date assignment from array list to JavaScript variable - javascript

I have an Array List myData which holds value like this
[20-01-2018,10-01-2018, 20-02-2018, TASk2, 11-02-2018, 21-03-2018, TASK3, 15-03-2018, 19-04-2018]
am assigning that values to a javascript variable
var start = new Date(<%=myData.get(1)%>);
alert(start) gives output as
Thu Jan 01 1970 05:29:57 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
but when i print myData.get(1) gives
i want the start variable to hold the date value 10-01-2018 alone
can any one tell me where am i wrong.
I have made below modifications.Added a java script function to format the date
as required by me and return it.
step. 1 Iterate the arraylist
2. assign value as argument to a java script function to format it
end= formatMyDate('<%=pertData.get(loopcount+2)');
function formatMyDate(myday)
alert("entered value"+myday);
var tday = new Date(myday);
alert("processing on value"+tday);
alert(typeof tday);
var dd = tday.getDate();
var mm = tday.getMonth()+1; //January is 0!
var yyyy = tday.getFullYear();
var ret = dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy;
alert("left value"+ret);
return ret;
Now for some values it works and for some it does'nt and gives Invalid date
Sample ouput after running JScript
entered value20-02-2018
processing on valueInvalid Date

What about simply:
const start = myData.get(1);
const start = myData[1];

The problem is that you do not meet the correct format for the string you hand in when calling
var tday = new Date(myday);
Please have a look at this page. There you can see which format your string must have to receive a valid date object. Which means in your case, that it was useless to push the string through this conversion process using new Date(). Better get your year, month and day directly:
let start = myData[1];
const dd = start.substring(0,2);
const mm = start.substring(3,5);
const yyyy = start.substring(6,10);
const ret = dd+'/'+mm+'/'+yyyy;
alert("left value: " + ret);
return ret;


Convert SQL datetime to string or Date object [duplicate]

How can I convert a string to a date time object in javascript by specifying a format string?
I am looking for something like:
var dateTime = convertToDateTime("23.11.2009 12:34:56", "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Use new Date(dateString) if your string is compatible with Date.parse(). If your format is incompatible (I think it is), you have to parse the string yourself (should be easy with regular expressions) and create a new Date object with explicit values for year, month, date, hour, minute and second.
I think this can help you:
There's a getDateFromFormat() function that you can tweak a little to solve your problem.
Update: there's an updated version of the samples available at
#Christoph Mentions using a regex to tackle the problem. Here's what I'm using:
var dateString = "2010-08-09 01:02:03";
var reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/;
var dateArray = reggie.exec(dateString);
var dateObject = new Date(
(+dateArray[2])-1, // Careful, month starts at 0!
It's by no means intelligent, just configure the regex and new Date(blah) to suit your needs.
Edit: Maybe a bit more understandable in ES6 using destructuring:
let dateString = "2010-08-09 01:02:03"
, reggie = /(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})/
, [, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds] = reggie.exec(dateString)
, dateObject = new Date(year, month-1, day, hours, minutes, seconds);
But in all honesty these days I reach for something like Moment
No sophisticated date/time formatting routines exist in JavaScript.
You will have to use an external library for formatted date output, "JavaScript Date Format" from Flagrant Badassery looks very promising.
For the input conversion, several suggestions have been made already. :)
Check out Moment.js. It is a modern and powerful library that makes up for JavaScript's woeful Date functions (or lack thereof).
Just for an updated answer here, there's a good js lib at
Datejs is an open source JavaScript Date library for parsing, formatting and processing.
var temp1 = "";
var temp2 = "";
var str1 = fd;
var str2 = td;
var dt1 = str1.substring(0,2);
var dt2 = str2.substring(0,2);
var mon1 = str1.substring(3,5);
var mon2 = str2.substring(3,5);
var yr1 = str1.substring(6,10);
var yr2 = str2.substring(6,10);
temp1 = mon1 + "/" + dt1 + "/" + yr1;
temp2 = mon2 + "/" + dt2 + "/" + yr2;
var cfd = Date.parse(temp1);
var ctd = Date.parse(temp2);
var date1 = new Date(cfd);
var date2 = new Date(ctd);
if(date1 > date2) {
time = "2017-01-18T17:02:09.000+05:30"
t = new Date(time)
hr = ("0" + t.getHours()).slice(-2);
min = ("0" + t.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
sec = ("0" + t.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
t.getFullYear()+"-"+t.getMonth()+1+"-"+t.getDate()+" "+hr+":"+min+":"+sec
External library is an overkill for parsing one or two dates, so I made my own function using Oli's and Christoph's solutions. Here in central Europe we rarely use aything but the OP's format, so this should be enough for simple apps used here.
function ParseDate(dateString) {
//, or
var dateArr = dateString.split(".");
if (dateArr.length == 1) {
return null; //wrong format
//parse time after the year - separated by space
var spacePos = dateArr[2].indexOf(" ");
if(spacePos > 1) {
var timeString = dateArr[2].substr(spacePos + 1);
var timeArr = timeString.split(":");
dateArr[2] = dateArr[2].substr(0, spacePos);
if (timeArr.length == 2) {
//minutes only
return new Date(parseInt(dateArr[2]), parseInt(dateArr[1]-1), parseInt(dateArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[1]));
} else {
//including seconds
return new Date(parseInt(dateArr[2]), parseInt(dateArr[1]-1), parseInt(dateArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[0]), parseInt(timeArr[1]), parseInt(timeArr[2]))
} else {
//gotcha at months - January is at 0, not 1 as one would expect
return new Date(parseInt(dateArr[2]), parseInt(dateArr[1] - 1), parseInt(dateArr[0]));
Date.parse() is fairly intelligent but I can't guarantee that format will parse correctly.
If it doesn't, you'd have to find something to bridge the two. Your example is pretty simple (being purely numbers) so a touch of REGEX (or even string.split() -- might be faster) paired with some parseInt() will allow you to quickly make a date.
Just to give my 5 cents.
My date format is (UK format) and none of the above examples were working for me. All the parsers were considering mm as day and dd as month.
I've found this library:
and it worked, because you can say the order of the fields like this:
>>console.log(new Date(Date.fromString('09.05.2012', {order: 'DMY'})));
Wed May 09 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (EEST)
I hope that helps someone.
Moment.js will handle this:
var momentDate = moment('23.11.2009 12:34:56', 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss');
var date = momentDate.;
You can use the moment.js library for this. I am using only to get time-specific output but you can select what kind of format you want to select.
1. moment library:
2. time and date specific functions:
convertDate(date) {
var momentDate = moment(date).format('hh : mm A');
return momentDate;
and you can call this method like:
I hope it helps. Enjoy coding.
To fully satisfy the Date.parse convert string to format dd-mm-YYYY as specified in RFC822,
if you use yyyy-mm-dd parse may do a mistakes.
//Here pdate is the string date time
var date1=GetDate(pdate);
function GetDate(a){
var dateString = a.substr(6);
var currentTime = new Date(parseInt(dateString ));
var month =("0"+ (currentTime.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
var day =("0"+ currentTime.getDate()).slice(-2);
var year = currentTime.getFullYear();
var date = day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
return date;

