Loading different pages while keeping the same header - javascript

I have a question, I'm working on my first portfolio with html, css and javascript.It's just a simple site with a header with the nav menu and the body with some of my info, I was wondering if there's a way besides iframe to load only the body everytime I click a link without affecting the header:
Home, about me, etc
this is my home page

To really get in to one page app development using a library like Angularjs really does the trick. If you just need something really simple you can use the jQuery load function. For instance:
<button id="home">Home</button>
<button id="about">About</button>
<button id="examples">Examples</button>
<div id="content">
this is my home page
<script language="Javascript">
$("#home").click(function() {
$( "#content" ).load( "home.html" ); //Load all retrieved content
$("#about").click(function() {
//Only load content from a specific node
$( "#content" ).load( "about.html #desc" );
$("#examples").click(function() {
//More specific loading of node
$( "#content" ).load( "examples.html #storeMain .container" );

This is the same question that started me off learning to program.
Things have gotten a lot better as far as loading dynamic content on the fly... but also - much more complicated as far as setup / build tools / JS frameworks etc.
People will say --- just use HTML or PHP / and that it doesn't matter if the whole page is reloaded and the header repaints... but those people aren't like you. What if you want to look at a picture of the band WHILE listening to a song (myspace)... - or you want your header to fade to a different background and do an animation...
Here is a PHP example that explains it all: https://css-tricks.com/dynamic-page-replacing-content
Here is a hacky JS way to do it / where all of the info is on one page... but is hidden and then shown with JS / but - the URL isn't going to change: https://codepen.io/sheriffderek/pen/zxmjgr
// build a reusable function that switches the "view"
var switchView = function(trigger) {
var currentSection;
currentSection = $(trigger).data('view');
$('.' + currentSection).removeClass('hidden');
console.log("you are currently on:" + currentSection);
// when you click the menu item... run that function to switch to the associated "view" based on it's data attribute
$('.view-controls a').on('click', function() {
$('.header').on('click', function() {
$('.compact-menu a').on('click', function() {
}); // I had to add this code just to post a codepen link : /
Example in action: http://bryanleebrowncomposer.com
Not ideal... but if you aren't going to have URL change anyway... this is actually better for SEO - and it's easy - and gets you the snappy style.
Here is a JavaScript framework way: https://www.codementor.io/sheriffderek/less-than-ambitious-websites-with-ember-js-5mtthoijp
I love Ember.js - but if you were going to try your hand at another framework - I'd take a look at this vue.js way: https://scotch.io/tutorials/how-to-build-a-simple-single-page-application-using-vue-2-part-1
All roads lead to pain and suffering - for the most part. Good luck! Post your outcome, will yah?

You could dynamically load your pages and inject it to your main page (single page).
As another option, which is partially not what you are looking for, you can load different pages via url and then dynamically rendering a header/footer onload (multiple page). But multiple pages will allow you to avoid having to manipulate URL states manually through something like domain.com?page=about and it's generally much more manageable in terms of regular website development.
If I make it single page, I load the body content via ajax. Like so
<div class="header">Lorem ipsum</div>
<div class="content-wrapper">
<!--Load content HTML here via ajax -->
<div class="footer">Lorem ipsum</div>
For multi-page setups, I do this
<div class="header-wrapper">
<!--Load header HTML here via ajax or render them via a javascript component -->
<div class="content-wrapper">Lorem ipsum</div>
<div class="footer-wrapper">
<!--Load footer HTML here via ajax or render them via a javascript component -->
The ajax part is as simple as this. (using jQuery ajax, axios, or http)
type : 'GET',
url : 'foo.html',
dataType : 'html',
success : function(data){
wrapper.innerHTML = data;
Look up dynamically loading html via ajax so that you don't have to constantly repeat yourself implementing the same headers/footers across your pages. OR, like I said, you can also make/adopt a UI component to do it for you without ajax.


How can I load the HTML resulting from external .js call?

