Animation alternatives Javascript - javascript

So I want to make a small JavaScript game.
And in order to do that I need to animate a few things.
I went researching and found about setInterval and requestAnimationFrame.
I can use either of those 2 for making my game work, however I understood that requestAnimationFrame is the better alternative there.
The problem I see with this is that while the function has its benefits , you are unable to set a framerate , or an update rate for it easily.
I found another thread that explained a way of making this work however it seemed somewhat complicated.
Controlling fps with requestAnimationFrame?
Is there an easier way of animating with a set framerate ?

Is there an easier way of animating with a set framerate ?
Simply put: no. Since rendering is one of the most computation heavy process for a browser, which can be triggered in various ways, it is not possible to foretell how long an update will take, since it can range from drawing one circle on a canvas up to a complete replace of all the visible content of the page.
To overcome this, browser offer a way to call a function a often as possible and the developer is responsible to make his animation sensitive to different time deltas/time steps.
One way to tackle that is to use the concept of velocity. velocity = distance / time. If you want an asset to have a constant velocity you can do the following, since distance = velocity * time follows:
asset_velocity = 1; //pixel per millisecond
last = new Date().getTime()
(function loop () {
now = new Date().getTime(),
delta = now - last,
distance = asset_velocity * delta
//update the asset
last = now;


PixiJS Fixed-step loop - Stutter / Jitter

I've been facing a strange issue beyond my understanding of how to fix it.
I'm trying to create the following multiplayer game structure:
The server running at 20-30 fps
The client logic loop at the same FPS as the server
The client render loop
I'm using PixiJS for UI and here is where I got stuck.
( I've opened a thread here as well )
And I have a demo here:
Ok, now let's explain the issue!
private update = () => {
let elapsed = PIXI.Ticker.shared.elapsedMS
if (elapsed > 1000) elapsed = this.frameDuration
this.lag += elapsed
//Update the frame if the lag counter is greater than or
//equal to the frame duration
while (this.lag >= this.frameDuration) {
//Update the logic
console.log(`[Update] FPS ${Math.round(PIXI.Ticker.shared.FPS)}`)
//Reduce the lag counter by the frame duration
this.lag -= this.frameDuration
// Render elements in-between states
const lagOffset = this.lag / this.frameDuration
In the client loop I keep track of both logic & render parts, limiting the logic one at 20FPS. It all works "cookies and clouds" until the browser has a sudden frame rate drop from 120fps to 60fps. Based on my investigation and a nice & confusing spreadsheet that I've put together when the frame rate drops, the "player" moves 2x more ( eg. 3.3 instead of 1.66 ) On paper it's normal and the math is correct, BUT this creates a small bounce / jitter / stutter or whatever naming this thing has.
In the demo that I've created in playcode it's not visible. My assumption is that the code is too basic and the framerate never drops.
Considering that the math and the algorithm are correct ( which I'm not yet sure ), I've turned my eyes to other parts that might affect this. I'm using pixi-viewport to follow the character. Could it be that the following part creates this bounce?
Does anyone have experience writing such a game loop?
Okkkk, mindblowing result. I just found out that this happens even with the most simple version of the game loop ever. Just by multiplying x = x + speed * delta every frame.
For the same reason. Sudden drops in FPS.
Ok, I've found the solution. Will post it here as there is not a lot of info about it. The solution is to smooth out sudden fps drops over multiple frames. Easy right? 😅
const ticker = new PIXI.Ticker();
// The number of frames to use for smoothing
const smoothingFrames = 10;
// The smoothed frame duration
let smoothedFrameDuration = 0;
ticker.add((deltaTime) => {
// Add the current frame duration to the smoothing array
smoothedFrameDuration = (smoothedFrameDuration * (smoothingFrames - 1) + deltaTime) / smoothingFrames;
// Update the game logic here
// Use the smoothed frame duration instead of the raw deltaTime value

How to measure graphics performance while drawing in JS?

