Speed difference between inserting html and changing display style property - javascript

Assuming you have a relatively small piece of HTML (let's say under 100 tags and <4KB in size) and you want to occasionally display and hide it from your user (think menu, modal... etc).
Is the fastest approach to hide and show it using css, such as:
document.getElementById('my_element').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('my_element').style.display = 'block';
Or to insert and remove it:
document.getElementById('my_element_container').innerHTML = '';
const my_element_html = {contents of the element};
document.getElementById('my_element_container').innerHTML = my_element_html;
// Note: insertAdjacentHTML is obviously faster when the container has other elements, but I'm showcasing this using innerHTML to get my point across, not necessarily because it's always the most efficient of the two.
Obviously, this can be benchmarked on a case by case basis, but, with some many browser versions and devices out there, any benchmarks that I'd be able to run in a reasonable amount of time aren't that meaningful.
I've been unable to find any benchmarks related to this subject.
Are there any up to date benchmarks comparing the two approaches? Is there any consensus from browsers developers as to which should, generally speaking, be preferred when it comes to speed.

In principle, DOM manipulation is slower than toggling display property of existing nodes. And I could stop my answer here, as this is technically correct.
However, repaint and reflow of the page is typically way slower and both your methods trigger it so you could be looking at:
display toggle: 1 unit
DOM nodes toggle: 2 units
repaint + reflow of page: 100 units
Which leaves you comparing 101 units with 102 units, instead of comparing 3 with 4 (or 6 with 7). I'm not saying that's the order of magnitude, it really depends on the actual DOM tree of your real page, but chances are it's close to the figures above.
If you use methods like: visibility:hidden or opacity:0, it will be way faster, not to mention opacity is animatable, which, in modern UIs, is preferred.
A few resources:
Taming huge collections of DOMs
Render-tree Construction, Layout, and Paint
How Browsers Work: Behind the scenes of modern web browsers
An introduction to Web Performance and the Critical Rendering Path
Understanding the critical rendering path, rendering pages in 1 second
Web performance, much like web development, is not a "press this button" process. You need to try, fail, learn, try again, fail again...
If your elements are always the same, you might find out (upon testing) caching them inside a variable is much faster than recreating them when your show method is called.
Testing is quite simple:
place each of the methods inside a separate function;
log the starting time (using performance.now());
use each method n times, where n is: 100, 1e3, 1e4,... 1e7
log finishing time for each test (or difference from its starting time)
Compare. You will notice conclusions drawn from 100 test are quite different than the ones from 1e7 test.
To go even deeper, you can test differences for different methods when showing and for different methods when hiding. You could test rendering elements hidden and toggle their display afterwards. Get creative. Try anything you can think of, even if it seems silly or doesn't make much sense.
That's how you learn.


