Mask unmask in textfield - javascript

I have a textfield which I wanted to mask completely dynamically where user can not see the value. But label I wasnt as it is.
eg : this is my text field
xtype: 'textfield',
label: 'search',
disabled: true,
disabledCls: 'someCls',
itemId: 'searchText'
In this function I wanted to mask it
function : someRendomMethod(){
var view = view.getView();
var textfieldData = view.down('#searchText');
var user = view.loginData;
if(user == "InCorrect"){
Here I want my textfield should be there but inputcell should be hidden/masked.
Thanks for help

where user can not see the value. But label i wasnt as it is
So for this you can make custom masking dom element and append inside of input dom. You can use the method to create the dom element Ext.DomHelper.createDom().
You can check with working Fiddle
JS code
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function () {
xtype: 'panel',
title: 'Demo',
padding: 10,
fullscreen: true,
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
itemId: 'txtMask',
labelAlign: 'top',
label: 'Name',
value: 'Test'
}, {
xtype: 'toolbar',
items: ['->', {
xtype: 'button',
ui: 'action',
text: 'Mask',
handler: function (btn) {
var text = btn.up('panel').down('textfield'),
inputCell = text.el.down('.x-input-wrap-el');
if (btn.getText() == 'Mask') {
* Create custom mask dom element
let maskDom = Ext.DomHelper.createDom('<div class="input-cell-masking"></div>');
* append into input dom
* Set the input only read mode true
inputCell.down('input').dom.readOnly = true;
} else {
* remome custom mask dom element
* Set the input only read mode false
inputCell.down('input').dom.readOnly = false;
CSS code
.input-cell-masking {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: #fff;
z-index: 11;
position: absolute;


The problem with getting the top container component. Extjs

When I click on a tree record, I try to set the values ​​of this record and set these values ​​in the form.
In the eventcler itemclick: this.showDataFields function is triggered:
showDataFields: function(view, record, item, index, event) {
//got a form with fields
var panel = view.up('maintab');
//var formfield = panel.down('actionform');
//assign values from selected record to form fields
In this function, view.up ('maintab') is underfined.
The maintab is which houses the tree.
Why can not get the topmost container and how to do it correctly?
Made an example in fiddle
You should use view.up('treepanel').nextSibling().getForm().setValues( in your showDataFields function to set these values ​​in the form.
You could have provided a better example, therefore within the limitations that were proposed.
The answer I got was this were the changes in the ActionFormTree class that got the code below:
Ext.define('Fiddle.view.ActionFormTree', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Panel',
alias: 'widget.actionformtree',
xtype: 'actionform',//mainform,
initComponent: function(){
var me = this;
items: [{
xtype: 'form',
border: false,
anchor: '100%',
height: 100,
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'middle',
pack: 'center'
items: [{
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'text',
fieldLabel: 'Наименование',
itemId: 'name_field',
}, {
xtype: 'textfield',
name: 'code',
fieldLabel: 'Код',
itemId: 'code_field',
buttons: [{
text: 'Save Changes',
scope: me,
handler: function (button) {
//Эта панель со значениями полей
form = me.down('form');
var mainpanel = me.up('#maincontainer');
var treeform = mainpanel.down('usertree');
var sel = treeform.getSelectionModel().getSelection()[0];
store = treeform.getStore();
var child = sel.set({
text: 'Измененное',
leaf: true
//var currRecord = form.getRecord();
//if (currRecord) {
// form.updateRecord();
// form.reset();
So, in this example, for it to work, you will need to have a node selected to work.
Hope it helps and finalize your question.