I have a relatively simple website (small browser game) that does not perform well. Its graphic part is flickering and I'd like to measure how long it takes to draw different elements.
I draw in the method triggered by
window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.drawAll());
To measure time, I've added to my drawing functions elements that capture the current time:
let t0 = new Date().getTime();
let t1 = new Date().getTime();
let t2 = new Date().getTime();
The intent was to display the delta between those numbers in the console, but the problem is that if you do it in the real-time console just freezes.
The idea I have is to accumulate time information and display it once a second (or for every 100 refresh cycles), but I'm wondering if there is any better way to do so?
EDIT: Idea to accumulate information did not work well: each part I'm concerned about is rendered decently fast and new Date().getTime() only counts milliseconds. The alternative is to use '' - it counts fractions of ms.
I hate leaving questions without the answer.
Due to lack of better responses, I'll convert 'EDIT' part of the question to an answer:
I did end up with a few improvements to the idea:
Use '' instead of 'new Date().getTime()' to capture time
Don't output time snippets to console on every render event, but instead accumulate the duration of events in static variables as well as count the number of render events. When the counter reaches 100 (or any number that can help reasonably indicate performance difference) output accumulated data to console.
something like this:
static performanceEventCounter=0;
static duration1=0;
static duration2=0;
render() {
if(++performanceEventCounter>100) {
console.log('duration1=${duration1}, duration2=${duration2}');

How to make fps run at the same pace across different clients

Both of the server and client have the code
}, 20);
I have a node.js / server where the player's x and y are being updated every frame and sent to the client. The client is also having a different x and y being updated using the same logic. The client seems to be moving faster than the server though so it's making the game not in sync.. What should I be doing differently?
that's a huge and kinda complex topic, I'm not in the mood to google these topics for you; but a few hints/directions.
This ain't meant to be a full answer, but it's more explanation, a comment can take.
1st: don't increment values, neither in the back- nor in the frontend.
Define them as an animation: { startTime, startValue, endTime, endValue }. Now you can interpolate the current position at any time, independant of the interval.
2nd: you have to account for the time-offset between front- and backend.
3rd: check in the frontend for manipulations of the timer: this is a common way to cheat. Don't take the correctness of the clock for granted.
4th: you also have to account for the ping, when recieving actions from the frontend for example, you should subtract the ping to know when the action has really been made. And don't forget to check the ping over and over again: it might change over time.
And again, you can only trust your own clock, and you should check for manipulations (eg. artificially slowing down the connection). google ping-cheater, ...
finally: You're not the first one to create a real-time game. Search for these topics, they have been solved, and they have been asked by other people in the past.
Search especially in the flash-community. Flash still is a popular gaming-platform, and AS3-code should be pretty easy to understand and to port to JS.
It was actually really really easy, anyone with the same problem just read this article.
The simplest way to put it "move based on how much time has passed since you've last moved" So just find a deltaTime variable by subtracting time_now from time_then.
This is what my updatePosition function looks like now
self.updatePosition = function(){
var now_time = (new Date).getTime();
var delta_time = now_time - self.then_time;
self.x += delta_time * self.velocityX;
self.y += delta_time * self.velocityY;
self.then_time = now_time;
Just set the then_time in your initialization or whenever your character can first start moving.