Googlebot sees content differently (doesn't index it at all) than the visitor if the content was generated dynamically from a JS file (see image above). Let's say I have the following code:
<div>Bunch of Content</div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/somefile.js" />
<div>Bunch of Content</div>
How can I display the actual resulting HTML in the document when the page loads:
<div>Bunch of Content</div>
<p>Javascript dynamically created this string and this string.</p>
<p>Date: timestamp by JS</p>
<p>Other info dynamically created by JS.</p>
<div>Bunch of Content</div>
I have JS doing the heavy lifting to generate some content dynamically specifically for the page. The problem is, because the content is being generated in a JS file, the content never gets loaded in the DOM for indexing by crawlers.
Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
Google CAN index dynamic content, but it does not mean it will index it, or display it in search results, as it usually only looks for it in search of negative aspects (like black-hat SEO practices), although for some sites it may decide to use it for its index (it's a blind guess really, when it comes to how Google handles this, as they don't disclose this kind of details).
If your JS is making an AJAX request, and you're the owner of the API or whatever endpoint you're calling from the request, then your best bet is to cache the result on the server side, and modify your HTML page (which should be dynamic) so it renders the latest cached result in the HTML sent to the browser, but wrapped in a container tag (like a <div>) with an inocuous CSS rule like opacity: 0; so the content isn't visible to users by default, which should be changed to opacity: 1; by your JS file once the up-to-date HTML is loaded.
You could use jQuery to accomplish this, like in the example below:
$(document).ready(function() {
var el = "<section>Dynamically added content</section>";
div {
padding: 10px;
background-color: #ccc;
section {
padding: 10px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="a">Bunch of Content</div>
<div>Bunch of Content</div>
Update: If you're using Ajax to get data from the server, then you would include the update on your code from the returning data object. You could extend this to iterate through the values you get.
$.getJSON('[Your url]', { param: 'value' },
function (data) {
var el = "<section>" + data.value + "</section>";

JQuery maximum .load calls?

I am using the LiquidSlider framework and in each tab there is lots of HTML. So I decided to put the HTML into separate .html files to make the main page index.html cleaner.
Here is my HTML:
.. <-- Import jquery, slider files, etc -->
<!-- Import HTML from other files into divs -->
<section id="navigation">
<div class="liquid-slider" id="main-slider">
<!-- About -->
<h2 class="title">about</h2>
<div id="about-content"></div>
<!-- Other -->
<h2 class="title">other</h2>
<div id="other-content"></div>
<!-- Help -->
<h2 class="title">help</h2>
<div id="help-content"></div>
<!-- Contact -->
<h2 class="title">contact</h2>
<div id="contact-content"></div>
<section id="footer">
So when the document is loaded, theoretically the HTML would be loaded in via the .load calls right? It seems to work fine, until it gets to the very last tab (contact), where it just fails to load any content..
Odd right? I tried moving the divs around to see if it was a problem with my html files, but the last element always fails to load. Then I tried adding another tab, and the last two fail to load. This leads me to believe there is an upper-limit to the number of .load calls, capped at 3?
Anyone have any ideas or see any obvious problems? Or even suggest any better ways of achieving the same thing?
RTM, there's nothing there about a max number of calls, but there's a lot of information (and examples) of what kinds of callbacks you can use, which might just help you to diagnose the problem itself, for example:
$("#contact-content").load("contact.html", function( response, status, xhr )
if ( status == "error" )
var msg = "Sorry but there was an error: ";
console.log(xhr);//<-- check this
$( "#error" ).html( msg + xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText );
As an alternative, just go for the old-school $.get call, since you don't seem to be passing any data to the server:
$.get( "contact.html", function( data )
Another thing to consider might be: given that you're using liquidSlider, I take it not all of the content is visible from the off. Why not register a click handler, that .load's that content when the user actually clicks something? That does away with that series of load calls... Perhaps it's a concurrency issue of sorts. By that I mean: browsers restrict the number of concurrent AJAX requests that can be made.Perhaps you're running into that restriction, and have to wait for the requests to be completed? It's a long shot, but you never know... If you want to, check your browser here
But either way, using JS to fetch parts of the content dynamically is all well and good, but remember that I can switch off JS support in my browser. Or that, if your JS contains a syntax error, the script execution grinds to a halt, leaving me with a (half) empty page to gaze at.
Just using any server-side scripting language seems to me to be a better fit:
//index.php -- using PHP as an example
<div id="contact-content"><?php include 'contact.html'; ?></div>
After this gets processed by PHP, the response from the server will be a fully-fledged html page, that doesn't require any JS-on-the-fly loading. It'll almost certainly perform better, and still allows for cleaner html code on your server...
Server Side Includes would seem to me to be a better way of achieving the same thing. Use the right tool for the right job and all that.
var array = ['about', 'other', 'contact', 'help'];
for (i in array)
$('#'+array[i]).load(array[i]+'.html', function(){ });

