Issues with running my Apache Solr project: - javascript

I'm trying to set up Apache Solr and run some experiments. I've set up the Solr search engine on my Ubuntu 18.04, indexed a few files, and it works perfectly given a specific query. The admin page is accessible on the default port on localhost:8983/solr
Now I was trying to setup a web-based client communicating with Solr. I found this simple project located at Google Code here. I extracted it, and follow the simple instructions to make the contents available via localhost http (using python -m http.server). So when I go to http://localhost:8000, I see the index.html client. Apparently the only thing we need to check for integration is js/solr-search.js file to make sure the solrURL is set correctly, which the default is good already:
var solrUrl = 'http://' + document.location.hostname + ':8983/solr/';
But when I try to press the search button, it doesn't show any results and the loading icon keeps showing:
Where is the problem? How can I fix the issue?
UPDATE: I debugged and noticed this error on index.html:
Failed to load http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores?wt=json: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8000' is therefore not allowed access.


REST API in Wordpress for affiliation system

I have a web page with links towards other web pages. Once an user clicks in one of those links, a cookie is created, so in case he makes a purchase in the web page, the info related to this link is sent to us through an "API call".
So far, the code I have used in the following:
var storeCookie = getCookie("COOKIE_NAME"); //gets the cookie if it was previously created
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
var url="URL TO A .PHP FILE IN MY SERVER";"POST",url,true);
peticion.send("PARAMETERS OF THE CALL")
The web pages with links on our web page added this code to their web page so the affiliation system can work but we found that when that code is called, the following is returned:
Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response "URL TO A .PHP FILE IN MY SERVER" with MIME type text/html. See for more details.
I know this is not the right way to set up an API endpoint but I have no knowledge about how to proceed. I was going to try this plugin ( but it looks it is not supported in the latest versions of Wordpress.
What would be the right way to do what I am trying?
Thank you.
I have done some more research and I have discovered that the problem might be in my .PHP file, because of:
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
But I have this code on the .PHP file:
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
What can I be missing?

Reading a CSV file that is hosted online using JS

I have been searching for almost 2 hours to find a way to read a csv file that is hosted online. My data is hosted here.
I came across a library called papa parse. It apparently allows me to do that. I have the following code
Papa.parse("", {
download: true,
complete: function(results) {
It returns me following error: *
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'null' is therefore not allowed access.
I was wondering if I am doing something wrong. OR there is a different way to load a csv file that is hosted online.
There is chrome extension which can resolve this CORS error
Link :
Also you can start the chrome with below line which can also resolve it
chrome.exe --disable-web-security
This is for windows btw
Hope this helps
It is not that you are doing anything wrong, its that the remote URL doesnt allow cors and your browser will deny any traffic to remote origins. The safer option would be for you to make that call server side to get the csv and have papa.parse call a local endpoint.

How to use jQuery GET on HTTP (non-secure) server?

I'm getting this error when I try to use $.get on a non-secure site (ie. http, not https):
jquery.min.js:4 Mixed Content: The page at '...' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I've been trying to think of work-around solutions to this. The problem is a fixed one, since the server is hosted by and it's a non-secure site (ie. http, not https).
This is my request code:
$.get("" + latitude + "&lon=" + longitude + "&APPID=123456", function(data) {
tempC = / 10; // OpenWeather API returns Celsius * 10
rain = data.rain["3h"];
clouds = data.clouds.all;
Simply changing the request URL to doesn't work, of course. Tried it and didn't work.
The only solution I can think of right now is to find another weather API that is free to use for my project, but I'd like to know if there's a way to still use OpenWeathermap's API, given that it's http. Curious to know this because it seems quite wasteful to have to dismiss certain APIs just because it's http and not https.
Found another post on SO about the same "mixed content" issue. It's helpful and points to many other resources to solve the problem.
The asker ended up dropping openweathermap API (because it's served over HTTP) and using's API instead (served over HTTPS while still free).
Using Open Weather Map which is HTTP only through an HTTPS website and NOT get mixed content warning
so, the Problem is, that you run your code on a HTTPS site(JSFiddle and Coodepen). Your browser will not allow HTTP-Connections on a HTTPS site for security-reasons. You can solve that issue by either forcing HTTP on the page where you run your code(try to run a code from a local file or localhost) or you could create a HTTPS -> HTTP forwarding on your server, that would receive a HTTPS request from your code and send a HTTP-request to API.
I would suggest first try to run from a localhost or local file(not sure if every browser will allow AJAX from a local file, but you can try before setting up localhost), that should work for you. If you just want to test the API you can simple copy the URL of the GET-request into you browser tab and execute it.

