Jquery Lightbox/Modal Difficulties doubles itself onclick - javascript

I am very new to jQuery and I have a problem with my Gallery Lightbox/Modal.
Each time I click on a thumbnail, the whole modal opens itself again and I don't know where exactly I have to set a reset.
I am pleased to hear your answers.
jQuery(function($) {
$('img').click(function() {
var image = $(this).attr("src");
var caption = $(this).attr("alt");
var appear_caption = "<figcaption id=appear_caption onClick='closeImage()'>"+caption+"</figcaption>"
var appear_image = "<div id='appear_image_div' onClick='closeImage()'></div>";
appear_image = appear_image.concat("<img id='appear_image' src='"+image+"'/>");
var thumbnails = $("thumbnails");
$(".thumbnails").css("zIndex", "100");
$(".thumbnails").css("display", "flex");
function closeImage() {
$(".thumbnails").css("display", "none");

Call close when you click the image so you remove any previously opened Gallery Lightbox/Modal
jQuery(function($) {
$('img').click(function() {
var image = $(this).attr("src");
var caption = $(this).attr("alt");
var appear_caption = "<figcaption id=appear_caption onClick='closeImage()'>"+caption+"</figcaption>"
var appear_image = "<div id='appear_image_div' onClick='closeImage()'></div>";
appear_image = appear_image.concat("<img id='appear_image' src='"+image+"'/>");
var thumbnails = $("thumbnails");
$(".thumbnails").css("zIndex", "100");
$(".thumbnails").css("display", "flex");
function closeImage() {
$(".thumbnails").css("display", "none");


How to display moving text field during other jQuery animation?

I am attempting to replicate the loading page at http://www.alessioatzeni.com/ but the percentage loaded text on my page will not display until the loading line animation completes. You can see my project page at https://jaredblumer.github.io/atzeniStudy/
If you inspect the HTML using Chrome Developer Tools, you'll see that the #loader-percentage span text is dynamically updating, but for a reason unbeknownst to me the text is not displaying until after the line animation ends.
The code I am currently using for this is as follows:
<div id="loader" class="loader">
<span id="loader-line" class="loader-line">
<span id="loader-percentage" class="loader-percentage"></span>
Javascript (loader.js)
$(document).ready(function() {
//Loading Page
var pageLoader = function() {
var $elements = $('body').find('img[src]');
$('body [style]').each(function(){
var src = $(this).css('background-image').replace(/^url\(["']?/, '').replace(/["']?\)$/, '');
if(src) {
$elements = $elements.add($('<img src="' + src + '"/>'));
var $loading = $('#loader');
var $loadPercentageLine = $('#loader-line');
var $loadPercentageText = $('#loader-percentage');
var elementsLoaded = 0;
var speed = 5000;
var animatePercentage = function(e) {
var loading = function() {
var percentage = 0;
if ($elements.length) {
percentage = parseInt((elementsLoaded / $elements.length) * 100);
height:percentage + '%'
}, speed);
}, {
duration: speed,
step: animatePercentage
if($elements.length) {
$elements.each(function() {
here is solution:
overflow: visible !important;

How to set the div height properly when image loading

I'm tring to build a grid webside,but it shows like first image when I 'm loading.So I use function getImageSize from this
Get Image height before its fully loaded to set the imageDiv height,but still failed.Would you please tell me why and how to fix it? Thanks.
first image
second image
var $container = $('#container');
ajaxGetJson(3,1,$container); //get data from json
window.onscroll = function(){
if(scrollside()){ //if scroll
ajaxGetJson(3,2,$container); //get data from json again
function ajaxGetJson(actId,page,container){
type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
url: "/api/posts",
var items = []
var box = document.createElement('div');
box.className = "box";
var $box = $(box).appendTo(container);
var content = $("<div>").addClass("content").appendTo(box);
var imgDiv = $("<div>").addClass("imgDiv").appendTo(content);
var $img = $("<img>").attr("src",$(value).attr("post_thumb_url")).appendTo(imgDiv);
getImageSize($img, function(width, height){
imgDiv.css("height",height);//console correct height in the first 15 items.
//using masonry
function jqueryMasonry(page,items){
var $container = $('#container');
itemSelector : '.box'
var $container = $('#container');
var $boxes = $(items);
// this function is tell user scroll enough height
function scrollside(){
var box = $(".box");
var lastboxHeight = box.last().get(0).offsetTop+Math.floor(box.last().height()/2);
var documentHeight = $(document).width();
var scrollHeight = $(window).scrollTop();
return (lastboxHeight<scrollHeight+documentHeight)?true:false;
//this function is for images show properly,I found it here https://github.com/desandro/masonry/issues/534
$.fn.masonryImagesReveal = function( $items ) {
var msnry = this.data('masonry');
var itemSelector = msnry.options.itemSelector;
// hide by default
// append to container
this.append( $items );
$items.imagesLoaded().progress( function( imgLoad, image ) {
// get item
// image is imagesLoaded class, not <img>, <img> is image.img
var $item = $( image.img ).parents( itemSelector );
// un-hide item
// masonry does its thing
msnry.appended( $item );
return this;
//I found a solution here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23390393/get-image-height-before-its-fully-loaded
function getImageSize(img, callback){
img = $(img);
var wait = setInterval(function(){
var w = img.width(),
h = img.height();
if(w && h){
done(w, h);
}, 0);
var onLoad;
img.on('load', onLoad = function(){
done(img.width(), img.height());
var isDone = false;
function done(){
isDone = true;
img.off('load', onLoad);
callback.apply(this, arguments);

