Pinch/spread touch zoom — How do I avoid creating a “zoom trap”? - javascript

I have a desktop web app ( that I’m trying to make more mobile-friendly. As one step in that process, I’ve taken a star chart and made it touch-draggable, and also made a view of the orbits of the planets both draggable and zoomable with touch gestures.
But here’s an interesting problem that I imagine must have happened to others before: It’s possible to use the default panning and zooming behavior of a mobile web browser to move my web page around until the only thing in view is a component that itself takes over touch gestures using preventDefault.
Once this happens, it’s impossible to zoom back out and bring the whole web page back into view. All pinch/spread zooming is sucked in by my component. For lack of a better term, I’m calling this a “zoom trap”. I’ve tried to search online for any discussion of this problem, but can’t find the right words to match anything.
I came up with an ad hoc solution that’s currently deployed at If I’m in a “zoom trap” I can touch the screen with three fingers and a translucent gray panel comes up to block touch gestures from reaching my touch-responsive canvas. Normal default web browser pan and zoom then becomes possible again, and the user can zoom back out. After that, touching with three fingers again clears the gray panel out of the way.
While this solves the problem in a way, it’s not a standard well-known gesture, and it would be hard to provide enough on-screen prompting to make necessary gesture clear.
Ideally I’d like to be able to respond to a standard gesture like a double-tap by zooming out the web page, but as far as I can tell, other than the initial zoom factor when a web page loads, web browser zooming isn’t something a web app can control dynamically.
Has anyone else run into this problem? Are there standard touch gestures for dealing with this? Are there ways in JavaScript that I haven’t discovered yet to dynamically control mobile web browser zooming?


Is it possible to replace the browser's default zooming behaviour with magnification?

I am building an admin panel for a client using the Metronic theme. Accessibility is not important to the client and responsiveness is not too important either since this application will only be used on desktops/laptops. Zooming into the application breaks the appearance of some components.
Would it be possible to replace zooming with magnification (the behaviour achieved by pinching and zooming on a laptop trackpad).
To help you visualise what I mean I used StackOverflow as an example;
StackOverflow without zooming/magnification;
StackOverflow when zooming in (Ctrl+Shift+Plus);
StackOverflow when magnifying (Pinch and zoom on a trackpad);
I want the third behaviour to happen when zooming regularly also. I have tried adjusting the meta viewport tag but according to this post and many others, viewport is only for mobile devices. There is also no zoom event in JavaScript to do try to see if e.preventDefault would make it work.
Even if I end up having to make everything responsive anyways it would be interesting to see if this is possible.

The cursor property in CSS does not seem to apply to USB On The Go

Mouse Cursor styling, like Col-Resize and Not-Allowed
See Examples Here
do not seem to apply to the mouse that appears on a phone or tablet through USB OTG. Any way to apply CSS, Javascript or other styles to the OTG mouse?
It is actually Android's kernel that doesn't support different mouse cursors. Even in the app IDE's it is impossible to change the cursor without drawing on top of it. People don't typically use mice on mobile devices for Internet browsing therefore that's why it is not implemented.
If you're absolutely looking for a solution, you will have to host your webpage inside an app container with a WebView and use Android's Javascript Communication Interface to detect the mouse hovers, and a System Overlay to draw on top the mouse cursor. It is a difficult implementation but it is the only solution for the specific situation. I can maybe help you out with the implementation if you request.
Happy developing,
According to Mozilla on this page (scroll down to Browser Compatibility and click the Mobile tab) the question, even of which features might be available for a Mouse cursor that doesn't generally appear on Mobile, remains an unknown, or maybe up in the air. As more OTG applications take hold (one thinks of the usefulness of a tailored mouse in certain game environments - crosshairs, anyone?) perhaps the spec will rise to the occasion...

three.js - Help adding pinch zoom to css3d_youtube demo - trackball controls messing up camera position

