Lifing state up: Communicating from child component and upward - javascript

When I try to modify a base component's variable from a child component. I find that I can only do it by strictly doing the following:
1: Base component must have defined an event handler, strictly a variable onVariableChange event handler, and have it assigned to a local function
2: Base component must have custom attribute variable that will be linked with the above onVariableChange function
3: Child component can now call the this.props.onVariableChange() to make the appropriate modification (from child to base)
in Base declaration:
changeFn(){ //do Something }
Base's render:
return <div> <Child variable={this.stateSomeVar} onVariableChange={this.changeFn} />
in Child:
Why is that? Why can't we just call the custom function from child to base directly without the use of custom property?
Am I incorrectly understanding the React's documentation?
in Base:
return <Child callFromChildFn={this.childFnAnsweredByBase} />

When I try to modify a base component's variable from a child
component. I find that I can only do it by strictly doing the
I think you mean with variable, base or more accurate parent component's state.
1: Base component must have defined an event handler, strictly a
variable onVariableChange event handler, and have it assigned to a
local function
I don't know what do you mean by saying "strictly", but yes in order to do that parent should have a handler method. The name here is not important, just pass this properly to your child component.
2: Base component must have custom attribute variable that will be
linked with the above onVariableChange function
This variable or state property doesn't need to be linked anywhere and you don't have to pass this to your child component. If child component will use it yes you can pass, but in order to change this in the parent component, it is not needed to be passed to the child.
Why is that? Why can't we just call the custom function from child to
base directly without the use of custom property?
If you mean saying by "property" the value itself, again, you don't need to pass it to the child. But, if you mean props, then you should use like that since this function is a part of the child's props.
Here is an example of how you do it without passing the "variable":
const Child = (props) => (
<input onChange={props.callFromChildFn} />
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
someVar: "initial value",
childFnAnsweredByBase = event =>
this.setState({ someVar: })
render() {
return (
<Child callFromChildFn={this.childFnAnsweredByBase} />
<p>someVar is: {this.state.someVar}</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Am I incorrectly understanding the React's documentation?
Probably yes. Personally, I don't like that part of the documentation. They are trying to explain an edge case there. Two child components are syncing with some parent's state and show this value with an appropriate situation. Like, one of them shows this value as Fahrenheit and the other one shows it as Celcius. This is why they are passing the state variable (after some conversion) to these components.
In the example above we don't use this state variable in our child component, this is why we don't need it. Here is an example (just a simple, stupid example) showing that how can we use it and why the parent is passing it.
const Child = (props) => {
const { someNum, multiplyTheNumberBy, by } = props;
const handleMultiply = () => {
const newNum = someNum * by;
multiplyTheNumberBy( newNum );
return (
<button onClick={handleMultiply}>Multiply Number By {by}</button>
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
someNum: 1,
multiplyTheNumberBy = valueFromChild =>
this.setState({ someNum: valueFromChild })
render() {
return (
<p>someNum is: {this.state.someNum}</p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
Update after comments
Also, why do we have to assign const localFn = props.CallFromChildFn ?
why can't we just invoke this.props.CallFromChildFn directly? Or is it
supposed to be props.CallFromChildFn?
First things first. We use this in a class component, so for a functional component, it is not necessary. We can use our props as props.something instead of this.props.something.
Now, the second question is about applying the best practice for performance reasons. For a small app this may not be a problem but for larger apps which has multiple children, components may be problematic.
When defining your functions in a JSX prop, if you use an arrow function and invoke them immediately, or bind it to this there to use it properly, this function is recreated in every render. This is why use references to this functions instead of immediately invoke them somehow or use bind.
Think about my first example.
<input onChange={props.callFromChildFn} />
Here, I used the reference of my function and it workes. Since I don't invoke any function here it is not recreated every time when my component renders. I would use it in this way:
<input onChange={e => props.callFromChildFn( e )} />
Here, we are using a callback for onChange as an arrow function. It takes an event and passes it to our callFromChildFn function. This works, too. But, since we used an arrow function here, this function is created in every render.
Let's see my second example.
const { someNum, multiplyTheNumberBy, by } = props;
const handleMultiply = () => {
const newNum = someNum * by;
multiplyTheNumberBy( newNum );
return (
<button onClick={handleMultiply}>Multiply Number By {by}</button>
Again, instead of using directly my function, I define a handler function here and use its reference. With this newly created function, I can do multiplication operation and use my multiplyTheNumber function from my props and pass it the calculated value. But again, I would use something like this:
const { someNum, multiplyTheNumberBy, by } = props;
return (
<button onClick={() => multiplyTheNumberBy(someNum * by)}>Multiply Number By {by}</button>
As you can see, without creating a new function we can use an onClick callback function and use our multiplyTheNumberBy from our props and do the multiplication directly there. But, this function also recreated in every render.
Yes, with the reference method we use a little more code and for small applications maybe this is not necessary. But, I like to use in this way.


