Vimeo video white screen issue on page load in IE 11 - javascript

I am using below iframe to load the vimeo video.
<iframe src="" width="100%" height="349" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="example-video"
name="example-video" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen>
White screen is shown on Internet explorer on page load, but the play/pause buttons are shown.
Video thumbnail is not shown on IE11 for the below versions:
11.2189.14393.0 and higher versions.
I found the issue is with the background image which is not being rendered only in IE versions (11.0.9600.18954 and 11.0.9600.19036 ) and the class 'vp-preview-cover' is not being added to the element with data attribute 'data-thumb'.
I am facing an security issue when i'm trying to open the background image in a new tab. Attached the screenshot of the same.

We have tested this across multiple versions of IE (with the highest being 11.492.16299.0) with your attached and were not able to reproduce. Without more information or a page as an example it is difficult for us to help you.


Iframe background video not working on some Iphones

I am creating a single page website on squarespace and I added a background video using Iframe and grabbing src from vimeo. I have researched and learned that safari does't play videos if they are not muted, so I attempted to mute and added other suggestions like inline but still the video won't play. I have also noticed though that on my friends Iphone 10 it worked, and on someone else's Iphone 10 it didn't? I made sure both had low power mode off so I am not sure if it's my code or if it could be possible settings differences they both have? Here is the Iframe code. Also here is the squarespace website, password is david. (if you open this on mobile ignore the big font I haven't adjusted size on that yet). Any potential leads or tips would greatly help! I have been going in circles all weekend trying to get to the bottom of this.
<iframe id="v0" src="" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen playsinline autoplay mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen muted >
You may need to include most Video.type like mp4, MPEG-4,etc..
For all platform

Internet explorer playing mp4 videos in media player. Not inside the website

i am trying to create a webpage which other than some other content also includes a video.
because of the reason that i have to append the video url dynamically i am using the <iframe> tag isntead of <video> tag.
it is working fine in chrome and other browser, But when i am checking it on internet explorer(11) the video is getting played on media player. NOT inside the webpage.
i am not using the html <video>. code is something as below.
<iframe class="video-responsive-iframe"
frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
i am expecting it to open the video in the webpage itself , but it is always opened in the media player.
Try using the video tag instead.
<video class="video-responsive-iframe" src="" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></video>

iFrame fails to load in iOS Safari until reloaded

I have a simple iframe which is used to display a vimeo video on my site, as so:
<div class="video">
<iframe src="//" width="960px" height="540px" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen>
And it works like a charm on all standard computer browsers. Ajax is used throughout the site, and transitioning between pages that have videos and don't work exactly as you would expect - Ajax grabs the new page content, slides it on, deletes the old content, and the video works perfectly.
However, on iOS Safari, the video does NOT load. The space for the video is reserved - the other content on the page flows around the area where the video should be, which tells me the div is loading, and the height and width information of the iframe element is being registered by the browser. But no video, nothing. Reload the new page, though, and the video is there and plays just fine.
So my question is: Why is the reload required? What could I be doing wrong that is causing the AJAX to fail? I have read several answers across SO that seem to incriminate header information and cross-site drama, but it is danced around and not explained. Can anyone give me a clear understanding of what's going on here?

Youtube embed not working in Chrome

I have this site:
I'm embedding a YouTube video on one of the articles (look under the strip of commercials).
For some reason the video is not embedded properly on Chrome (Can't click to activate, shows the controls) While it does embed perfectly on Firefox.
The code I'm using for embedding is:
<iframe width="315" height="180" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Can someone help me solve the problem?
ran into the same problem. try:
instead of:

Youtube iframe API - Android fullscreen

I'm using the YouTube iframe api to embed a video.
When playing the video on an iPhone, the video automatically switches to full screen mode. I was wondering if it's possible to force the same behavior on an Android? (currently the video is played inline, which doesn't look so good).
There is no way to automatically play the video fullscreen. The closest you could get is to put the player in a fullscreen div and autoplay it using the url params:
<iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

