of document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(node, "").getPropertyValue("width") or node.offsetWidth cannot be trusted.
I used setInterval to log it, and the value changes over time. For instance, in my case it starts with 929px and then changes to 908px.
This div is in position absolute, it has whitespace nowrap, so I don't think it is being "pushed" by other dom elements or that it somehow changes once inserted.
Is there an elegant way to retrieve the width, or do I have to use an ugly setTimeout to retrieve it once the return value is stable ?
This will return an object with top, left, right, bottom, height and width attributes. This should be cross-browser.
Note: If you are going to work with the position attributes (top, left, right, bottom, height) of the returned, take into account scroll offset if necessary.
Update: To ensure this works on older browsers that don't have the width/height attribute, calculate it subtracting right/bottom from left/top.
The viewport can change its size because of the scrollbar. Once the scrollbar appears, its width can no longer be used by the document. Force the scrollbar to exist before you measure the size by adding overflow: scroll or overflow-y:scroll to the <html> element.
The size of a block-level element is, by default, its container width minus margins and padding (even if it's positioned absolutely), which is ultimately the wiewport width unless you set a fixed width somewhere along the way.
Using jQuery, you should be able to do this:
var width = $("div-selector").width();
this is fairly easy?
open the page in a browser and press f12. With firefox there is a button "inspect element" on top and in chrome it's on the bottom. Click it and hover your mouse over it. This should give you the height and width in px. Never been wrong for me.
if it still doesn't show, click it and you can see it in the css panel of the console.

Prepend a div without shifting the contents down? Using iScroll

I've got a container div with a bunch of scrollable content (for the record I'm using iScroll - if that changes the solution). When I scroll to the top I want to load content above the current scroll position. If I simply prepend the div using jQuery "prepend();" the contents in my scrollable area shift down. Ideally we'd want to keep the current content in the frame and have the scrollable area grow upwards above the content.
Any thoughts?
According to the iScroll website, it has a method called scrollToElement:
scrollToElement(el, runtime): scrolls to any element inside the scrolling area. el must be a CSS3 selector. Eg: scrollToElement("#elementID", '400ms')
If you always prepend a fixed amount of divs (e.g. always a single div), I imagine you could use it to scroll to (e.g.) the second element right after you've prepended the new content:
// ... (prepend new content)
myScroll.scrollToElement('#scroller :nth-child(2)', '0ms');
I haven't tried this, so please let us know if this works for you.
After a quick look through iScroll's source, here's what I've found:
The current x and y are always available through myScroll.x and myScroll.y.
iScroll has an internal function _offset(el), which returns the left and top offset of any given element.
This basically opens up two solutions:
Use _offset(el). While possible, this is inadvisable. The underscore is a convention for marking a function "private", meaning, amongst other things, that it's not part of the official API.
Use the newly added element's height:
var x = myScroll.x;
var y = myScroll.y;
// ... (prepend new content)
y += $('#scroller :first-child').outerHeight();
myScroll.scrollTo(x, y, '0ms');
You may need to pass true to .outerHeight(), which makes it include margins.
Once again, I haven't tested this, so please let us know if it works.

table.scrollleft is always zero

I have a table with a fixed layout. The columns take up more space than is available so a horizontal scroll bar appears. Currently you can move around in the table using the keyboard arrows. But when a cell is selected that is not in view I need to programmatically tell the scrollbar to move. I thought this would be scrollleft but is not settable and is always zero. Instead I have achieve my desired effect by using scrollIntoView(false). This works but I still want to know why scrollleft was not working.
Please see my fiddle. The function you may want to use is called scrollLeft()
jQuery Docs:

How to create a div that apears below a table row

Like in this demo
Except In this demo it's being added as an additional row. (click one of the ">" things and check the page source, it added a new row to the table). If I used this strategy, It would be difficult to sort, using a standard Jquery plugin, like table sorter.
went away and did some thinking about my comment, about finding row height and overlaying the div.. it's so close, but I'm no jQuery whiz, so perhaps someone can help tidy this up
I have it showing/hiding the div in the right position IF the div/row is closed before the next one is opened.. but if you click button 2 while div one is opened is doesn't get the right top position (it gets the position the row was at after being expanded not the original row position), I'm sure there must be a way to get that position while the rows are not expanded and store it??
anyway have at it.. I know it's very long-winded, variable wise, because I can only apply the CSS logic - I don't know enough about js or jquery functions and storing.. also I thought if I explained how I got to my variables and which ones were needed it might help those who do know how to make this better ;)
the input/buttons have no text but they're the click trigger
position() is maybe not the right thing to use, it needs for the div to be able to find the original position of the related row (inside table-wrap div?)
here's the Example
You can't. A <div> is not a valid child of <table> or <tbody>. You'll need to use a <tr>.
I don't know how that plugin works, but perhaps there's support for sorting multiple <tbody> elements, which would allow you to group your sets of rows.
That div is inside a td which is hidden until you click the >
Here is a demo:
I don't know if you can do that. Putting a tag like inside a table isn't valid (X)HTML, and so probably won't give you the effect you were looking for
If you look at that demo, they're using a second <tr> below the first one with a <td> that spans most of the columns.
You can embed a detail table inside a table cell under each description cell which will be not visible and make it visible on tr click:
As mentioned in other answers, we cannot add a div inside the table without it being in a TD. However, there might be something that can be done to place the div over the row. To have the effect of the div being shown as inside the row, we could increase the height of the row while the div is being shown. Here is the very basic demo. Since the div is not really inside the table, if the table happens to sort, you would probably want to hide the div or relocate it to the new TR location. It would present its own challenges but you could play with it and see if it works for you.
I have an idea. It's really ugly. The only think I could think of doing is before sorting the rows, detach the additional rows(with the div) and use JQuery to store it somehow. Then after the sorting is done reattach the rows(with the div) in the right place(s).
That could, no I should say WILL, get ugly really fast, especially with paging and filtering...
You can use getBoundingClientRect to get the element's position and then set those values to a div css position left and top. Must also take into account the window scroll as getBoundingClientRect will return it relative to the window viewport.
The following example will locate a div named #tooltip under any tr row when hovering over it. I'm using jQuery for convenience but you can translate to vanilla JS easily.
function () {
const row = this;
const bounds = row.getBoundingClientRect();
left: bounds.left + window.scrollX,
top: bounds.bottom + window.scrollY
function () {}
<table> ... </table>
<div id="#tooltip"> ... </div>
Be sure to make div positioning absolute and also to skip pointer events or the div will block hover events from reaching the table elements.
#tooltip {
position: absolute;
pointer-events: none;
Good luck!

