Global Variable not carrying over- Javascript FCF - javascript

I'm using firebase cloud functions in which I define a variable commentIdSpecific. When I log it inside the function: -- console.log(comm id ${commentIdSpecific}); -- it prints its value. When I try to print it here: -- console.log(test of variables inisde of post: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}, uwotpi: ${commentIdSpecific}) -- it returns undefined. I've looked at three websites talking about global vars and it doesn't seem any different from what I have here.
How do I go about getting the value in the second print statement to be in the first? Thanks in advance.
var commentIdSpecific;
db.ref(`/users/${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}/posts/${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}/comments`).once('value').then(snap => {
commentIdSpecific = snap.val();
let ids = [];
for (var id in snap.val()) {
let lastValueId = ids[ids.length - 1]
console.log(`last id value ${lastValueId}. UserPost: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}. user owner post id: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}...`);
commentIdSpecific = lastValueId;
console.log(`comm id ${commentIdSpecific}`);
return commentIdSpecific;
}).catch(err => {
var commentPoster;
db.ref(`/users/${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}/posts/${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}/comments/${commentIdSpecific}/comment`).once('value').then(snap => {
commentPoster = snap.val();
console.log(`commentPoster: ${snap.val()}`);
console.log(`test of variables inisde of post: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}, uwotpi: ${commentIdSpecific}`)
return commentPoster
}).catch(err => {

once() is asynchronous and returns immediately with a promise that indicates when the async work is complete. Likewise, then() returns immediately with a promise. The callback you pass to then() is executed some unknown amount of time later, whenever the results of the query are finished. Until that happens, your code keeps executing at the next line, which means commentIdSpecific will be undefined when it's first accessed.
You need to use a promise chain to make sure the work that depends on the results of async work is only accessed after it becomes available.
You may want to watch the videos on JavaScript promises on this page in order to better learn how they're used in Cloud Functions. It's absolutely critical to understand how they work to write effective code.

You should make the second db.ref call in promise chain once the first promise resolved like this:
.then(snap => {
commentIdSpecific = snap.val();
let ids = [];
for (var id in snap.val()) {
let lastValueId = ids[ids.length - 1]
console.log(`last id value ${lastValueId}. UserPost: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}. user owner post id: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}...`);
commentIdSpecific = lastValueId;
console.log(`comm id ${commentIdSpecific}`);
return commentIdSpecific;
.then(commentIdSpecific => {
db.ref(`/users/${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}/posts/${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}/comments/${commentIdSpecific}/comment`).once('value').then(snap => {
commentPoster = snap.val();
console.log(`commentPoster: ${snap.val()}`);
console.log(`test of variables inisde of post: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}, uwotpi: ${commentIdSpecific}`)
return commentPoster
}).catch(err => {
.catch(err => {
once() is an async operation so it might possible that console.log(test of variables inside of post: ${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}, uwotpi: ${commentIdSpecific}) executed before commentIdSpecific = snap.val(); and commentIdSpecific = lastValueId;
So what you need to do is first let db.ref(/users/${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}/posts/${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}/comments) be completed and then make call to db.ref(/users/${usernameWhoOwnsThePost}/posts/${usernameWhoOwnsThePostID}/comments/${commentIdSpecific}/comment) in next .then() in the chain.
As you are returning commentIdSpecific form first .then() So it will be available as param in second .then(). will help you to dig .then chaining more into deep.