React-like programming without React

I grew up using JQuery and have been following a programming pattern which one could say is "React-like", but not using React. I would like to know how my graphics performance is doing so well, nonetheless.
As an example, in my front-end, I have a table that displays some "state" (in React terms). However, this "state" for me is just kept in global variables. I have an update_table() function which is the central place where updates to the table happen. It takes the "state" and renders the table with it. The first thing it does is call $("#table").empty() to get a clean start and then fills in the rows with the "state" information.
I have some dynamically changing data (the "state") every 2-3 seconds on the server side which I poll using Ajax and once I get the data/"state", I just call update_table().
This is the perfect problem for solving with React, I know. However, after implementing this simple solution with JQuery, I see that it works just fine (I'm not populating a huge table here; I have a max of 20 rows and 5 columns).
I expected to see flickering because of the $("#table").empty() call followed by adding rows one-by-one inside the update_table() function. However, the browser (chrome/safari) somehow seems to be doing a very good job of updating only that elements that have actually changed (Almost as if the browser has an implementation of Virtual DOM/diffing, like React!)
I guess your question is why you can have such a good graphics performance without React.
What you see as a "good graphics performance" really is a matter of definition or, worse, opinion.
The classic Netscape processing cycle (which all modern browsers inherit) has basically four main stages. Here is the full-blown Gecko engine description.
As long as you manipulate the DOM, you're in the "DOM update" stage and no rendering is performed AT ALL. Only when your code yields, the next stage starts. Because of the DOM changes the sizes or positions of some elements may have changed, too. So this stage recomputes the layout. After this stage, the next is rendering, where the pixels are redrawn.
This means that if your code changes a very large number elements in the DOM, they are all still rendered together, and not in an incremental fashion. So, the empty() call does not render if you repopulate the table immediately after.
Now, when you see the pixels of an element like "13872", the rendering stage may render those at the exact same position with the exact same colors. You don't have any change in pixel color, and thus there is no flickering you could see.
That said, your graphics performance is excellent -- yes. But how did you measure it? You just looked at it and decided that it's perfect. Now, visually it really may be very very good. Because all you need is avoid the layout stage from sizing/positioning something differently.
But actual performance is not measured with the lazy eyes of us humans (there are many usability studies in that field, let's say that one frame at 60 Hz takes 16.6 ms, so it is enough to render in less than that). It is measured with an actual metric (updates per second or whatever). Consider that on older machines with older browsers and slower graphics cards your "excellent" performance may look shameful. How do you know it is still good on an old Toshiba tablet with 64 MB graphics memory?
And what about scaling? If you have 100x the elements you have now, are you sure it will scale well? What if some data takes more (or less) space and changes the whole layout? All of these edge conditions may not be covered by your simple approach.
A library like React takes into account those cases you may not have encountered yet, and offers a uniform pattern to approach them.
So if you are happy with your solution you don't need React. I often avoid jQuery because ES5/ES6 is already pretty good these days and I can just jot down 3-4 lines of code using document.getElementById() and such. But I realize that on larger projects or complex cases jQuery is the perfect tool.
Look at React like that: a tool that is useful when you realize you need it, and cumbersome when you think you can do without. It's all up to you :)
When you have something like this:
.html("... new content of the table ... ");
then the following happens:
.empty() removes content and marks rendering tree / layout as invalid.
.html() adds new content and marks rendering tree / layout as invalid.
mark as invalid among other things calls InvalidateRect() (on Windows) that causes the window to receive WM_PAINT event at some point in future.
By handling WM_PAINT the browser will calculate layout and render all the result.
Therefore multiple change requests will be collapsed into single window painting operation.

what's the best way for d3 to manipulate html?

I'm using mbostock's awesome d3 for simple html rendering, the simplest way I could think of, selecting an empty div and filling it with HTML.
.html(function(d){return 'd3 ' + d;});
In Win7 Chrome, I noticed that, for large datasets, this seems to be very slow. (3.5 s for 20000 items)
This example renders a very simple (though long) list: http://jsfiddle.net/truher/NQaVM/
I tried two solutions, visibility toggling:
and writing to a detached element:
var p = $('<div>')
The results were this:
Firefox: uniformly fast (600-700 ms)
Chrome: either toggling or detaching is fast (800 ms), otherwise very slow (3.5 s)
Internet Explorer: detaching is faster but still slow (1.8 s), otherwise very slow (3.2 s)
My question is this: Is there a better solution?
Generally the two things that end up being slow when doing DOM manipulation are modifications to the DOM tree and browser redraws.
Using visibility toggling allows you to avoid the browser redraw in any modern, optimized DOM engine. You will still pay the price of modifying the DOM tree in line though.
Editing a detached element will give you both the no redraw perk as well as not having to pay for the updates to the DOM.
In all cases the second option, out of flow DOM manipulation, will be faster or at worst as fast. The relative difference in speed between browsers is more than probably due to differences in their DOM and Javascript engines. There are some benchmarks that might give you more insight into this.
Besides the speed of the DOM manipulations itself you could start looking into loop unrolling and other optimizations (by Jeff Greenberg) to minimize the work your actual script is doing. Other than that you are doing it right already.
If you are interested in knowing more details about the browser internal you should defiantly have a look at the long article at html5rock about browser internals. There is also a nice article over at Google developers about how to speed up JavaScript in webpages.