Dynamically Expand Collapsible Content

I want to expand the collapsible content of a jQuery Mobile collapsible content section. I know I can click the heading to expand it, but I don't want to rely on the user to click the same section every time the page refreshes. I know I can set a variable in the html, but that won't do because the collapsible content will still close on postback.
I need this to be done with code rather than by the user. You can see my failed attempt below. I used the template from VS 2013's Web Forms project as a start then I added jQuery Mobile and followed the instructions from jQuery Mobile's site, or so I thought. This is a simplified test page but ultimately, I want to have an ASP.NET variables to detect whether, on postback, a section has already been clicked and if a collapsible section has already been clicked, open it again so the user doesn't have to click the same place again. Is there any way to persist the expanded state or dynamically expand jQuery Mobile's collapsible content?
<%# Page Title="Home Page" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="ExpandTest._Default" %>
<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<div class="jumbotron">
<p class="lead">ASP.NET is a free web framework for building great Web sites and Web applications using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.</p>
<p>Learn more »</p>
<div class="row">
<div class="myDiv" data-role="collapsible">
<h2>Getting Started</h2>
<p>ASP.NET Web Forms lets you build dynamic websites using a familiar drag-and-drop, event-driven model. A design surface and hundreds of controls and components let you rapidly build sophisticated, powerful UI-driven sites with data access.
<a class="btn btn-default" href="http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=301948">Learn more »</a>
-- EDIT --
Thing I have tried (even just for proof of concept) that fail:
$(".myDiv").trigger('expand'); // Apparently does not execute
$('.myDiv').on("click", alert("Fe Fi Foo Bar!");); // does not run anything within
$(document).on("pagecreate", function () {
Also, I have recently read that document.ready is supposed to be used for jQuery but not jQuery Mobile. Telling is the fact that I cannot use the same code that other user seem to think works and the same code that works in jsfiddle already. This leads me to believe I'm missing something that should be obvious. I have modified the order of loading jQuery Mobile in relation to the code to no avail.
Add an ASP.Net hidden field to the page with viewstate enabled.
The jQM collapsible has events for expand and collapse. On the client side, you can handle these events and create a list of the currently expanded collapsibles, and save this list to the hidden field. After postback, client code in the pagecreate event can read the list from the hidden field and expand those items.
Assign IDs to all the collapsible divs, then you can save a comma delimited list of IDs to the hidden input:
$(document).on("pagecreate", "#page1", function(){
var prevExpanded = $("#hidden").val().split(',');
$.each( prevExpanded, function( key, value ) {
$("#" + value).collapsible( "option", "collapsed", false );
$( "[data-role=collapsible]" ).on("collapsiblecollapse collapsibleexpand", function( event, ui ) {
function GetAllExpanded(){
var AllExpanded = [];
$( "[data-role=collapsible]" ).not(".ui-collapsible-collapsed").each(function( index ) {
Use <asp:hidden> fields, and on expand change their values. Then you will be able to set the value of $(".col-md-4").trigger("expand"); on postback.
Well the following works, although I'm still at a loss as to better ways that work on Web Forms and I'll have to find a way to conditionally load this, perhaps using hidden fields as suggested earlier. Thanks for the help.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {

Omniture tracking and jQuery

I've been creating a few websites with content being pulled with jQuery and CSS calling to the #div containers. Does anyone know a way to use Omniture Site Catalyst tracking code while creating these types of one page websites? Possible?
Previously I've been utilizing Omniture with more traditional html sites by inserting the below chunk of hardly legible code provided by the software. It which case it seems to track all the the .html pages.
<!-- SiteCatalyst Code version: H.17.
Copyright 1997-2008 Omniture, Inc. More info available at
http://www.omniture.com -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.urlofsite.com/js/s_code.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
/************* DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! **************/
var s_code=s.t();if(s_code)document.write(s_code)//--></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--
//--></script><noscript><a href="http://www.omniture.com" title="Web Analytics"><img
height="1" width="1" border="0" alt="" /></a></noscript><!--/DO NOT REMOVE/-->
<!-- End SiteCatalyst code version: H.17. -->
Is there anyway to break that up, and create a few lines of Javascript with if statements that apply the tracking code to specific #div#?
I spoke with a specialist and he stated that you can add additional s.t() calls in the onClick events for anything you wish to track as an additional page view. As an example, you have the following click event handler set up for the "Books" link
$('a.manned-flight').click(function() {
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 1250
}, 1000, function() {
parallaxScroll(); // Callback is required for iOS
return false;
You can add tracking code to this function to specify a different pageName and send off an additional Page View image request as follows:
$('a.manned-flight').click(function() {
s.pageName = "www.urlofwebsite.com:Books";
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 1250
}, 1000, function() {
parallaxScroll(); // Callback is required for iOS
return false;
But with how large the site is and how much content areas I'd have to define, this seems like an impractical approach and somewhat clunky, code wise. Is there anyway to do this with a Javascript array?
Many moons ago, I had to set up Omniture's analytics tool for a Web CMS system, specifically our companies product and shopping cart components. The code was included on every page in our site template (ie. include file). Assuming your site is not completely static site, you could do the same, putting the code in your .js file, template, include file, master page, view (whatever method you might be using site-wide reuse). If I recall correctly, Omniture was adamant on having it's code EXACTLY before the closing body tag. Once the code is in place, write up some javascript to assign values to particular variables to be used to set the appropriate values in the Omniture code. For example, if, by chance, your page is creating a nice SEO title, you could pull the value from the title to be used for the Omniture page name. That's just an example.
On the other hand, if your site is a static site, your options are not as easy. You would be better off if you had control of how your div's were being generated. What I mean by that is if you could return the data to you div's in a conventional manner, you could generate the appropriate information for your Omniture variables by using javascript or your favorite javascript library (eg. jQuery). Even further, if you had complete control of how the HTML was generated, you could add a specific class to watch out for, as is the case with your example of a.manned-flight. However, I would be looking for something more generic for all types of clicks.
Like I said, if you have control of the data that gets rendered, things will be easier to pull the data from the rendered HTML. Otherwise, it will be harder to provide the meaningful info needed by Omniture. Hope this helps.
This is kind of what I'm thinking with my limited understanding of your problem. Assuming your data is in a standard format like sample below.
<div class="product-item">
<input class='item-title' type='hidden' value='Book Title #1 Specific Page Name'/>
<input class='other-stuff-for-analytics' type='hidden' value='More stuff here'/>
<h3>Book Title #1</h3>
<p>Description of Book Title #1 and some junk...</p>
<div class="product-item">
<input class='item-title' type='hidden' value='Book Title #2 Specific Page Name'/>
<input class='other-stuff-for-analytics' type='hidden' value='More stuff here'/>
<h3>Book Title #2</h3>
<p>Description of Book Title #2 and some junk...</p>
<div class="product-item">
<input class='item-title' type='hidden' value='Book Title #3 Specific Page Name'/>
<input class='other-stuff-for-analytics' type='hidden' value='More stuff here'/>
<h3>Book Title #3</h3>
<p>Description of Book Title #3 and some junk...</p>
<!-- The code below could be in your template/include file/master page/view/ .js file -->
$('div.product-item').click(function () {
var analyticsPageName = "";
/* Possibly pull the value from hidden input */
analyticsPageName = $(this).children('input.item-title').val();
/* OR Pull the information from the block of HTML that has the page title */
analyticsPageName = $(this).children('h3').text();
// ---OR---
//whatever else you need to do to scrape your HTML
//to get the information to plug into a variable
s.pageName = analyticsPageName;
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: 1250
}, 1000, function () {
parallaxScroll(); // Callback is required for iOS
return false;
I think that Jquery has a plugin library called jquery.address which implement a sort of automatic tracking of JQuery based action.
This library if natively configured for Google Analytics, but in the past I added also Omniture SiteCatalyst code.
You can try that.

Better alternative to an iframe to display tab content?