Difference between passing a ReactElement and a function that returns a ReactElement

Whats the difference between passing a ReactElement as a property:
First case
<RenderParam ReactElement={<Counter />} />
function RenderParam({ ReactElement }) {
return <div>{ReactElement}</div>;
and passing a function that returns a ReactElement:
Second case
const instantiatedCounter = () => <Counter />;
<RenderParam ReactElement={instantiatedCounter} />
function RenderParam({ ReactElement }) {
return <div> <ReactElement /> </div>
I see there are differences in the lifecycle:
Every time the parent react element updates, the mount cycle of Counter is executed for the second case:
ReactElement changed (at RenderParam lifecycle)
component did mount (at Counter)
Also the second case lose its state every time the parent component renders.
I dont see whats difference between them. Why first case its able to keep its state?
The first example passes a static JSX element <Counter /> as RenderParam prop. The second example uses a function instantiatedCounter, that allows to return a more dynamic JSX element, commonly referred to as Render props.
In the second case you lose state, because React treats the ReactElement prop as a freshly defined component every time, unmounts the old one and mounts it again on every render cycle. What you want to do is call the ReactElement prop to retrieve a JSX element as return value:
function RenderParam({ ReactElement }) {
return <div>{ReactElement()}</div>;
// not: return <div><ReactElement /></div>
You could as well define it with JSX syntax <div><ReactElement /></div>. But then make sure, instantiatedCounter is a static function and not re-created on every render, so the object reference stays same:
const instantiatedCounter = () => <Counter />;
// make it static in some way, so object reference doesn't change
export default function App() {
// .. and remove instantiatedCounter here
return <RenderParam ReactElement={instantiatedCounter} />
This is actually rather simple, the real thing here is the timing of the rendering itself.
lets start from the second case, this is actually a design pattern called Render Props, you can read about it here:
in this case, the prop contains a function that returns a React Element, which means that It will be evaluated only when you invoke that function and thus it is not always "alive" like in your first case.
First case: when you bind your prop to an Element, it gets evaluated upon the creation of the parent element. which means that as long as the parent element is "alive" the prop element will be alive.

Should I call a function on every render or use arrow functions in a react class component?

I have the following situation
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
myFunc = dynamicKey => {
// do something with the dynamic key
render() {
return (
<button onClick={e => this.myFunc(someDynamicKey1)} />
<button onClick={e => this.myFunc(someDynamicKey2)} />
<button onClick={e => this.myFunc(someDynamicKey3)} />
{/* ... */}
Which is a very common case, but It isn't good because on every render it's creating that arrow function.
So as a walkaround, I made a function that returns another function with that key.
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
myFunc = dynamicKey => e => {
// do something with the dynamic key
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.myFunc(someDynamicKey1)} />
<button onClick={this.myFunc(someDynamicKey2)} />
<button onClick={this.myFunc(someDynamicKey3)} />
{/* ... */}
Now I'm not creating a new function on every render but I'm calling a new function on every render.
Now I'm not sure which one to use. Is calling a function on every render a bad practice? Should I use a arrow function?
When using the curried function, you can use its closure on the current scope.
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
state = {
counter: 42
myFunc = dynamicKey => e => {
// closure on the specific this.state.counter value at time of render.
While returning a new function on every render, its closure is on the recent scope
export default class MyComponent extends Component {
state = {
counter: 42
myFunc = dynamicKey => {
// closure on this.state.counter value
Therefore, it depends on what is the use case.
Ask yourself if the function needs a specific value or the recent one.
Note: if on every render the functions re-declared, it becomes a "difference between function and curried one" question, and for React it doesn't matter as both functions bodies will be executed. So only by memoizing the function (don't call the function with it is called with the same parameters), you can get any noticeable differences.
You can cache your event handlers.
class SomeComponent extends React.Component {
// Each instance of SomeComponent has a cache of click handlers
// that are unique to it.
clickHandlers = {};
// Generate and/or return a click handler,
// given a unique identifier.
getClickHandler = (key) => {
// If no click handler exists for this unique identifier, create one.
if (!this.clickHandlers[key])){
this.clickHandlers[key] = () => alert(key);
return this.clickHandlers[key];
render() {
return (
{ =>
<li key={listItem.text}>
<Button onClick={this.getClickHandler(listItem.text)} />
see the following article
If you use React hooks then:
const Button = props => {
const onClick = React.useMemo(() => {
}, [listItem.text]);
return <button onClick={onClick}>click</button>
If your function does not depend on your component (no this contexts), you can define it outside of the component. All instances of your component will use the same function reference, since the function is identical in all cases.
In contrast to the previous example, createAlertBox remains the same reference to the same location in memory during every render. Button therefore never has to re-render.
While Button is likely a small, quick-to-render component, you may see these inline definitions on large, complex, slow-to-render components, and it can really bog down your React application. It is good practice to simply never define these functions inside the render method.
If your function does depend on your component such that you cannot define it outside the component, you can pass a method of your component as the event handler:
In this case, each instance of SomeComponent has a different alert box. The click event listener for Button needs to be unique to SomeComponent. By passing the createAlertBox method, it does not matter if SomeComponent re-renders. It doesn’t even matter if the message prop changes! The address in memory of createAlertBox does not change, meaning Button does not have to re-render, and you save processing time and improve rendering speed of your application.
For dynamic functions
In this case, you have a variable number of buttons, making a variable number of event listeners, each with a unique function that you cannot possibly know what is when creating your SomeComponent. How can you possible solve this conundrum?
Enter memoization, or what may be easier to refer to as simply, caching. For each unique value, create and cache a function; for all future references to that unique value, return the previously cached function.