Reflow/Layout performance for large application

I am using GWT to build a HTML application where the performance is correct in general.
Sometimes, it can load many objects in the DOM and the application becomes slow. I used Chrome Developer Tools Profiler to see where that time was spent (under Chrome once the app is compiled ie no GWT overhead) and it is clear that the methods getAbsoluteLeft()/getBoundingClientRect() consume the major part of this time.
Here is the implementation used under Chrome (com.google.gwt.dom.client.DOMImplStandardBase) :
private static native ClientRect getBoundingClientRect(Element element) /*-{
return element.getBoundingClientRect && element.getBoundingClientRect();
public int getAbsoluteLeft(Element elem) {
ClientRect rect = getBoundingClientRect(elem);
return rect != null ? rect.getLeft()
+ elem.getOwnerDocument().getBody().getScrollLeft()
: getAbsoluteLeftUsingOffsets(elem);
This makes sense to me, as the more elements in the DOM, the more time it may take to calculate absolute positions. But it is frustrating because sometimes you know just a subpart of your application has changed whereas those methods will still take time to calculate absolute positioning, probably because it unnecessarily recheck a whole bunch of DOM elements. My question is not necessarily GWT oriented as it is a browser/javascript related problem :
Is there any known solution to improve GWT getAbsoluteLeft/javascript getBoundingClientRect problem for large DOM elements application ?
I did not find any clues on the internet, but I thought about solution like :
(reducing number of calls for those methods :-) ...
isolate part of the DOM through iframe, in order to reduce the number of elements the browser has to evaluate to get an absolute position (although it would make difficult components to communicate ...)
in the same idea, there might be some css property (overflow, position ?) or some html element (like iframe) which tell the browser to skip a whole part of the dom or simply help the browser to get absolute position faster
Using Chrome TimeLine debugger, and doing a specific action while there are a lot of elements in the DOM, I have the average performance :
Recalculate style : nearly zero
Paint : nearly 1 ms
Layout : nearly 900ms
Layout takes 900ms through the getBoundingClientRect method. This page list all the methods triggering layout in WebKit, including getBoundingClientRect ...
As I have many elements in the dom that are not impacted by my action, I assume layout is doing recalculation in the whole DOM whereas paint is able through css property/DOM tree to narrow its scope (I can see it through MozAfterPaintEvent in firebug for example).
Except grouping and calling less the methods that trigger layout, any clues on how to reduce the time for layout ?
Some related articles :
Minimizing browser reflow
I finally solve my problem : getBoundingClientRect was triggering a whole layout event in the application, which was taking many times through heavy CSS rules.
In fact, layout time is not directly proportional to the number of elements in the DOM. You could draw hundred thousands of them with light style and layout will take only 2ms.
In my case, I had two CSS selectors and a background image which were matching hundred thousands of DOM elements, and that was consuming a huge amount of time during layout. By simply removing those CSS rules, I reduce the layout time from 900ms to 2ms.
The most basic answer to your question is to use lazy evaluation, also called delayed evaluation. The principle is that you only evaluate a new position when something it depends upon has changed. It generally requires a fair amount of code to set up but is much cleaner to use once that's done. You'd make one assignment to something (such as a window size) and then all the new values propagate automatically, and only the values that need to propagate.