problems with an array awaiting for a function that reads from firestore

I'm trying to build a method which reads from firestore an array of elements (object):
I have a service which retrieves the data from firestore, first it gets an array of document references
var data = snapshot.get('elements');
and then it gets all the objects:
return new Promise(res =>{
.then( user => {
this.useruid = user.uid;
this.db.firestore.doc(`/users/${this.useruid}`).get().then(snapshot =>{
var data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
data.forEach(element => {
this.db.firestore.doc(element).get().then(object =>{
var elem = as object;
this.array.push(elem);//I kind of push in the array instances of object
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(err =>{
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
.catch(function(error) {
// An error happened.
Then in a component I have an async method which calls the service, and tries to push into another array all the names from each object in the first array:
async retrieveArray(){
this.array = await this.service.getElements();
this.array.forEach(element => {
However when I look to the console, the first array (array) gives me indeed an array of objects, but the other array (names) is empty.
I used the method get to retrieve the data because I don't want to listen to it, I might need the value just once.
Personally I find the async/await syntax infinitely more elegant and easier to deal with than a good old .then() callback hell :
async getElements() {
let user;
user = await this.AngularAuth.currentUser();
} catch(err) {
this.useruid = user.uid;
const snapshot = await this.db.firestore.doc(`/users/${this.useruid}`).get();
if (!snapshot.exists) {
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
const data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
let toReturn = [];
for(let element of data){ // can also use 'await Promise.all()' here instead of for...of
const object = await this.db.firestore.doc(element).get();
return toReturn;
async retrieveArray(){
this.array = await this.service.getElements();
this.names = element => ) // Also use .map() here
If you use for...of, all calls will be made one after the other, in order. If you use await Promise.all(), all calls will be made and awaited simultaneously, which is faster but recommended only if you have a small number of calls to make (otherwise this could overload the server you're calling, or even be considered as a DDoS attack.)
I think the issue is in this part of your code:
var data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
data.forEach(element => {
this.db.firestore.doc(element).get().then(object =>{
var elem = as object;
this.array.push(elem);//I kind of push in the array instances of object
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(err =>{
You're looping through the elements and fetching the object from firebase for each one. Each time is an async call, but you're not waiting for each of these calls to finish before calling res(this.nombres).
As for why the console.log(this.array) shows a populated array is that the console can be misleading. It provides the data in a kind of 'live' way (it's a reference to the array), and sometimes by the time the data arrives on the console, it's different to what the data looked like when console.log was called.
To make sure you see the data precisely as it was when console.log was called, try this:
As for the issue with your code, you need to wait for all the elements to have been fetched before you call the resolve function of your promise. Because you don't necessarily know the order in which the responses will come back, one option is to simply have a counter of how many results are remaining (you know how many you are expecting), and once the last response has been received, call the resolve function. This is how I would do it, but obviously I can't test it so it might not work:
var data = snapshot.get('elements'); //This gets the array of elements
// *** we remember the number of elements we're fetching ***
let count = data.length;
data.forEach(element => {
this.db.firestore.doc(element).get().then(object =>{
// *** decrement count ***
var elem = as object;
this.array.push(elem);//I kind of push in the array instances of object
// *** If count has reached zero, now it's time to call the response function
if (count === 0) {
console.log("Error. Doc doesn't exist")
}).catch(err =>{
// *** remove this line because it's calling the resolve function before nombres is populated
You might want to add behaviour for when the result of snapshot.get('elements') is empty, but hopefully with this you'll be on your way to a solution.
** EDIT **
I'm keeping this up just because the console.log issue might well be useful for you to know about, but I highly recommend the async/await approach suggested by Jeremy. I agree that's it's much more readable and elegant

How to use async call inside forEach when using firebase calls

the question that I have is that I can't figure out how to make this code work properly using Firestore (not sure if this is irrelevant).
The actual code is the following:
prestamoItems() {
var myarray = [];
var myobject = {};
//here comes the first async method (works OK)
.orderBy("fechaPrestamo", "desc")
.then(val => {
if (!val.empty) {
//here comes forEach => {
myobject =; =;
console.log("The doc id is "
//here comes second async call inside the forEach loop, but it doesnt wait for this
//to be finished, and immediately goes to the other step
fb.equiposCollection.doc( => {
console.log("The doc id from the other collection is "
console.log("myobject pushed to myarray")
Please note that I'm calling an async method inside a forEach loop that comes from another async method. In every variation of the code, the output that I'm getting (the console logs) are the following:
11:13:14.999 Prestamos.vue?18d2:71 The doc id is 1yTCUKwBvlopXX2suvVu
11:13:14.999 Prestamos.vue?18d2:78 myobject pushed to myarray
11:13:15.000 Prestamos.vue?18d2:71 The doc id is Z5TE15Fj3HFrn1zvceGe
11:13:15.000 Prestamos.vue?18d2:78 myobject pushed to myarray
11:13:15.000 Prestamos.vue?18d2:71 The doc id is JNN9aN65XE1tUTmlzkoJ
11:13:15.000 Prestamos.vue?18d2:78 myobject pushed to myarray
11:13:15.000 Prestamos.vue?18d2:71 The doc id is NF2hHCpM8leZezHbmnJx
11:13:15.001 Prestamos.vue?18d2:78 myobject pushed to myarray
11:13:15.364 Prestamos.vue?18d2:74 The doc id from the other collection is 1yTCUKwBvlopXX2suvVu
11:13:15.368 Prestamos.vue?18d2:74 The doc id from the other collection is Z5TE15Fj3HFrn1zvceGe
11:13:15.374 Prestamos.vue?18d2:74 The doc id from the other collection is JNN9aN65XE1tUTmlzkoJ
11:13:15.379 Prestamos.vue?18d2:74 The doc id from the other collection is NF2hHCpM8leZezHbmnJx
So, the forEach loop is not waiting to the async function inside it (which actually is the expected behavior, AFAIK).
The question is how can I make it wait for the inner call to be finished before adding the obect to the array? Thanks in advance.
either you nest code, which depends on previous results into then() callbacks or you wrap the loop (forEach does not support async) in async block to make use of await inside. eg.:
.orderBy("fechaPrestamo", "desc")
.then(val => {
if (!val.empty) {
// wrap loop in async function call iife so we can use await inside
(async () => {
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
const doc =[i];
myobject =; =;
// this will be synchronous now
let eqp = await fb.equiposCollection.doc(;
The root of the problem is that you're trying to turn an asychronous operation (waiting for Firestore to return values) into a synchronous one. This isn't really possible in a meaningful way in JavaScript without causing lots of issues!
You'll need to populate your array inside of the .then() callback and return the promise as a result of the function. Any caller that calls your prestamoItems() function will also have to use .then() callbacks to access the underlying myarray value:
const _ = {
async prestamoItems() {
const val = await fb.prestamosCollection.orderBy("fechaPrestamo", "desc").get();
if (val.empty) {
return myarray
// Promise.all() will take a list of promises and will return their results once they have all finished.
return await Promise.all(
// will take an existing array and, for each item, call the given function and return a new array with the return value of each function in that array.
// This is functionally equivalent to making a new array and push()ing to it, but it reads a lot nicer! doc => {
const myobject =;
const eqp = await fp.equiposCollection.doc(
// I presume you want to do something with eqp here
return myobject
The above code sample uses to do away with myarray as it's not necessary.
A caller would have to use this code like this:
_.prestamoItems().then((myarray) => {
Promises are a way of saying that a value may be avaliable at some point in the future. Because of this, you have to make sure that any interaction you have with a promise is written in such a way that assumes the value is not avaliable immediately. The easiest way to do this is by using async/await and ensuring that you return promise objects.
just move the push inside then like this
fb.equiposCollection.doc( => {
console.log("The doc id from the other collection is "
console.log("myobject pushed to myarray")

