Create-react-app unable to open IDE when error occurs - javascript

I am using create-react-app and everything is working as expected. However I would like that when an error occurs it automatically opens the file in question.
I have set up the .env.local file as suggested.
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.
Could not open persistStore.js in the editor.
The editor process exited with an error: spawn phpstorm ENOENT.
To set up the editor integration, add something like REACT_EDITOR=atom to the .env.local file in your project folder and restart the development server.
Maybe this is an error with PhpStorm rather than RCA?


How do I get NPM commands to run properly in Eclipse?

I have a usable workflow that I want to make better. I'm building a JS library, and the way I am executing smoke tests on code is by using webpack to package the library and write it to a file that is included in an HTML file for viewing the effects of the code.
To do this, I make changes to the file in Eclipse, save it, then I must leave Leave eclipse and go to Terminal to run "npm run buildInbrowser" to execute "webpack --config inbrowser.config.js".
The configuration works perfect with regards to webpack, the configuration, and the npm setup, but when I try to configure eclipse to run those commands, it brings up an error: "env: node: No such file or directory" I've attached screenshots of my launch NPM configuration.
My system is MacOSX Catalina using Nodeclipse, npm v9.3.1 and node 16.18.0.
Again, there is no issue with me running these commands in terminal, but they won't run through node. This makes me think it's something simple that I overlooked.
As nitind pointed out, I had incorrect syntax on the PATH variable for eclipse, which was causing the problem. Also noted is that Eclipse did not populate my path variable by default, so i did have to manually enter it in. See the screen shot for the fix.

Node cannot find path in node_modules / 'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I'm on windows 10
When I run:
npm run start
npm start
I get an error:
npm start
> app-test#0.1.0 start
> react-scripts start
'react-scripts' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What I already tried:
npm ci
remove node_modules and reinstall project
npm audit fix
run command from elevated PowerShell (as admin)
Uninstall Node v.18 win NVM and reinstall common Node installation LTS v.16
Check if react scripts is on dependencies section in package.json - and it's of course there.
Recreate project itself and also create a fresh new React project with npx create-react-app
Clearing npm cache
Nothing's helped me.
BUT This project runs fine WHEN I explicitly tell the node path to subfolder with a script:
app-test> node node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/start.js
Compiled successfully!
You can now view app-test in the browser.
Local: http://localhost:3000
On Your Network:
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build.
webpack compiled successfully
What's interesting that an old React projects also resided in the parent folder starts normally even I renew node_modules in these projects doing them npm i or npm ci
But any time I try to create and start new React app command npm start fails
UPD1: Tried to create-react-app on any other drive or folder. And it's running ok.
So culprit seems permissions policies in my common working directory ?
I resolved a problem though still have no clear idea who was actually the really culprit of this bug.
I copied all my parent developer folder with all code examples to another drive, then tried to create react app there and out of the blue it worked fine at then new location.
Also I removed this original folder from the drive where it used to be. And do git clone "..." at this directory< recreating the exact structure as it was before all experiments.
Then I tried create-react-app exactly at that location as I've unsuccessfully tried before swapping folders and it was OK !
Tried couple of time with different folder location within parent directory and all sill working fine now !
I remembered now I already have such bug before. And I had to reinstall Windows that time.
I also want to mention that I also have another machine with Windows, another one with Linux and had also laptop with an OSX so I can ( or could) push to this very git repository from any of these computers.
Suggestion of somebody who have any idea, why this bug was happening repeatable would be highly appreciated.

How can I run nodejs in eclipse?(javascript runtime does not appear in eclipse preferences)

Maybe similar questions found but those are very old and recommending outdated plugins.
-I'm using eclipse Ide for enterprise java developers 2021-06 and installed Nodejs 16.3 and Npm.
As eclipse news
says, Eclipse Neon and later will support jnodejs by default and you can configure runtime but I don't see any runtime in javaScript section in preferences and any option related to nodeJs and JavaScript in import sections.
I tried to install nodeClipse plugin but encountered errors.
When I import nodeJs project as general project, I get this error.
C:\Users\Hamidreza Abroshan\Documents\workspace-spring-tool-suite-4-4.12.0.RELEASE.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.wildwebdeveloper.embedder.node\node-v14.15.4-win-x64\node.exe index.js
throw error;
Error: Failed to load gRPC binary module because it was not installed for the current system
Expected directory: node-v83-win32-x64-unknown
Found: [node-v93-win32-x64-unknown]
This problem can often be fixed by running "npm rebuild" on the current system
Original error: Cannot find module 'D:\dclm\dclm-customer-interaction-worker\dclm\node_modules\grpc\src\node\extension_binary\node-v83-win32-x64-unknown\grpc_node.node'
Require stack:
**Note: I can run this project from command line successfully with npm run start.
Thanks in advance.
I found this way, but if you found better way, please post your answer.
First, import the app as general project E.G, file>import>general>existing project in to workSpace.
Then, open project explorer view and find package.json.
Write click on that and choose run configuration.
choose launch npm and create new configuration.
Now, in npm command enter run start and in package.json file enter the file's address.
Hit run and your app will run successfully.
This config should be done for the first time and for later times, you can go to runAs and choose npm...
If you can not find package.json, open Cmd and navigate to project root folder and type npm run start and it will download some dependencies and create package.json also.