Sample to your code

How to scroll to the end of the form in ExtJS

I have a form with autoScroll feature. How can I scroll to the bottom of the form when I add a new item to it?
height: 200,
autoScroll: true,
Here is my sample code
If the field is added at the end of the form then the following solution might help:
EXTJS 5 & 6
In the form config:
scrollable: true,
In button handler:
xtype: 'button',
itemId: 'addChildBtn',
disabled: false,
text: 'Clone fieldset',
handler: function () {
// Clone field set
var set = Ext.getCmp('s1');
var s = set.cloneConfig();
this.up('form').getScrollable().scrollTo(0, 9999);
EXTJS 4!/api/Ext.form.Panel-method-scrollBy
In button handler:
xtype: 'button',
itemId: 'addChildBtn',
disabled: false,
text: 'Clone fieldset',
handler: function () {
// Clone field set
var set = Ext.getCmp('s1');
var s = set.cloneConfig();
this.up('form').scrollBy(0, 9999, true);

html with value from function

Im really new to this java script and Sencha touch so sorry if this question is simple but I didn't find a way to do this.
I have a function that returns a value .
now I want to display the value from the function inside an html line.
how im calling this function from html element? how I show the value?
config: {
title: 'Me',
iconCls: 'user',
//layout: 'fit',
/* create a title bar for the tab panel */
items: [
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Singers'
html: [
'<h1>Hi!! ' + this.setName +'</h1>'
setName: function (val) {
var store =Ext.getStore('user');
var last = st.last('user');
return val=(last.get('user'));
You could use the itemId property to reference the component and then update its html property via the initialise listener.
For example:
config: {
title: 'Me',
iconCls: 'user',
//layout: 'fit',
/* create a title bar for the tab panel */
items: [
docked: 'top',
xtype: 'titlebar',
title: 'Singers'
itemId:'htmlContainer', //use itemIds like div ids
html: ''
* #cfg listeners
* Parent Component listeners go here.
* Check sencha touch doc for more information and other available events.
initialize: 'onInitialise'
onInitialise: function()
//set the html config item here
var c = this.down('#htmlContainer');
setName: function (val) {

ExtJS - Complex form serialization

I have a complex form which I can't use form serialization technique. There are many fields as well as dynamic grid ( the grid dynamically generating upon user choosing some criteria ) inside the form.
What I want to do, collect user inputs/selections + adding selected records that available in the grid then finally making a JSON array with those datas to be able to post server side.
My guess, I can use getCmp function of the ExtJS to take whole datas but as you might guess this way little bit hard to maintain. Also, I have no idea to get grid data with this way!
PS : Code is little bit long so that I cropped some parts.
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true});
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux', '<?php echo js_url(); ?>resources/ux');
var navigate = function (panel, direction) {
var layout = panel.getLayout();
// Article Model
Ext.define('Article', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name: 'ARTICLE_ID', type: 'int'},
{name: 'DESCRIPTION', type: 'string'}
// Article Json Store
var articles = new{
model: 'Article',
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '<?php echo base_url() ?>create/get_articles',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'artList',
idProperty: 'ARTICLE_ID'
winArticle = new Ext.Window({
width: 600,
modal: true,
title: 'Artikel Seçimi',
closeAction: 'hide',
bodyPadding: 10,
items: new Ext.Panel({
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Artikel Sorgulama',
defaultType: 'textfield',
layout: 'anchor',
defaults: {
anchor: '100%'
height: '76px',