I'm trying to sell my boss on using three.js to create a CSS3D interface integrated with video providers (like YouTube). One of the requirements is showing it on a mobile device - I've chosen an iPad since the Android tablet is quirky.
Since my demo is scheduled for this Thursday I thought the quickest thing to do was to show him the wonderful css3d_youtube demo.
The problem is it is not configured to use gestures (touch pinch zoom) and I'm having a hard time doing this.
I also needed to add a few things like a background image and the ability to have the YouTube player go full screen so I had to take the original code and modify it. I saw the periodic table is so I decided to use the TrackBall controller in my code. You can see my modified code here
The trackball controller seems to shift the camera's y position. You can see the actual page I created here if you view in a tablet. I used the Modernizr library to recognize if the device is touch screen so you wont see it just by using a desktop browser.
If it would be more helpful I can remove that condition so it can be seen in a desktop browser.
If I remove the code that is messing up the camera position (you can see where I do this my searching for Modernizr.touch in the code) the camera is no longer centered to the video poster image when clicking on the button.
I also tried just regular JavaScript gesture events by adding this function:
function onPinch(e) {
and calling it in an event handler:
`document.body.addEventListener('gestureend', onPinch, false)`
but that was a disaster. The CSS3D objects rendered very slowly.
Can someone help me add pinch zoom functionality to the css3d youtube demo? Or at least offer some advice on how to proceed? I wasn't able to find anything to help via Google -ing
Looks like TrackballControls.js has been updated to support touch zoom gestures.
If any one else is having this problem, just get the latest version.
The CSS3D periodic table and youtube examples seem to have been updated too.

Enable zoom in mobile app

We're developing an app using in conjunction with Jquery Mobile 1.1.1. We're aware of the modifications to the viewport meta tag in JM to enable or disable zoom, but in another Stack question about, one of their devs mentioned they disable zoom at the webview level: Preventing zoom with forge
We would like to enable zoom when displaying a large image on the page - is this possible using the Trigger framework?
yes we do disable zooming in the WebView: if you include a large, unscaled image in your HTML, the user will be able to scroll around to see the full image, but pinches won't work.
Of course, you could have the image down-scaled to start with, then blow it up to full size when the user clicks on an icon? Libraries such as iScroll4 might help here too.
Also, we would be able to make the WebView's zooming behaviour somewhat configurable (although we would always default to making it non-zoomable). Get in touch with if you absolutely need different behaviour.

Mouse management in JavaScript games

Im using JavaScript, the HTML5 canvas-element and WebGL to make a simple 3D-game in first person view for fun.
Ideally, I would like to control my movement by using the keyboard to move and the mouse to look around, like you usually do in FPS-games. As you probably understand, there are some limits to this in the browser, since the mouse cant be captured:
When using the onmousemove event, no further movement will be detected when the mouse pointer reaches the border of my screen (which means that I wont be able to run in a circle for example)
Seeing the mouse move across the screen is not the end of the world, but it is a little annoying
From what I know, it's impossible to hide the mouse as well as setting it's position in JavaScript. Hence, my question is this:
If we cant to those things, what can we do in order to get close to the desktop gaming experience when it comes to the mouse in the browser?
And I mean right now, using current APIs. Not "what could be changed in some standard to make life easier". Also, I realize that I could use the keyboard to look around, but then we're back in 1995 when Quake were actually played like that. And of course I know that it would be easier to write a desktop application or use Flash at least, but Im trying to push JavaScript's limits here.
Apart from those things, what are your suggestions? Any kind of reference, existing game, crazy idea, hack or even browser specific solution would be appreciated.
I have done some experiments with mousehiding for a game, as far as I recall it was only Opera that I didn't make behave, so I gave it the cross instead. One crucial point is that some browsers will display a completely invisible cursor image as a black box, but with just one almost invisible pixel it'll work. Feel free to take the mousehiding part and the cursor file.
I have thought a bit about the look around part myself, for the up/down movement it is easy, since you will cap this anyway, and all you have to do is to make sure that the cap is in sync with the mouse movement cap. For the sideways part, I suggest that you try messing with the sensitivity, when the mouse nears the edge of the screen sensitivity should go up it the direction towards the screen edge, and down in the direction away from the screen edge. I haven't tried out this method, so I can't tell how well it will actually work, but it should help keep the mouse in the middle area even if the user spins around more one way than the other.
Good luck with the project, sounds exciting.
Your hopes and dreams are now possible with the new Pointer Lock API