Array of objects in javascript not returning as expected

I have a function which returns a list of objects in Javascript, and I'm calling this function from another and attempting to use some of the values from it, but whenever I try to access said values, they come back undefined.
This is my function which generates the list - the idea is that it creates a sqlite3 database if it does not exist, and returns an array containing every event.
function listAllEvents() {
const sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
const db = new sqlite3.Database('schedule.db');
const selectionArray = [];
db.serialize(() => {`
name text,
date text,
id text primary key
db.all('SELECT * FROM todo ORDER BY date', [], (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
rows.forEach((row) => {
return selectionArray;
I call this function from another, but when I try to access values from the array, they don't seem to be working and I can't quite figure it out.
function displayUpcomingEvents() {
const events = listAllEvents();
// console.log(events); <-- This line here! In the console, it correctly states the length of the array
// console.log(events.length) <-- This line, however, returns 0. Why?
// console.log(events[0]) <-- This doesn't work either, it just returns "undefined".
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) {
For example, if I were to create two events in the database, through the console,
events is an Array(2) with indices
- 0: {name: "my_event", date: "2019-06-04", id: "c017c392d446d4b2"}
- 1: {name: "my_event_2", date: "2019-06-04", id: "6d655ac8dd02e3fd"},
events.length returns 0,
and events[0] returns undefined.
Why is this, and what can I do to fix it?
The possible reason why this is happening, is because of the async nature of JS, that means all the console.log statements are getting executed before the successful execution of the listAllEvents() function,
So my suggestion is to try using the promises, and perform all the actions mentioned after the listAllEvents() function only when that function returns a promise.
You can also try making the function async and using await to wait for its successful execution. (Much Smarter Choice will be using async)
Link to ASYNC Functions and Usage
Link to Promises
Also you can check the validity of answer by doing console.log(row) where you are pushing rows to the array. You will observer that the console.log(row) will be executed at the last, after printing events and other log statements.
The problem is that your function is returning the variable before a value is set. The db.serialize function will run asynchronously (outside the normal flow of the program) and the return statement will run immediately after. One thing you can do is use async/await in conjunction with Promise. In this case the the variable results will wait for the promise to be resolved before continuing to the next line.
async function listAllEvents() {
const selectionArray = [];
let promise = new Promise( function (resolve, reject) {
db.serialize(() => {
name text,
date text,
id text primary key
db.all('SELECT * FROM todo ORDER BY date', [], (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
// add code here to reject promise
throw err;
rows.forEach((row) => {
resolve(selectionArray);// resolve the promise
let results = await promise;
return results;
async function displayUpcomingEvents() {
const events = await listAllEvents();
// console.log(events); <-- This line here! In the console, it correctly states the length of the array
// console.log(events.length) <-- This line, however, returns 0. Why?
// console.log(events[0]) <-- This doesn't work either, it just returns "undefined".
for (let i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) {
Note here that the displayUpcomingEvents function will also need to be async or you cannot use the await keyword.
Additional reading for Promise keyword MDN: Promise
Additional reading for Async/Await MDN: Asyn/Await

How to loop async query code of firebase?