items: [
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [
xtype: 'combobox',
id: 'articleNo',
inputWidth: 320,
fieldLabel: 'ARTİKEL NO',
fieldStyle: 'height: 26px',
margin: '10 15 0 0',
triggerAction: 'query',
pageSize: true
xtype: 'button',
text: 'SORGULA',
width: 100,
scale: 'medium',
margin: '8 0 0 0'
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Artikel Bilgileri',
height: '140px',
layout: 'fit',
items: [
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
fieldDefaults: {
labelAlign: 'top'
items: [
fieldLabel: 'ARTİKEL TANIMI',
name: 'artDesc',
flex: 3,
margins: '0 5 0 0'
fieldLabel: 'PAKET İÇERİĞİ',
name: 'artgebi',
flex: 1
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
layout: 'hbox',
defaultType: 'textfield',
id: 'artContainer1',
fieldDefaults: {
labelAlign: 'top'
items: [
fieldLabel: 'SUBSYS',
name: 'artSubsys',
flex: 1,
margins: '0 5 0 0'
fieldLabel: 'VARIANT',
name: 'artVariant',
flex: 1,
margins: '0 5 0 0'
fieldLabel: 'VARIANT TANIMI',
name: 'artVariantDesc',
flex: 2
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Aksiyon Seviyeleri',
id: 'article-fieldset',
items: [
xtype: 'button',
id: 'btnArticleLevelAdd',
text: 'LEVEL EKLE',
scale: 'medium',
width: 100,
style: 'float: right',
margin: '0 7 0 0',
handler: function() {
var getLevels = function() {
var count = winArticle.down('fieldset[id=article-fieldset]').items.items.length;
return count;
var count = getLevels();
if (count === 3) {
var container = 'artContainer' + count;
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
layout: 'hbox',
id: 'artContainer' + count,
defaultType: 'textfield',
fieldDefaults: {
labelAlign: 'top'
items: [
name: 'artLevel' + count,
allowBlank: false,
inputWidth: 216,
fieldStyle: 'text-align: right; font-size: 13pt; background-color: #EAFFCC;',
margins: '0 5 5 0'
name: 'artValue' + count,
allowBlank: false,
inputWidth: 216,
fieldStyle: 'text-align: right; font-size: 13pt; background-color: #EAFFCC;',
margins: '0 5 0 0'
xtype: 'button',
text: 'SİL',
width: 40,
cls: 'btn-article-remove',
handler: function() {
if(count <= 3) {
} else {
xtype: 'fieldcontainer',
layout: 'hbox',
id: 'article-level-container',
defaultType: 'textfield',
fieldDefaults: {
labelAlign: 'top'
items: [
fieldLabel: 'LEVEL',
name: 'artLevel',
inputWidth: 216,
margins: '0 5 5 0',
allowBlank: false,
fieldStyle: 'text-align: right; font-size: 13pt; background-color: #EAFFCC;'
fieldLabel: 'VALUE',
name: 'artValue',
inputWidth: 216,
allowBlank: false,
blankText: 'zorunlu alan, boş bırakılamaz',
fieldStyle: 'text-align: right; font-size: 13pt; background-color: #EAFFCC;',
listeners: {
change: function(textfield, newValue, oldValue) {
if(oldValue == 'undefined' || newValue == '') {
} else {
buttons: [
text: 'KAPAT',
scale: 'medium',
width: 100,
cls: 'btn-article-close',
listeners: {
click: function() {
text: 'EKLE',
scale: 'medium',
disabled: true,
width: 100,
margin: '0 9 0 0',
cls: 'btn-article-save',
id: 'btnArticleSave'
Ext.onReady(function () {
Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({
expires: new Date(new Date().getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7))
var Discounts = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
id: 'discount-types',
bodyPadding: 10,
width: 760,
height: 600,
layout: 'card',
bodyStyle: 'padding:20px',
defaults: {
border: false,
anchor: '100%'
style: {
'box-shadow': '0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)',
'-webkit-box-shadow': '0 0 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'
frame: true,
buttons: [
text: 'ÖNCEKİ ADIM',
id: 'move-prev',
cls: 'np-button',
scale: 'medium',
iconCls: 'dnr-prev-icon',
iconAlign: 'left',
handler: function (btn) {
navigate(btn.up('panel'), 'prev');
var itemd = Discounts.getLayout().getActiveItem();
Discounts.setTitle('DNR TANIMLAMA ' + ' / ' + itemd.cardTitle);