Most efficient way to throttle continuous JavaScript execution on a web page

I'd like to continuously execute a piece of JavaScript code on a page, spending all available CPU time I can for it, but allowing browser to be functional and responsive at the same time.
If I just run my code continuously, it freezes the browser's UI and browser starts to complain. Right now I pass a zero timeout to setTimeout, which then does a small chunk of work and loops back to setTimeout. This works, but does not seem to utilize all available CPU. Any better ways of doing this you might think of?
Update: To be more specific, the code in question is rendering frames on canvas continuously. The unit of work here is one frame. We aim for the maximum possible frame rate.
Probably what you want is to centralize everything that happens on the page and use requestAnimationFrame to do all your drawing. So basically you would have a function/class that looks something like this (you'll have to forgive some style/syntax errors I'm used to Mootools classes, just take this as an outline)
var Main = function(){
this.queue = [];
this.actions = {};
Main.prototype.loop = function(){
while (this.queue.length){
var action = this.queue.pop();
//do you rendering here
Main.prototype.addToQueue = function(e){
Main.prototype.addAction = function(target, event, callback){
if (this.actions[target] === void 0) this.actions[target] = {};
if (this.actions[target][event] === void 0) this.actions[target][event] = [];
Main.prototype.executeAction = function(e){
if (this.actions[]!==void 0 && this.actions[][e.type]!==void 0){
for (var i=0; i<this.actions[][e.type].length; i++){
So basically you'd use this class to handle everything that happens on the page. Every event handler would be onclick='Main.addToQueue(event)' or however you want to add your events to your page, you just point them to adding the event to the cue, and just use Main.addAction to direct those events to whatever you want them to do. This way every user action gets executed as soon as your canvas is finished redrawing and before it gets redrawn again. So long as your canvas renders at a decent framerate your app should remain responsive.
EDIT: forgot the "this" in requestAnimationFrame(this.loop)
web workers are something to try
You can tune your performance by changing the amount of work you do per invocation. In your question you say you do a "small chunk of work". Establish a parameter which controls the amount of work being done and try various values.
You might also try to set the timeout before you do the processing. That way the time spent processing should count towards any minimum the browsers set.
One technique I use is to have a counter in my processing loop counting iterations. Then set up an interval of, say one second, in that function, display the counter and clear it to zero. This provides a rough performance value with which to measure the effects of changes you make.
In general this is likely to be very dependent on specific browsers, even versions of browsers. With tunable parameters and performance measurements you could implement a feedback loop to optimize in real-time.
One can use window.postMessage() to overcome the limitation on the minimum amount of time setTimeout enforces. See this article for details. A demo is available here.

How to tell what's causing slow HTML5 Canvas performance?

How can I tell if the canvas's slow performance is caused by the drawing itself, or the underlying logic that calculates what should be drawn and where?
The second part of my question is: how to calculate canvas fps? Here's how I did it, seems logical to me, but I can be absolutely wrong too. Is this the right way to do it?
var fps = 0;
setInterval(draw, 1000/30);
setInterval(checkFps, 1000);
function draw() {
function checkFps() {
fps = 0;
I replaced the above with the following, according to Nathan's comments:
var lastTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
function draw() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
$("#fps").html(Math.floor(1000/(now - lastTimeStamp)));
lastTimeStamp = now;
So how's this one? You could also calculate only the difference in ms since the last update, performance differences can be seen that way too. By the way, I also did a side-by-side comparison of the two, and they usually moved pretty much together (a difference of 2 at most), however, the latter one had bigger spikes, when performance was extraordinarily low.
Your FPS code is definitely wrong
setInterval(checkFps, 1000);
No-one assures this function will be called exactly every second (it could be more than 1000ms, or less - but probably more), so
function checkFps() {
fps = 0;
is wrong (if fps is 32 at that moment it is possible that you have 32 frames in 1.5s (extreme case))
beter is to see what was the real time passes since the last update and calculate the realtimepassed / frames (I'm sure javascript has function to get the time, but I'm not sure if it will be accurate enough = ms or better)
fps is btw not a good name, it contains the number of frames (since last update), not the number of frames per second, so frames would be a better name.
In the same way
setInterval(draw, 1000/30);
is wrong, since you want to achieve a FPS of 30, but since the setInterval is not very accurate (and is probably going to wait longer than you say, you will end up with lower FPS even if the CPU is able to handle the load)
Webkit and Firebug both provide profiling tools to see where CPU cycles are being spent in your javascript code. I'd recommend starting there.
For the FPS calculation, I don't think your code is going to work, but I don't have any good recommendation :(
Reason being: Most (all?) browsers use a dedicated thread for running javascript and a different thread for running UI updates. If the Javascript thread is busy, the UI thread won't be triggered.
So, you can run some javascript looping code that'll "update" the UI 1000 times in succession (for instance, setting the color of some text) - but unless you add a setTimeout to allow the UI thread to paint the change, you won't see any changes until the 1000 iterations are finished.
That said, I don't know if you can assertively increment your fps counter at the end of the draw() routine. Sure, your javascript function has finished, but did the browser actually draw?
Check if you dont use some innerHTML method to debug your project. This can slow your project in a way you can't imagine, especially if you do some concatenation like this innerHTML += newDebugValues;
Or like desau said, profile your cpu usage with firebug or webkit inner debugger.

