Can this be site be constructed on WordPress? - javascript

I have been approached by someone looking to build a website and was wondering if I could ask the community's advice on how to proceed given I am new to full stack web development.
The website requires :
Visitors to be able to create their own accounts which will have
differing permissions.
Visitors to create their own pages on the website.
An on-site search engine to search through these pages amongst other lists of elements.
The ability to connect with multiple API's including ones I custom build.
On site E-Commerce capabilities
Hosted message boards/forums for "logged in" visitors to use/create/comment on etc.
A content management system
I understand this is an absolutely massive project but I would mainly be creating for enjoyment. My question is, can all these features be implemented by creating the site in word press or will I have to build it from scratch and if so what backend stack would you recommend (I have some experience with NodeJS/express etc and hear keystone JS is a useful library for building a CMS).

That is a massive one of course. Readymade ones like WordPress have limitations, and for this kind of a huge project, customizing wordpress can be tougher than making from scratch on your own. If you are comfortable with php, javascript and mysql, all these, and any huge or small, applications can be made without any hassle, and without any additional fancy platforms and libraries.

Why wouldn't you do this in WordPress? A lot of the infrastructure you desire is already in place. Also with some free plugins, as well as few premium (pay) plugins that I can think of off the top of my head, most of what you list is already developed for WordPress. For me, when I build a WordPress site, the question I ask myself with regards to plugin use is, "If there's a quality plugin that does the job as I need, and I couldn't build a similar function in a reasonable timeframe vs cost of the plugin, then why not use one?"


Most useful javascript design patterns for a single page application that updates with AJAX?

For a beginner (and hobbyist) who is well self-schooled in HTML and CSS and is moderately familiar with JavaScript which design patterns should he learn and apply? My task is to create a single page application without using any libraries or frameworks. It would be a simple site that updates content only in sections of the page as they are clicked. Although it would be a one page web the address bar as well as a menu would mimick a multi-page website. It will not be built as a mobile phone app but may be accessible via one as all web sites are. The goal is use this as learning experience while building an online portfolio. It would likely be hosted at Github Pages which permits AJAX updates. Please advise.
There is an eBook from 2016 called "Build Your Own AngularJS". It will be terribly outdated, but for educational purposes it could be valuable for someone wanting to learn how to handle complexity. It's free to download now, so you could give it a try:

Creating a website for a blogger and give admin rights

I want to create a website (using HTML, CSS and JavaScript/Jquery) for a blogger. However, she intends to change the content and color of the page pretty frequently, without asking for my help everytime.
I know how to create Login credentials to allow a specific user to modify the page (background or innerHTML), but I do not know how to upload these changes to the server directly from the website page.
Any help would be great.
It might be worth looking into getting a content management system like Wordpress (PHP) or Umbraco (, you can code the site design then she can log in and change the content. You will have to code in functionality to change colours and whatever else she needs.
The best way to go about this would probably be to use an existing CMS (Content Management System), like Wordpress or Joomla. You will have to research the options yourself.
Even this might be overkill if all she wants is a blogging tool, it all depends on the requirements (maybe a custom theme for a bogging site would do). In any case, while it is certainly not as much fun as building something new, the existing CMS tools and blogging tools have been around for a long time and has been meeting the needs of bloggers and people who need to update websites without technical skill for a very long time.
So, my recommendation is to find a good tool, get yourself acquainted with it and learn how to customize it to fit your clients' needs, then use that.

Which powerfull tools are used to create website and could GWT and GXT work ?

So I started working this year after finished studying last year. I have been exposed to so many things in the working environment. Suck as Maven, GWT and Hibernate.
Now I got this side project in which I just need to create a simple website which would bassically just display some information and contacting details.
So I was wondering if HTML5 CSS and JavaScript is still the way to go and if there are not powerfull frameworks in which could you help me do animations and graphics much easier.
Also if you know GWT and GXT would it be a bad idea to create a visually apealing website using these frameworks.
Thank you so much for reading
Have a nice day
Objective: Create a simple website which would basically just display some information and contacting details.
GXT is built on GWT.
Go for GXT when you are in need of rich set of widgets (it is a very large set of collection) out of the box. Have a look on the following link where GXT has showcased the different widgets
GWT will be having minimal set of widgets when compared to GXT. Have a look on the different widgets which are provided out of the box.
Javascript Animation framework:
There are bunch of javascript libraries/frameworks for animation, choose one which is most appropriate to your work. Have a look on the following link.
Consider the following before finalizing on a framework
Framework which is having more out of the box components which matches the requirement.
Framework which is more stable
Framework which is having more support on the internet, such as forums, blogs.
Happy Coding!!