disabled: true
id: 'move-next',
scale: 'medium',
cls: 'np-button',
iconCls: 'dnr-next-icon',
iconAlign: 'right',
handler: function (btn) {
navigate(btn.up('panel'), 'next');
var itemd = Discounts.getLayout().getActiveItem();
Discounts.setTitle('DNR TANIMLAMA ' + ' / ' + itemd.cardTitle);
var cardNum = Discounts.items.indexOf(itemd);
if (cardNum == 3) {
disabled: true
text: '&nbsp KAYDET ',
id: 'dnr-submit',
scale: 'medium',
iconCls: 'dnr-submit-icon',
iconAlign: 'right',
cls: 'dnr-submit',
disabled: true,
hidden: true,
handler: function (btn) {
items: [
id: 'screen-0',
cardTitle: 'SCREEN 0',
layout: 'form',
items: [
layout: {
type: 'vbox',
align: 'center'
margin: '60 0 0 0',
items: [
xtype: 'combobox',
inputWidth: 295,
fieldLabel: 'DNR TİPİ',
fieldStyle: 'height: 26px',
id: 'discount-type',
store: discounts,
valueField: 'DNR_TYPE_ID',
displayField: 'DNR_TYPE_DESC',
queryMode: 'remote',
forceSelection: true,
stateful: true,
stateId: 'cmb_disc_type',
allowBlank: false,
emptyText: 'DNR tipini seçiniz...',
triggerAction: 'all',
listeners: {
select: function (e) {
var discType = Ext.getCmp('discount-type').getValue();
var discDetail = Ext.getCmp('discount-detail');
if (discType != 0) {
discdetails.proxy.extraParams = { 'dnrtype': discType };
xtype: 'combobox',
inputWidth: 400,
fieldStyle: 'height: 26px',
id: 'discount-detail',
valueField: 'ID',
displayField: 'DNR_TITLE',
store: discdetails,
forceSelection: true,
stateful: true,
stateId: 'cmb_disc_detail',
margin: '25 0 0 0',
disabled: true,
allowBlank: false,
msgTarget: 'side',
blankText: 'İndirim tipi boş olamaz!',
triggerAction: 'all',
listeners: {
select: function (e) {
var discDetail = Ext.getCmp('discount-detail').getValue();
if (discDetail != 'null') {
var value = discdetails.getAt(discdetails.find('ID', discDetail)).get('DNR_DESCRIPTION');
xtype: 'textarea',
grow: false,
name: 'invoiceText',
fieldLabel: 'FATURA METNİ',
id: 'invoice-text',
blankText: 'Fatura metni boş olamaz!',
width: 400,
height: 60,
margin: '30 0 0 0',
allowBlank: false,
msgTarget: 'side',
listeners: {
change: function (e) {
if (Ext.getCmp('invoice-text').getValue().length === 0) {
} else {
xtype: 'panel',
id: 'dnr-type-desc-panel',
layout: {type: 'hbox', align: 'stretch'},
height: 145,
width: 400,
cls: 'dnr-desc-panel',
margin: '60 0 0 0',
html: '&nbsp',
hidden: true
id: 'screen-1',
cardTitle: 'SCREEN 1',
layout: 'form',
items: [
layout: 'column',
width: 730,
height: 90,
items: [
xtype: 'fieldset',
cls: 'dnr-fieldset',
width: 730,
height: 80,
margin: '0',
items: [
xtype: 'buttongroup',
columns: 5,
columnWidth: 140,
frame: false,
margin: '5 0 0 18',
items: [
text: 'ARTİKEL',
scale: 'medium',
margin: '0 18px 0 0',
width: 120,
height: 36,
id: 'btn-article',
cls: 'btn-grp-choose btn-grp-article',
listeners: {
click: function () {;;
text: 'PUAR',
scale: 'medium',
margin: '0 18px 0 0',
width: 120,
height: 36,
cls: 'btn-grp-choose btn-grp-puar',
listeners: {
click: function() {;
text: 'MAL GRUBU',
scale: 'medium',
margin: '0 18px 0 0',
width: 120,
height: 36,
cls: 'btn-grp-choose btn-grp-choose',
listeners: {
click: function() {;
text: 'HEDEF GRUP',
scale: 'medium',
margin: '0 18px 0 0',
width: 120,
height: 36,
cls: 'btn-grp-choose btn-grp-target',
listeners: {
click: function() {;
text: 'SUPPLIER',
scale: 'medium',
width: 120,
height: 36,
cls: 'btn-grp-choose btn-grp-supplier',
listeners: {
click: function() {;
xtype: 'gridpanel',
id: 'article-grid',
selType: 'rowmodel',
elStatus: true,
plugins: [
{ ptype: 'cellediting', clicksToEdit: 1},
{ ptype: 'datadrop'}
/* ***************************************************************
* here is the tricky part! when user change any fields above
* this grid will dynamically generate upon user request. So that
* we arent sure which columns will be available.