I am trying to loop and get different documents from firestore. The 'document ids' are provided by an array named 'cart' as you can see in the code below.
The programming logic which I have tried goes like this the while loop in every iteration gets document from firestore and in first 'then' section it saves the data which it just have got and in second 'then' it increments the 'i' and does the next cycle of loop.
The problem is while loop doesn't wait for that get request to finish. It just keeps looping and crashes.
The thing is even if I somehow manage to do the loop part correct. How would I manage the overall execution flow of program so that only after completing the loop part further code gets executed since the code below uses the cart array which loop part updates.
let i = 0
while (i < cart.length) {
let element = cart[i]
db.collection(`products`).doc(element.productID).get().then((doc1) => {
element.mrp =
element.ourPrice =
return console.log('added price details')
}).then(() => {
return console.log(i)
}).catch((error) => {
// Re-throwing the error as an HttpsError so that the client gets the error details.
throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', error.message, error);
return db.collection(`Users`).doc(`${uid}`).update({
orderHistory: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion({
status: 'Placed',
orderPlacedTimestamp: timestamp,
outForDeliveryTimestamp: '',
deliveredTimestamp: ''
}).then(() => {
console.log("Order Placed Successfully");
Your question is not about firebase, you're asking about looping asynchronously. You can see some promises examples here, and async/await here
You can use reduce on the promises.
Note that all the promises are being created at the same time, but the call to the server is done one after the other.
(promise, element) =>
promise.then(() => {
return db.collection(`products`)
.then(doc1 => {
element.mrp =;
element.ourPrice =;
If you can, use async/await instead. Here all the promises are being created one after the other.
async function fetchCart() {
for (const element of cart) {
const doc1 = await db.collection(`products`).doc(element.productID);
element.mrp =;
element.ourPrice =;
console.log('added price details');
Each call to Cloud Firestore happens asynchronously. So your while loop fires off multiple such requests, but it doesn't wait for them to complete.
If you have code that needs all the results, you will need to uses Promises to ensure the flow. You're already using the promise in the while loop to get If cart is an array, you can do the following to gather all promises of when the data is loaded:
var promises = {
return db.collection(`products`).doc(element.productID).get().then((doc1) => {
Now you can wait for all data with:
Promise.all(promises).then(function(datas) {
datas.forEach(function(data) {
console.log(data.mrp, data.ourPrice);
If you're on a modern environment, you can use async/await to abstract away the then:
datas = await Promise.all(promises);
datas.forEach(function(data) {
console.log(data.mrp, data.ourPrice);

Tracking state of a chain of promises

I'm currently trying to track the progress of a chain of native es6 promises, and am wondering what the 'correct' way to go about this is.
I've simplified the actual code to thie following example, which is a basic set of chained promises (in reality, the promise chain is longer, and the session status value changes in more places depending on progress through the chain):
let sessions = {}
const asyncFunc = () => {
// Get a new id for state tracking
let session_id = getID()
sessions.session_id = 'PENDING'
// Fetch the first url
let result = api.get(url)
.then(res => {
// Return the 'url' property of the fetched data
return res.url
.then (url => {
// Fetch this second url
let data = api.get(url)
sessions.session_id = 'SUCCESS'
// Return the whole data object
return data
.catch(err => {
console.log("ERR", err)
sessions.session_id = 'ERROR'
return result
.then(res => {
console.log("URL", url)
This code tracks the state of the functions and stores them to the global sessions object - but the session_id isn't being passed back for inspection of status while the function is 'in-flight'.
One option I'm considering is adding the session_id as a property of the promise when it is returned, so this can be inspected - however I'm not sure if adding a property to a promise is a risky/hacky thing to do? Something like (simplified from above):
const asyncFunc = () => {
// Get a new id for state tracking
let session_id = getID()
sessions.session_id = 'PENDING'
// Fetch the first url
let result = api.get(url)
// Add the session_id to the promise
result.session_id = session_id
return result
let func = asyncFunc()
let status =sessions[func.session_id]
Any thoughts on the validity of this approach? I can see that I would probably also need to push the session id into the final return value as well, (so that the property exists in both the promise, and the resulting value of the resolved/rejected promise).
Alternatively, any other ways of handling this?
The obvious one is to make the function always return an array of arguments (promise and session_id) but I'd prefer to avoid having to always do e.g.:
let func = asyncFunc()
let status =sessions[func[1]]