Updating Global Variable / State in React

Still quite new to React and have been working on a project. I've been needing to keep track of this counter as a global variable and update its value inside a component. I've declared this counter using the setState hook const [currentMaxRow, setRow] = useState(3) and I want to update this value inside the component it's being passed into. Not really sure how to go about this, thanks!
Sample application using hooks
-passing value and function to child component.
function App() {
const [currentMaxRow, setRow] = React.useState(3)
const incrementVal = () => {
setRow(currentMaxRow + 1);
return (
<p>You clicked {currentMaxRow} times</p>
<Child count={currentMaxRow} incrementVal={incrementVal} />
const Child = props => (
<button onClick={props.incrementVal}>Click me</button>
This is actually quite straightforward. The only thing you need to do is to also pass the "setRow" function to your child component. Now anytime you want to update the state in the parent, you basically call the function prop inside your child component.
However, I think it's worth mentioning that a component's state and a global variable are not the same thing. I highly recommend you read the React documentation regarding components, state and props. It'll clear things up a whole lot more!

Is it an anti-pattern to define a function component inside the render() function?

I want to know if it's an anti-pattern or if it affects the component somehow to do something like this:
render() {
const MyFuncComponent = ({ prop1, prop2 }) => (
// code here
return (
<MyFuncComponent prop1={something} prop2={else} />
Yes, this is an anti-pattern for the same reason we shouldn't use a Higher-Order-Component inside of render.
Don’t Use HOCs Inside the render Method
React’s diffing algorithm (called reconciliation) uses component identity to determine whether it should update the existing subtree or throw it away and mount a new one. If the component returned from render is identical (===) to the component from the previous render, React recursively updates the subtree by diffing it with the new one. If they’re not equal, the previous subtree is unmounted completely.
Normally, you shouldn’t need to think about this. But it matters for HOCs because it means you can’t apply a HOC to a component within the render method of a component:
render() {
// A new version of EnhancedComponent is created on every render
// EnhancedComponent1 !== EnhancedComponent2
const EnhancedComponent = enhance(MyComponent);
// That causes the entire subtree to unmount/remount each time!
return <EnhancedComponent />;
The problem here isn’t just about performance — remounting a component causes the state of that component and all of its children to be lost.
This means that the new component will appear in the React tree (which can be explored with the react-devtools) but it won't retain any state and the lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount, useEffect will always get called each render cycle.
Since there are probably reasons for dynamically creating a component, here are some common patterns that avoid the pitfalls.
Define the new component outside
Either in its own file, or directly above the parent component's definition. Pass any variable as props instead of using the parent component's scope to access the values.
const MyFuncComponent = ({ prop1, prop2 }) => <>{/* code here */}</>;
const MyComponent = props => (
{{ something, thing }) => (
<MyFuncComponent prop1={something} prop2={thing} />
Helper function
A regular function that returns JSX can be defined and used directly inside another component. It won't appear as a new component inside React's tree, only its result will appear, as if it was inlined.
That way, we can also use variables from the enclosing scope (like props.itemClass in the following example) in addition to any other parameters.
const MyComponent = props => {
// Looks like a component, but only serves as a function.
const renderItem = ({ prop1, prop2 }) => (
<li className={props.itemClass}> {/* <-- param from enclosing scope */}
{prop1} {prop2} {/* other code */}
return <ul>{}</ul>;
It could also be defined outside the component since it's really flexible.
const renderItem = (itemClass, { prop1, prop2 }) => (
<li className={itemClass}>
{prop1} {prop2} {/* other code */}
const MyComponent = props => (
{ => renderItem(props.itemClass, item))}
But at that point, we should just define a React component instead of faking it with a function. Use React in a predictable manner and to its full potential.
Inline the logic
It's really common to inline JSX inside of a condition or a map callback.
const MyComponent = (props) => (
{{ something, thing }) => (
<li className={props.itemClass}>
{something} {thing} {/* other code */}
If we find ourselves copy-pasting this same inlined JSX everywhere, it might be time to wrap it up in its own reusable component.
I think in general people avoid defining functions in render but according to this blog post it is not neccesarily a bad practice. The blog post focuses on inline event handler functions being defined in render but I would guess it applies to any function defined in render. Defining functions in render means there is the overhead of redfining them each time render is called but that may not make a noticible performance difference depending on your component.
For the particular example you gave I would reccomend not to define another react component in render. If you do define any functions in render they should be cohesive to what render is doing. Defining another component or adding a bunch of functions inside of render can make in unwieldy and hard to understand what the code is doing.