* ***************************************************************/
columns: [
text: 'COLUMN A',
dataIndex: ''
renderTo: 'content'
Updated answer
After some clarification I think the answer should be quite easy (at least I think so) For the following answer I assume that you are inside the form at the time you want to fetch the form & grid data and that there is only one Ext.form.Panel:
// Navigate up to the form:
var form = this.up('form'),
// get the form values
data = form.getValues(),
// get the selected record from the grid
gridRecords = form.down('grid').getSelectionModel().getSelected(),
// some helper variables
len = gridRecords.length,
recordData = [];
// normalize the model data by copying just the data objects into the array
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
recordData .push(gridRecords[i].data);
// apply the selected grid records to the formdata. For that you will need a property name, I will use just 'gridRecords' but you may change it
data.gridRecords = recordData;
// send all back via a ajax request
url: 'demo/sample',
success: function(response, opts) {
// your handler
failure: function(response, opts) {
// your handler
jsonData: data
That should it be
To provide some more options of data that can be fetched from/by the grid
// get all data that is currently in the store
// get all new and updated records
// get all new records
// get all updated records
Old answer (for more complex scenarios) below
What you told:
You have a grid with forms and maybe grids. Where you need to also
readout the grids when fetching the data from the form.
In the answer below I will just cover getValues, binding/unbinding events to each grid and not
form load/submit
record load/update
setting values
My recommendation is to make your form much more intelligent so that it is capable of handling this.
What do I mean by?
A default form cares about all fields that are inserted anywhere in it's body. In 99,9% this is perfectly fine but not for all. Your form also need to take care about grids that get inserted.
How it can be done
First thing is that when you make your Grids parts of a form I recommend to give them a name property. Second is that you need to know how a form gather and utilizes the fields so that you be able to copy that for grids. For that you need to take a look at the Ext.form.Basic class constructor where the important part is this
// We use the monitor here as opposed to event bubbling. The problem with bubbling is it doesn't
// let us react to items being added/remove at different places in the hierarchy which may have an
// impact on the dirty/valid state.
me.monitor = new Ext.container.Monitor({
selector: '[isFormField]',
scope: me,
addHandler: me.onFieldAdd,
removeHandler: me.onFieldRemove
What happens here is that a monitor get initialized that from this on will look for any field that get inserted into the bound componenent where the monitor will call the appropriate handler. Currently the monitor is looking for fields but you will need one that is looking for grids. Such a monitor would look like:
me.gridMonitor = new Ext.container.Monitor({
selector: 'grid',
scope: me,
addHandler: me.onGridAdd,
removeHandler: me.onGridRemove
Because I don't know much about your datastructure I cannot tell you which gridevents you might need but you should register/unregister them in the addHandler/removeHandler like
onGridAdd: function(grid) {
var me = this;
onGridRemove: function(grid) {
var me = this;
In addition you will need the following helper methods
* Return all the {#link Ext.grid.Panel} components in the owner container.
* #return {Ext.util.MixedCollection} Collection of the Grid objects
getGrids: function() {
return this.gridMonitor.getItems();
* Find a specific {#link Ext.grid.Panel} in this form by id or name.
* #param {String} id The value to search for (specify either a {#link Ext.Component#id id} or
* {#link Ext.grid.Panel name }).
* #return {Ext.grid.Panel} The first matching grid, or `null` if none was found.