I have a page with an iframe to feature the contents of the clicked tab. There are 3 tabs and 1 iframe. The sources of the contents relating to each tab clicked are formatted and coded in other html & css files.
What is another alternative to using an iframe, because I noticed that when the tab is clicked, it still shows the white background, similar to when a new page is loading?
Here's my code:
<div id="tabs">
<div id="overview">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="toframe.html">Overviews</a>
<div id="gallery">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="tawagpinoygallery.html">Gallery</a>
<div id="reviews">
<a target="tabsa" class="imagelink lookA" href="trframe.html">Reviews</a>
<div id="tabs-1">
<iframe src="toframe.html" name= "tabsa" width="95%" height="100%" frameborder="0">
The only alternative to using IFRAMEs to load dynamic content (after the page has loaded) is using AJAX to update a container on your web page. It's pretty elegant and usually faster than loading a full page structure into an IFRAME.
Ajax with JQuery (use this and you will be loved on SO; the AJAX functions are great and simple)
Ajax with Prototype
Ajax with MooTools
Standalone Ajax with Matt Kruse's AJAX toolbox (Used to use this, using JQuery today because I needed a framework)
AJAX with Dojo (Said to be fast, but AJAX is not as straightforward)
Another alternative is to use AJAX to load the content of a tab and use a div to display the content. I would suggest that using an existing Tab library might be an option rather than trying to solve all the problems associated with creating tabs.
Maybe the jQuery UI Tab might be helpful here if you like to try it.
EDIT: AJAX example with UI Tabs.
First, the HTML will look like this.
<div id="tabs">
Then make sure that you import the appropriate jQuery files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/themes/ui-lightness/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Then add the code to create the tabs:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
There's an alternative to AJAX!
You can load ALL three possible contents into separate DIVs.
Then clicking on a tab will simply make the display attribute of the appropriate content's DIV "block" while making the other two DIVs' display property "none".
Cheap, easy, does not require AJAX costs for extra http request or for coding.
Mind you, AJAX is a better solution if the contents of the tabs will change dynamically based on other data as opposed to being known at the time the page loads.
You don't need script.
<ul><li>foo link<li>bar link</ul>
<div class="tab" id="foo">foo contents</div>
<div class="tab" id="bar">bar contents</div>
Plus this CSS, in most browsers: .tab:not(:target) { display: none !important; }, which defaults to all content visible if :target isn't supported (any modern browser supports it).
If you're showing content with script, always hide it with script. Let it degrade gracefully if that script doesn't run.
It's probably better to load in the content for each tab into DIVs on the same page and then switch the visibility of each DIV when a tab button is clicked using JavaScript and the CSS display property.
If you can't do that then iframe is probably the best solution. You can make the iframe background transparent, see below:
<iframe src="toframe.html" name= "tabsa" width="95%" height="100%" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
You would then need to add the following CSS to the BODY element using:
BODY { Background: transparent; }
The HTML iframe is to be used to include/display non-template content, such as a PDF file. It's considered bad practice when used for template content (i.e. HTML), in both the SEO and UX opinions.
In your case you just want to have a tabbed panel. This can be solved in several ways:
Have a bunch of links as tabs and a bunch of div's as tab contents. Initially only show the first tab content and hide all others using CSS display: none;. Use JavaScript to toggle between tabs by setting CSS display: block; (show) and display: none; (hide) on the tab content divs accordingly.
Have a bunch of links as tabs and one div as tab contents. Use Ajax to get the tab content asynchronously and use JavaScript to replace the current tab contents with the new content.
Have a bunch of links as tabs and one div as tab contents. Let each link send a different GET request parameter or pathinfo representing the clicked tab. Use server-side flow-control (PHP's if(), or JSP's <c:if>, etc) or include capabilities (PHP's include(), or JSP's <jsp:include>, etc) to include the desired tab content depending on the parameter/pathinfo.
When going for the JavaScript based approach, I can warmly recommend to adopt jQuery for this.
This is jQuery example that includes another html page into your document. This is much more SEO friendly than iframe. In order to be sure that the bots are not indexing the included page just add it to disallow in robots.txt
<script src="/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript">
<div id='include-from-outside'></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
You could also include jQuery directly from Google: http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxlibs/documentation/ - this means optional auto-inclusion of newer versions and some significant speed increase. Also, means that you have to trust them for delivering you just the jQuery ;)
As mentioned, you could use jQuery or another library to retrieve the contents of the HTML file and populate it into the div. Then you could even do a fancy fade to make it look all pretty.
Something along these lines:
$.get("toframe.html", function(data){
you could prepopulate or onclick you could do the get dynamically
$("#tabs a").click(function(){
var pagetoget = $(this).attr("href");
If you prepopulate could have three containers instead of the one you have now, 2 hidden, 1 display, and the click functions will hide them all except for the one you want.
The get is less code though, easier time.