Adding delete button for each image thumbnail preview

I want to put next to each thumbnail a little cross to be able to remove them one by one. I am able to remove image by click on it but I would like to have seperate button "x" to remove it.
fileInput.addEventListener("change", function (e) {
var filesVAR = this.files;
}, false);
function showThumbnail(files) {
var file = files[0]
var image = document.createElement("img");
var thumbnail = document.getElementById("thumbnail");
image.file = file;
image.setAttribute('class', 'imgKLIK5');
var reader = new FileReader()
reader.onload = (function (aImg) {
return function (e) {
aImg.src = e.target.result;
var ret = reader.readAsDataURL(file);
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
image.onload = function () {
ctx.drawImage(image, 100, 100);
Here is my code in JFIDDLE
Can You help me out, please?
see this example with close button:http://jsfiddle.net/kevalbhatt18/r0taz01L/1/
$('div').on('click', '.closeDiv', function () {
And I made this changes in your showThumbnail function
function showThumbnail(files) {
var file = files[0]
var thumbnail = document.getElementById("thumbnail");
var pDiv = document.createElement("div");
var image = document.createElement("img");
var div = document.createElement("div");
pDiv.setAttribute('class', 'pDiv');
image.setAttribute('class', 'imgKLIK5');
div.innerHTML = "X";
div.setAttribute('class', 'closeDiv');
Just add new button element on each preview with following style attributes,
you can remove the img from div thumbnail on click the "x" button, check this fiddle

Change images randomly on click without repeating

I found this code on Stack Overflow: change images on click.
And it works for me. I want it to be random, but how can i prevent it from repeating the images. It should first repeat the images, when the user has clicked through all images.
I have made an JSfiddle with my code: http://jsfiddle.net/gr3f4hp1/
JQuery code:
var images = ["02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
var image = images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)];
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
Keep track of the numbers that you have generated, and if its a repeat then get a new number.
You can Work Around This
var usedImages = {};
var usedImagesCount = 0;
function displayImage(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (imagesArray.length));
if (!usedImages[num]){
document.canvas.src = imagesArray[num];
usedImages[num] = true;
if (usedImagesCount === imagesArray.length){
usedImagesCount = 0;
usedImages = {};
} else {
you can try this code .
var images = ["02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
var imagecon = [];
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
if(images.length == 0) { // if no image left
images = imagecon; // put all used image back
imagecon = []; // empty the container
var index = Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length);
var image = images[index];
imagecon.push(image); // add used image
images.splice(index,1); // remove it to images
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
you could add a class to every image that appears like:
and write an if statement that show the image only if it hasn't the class viewed:
(show the image methods);
I'm not going to make all the code for you, just try this way, learn, fail, success, have fun! :D
Try this image change according to imgCnt variable.
var images = ["01.jpg","02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
var imgCnt=1;
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
// var image = images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)];
if(imgCnt >= images.length){
var image =images[imgCnt];
// alert(image);
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
There are lots of method here i just push the value of visited image in to Visited array
Campate two array show only differ element
var images = ["02.jpg","03.jpg","01.jpg"];
var visited = [];
$(function() {
$('.change').click(function(e) {
var image = images[Math.floor(Math.random()*images.length)];
$('#bg').parent().fadeOut(200, function() {
y = jQuery.grep(images, function(value) {
if(jQuery.inArray(value, visited) == -1){
$('#bg').attr('src', 'items/'+image);
} });
I hopes its help

Generic Javascript Image Swap

I'm building a navigation bar where the images should be swapped out on mouseover; normally I use CSS for this but this time I'm trying to figure out javascript. This is what I have right now:
<li class="bio"><img src="images/nav/bio.jpg" name="bio" /></li>
if (document.images) {
var bio_up = new Image();
bio_up.src = "images/nav/bio.jpg";
var bio_over = new Image();
bio_over.src = "images/nav/bio-ov.jpg";
function over_bio() {
if (document.images) {
document["bio"].src = bio_over.src
function up_bio() {
if (document.images) {
document["bio"].src = bio_up.src
However, all of the images have names of the form "xyz.jpg" and "xyz-ov.jpg", so I would prefer to just have a generic function that works for every image in the navbar, rather than a separate function for each image.
A quick-fire solution which should be robust enough provided all your images are of the same type:
$("li.bio a").hover(function() {
var $img = $(this).find("img");
$img[0].src = $img[0].src.replace(".jpg", "") + "-ov.jpg";
}, function() {
var $img = $(this).find("img");
$img[0].src = $img[0].src.replace("-ov.jpg", "") + ".jpg";
This should work will all image formats as long as the extension is between 2 and 4 characters long IE. png, jpeg, jpg, gif etc.
var images = document.getElementById('navbar').getElementsByTagName('img'), i;
for(i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
images[i].onmouseover = function(){
this.src = this.src.replace(/^(.*)(\.\w{2,4})$/, '$1'+'-ov'+'$2');
images[i].onmouseout = function(){
this.src = this.src.replace(/^(.*)-ov(\.\w{2,4})$/, '$1'+'$2');
Here's an idea in plain javascript (no jQuery):
function onMouseOverSwap(e) {
e.src = e.src.replace(/\.jpg$/", "-ov.jpg"); // add -ov onto end
function onMouseOutSwap(e) {
e.src = e.src.replace(/(-ov)+\.jpg$/, ".jpg"); // remove -ov