findGrid: function(id) {
return this.getGrids().findBy(function(f) {
return === id || === id;
And most important the method that get's the data from the grids. Here we need to override
getValues: function(asString, dirtyOnly, includeEmptyText, useDataValues) {
var values = {},
fields = this.getFields().items,
grids = this.getGrids().items, // the grids found by the monitor
fLen = fields.length,
gLen = grids.length, // gridcount
isArray = Ext.isArray,
grid, gridData, gridStore, // some vars used while reading the grid content
field, data, val, bucket, name;
for (f = 0; f < fLen; f++) {
field = fields[f];
if (!dirtyOnly || field.isDirty()) {
data = field[useDataValues ? 'getModelData' : 'getSubmitData'](includeEmptyText);
if (Ext.isObject(data)) {
for (name in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
val = data[name];
if (includeEmptyText && val === '') {
val = field.emptyText || '';
if (values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
bucket = values[name];
if (!isArray(bucket)) {
bucket = values[name] = [bucket];
if (isArray(val)) {
values[name] = bucket.concat(val);
} else {
} else {
values[name] = val;
// begin new part
for (g = 0; g < gLen; g++) {
grid = grids[f];
gridStore = grid.getStore();
gridData = [];
// You will need a identification variable to determine which data should be taken from the grid. Currently this demo implement three options
// 0 only selected
// 1 complete data within the store
// 2 only modified records (this can be splitted to new and updated)
var ditems = grid.submitData === 0 ? grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection() :
grid.submitData === 1 ? gridStore.getStore().data.items : gridStore.getStore().getModifiedRecords(),
dlen = ditems.length;
for(d = 0; d < dLen; d++) {
// push the model data to the current data list. It doesn't matter of which type the models (records) are, this will simply read the whole known data. Alternatively you may access the rawdata property if the reader does not know all fields.
// assign the array of record data to the grid-name property
data[] = gridData;
// end new part
if (asString) {
values = Ext.Object.toQueryString(values);
return values;
Clued together should it look something like
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.Basic', {
extend: 'Ext.form.Basic',
* Creates new form.
* #param {Ext.container.Container} owner The component that is the container for the form, usually a {#link Ext.form.Panel}
* #param {Object} config Configuration options. These are normally specified in the config to the
* {#link Ext.form.Panel} constructor, which passes them along to the BasicForm automatically.
constructor: function(owner, config) {
var me = this;
// We use the monitor here as opposed to event bubbling. The problem with bubbling is it doesn't
// let us react to items being added/remove at different places in the hierarchy which may have an
// impact on the dirty/valid state.
me.gridMonitor = new Ext.container.Monitor({
selector: 'grid',
scope: me,
addHandler: me.onGridAdd,
removeHandler: me.onGridRemove
onGridAdd: function(grid) {
var me = this;
onGridRemove: function(grid) {
var me = this;
* Return all the {#link Ext.grid.Panel} components in the owner container.
* #return {Ext.util.MixedCollection} Collection of the Grid objects
getGrids: function() {
return this.gridMonitor.getItems();
* Find a specific {#link Ext.grid.Panel} in this form by id or name.
* #param {String} id The value to search for (specify either a {#link Ext.Component#id id} or
* {#link Ext.grid.Panel name }).
* #return {Ext.grid.Panel} The first matching grid, or `null` if none was found.
findGrid: function(id) {
return this.getGrids().findBy(function(f) {
return === id || === id;
getValues: function(asString, dirtyOnly, includeEmptyText, useDataValues) {
var values = {},
fields = this.getFields().items,
grids = this.getGrids().items, // the grids found by the monitor
fLen = fields.length,
gLen = grids.length, // gridcount
isArray = Ext.isArray,
grid, gridData, gridStore, // some vars used while reading the grid content
field, data, val, bucket, name;
for (f = 0; f < fLen; f++) {
field = fields[f];
if (!dirtyOnly || field.isDirty()) {
data = field[useDataValues ? 'getModelData' : 'getSubmitData'](includeEmptyText);
if (Ext.isObject(data)) {
for (name in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
val = data[name];
if (includeEmptyText && val === '') {
val = field.emptyText || '';
if (values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
bucket = values[name];
if (!isArray(bucket)) {
bucket = values[name] = [bucket];
if (isArray(val)) {
values[name] = bucket.concat(val);
} else {
} else {
values[name] = val;
// begin new part
for (g = 0; g < gLen; g++) {
grid = grids[f];
gridStore = grid.getStore();
gridData = [];
// You will need a identification variable to determine which data should be taken from the grid. Currently this demo implement three options
// 0 only selected
// 1 complete data within the store
// 2 only modified records (this can be splitted to new and updated)
var ditems = grid.submitData === 0 ? grid.getSelectionModel().getSelection() :
grid.submitData === 1 ? gridStore.getStore().data.items : gridStore.getStore().getModifiedRecords(),
dlen = ditems.length;
for(d = 0; d < dLen; d++) {
// push the model data to the current data list. It doesn't matter of which type the models (records) are, this will simply read the whole known data. Alternatively you may access the rawdata property if the reader does not know all fields.
