Is there any way to implement DKI in Squarespace landing pages or I must create 800 pages with different title manually? - javascript

Well, as in title; I want to implement dynamic keyword insertion into my Squarespace landing pages, I know how bad this engine is but well, it's for a company though. Last time I created 100 landing pages with different title and description etc, now I am slightly worried that 800 is a little bit too much for a manual work. All I can do in Squarespace is just javascript within the body, maybe you know how to actually utilize this opportunity.
Is it possible to use dynamic keyword insertion in Squarespace landing pages?
PS: Do yourself a favour, don't use Squarespace, never. Beaver builder + Wordpress > Squarespace

This might be possible using developer mode and a small misuse of the Squarespace tag and/or category URL queries. For example, you could:
Create ads using DKI
Create a custom layout (.region or .block) using JSON-T. Somewhere in your page, you'd include {categoryFilter} or {tagFilter}. Similar to Mustache.js, wherever you insert that reference in your template, the value of the category or tag query parameter will be inserted. This could be used to set the title tag on the page or meta description for example.
Append ?category=My Keyword Text (or ?tag=...) to the destination URL of the ad.
The head of your template will likely reference the {squarespace-headers} tag. This is necessary for your Squarespace site to run properly (at least, unless you invest hours into breaking it down into its various components, which has been done, but then requires ongoing maintenance). This will contain its own title and meta description tags as well as other meta that may be working against you. You may have to experiment with forcing your own title and meta description by adding your own code above and/or below {squarespace-headers}. Your page will have multiple such tags; it's been said Google will ignore subsequent ones.
All Squarespace websites have an identical robots.txt, and it is not editable. URLs containing tag= are disallowed. On the other hand, category= was recently removed from this disallow-list. That may influence which you use, if you attempt this route at all.
A Squarespace site can have up to 1000 pages, but they don't recommend adding more than 400. That may influence your approach as well.
As mentioned, this is a misuse of the tag and category filter URL queries, but these are the only query parameters that allow you to insert essentially whatever values you want and have those values accessible from within the templating engine. The category and tag URL queries are intended for collections, not pages, but the value works across all Squarespace page types that I've tested. Depending on your application, it could be that creating a collection of items and having a legitmate category/tag filter may be a relevant approach.
You could attempt to do this all with Javascript-based templating, but I am assuming you're looking to render the page, with keywords, server-side.
Squarespace's templating engine, JSON-T, doesn't have logic such as if value contains X.... This will limit the degree of flexibility you have if trying to render different content based on the keyword. You can check for equality via {.equal?...}, though I doubt that's practical for your application, given the number of possibilities. Of course, you can insert the keyword itself as mentioned previously.
Although I have a lot of experience with Squarespace and developer mode, I've not attempted this specific scenario myself, so this is more theoretical than from experience.


Selector interpreted as HTML on my website. Can an attacker easily exploit this?

I have a website that is only accessible via https.
It does not load any content from other sources. So all content is on the local webserver.
Using the Retire.js Chrome plugin I get a warning that the jquery 1.8.3 I included is vulnerable to 'Selector interpreted as HTML'
(jQuery bug 11290)
I am trying to motivate for a quick upgrade, but I need something more concrete information to motivate the upgrade to the powers that be.
My question are :
Given the above, should I be worried ?
Can this result in a XSS type attack ?
What the bug is telling you is that jQuery may mis-identify a selector containing a < as being an HTML fragment instead, and try to parse and create the relevant elements.
So the vulnerability, such as it is, is that a cleverly-crafted selector, if then passed into jQuery, could define a script tag that then executes arbitrary script code in the context of the page, potentially taking private information from the page and sending it to someone with malicious (or merely prurient) intent.
This is largely only useful if User A can write a selector that will later be given to jQuery in User B's session, letting User A steal information from User B's page. (It really doesn't matter if a user can "tricky" jQuery this way on their own page; they can do far worse things from the console, or with "save as".)
So: If nothing in your code lets users provide selectors that will be saved and then retrieved by other users and passed to jQuery, I wouldn't be all that worried. If it does (with or without the fix to the bug), I'd examine those selector strings really carefully. I say "with or without the bug" because if you didn't filter what the users typed at all, they could still just provide an HTML fragment where the first non-whitespace character is <, which would still cause jQuery to parse it as an HTML fragment.
As the author of Retire.js let me shed some light on this. There are two weaknesses in older versions of jQuery, but those are not vulnerabilities by themselves. It depends on how jQuery is used. Two examples abusing the bugs are shown here:
The two examples are:
$("#<img src=x onerror=...>")
$("element[attribute='<img src=x onerror=...>'")
Typically this becomes a problem if you do something like:
This was a fairly common pattern for many web sites, when single page web sites started to occur.
So this becomes a problem if and only if you put untrusted user data inside the jQuery selector function.
And yes the end result is XSS, if the site is in fact vulnerable. https will not protect you against these kinds of flaws.