How To Convert String ' dd/mm/yy hh:MM:ss ' to Date in javascript?

I have Done this
var d='dd/mm/yy hh:MM:ss';
var d1=d.split(" ");
var date=d1[0].split("/");
var time=d1[1].split(":");
var dd=date[0];
var mm=date[1]-1;
var yy=date[2];
var hh=time[0];
var min=time[1];
var ss=time[2];
var fromdt= new Date("20"+yy,mm-1,dd,hh,min,ss);
Is there Any way to do it using JQuery OR JavaScript?
If you are looking for alternatives in jquery or Javascript , then you can go with Moment.js,where you can Parse, Validate, Manipulate, and Display dates in JavaScript.
var date= moment("06/06/2015 11:11:11").format('DD-MMM-YYYY');
This will work regardless of timezone for the format dd/mm/yyy hh:mm:ss only. It also does not rely on third party packages:
let dtStr = "12/03/2010 09:55:35"
console.log(strToDate(dtStr)); // Fri Mar 12 2010 09:55:35
function strToDate(dtStr) {
if (!dtStr) return null
let dateParts = dtStr.split("/");
let timeParts = dateParts[2].split(" ")[1].split(":");
dateParts[2] = dateParts[2].split(" ")[0];
// month is 0-based, that's why we need dataParts[1] - 1
return dateObject = new Date(+dateParts[2], dateParts[1] - 1, +dateParts[0], timeParts[0], timeParts[1], timeParts[2]);
How about Date.parse()?
new Date( Date.parse("05/12/05 11:11:11") );
// Thu May 12 2005 11:11:11 GMT+0200 (CEST)
The output produced is in local timezone and will differ in browsers in different timezones.
We can convert any local date format to datetime datatype using moment js.
moment('<local date value>','<local date format>').format('<expected convert format>')
moment('26/05/1986 00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm').format("MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm");
then the output will be 05/26/1986 00:00
Date#parse should be able to parse that if you split on a string. Id also recommend looking into the npm package moment for date manipulation
From your code it seems that you are trying to convert string into date and also you are trying to fetch previous month. If yes then you can reconstruct your code as below:
Date.prototype.SubtractMonth = function(numberOfMonths) {
var d = this;
d.setMonth(d.getMonth() - numberOfMonths);
return d;
$(document).ready(function() {
var dateString='2015-06-17T18:30:12';
var d = new Date(dateString);