react-native, bundling failed

I am new to react-native and have found an error that makes absolutely no sense to me.
I am trying to include a calendar library:
I have included the dependency for that library in my package.json file and run npm install
The project was running fine and as expected. I have simply added one line of code to the project:
import { Calendar, CalendarList, Agenda } from 'react-native-calendars';
Nothing else. However now I am getting a red error message when the app loads on device and this is what my console is saying:
error: bundling failed: Error: While trying to resolve module xdate
from file
the package
was successfully found. However, this package itself specifies a
main module field that could not be resolved
Indeed, none of these files exist:
at ResolutionRequest.resolveDependency (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph/ResolutionRequest.js:103:15)
at DependencyGraph.resolveDependency (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph.js:272:4579)
at (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:376:19)
at ()
at resolveDependencies (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:374:16)
at /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:212:33
at ()
at step (/Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:297:313)
at /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/metro/src/DeltaBundler/traverseDependencies.js:297:473
However I have checked in the directory and in fact /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/xdate/src/xdate.js does exist. However I do not see any of this part: (.native||.ios.js|.native.js|.js|.ios.json|.native.json|.json)`
As to how /Users/Alex/Documents/workspace/mobile/node_modules/xdate/src/xdate.js/index can exist, that doesn't make sense because xdate.js is not a directory.
Any help?
It Usually happens if you try to install a module while your packager is open.
Try to delete node_modules folder and close the packager.
Then reinstall everything by npm install in your project directory.
First close your JavaScript bundler (Metro bundler in my case) and restart the application. This will create fresh dependency graph. This should solve the issue.
Just restart the bundler - no need to delete the Node Modules folder
I came across this issue when adding and using react-native-elements when using VS Code and Android Studio emulator on Linux Mint
In VS Code I had a terminal running Expo with Metro Bundler via 'npm start' command. After installing the react-native-elements in the folder (using 'npm install --save react-native-elements') and adding the import into the .js file I got the "However, this package itself specifies a main module field that could not be resolved" error.
In my case, this just involved a ^C in the terminal session to stop the Metro bundler and then running 'npm start' again. There was no need to delete the node modules folder at all.
If you're still getting the error even after deleting the ./node_modules folder and running npm install again, try doing the install with the --update-binary flag, i.e npm install --update-binary. This should clear out and rebuild any previously built packages on your machine.
Please don't delete the node modules folder.
The bundler has least to deal with node modules folder.
Instead close all the terminals. If using VS-code close that also.
Close all the local host server ports and if possible restart the system.
This might solve the issue.
If anyone have same issue, and remove node_module not working. Then you can try remove all node_module, package lock and using yarn to install node_module instead npm. Hope this help
None of the solutions above helped me except for restarting my MacBook. Wasted 30 minutes trying to fix this issue as I couldn't believe restarting my computer could be a solution.

Can't build ExtJs app

[ERR] BUILD FAILED [ERR] com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: Cannot
find file: C:\Users\cle1394\D ocuments\Visual Studio
It says it can't find the file; however when I copy and paste the path to that exact file, I can confirm that it DOES exist. So, why isn't Sencha recognizing it, and more importantly, why can't I build my app?
I have installed the Sencha CMD and I ran this command:
cd C:\Users\cle1394\D ocuments\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Intake\extjs
Then, I ran this:
sencha app build
Which returned the error above.
Note: I installed Sencha CMD and Ruby and my Path variable has C:\Ruby200-x64\bin;C:\Users\cle1394\bin\Sencha\Cmd\;
The problem was that I pulled this project down from TFS so everything was readonly. Once I cleared the readonly flag from the entire app directory, everything was fine.