Executing JavaScript "in the background"

do you have any experiences with the following problem: JavaScript has to run hundreds of performance intensive function calls which cannot be skipped and causing the browser to feel crashed for a few seconds (e.g. no scrolling and clicking)? Example: Imagine 500 calls for getting an elements height and then doing hundreds of DOM modifications, e.g. setting classes etc.
Unfortunately there is no way to avoid the performance intensive tasks. Web workers might be an approach, but they are not very well supported (IE...). I'm thinking of a timeout or callback based step by step rendering giving the browser time to do something in between. Do you have any experiences you can share on this?
Best regards
Take a look at this topic this is some thing related to your question.
How to improve the performance of your java script in your page?
If your doing that much DOM manipulation, you should probably clone the elements in question or the DOM itself, and do the changes on a cached version, and then replace the whole ting in one go or in larger sections, and not one element at the time.
What takes time is'nt so much the calculations and functions etc. but the DOM manipulation itself, and doing that only once, or a couple of times in sections, will greatly improve the speed of what you're doing.
As far as I know web workers aren't really for DOM manipulation, and I don't think there will be much of an advantage in using them, as the problem probably is the fact that you are changing a shitload of elements one by one instead of replacing them all in the DOM in one batch instead.
Here is what I can recommend in this case:
Checking the code again. Try to apply some standard optimisations as suggested, e.g. reducing lookups, making DOM modifications offline (e.g. with document.createDocumentFragment()...). Working with DOM fragments only works in a limited way. Retrieving element height and doing complex formating won't work sufficient.
If 1. does not solve the problem create a rendering solution running on demand, e.g. triggered by a scroll event. Or: Render step by step with timeouts to give the browser time to do something in between, e.g. clicking a button or scrolling.
Short example for step by step rendering in 2.:
var elt = $(...);
function timeConsumingRendering() {
// some rendering here related to the element "elt"
elt = elt.next();
return timeConsumingRendering;
// start

Javascript performance problems with too many dom nodes?

I'm currently debugging a ajax chat that just endlessly fills the page with DOM-elements. If you have a chat going for like 3 hours you will end up with god nows how many thousands of DOM-nodes.
What are the problems related to extreme DOM Usage?
Is it possible that the UI becomes totally unresponsive (especially in Internet Explorer)?
(And related to this question is off course the solution, If there are any other solutions other than manual garbage collection and removal of dom nodes.)
Most modern browser should be able to deal pretty well with huge DOM trees. And "most" usually doesn't include IE.
So yes, your browser can become unresponsive (because it needs too much RAM -> swapping) or because it's renderer is just overwhelmed.
The standard solution is to drop elements, say after the page has 10'000 lines worth of chat. Even 100'000 lines shouldn't be a big problem. But I'd start to feel uneasy for numbers much larger than that (say millions of lines).
[EDIT] Another problem is memory leaks. Even though JS uses garbage collection, if you make a mistake in your code and keep references to deleted DOM elements in global variables (or objects references from a global variable), you can run out of memory even though the page itself contains only a few thousand elements.
Just having lots of DOM nodes shouldn't be much of an issue (unless the client is short on RAM); however, manipulating lots of DOM nodes will be pretty slow. For example, looping through a group of elements and changing the background color of each is fine if you're doing this to 100 elements, but may take a while if you're doing it on 100,000. Also, some old browsers have problems when working with a huge DOM tree--for example, scrolling through a table with hundreds of thousands of rows may be unacceptably slow.
A good solution to this is to buffer the view. Basically, you only show the elements that are visible on the screen at any given moment, and when the user scrolls, you remove the elements that get hidden, and show the ones that get revealed. This way, the number of DOM nodes in the tree is relatively constant, but you don't really lose anything.
Another similar solution to this is to implement a cap on the number of messages that are shown at any given time. This way, any messages past, say, 100 get removed, and to see them you need to click a button or link that shows more. This is sort of what Facebook does with their profiles, if you need a reference.
Problems with extreme DOM usage can boil down to performance. DOM scripting is very expensive, so constantly accessing and manipulating the DOM can result in a poor performance (and user experience), particularly when the number of elements becomes very large.
Consider HTML collections such as document.getElementsByTagName('div'), for example. This is a query against the document and it will be reexecuted every time up-to-date information is required, such as the collection's length. This could lead to inefficiencies. The worst cases will occur when accessing and manipulating collections inside loops.
There are many considerations and examples, but like anything it depends on the application.