Write A Facebook App In JavaScript

As an hobby I wrote a game in JavaScript and would love to publish it to Facebook, can you write a Facebook application using pure HTML and JavaScript?
Yes. Absolutely. In fact, one of the options for developing a Facebook application is an embedded frame pointing to your website which can be whatever you want, including straight HTML web serving.
There are two officially sanctioned libraries for accessing Facebook information and one of them is Javascript based.
You can do quite a bit on Facebook with just Javascript/HTML. There's a lot of possibilities using services outside of your own site (think Flckr, Google Ajax API etc...)
Facebook applications are pleasantly simple to develop.
The documentation is indeed at:
I would also note that traffic with regards to Facebook, things can spin up really quickly. There are stories of students creating applications which quickly scaled to millions of users. I'm not saying this is likely to be the case for you, but it is can be an effective and a highly viral distribution platform.
Yes, though your app may not be able to do much on Facebook. Have a look at for documentation.

Which CMS should I use to manage a small internet site without programming experiences? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a CMS system to manage a simple and small website. The website will be made with pure HTML and some JavaScript (perhaps prototype library).
The reason while I'm looking for a CMS system is, because the customer will have the ability to change the content later by him self, and of course he didn't have any experiences with HTML and JavaScript or programming any more.
The CMS should be very easy to use, especially the management.
Personally I would recommend WordPress. Although it's 'marketed' as a blogging platform, it has very nice support for just "pages".
It's free;
It's commonly available on cPanel installations, or it's easy to set up on your own server;
It has very slick editing facilities;
There's a mass of themes and documentation available. has demos of a bunch of cms' for you to try.
Personally, would be my choice for easy of use for non-programmers.
Have found Drupal to be very easy and it can grow with you
It also depends on your own level of skills but I would go with a CMS which has a good front end editing implementation so the customer doesn't even have to login to the admi area that often.
you could chose:
WordPress (is not a CMS as such)
Drupal (is a good CMS but in my opinion not suitable for your needs since its admin backend is not very easy to understand for non-tech-ppl.)
for not tech-savy end users I recommend Joomla though (the 1.5 series) since it is hard to break and components/plugins/etc. are found in a central location (, easy to install and easy to uninstall.
If this site involves e-commerce, I would recommend Joomla, since there's a popular e-commerce plugin for it called VirtueMart. Joomla has good community support, many plugins, and its features make it very scalable and customizable. Joomla also has good user management. However, using Joomla can be difficult at first, as its content organization is rather complex.
If the site would consist of basic blog-like webpages, then WordPress is the way to go. WordPress is a very simple blogging CMS with a huge user community. It's very easy to use, has many plugins for it, and the newest version of WordPress even has auto-updating features. WordPress isn't as good as Joomla when it comes to user management, though. For example, Joomla can specify exactly what content users and user groups have access to. WordPress has basic user groups, but additional customization and plugins would be required to have that functionality.
OpenSourceCMS contains demos for both Joomla and WordPress.
In my past web development experience, I've used both Joomla and WordPress for my clients. Joomla typically requires having a sit-down with the client to go over the basic features of how to use the software, while WordPress is easy enough for the client to figure out without any assistance. However, the WordPress sites I've worked with that require more than the standard blogging features (e.g., e-commerce, image galleries, forums) usually involve integrating WordPress with a separate software application, while Joomla more often than not has those plugins available for it. The end result is a website with several applications on it installed (e.g., WordPress, Coppermine, phpBB), each with separate logins and admin screens.
For a simple and easy website with basic features, I would suggest WordPress. For a website with specific needs (such as e-commerce) and the potential to scale, I would suggest Joomla.
You said "pure HTML" so will do what you want. Watch the demo, it's extremely slick and easy albeit no frills but you don't need any, it just gets the job done ;)
Also, is a great website creation tool to get up and running quickly.
You can add 3rd party plugins for forms, feeds, photos, maps etc. and then it exports all of that as HTML or it can publish to your FTP site and I think they can also host it for you.
Using Synthasite & CushyCMS is a great combo to get something "pure HTML" up and running extremely fast., not free but so easy that your granny would smile.
A good .Net one is Umbraco...
Like stusmith, i'd go with wordpress if the needs are really basics. It's really simple and easy to install then handle.
But if you need a real CMS, Drupal is still not complicated and very powerful.
One simple cms is for example Zimplit, it has a online editor, so your customers can edit their pages right on site, no admin area,also you can use any html template you want,you can take a look at demo or read more info about it
What about cuyahoga? It's a .NET CMS web app which has a really simple edit + admin interface + it's very module oriented. It's also easy for developers to create own custom modules.
have a look at typolight it has the best backend i have ever seen. and it is very easy to understood. login into the demo backend and have fun :D
I'm quite surprised no-one mentioned Plone yet. This is an open-source product which is very suitable for the requirements you describe.
If it is a pure HTML site use Veolay CMS. This CMS doesn’t use database but it has a good content and user management system.
for example if you want to edit a div then you have to add a class with veoaly-
Content here can be edit... and you can assign users to edit “EditMe” region.
Try the demo to take a good idea.
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