loading a external content so that searchable by Google for SEO purposes

I'm working on a project where we'd like to load external content onto a customers site. The main requirements are that we'd like the customer to have as simple of an include as possible (like a one-line link similar to Doubleclick) and would preferably not have to be involved in any server-side language. The two proposed ways of doing this were an iframe or loading a javascript file that document.write's out the content.
We looked more at the latter since it seemed to produce more reliable legibility and simplicity for the end user - a single line of Javascript. We have been hit with the reality that this will be indexed unpredictably by Google. I have read most of the posts on this topic regarding javascript and indexing (for example, Currenlty we have (for example):
<div class='main-container'>
<script src=''></script>
// at
document.write('blue fish and green grass');
but it looks like google indexes this type of content only sometimes based upon 'Fetch As Google' used in Google's webmaster tools. Since it does sometimes work, I know it's possible for this indexing to be ok. More specifically, if we isolate our content to something like the above and remove extraneous content, it will index it each time (as opposed to the EXACT SAME Javascript in a regular customer html page). If we have our content in a customer's html file it doesn't seem to get indexed.
What would be a better option to ensure that Google has indexed the content (remote isn't any better)? Ideas I have tried / come across would be to load a remote file in for example PHP, something like:
echo file_get_contents('');
This is obviously blocking but possibly not a deal-breaker.
Given the above requirements, would there be any other solution?
This is a common problem and I've created a JS plugin that you can use to solve this.
Make sure to use the: __init() function instead of standard DOM ready functions and you know for sure that Google is able to index.

Angular $sce vs HTML in external locale files

A question regarding ng-bind-html whilst upgrading an Angular app from 1.0.8 to 1.2.8:
I have locale strings stored in files named en_GB.json, fr_FR.json, etc. So far, I have allowed the use of HTML within the locale strings to allow the team writing the localized content to apply basic styling or adding inline anchor tags. This would result in the following example JSON:
"changesLater": "<strong>Don't forget</strong> that you can always make changes later."
"errorEmailExists": "That email address already exists, please sign in to continue."
When using these strings with ng-bind-html="myStr", I understand that I now need to use $sce.trustAsHtml(myStr). I could even write a filter as suggested in this StackOverflow answer which would result in using ng-bind-html="myStr | unsafe".
By doing something like this, is my app now insecure? And if so, how might an attacker exploit this?
I can understand potential exploits if the source of the displayed HTML string was a user (ie. blog post-style comments that will be displayed to other users), but would my app really be at risk if I'm only displaying HTML from a JSON file hosted on the same domain?
Is there any other way I should be looking to achieve the marking-up of externally loaded content strings in an angular app?
You are not making your app any less secure. You were already inserting HTML in your page with the old method of ng-bind-html-unsafe. You are still doing the same thing, except now you have to explicitly trust the source of the HTML rather than just specifying that part of your template can output raw HTML. Requiring the use of $sce makes it harder to accidentally accept raw HTML from an untrusted source - in the old method where you only declared the trust in the template, bad input might make its way into your model in ways you didn't think of.
If the content comes from your domain, or a domain you control, then you're safe - at least as safe as you can be. If someone is somehow able to highjack the payload of a response from your own domain, then your security is already all manner of screwed. Note, however, you should definitely not ever call $sce.trustAsHtml on content that comes from a domain that isn't yours.
Apart from maintainability concerns, I don't see anything wrong with the way you're doing it. Having a ton of HTML live in a JSON file is maybe not ideal, but as long as the markup is reasonably semantic and not too dense, I think it's fine. If the markup becomes significantly more complex, I'd consider splitting it into separate angular template files or directives as needed, rather than trying to manage a bunch of markup wrapped in JSON strings.