Where's the CORS setting gone in azure mobile services

MSDN azure articles refer to going to the "Configure" section of the mobile services settings to add other URLS to CORS. It seems it isn't there anymore - any idea where it's gone?
The longer story for background:
Trying to follow this article:
and this linked one:
I have followed the article and created an azure mobile service with a sql server database (and 1 simple table in it.)
I then try to connect to it on my web server (localhost:8000/) with the js code:
var MobileServiceClient = WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient;
var client = new MobileServiceClient('', 'mykeyhere');
I then make a call to query some data:
var table = client.getTable('mytablename');
var query = table.where({
complete: false
}).read().done(function (results) {
}, function (err) {
And the where call runs the error callback with the message:
"XMLHttpRequest cannot load$filter=(complete%20eq%20false).
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested
resource. Origin 'localhost:8000' is therefore not allowed
I'm guessing this is because although localhost is meant to be allowed in the server side CORS settings localhost:8000 isn't.
Trouble is, both articles above refer to going to the "Configure" section of the mobile services settings to add other URLS to CORS. It seems it isn't there anymore - any idea where it's gone?
All the other articles I look for talk about setting it in your config file etc. but the point is I don't want to push code to the server-side. That 1st article definitely implies that I can just create the service and the sql server table and then talk to it from javascript client-side (presumably automagically through the use of OData.) That is possible right or is that part of the article completely wrong too?!
If you're using the JavaScript (node.js) backend, then you'll see the list of cross-origin resource sharing (cors) domains. On the .NET backend, the support isn't baked in yet, but you should be able to add it by following the instructions to enable CORS for Web API (after all, the .NET backend is built on top of that platform).
Since you're accessing your service at localhost, I'm assuming that you're using the .NET backend, which is why you won't see the list of CORS domains in the portal. The integrated support should be coming in soon, but before that you can add the support manually as described in the document linked above.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load - file footer.html, "Error: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest'

I have two of the same site. My 1st site is and the 2nd is .
1st site is loading properly on every device without any error but the 2nd ( site is not loading properly in mobile and table devices. It is only loading properly in desktop browser. I have also found 32 console error.
Are there any jQuery issues? And please tell me how to be able to fix it.
I'm getting the "XMLHttpRequest cannot load
Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP." and "Error: Failed
to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load
error, but I don't know what's causing it nor how to fix it.
Please see the screenshot -
I Think that you should call it from a http webserver and not like simple file in browser. This mean request a file in a web server like http://localhost/XML/catalog.html not from file:///E:/Projects/XML/catalog.html.
It is as the message says:
cannot load file:///D:/Work%20File/My%20Work%20File/mY%20Work%20Backup/Sophie/Work%20File/footer.html. .
You are referencing to a file on a Windows boxes filesystem and not in a webservers folder.
Second: you have a CORS-issue (which in this case is caused by the filesystem reference)
Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP
See MDN for more infos.
To solve the issue, you have to configure your webserver to allow such requests. Check your webservers manual.
I had the same problem with my InfluxDB connection and it turns out I did not prepend the URL settings in the datasource with 'http://'. This could be nicer in Grafana, e.g. mentioning there is no protocol defined for accessing the source.
In your case it's clear that you somehow configured Grafana to look for D:\, which is not accessible for your browser. So check your data source URL.