One time action in React Components

I have a question regarding "one time actions" in react components. Imagine for example I want to scroll some element to certain position, or reset the internal react state.
So far I've been doing this by using a combination of a boolean flag (e.g. doAction: true) and an update action (e.g. setDoActionBackToFalse), but this seems too complex. Does anyone have any nice solution to this?
Note: The action can actually happen multiple times during the lifetime of the component but each time it has to be specifically triggered and happen only once (not keep happening on every rerender). E.g. scroll to every newly added item in scrollpane.
I created small fiddle to make the problem more obvious:
This uses the boolean flag approach.
It has been some time since I asked this question and since then I found that as long as the "one time action" doesn't actually rerender the component, but instead just modifies some browser state (e.g. focus, scroll position, etc.) people generally tend to solve this by having a class method and calling it from the parent component using refs.
To illustrate on the focus example:
class Input extends React.Component {
inputElRef = React.createRef();
focus = () => this.inputElRef.current.focus();
render() {
return (
<input ref={this.inputElRef} />
class Parent extends React.Component {
inputRef = React.createRef();
render() {
return (
<button onClick={() => this.inputRef.current.focus()}>Focus input</button>
<Input ref={this.inputRef} />
I think that you can use componentDidMount lifecycle hook. This hook is invoked only once immediately after a component is mounted and the DOM can be accessed in it.
You can also call your 'one time action' in component constructor but it's called before component is mounted and before initial render so you can't access DOM there.
So you can initialize component state in a constructor (according to React docs: constructor is the right place to initialize state) but you can't scroll some element to certain position in constructor because you can't access component DOM elements in it.
Summing up: state initialization should be done in constructor while 'one time actions' manipulating DOM should be done in componentDidMount.
Wrap your action handlers inside a higher order function which invokes them only once. Lodash has once. Ramda has it too.
Updates for your scrolling scenario.... Scrolling is a side effect which must be initiated by the DOM API. You can write an HOC which wraps any component inside it -
function OnFocusExtender(Wrapped){
return class ExtendedFocus{
focus = _.once(elem => elem && elem.focus && elem.focus());
return <Wrapped ref={this.focus} {...this.props} />;
Then you can use it in your code like -
let FocusedComponent = FocusExtender(YourComponent);
return <FocusedComponent a={"blah"} b={blah} />
Updated for a generic side-effects approach:
The HOC:
function WelcomingParty(>(Wrapped)=>{
return class ExtendWelcome{
// Every host in the welcoming party greets
// the guest :)
welcome = (ref) => party.forEach(host => host(ref));
return <Wrapped ref={this.welcome} {...this.props} />;
let hostFn = (fn)=>(ref)=> ref && (typeof ref[fn] == "function") && ref[fn](),
hosts = ["focus", "scrollIntoView"].map(hostFn);
let Component = WelcomingParty(...hosts)(YourComponent);
return <Component a={"blah"} b={blah} />