// add the store data as array to the grid-name property
data[] = gridData;
// end new part
if (asString) {
values = Ext.Object.toQueryString(values);
return values;
Next is to modify the form to use this basic form type
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.Panel', {
requires: ['Ext.ux.form.Basic'],
* #private
createForm: function() {
var cfg = {},
props = this.basicFormConfigs,
len = props.length,
i = 0,
for (; i < len; ++i) {
prop = props[i];
cfg[prop] = this[prop];
return new Ext.ux.form.Basic(this, cfg);
This is all untested! I've done something similar for various
customers to extend the capabilities of forms and I can tell tell that
this way will work very well and fast. At least it should show how it can be done and it can easily be tweaked to also set forms and/or load/update records.
I have not used this myself, but there is a thread that tries to deal with associated models via hasMany relationship. The problem is that everyone has slightly different expectations of what should happen during write operation of records. Serever side ORMs deal with this issue in somewhat difficult to understand manner and is often a sore spot for new developers.
Here is the forum thread that details a custom JSON writer to persist a parent record with it's children records.
Here is the code that seems to work at least for some folks:{
* This function overrides the default implementation of json writer. Any hasMany relationships will be submitted
* as nested objects. When preparing the data, only children which have been newly created, modified or marked for
* deletion will be added. To do this, a depth first bottom -> up recursive technique was used.
getRecordData: function(record) {
//Setup variables
var me = this, i, association, childStore, data =;
//Iterate over all the hasMany associations
for (i = 0; i < record.associations.length; i++) {
association = record.associations.get(i);
data[] = null;
childStore = record[association.storeName];
//Iterate over all the children in the current association
childStore.each(function(childRecord) {
if (!data[]){
data[] = [];
//Recursively get the record data for children (depth first)
var childData =, childRecord);
* If the child was marked dirty or phantom it must be added. If there was data returned that was neither
* dirty or phantom, this means that the depth first recursion has detected that it has a child which is
* either dirty or phantom. For this child to be put into the prepared data, it's parents must be in place whether
* they were modified or not.
if (childRecord.dirty | childRecord.phantom | (childData != null)){
}, me);
* Iterate over all the removed records and add them to the preparedData. Set a flag on them to show that
* they are to be deleted
Ext.each(childStore.removed, function(removedChildRecord) {
//Set a flag here to identify removed records
removedChildRecord.set('forDeletion', true);
var removedChildData =, removedChildRecord);
}, me);
//Only return data if it was dirty, new or marked for deletion.
if (record.dirty | record.phantom | record.get('forDeletion')){
return data;
The full thread is located here:

How to dynamically make a combobox multiselect/singleselect in extjs

I am using Boxselect extended from combo box in ExtJs 4.1. Based on some condition i need to make the selection single or multi.
here is my code
bool result;
result = getData();
Ext.getCmp("combo1").multiSelect =true
This does not change the combobox to multiselect .any ideas ?
You have to force the recreation of the picker when the multiSelect option change. For that, you need to delete the property picker of your combo:
combo.multiSelect = true;
delete combo.picker;
Complete example:
Ext.widget('panel', {
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
layout: {type: 'vbox', align: 'center'},
margin: 10,
defaults: {width: 200, margin: 5},
items: [{
xtype: 'combo',
store: ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
xtype: 'displayfield',
fieldLabel: 'Multiselect is',
value: "OFF"
xtype: 'button',
text: "Toggle multiselect",
handler: function() {
var panel = this.up(),
combo = panel.down('combo'),
outField = panel.down('displayfield'),
newValue = !combo.multiSelect;
combo.multiSelect = newValue;
// force recreation of picker
delete combo.picker;
outField.setValue(newValue ? "ON" : "OFF");
Try with the Ext.apply method.
combo = Ext.getCmp.....
Ext.apply(combo, {multiSelect: true});