Add Number of months to a Date in a text field

function addDays(){
var myDate =document.getElementById('treatdate');
var numberOfDaysToAdd = document.getElementById('resultdays');
var tset = numberOfDaysToAdd.value;
var result1 = myDate.value.addMonths(parseInt(tset));
var pldate= moment(result1).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
return pldate; }
'treatdate' is an id for a treatment date which is pulled from my database. Thanks in advance.
You can always use moment.js library for Date manipulations.
For your problem you can do the following.
function addDays(){
var datefrmDb = $('#treatdate').val();
var monthstoadd= $('#resultdays').val();
var new_date = (moment(datefrmDb, "YYYY-MM-DD").add('months', monthstoadd)).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
return new_date;
If your date format is yyyy-MM-dd
var myDate = new Date(document.getElementById('treatdate').value);
this will a date and time.
var dd = new Date("2014-02-02 11:11:11")
console log
Sun Feb 02 2014 11:11:11 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
See if this snippet can help you understand how to manipulate dates. To change/add the months to a Date() object you can use the setMonth() method.
numberOfMonthsToAdd = 5; // the number of months that you want to add
date = new Date(); // creating a Date object
date.setMonth(numberOfMonthsToAdd); // adding the number of months
Note that you may add numbers beyond 12 - the object handles the date, and jumps to the next year.

Error creating Date() in Javascript

I'm totally new to Javascript, and I'm getting trouble creating a Date from milliseconds.
I have this code:
function (result) {
alert("Retreived millis = " + result.created);
//Prints "Retrieved millis = 1362927649000"
var date = new Date(result.created);
alert("Created Date = " + date);
//Prints "Created Date = Invalid Date"
var current = new Date();
var currentDate = new Date(current.getTime());
alert("Current Date = " + currentDate);
//Prints "Current Date = Sun Apr 14 2013 12:56:51 GMT+0100"
The last alert proves that the creation of Date is working, but I don't understand why the first Date is not being created correctly, because the retrieved millis are correct... and as far as I understand in Javascript there're not datatypes, so it can't fail because the retrieved millis are a string or a long, right?
I suspect result.created is a string. Since the Date constructor accepts strings but expects them to be in a different format than that, it fails. (E.g., new Date("1362927649000") results in an invalid date, but new Date(1362927649000) gives us Sun Mar 10 2013 15:00:49 GMT+0000 (GMT).)
This should sort it (by converting to a number first, so the constructor knows it's dealing with milliseconds since The Epoch):
var date = new Date(parseInt(result.created, 10));

Validate two dates of this "dd-MMM-yyyy" format in javascript

I have two dates 18-Aug-2010 and 19-Aug-2010 of this format. How to find whether which date is greater?
You will need to create a custom parsing function to handle the format you want, and get date objects to compare, for example:
function customParse(str) {
var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
n = months.length, re = /(\d{2})-([a-z]{3})-(\d{4})/i, matches;
while(n--) { months[months[n]]=n; } // map month names to their index :)
matches = str.match(re); // extract date parts from string
return new Date(matches[3], months[matches[2]], matches[1]);
// "Wed Aug 18 2010 00:00:00"
customParse("19-Aug-2010") > customParse("18-Aug-2010");
// true
You can do the parsing manually, for your given format, but I'd suggest you use the date.js library to parse the dates to Date objects and then compare.
Check it out, its awesome!
And moreover, its a great addition to your js utility toolbox.
The native Date can parse "MMM+ dd yyyy", which gives:
function parseDMY(s){
return new Date(s.replace(/^(\d+)\W+(\w+)\W+/, '$2 $1 '));
+parseDMY('19-August-2010') == +new Date(2010, 7, 19) // true
parseDMY('18-Aug-2010') < parseDMY('19-Aug-2010') // true
Firstly, the 'dd-MMM-yyyy' format isn't an accepted input format of the Date constructor (it returns an "invalid date" object) so we need to parse this ourselves. Let's write a function to return a Date object from a string in this format.
function parseMyDate(s) {
var m = ['jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug','sep','oct','nov','dec'];
var match = s.match(/(\d+)-([^.]+)-(\d+)/);
var date = match[1];
var monthText = match[2];
var year = match[3];
var month = m.indexOf(monthText.toLowerCase());
return new Date(year, month, date);
Date objects implicitly typecast to a number (milliseconds since 1970; epoch time) so you can compare using normal comparison operators:
if (parseMyDate(date1) > parseMyDate(date2)) ...
Update: IE10, FX30 (and likely more) will understand "18 Aug 2010" without the dashes - Chrome handles either
so Date.parse("18-Aug-2010".replace("/-/g," ")) works in these browsers (and more)
Live Demo
function compareDates(str1,str2) {
var d1 = Date.parse(str1.replace("/-/g," ")),
d2 = Date.parse(str2.replace("/-/g," "));
return d1<d2;