releasing content by role within a D2L topic

I'm trying to release content by role within a topic in D2L's LMS. Is this possible using Javascript? Something like, "if {RoleName}=Student, then display this, else display that"...? I realize I can restrict/release content by role on a topic level, but I'm trying to do so within a topic and thus can't use release conditions. Any ideas?
You can control that functionality directly through the Content tool interface without needing to add in JavaScript. If you don't have access to that in Content, talk to your site administrator.
A roundabout way to do this would be to parse the QueryString to get the OU, then make a Valence request to find out the user role in the course. It would take a lot of work to get all the pieces connected for what seems like a really simple use case. This is the strategy I'm using for tools I've made that get embedded right in D2L pages.
If Replacement Strings worked properly then you could use a combination of them and JavaScript. But since the replacement happens at save time rather than render time in most places, they're really not usable for your scenario.
Desire2Learn Replace Strings in Content
Another option would be to create your own custom widget and put it on the course home page. Since Replacement Strings work properly in widgets, you could read the value of the {rolename} replacement string and store it in a cookie. Then, in your pages you would read the value of the cookie to create your conditionals.

When using (only) a templating system, how should I manage CSS, javascript etc for sub-templates?

I've had this same question when working with different templating systems in different languages in the past, so first,
The general question
I want to use a sub-template to include a certain UI component which might appear in different places on a number of different pages. This UI component requires certain CSS and JS files.
I want to Do The Right Thing with CSS and JS resources, which, as far as I know and in broad terms, is to a) combine as many as possible b) minify as much as possible and maybe c) put what I can at the end of my markup so the browser doesn't have to wait for them to load before displaying content.
So, if I've got various different UI components, as well as different headers and sidebars in different sections of the site, which all require their own special CSS and JS to function correctly, what's the best way for me to manage them through a templating system so that the final markup is as small and well-organised as possible?
Specifics of my situation
I'm working on a large legacy PHP site, on which, to give the original authors the benefit of the doubt, development may have begun before MVC became really mainstream, and before there were so many choices of frameworks around to use. So there is no consistent MVC framework, no routing, no templating (no ORM either, but that particular curse isn't as relevant here).
I'm going to have to keep things ticking over, squashing bugs and adding a few new features until a complete rewrite is usable, so I'm trying to breathe some sanity into things as I go along.
The easiest place to start seemed to be the views layer, for which I'm using TinyButStrong. An example of their sub-templates can be found here, but like I said, I think this is a very general question.
Things I've considered
With a more integrated framework I'd like to be able to do something like $view->add_js($foo), but transitioning to a full-blown framework is what other people are doing while I try keep the existing codebase seaworthy. There isn't even really enough consistent organisation of files to roll something like this by hand.
At the moment the best thing I can come up with is making a DOMDocument out of the view right before it's output and manipulating <link> and <script> tags at that point. I don't know if that's a bit crazy though. Given the generality of the problem I'd like to think that there's a known sensible way to go about it.
Many thanks for your input.
It's hard for the reader to know what can or cannot be done with your code base. A common way to handle this situation would be to pass parameters to the view template, and the template can then include conditional chunks or include sub-templates based on your parameters. This does not require a full-fledged framework, a stand-alone template engine should do. If your template engine supports inheritance there is a nice pattern for handling assets in your templates - check here for example
Manipulating the Dom for each request to handle this kind of thing seems bit unorthodox.
What you want in this situation is some form of template inheritance; that is, technology whereby a sub-template has access to areas in a 'parent' template, and can edit or replace content in those areas. Using this ability, CSS and JS required for a component included via a sub-template can be added in to the <head> element of the parent page.
In Twig, this is achieved using named blocks. First, you create your parent template (or layout, as it's called in Twig), e.g. index.html.twig. You include in it a named block like {% block myCss %}.
Next, to create a sub-template, you begin the template with the line {% extends ::index.html.twig %}. Then, the content of a block defined in the sub-template with the same name as a block in the parent template (in this case {% block myCSS %}) will get substituted into the parent template. To append rather than replace content in the parent template, use {{ parent() }} to include content already existing in the parent.
An example of this with code is available at the link given by #Basel Shishani. I've heard that Twig is modelled after Django, and template inheritance in Django looks very similar (with the exception of using {{ block.super }} instead of {{ parent() }}. There is a discussion of how to achieve the same ends in TinyButStrong.
As a wider point, the Assetic library looks like a very promising solution for managing CSS and JS assets, in order to avoid duplication (e.g. where the same JS file is required by multiple components/subtemplates), enable concatenation and minification of assets, and more. This presentation of its features gives more details.

