Substring in Key parameter - javascript

I am working on my CouchDB project, where I want to create a specific view for my database.
It has proven that one of my key parameters has an ID as part of its name, but the other part is unique. ex "unique_ID_unique":"Value".
So brute force solutions like changing the name and/or how it is saved is not preferred.
To make it clear the ID is different for every entry (date).
I tried to modify it by using regex rules but it returns NULL for the key part.
emit(doc[/_unique$/], doc['something.else']);
Does someone have any idea why it is like that?
P.S: I already had a question like this yesterday, but due to the insufficient information that I gave, it led to wrong answers and I had to delete it.

Let's say you have a function that extract the unique key from a particular one:
var key = "blabla_120391029301923_blabla";
var keySplitted = key.split("_"); //Value: ["blabla","120391029301923","blabla"]
var uniqueKey = keySplitted[2]; //Value: blabla
From this, you can create a view what will map each documents and index them with your key.
var keySplitted = doc._id.split("_");
if(keySplitted.length == 3){
The previous map ids from this:
To this:
From offline discussion, I was able to understand that the objects to index had this content:
"_id": "doc_1",
"_rev": "1-89d017d9e5c82ee56d9beec2756fec99",
"type": "googrtt",
"ssrc_3685071425_send.bytesSent": "33621"
So with this document, the properties had to be split.
The final view content looks like this:
function (doc) {
for(key in doc){
var splitKey= key.split('_');
if(splitKey.length === 3){


Building a progressive query in Mongoose based on user input

I'm writing a simple REST API that is basically just a wrapper around a Mongo DB. I usually like to use the following query params for controlling the query (using appropriate safeguards, of course).
some values can be prepended with < or > for integer greater-than/less-than comparison
Anyway, the implementation details on these are not that important, just to show that there's a number of different ways we want to affect the query.
So, I coded the 'filter' section something like this (snipping out many of the validation parts, just to get to point):
case "filter":
var filters = req.directives[k].split(',');
var filterObj = {};
for(var f in filters) {
// field validation happens here...
splitFields = filters[f].split(':');
if (/^ *>/.test(splitFields[1])) {
filterObj[splitFields[0]] = {$gt: parseInt(splitFields[1].replace(/^ *>/, ''), 10)};
else if (/^ *</.test(splitFields[1])) {
filterObj[splitFields[0]] = {$lt: parseInt(splitFields[1].replace(/^ *</, ''), 10)};
else {
filterObj[splitFields[0]] = splitFields[1];
req.directives.filter = filterObj;
// Same for sort, fields, etc...
So, by the end, I have an object to pass into .find(). The issue I'm having, though, is that the $gt gets changed into '$gt' as soon as it's saved as a JS object key.
Does this look like a reasonable way to go about this? How do I get around mongoose wanting keys like $gt or $lt, and Javascript wanting to quote them?

How can I add elements to a part of a json by using jquery

I try to add elements in a particular way to the following JSON:
var data = [{"name":"google",
I want to add this element to the json:
newData = [{"name":"amazon",
The result might be exactly this:
var data = [{"name":"google",
I tried to use :
$.extend(, newData)
$.extend(true, data, newData); //this works only in the case every element is new.
but nothing works the way I pretend.
Could anyone give me a solution?
Thanks in advance.
You haven't created JSON, you've created a JavaScript literal object.
You could add this particular piece of newdata by
Because you are dealing with javascript objects, you can write a function to check for the existence of data[n] and push data.
You have an array of objects, where each object is like the following:
var item = {"name":"...",
"markets":[ /*some objects here*/];
So why not just creating your custom method to insert elements? It could search in the array if an item with the same name and ip exists, and then:
If it does exist: append the markets to the existing item markets attribute (maybe you need to check again if they already exist). UPDATE:The code that #jasonscript added in his answer will do the job: once you have found where to add the market, just add it to the array. Again, maybe you'll have to check if that market was already in the array. Using jQuery it will be: $.extend(true, data[i],newData)
If it doesn't exist: just add the item to the array: $.extend(true, data,newData)
Stealing a little code from another answer:
$.each(data, function(item){
if( == newData[0].name && item.ip == newData[0].ip) {, newData[0].markets);
This assumes that you know that all the market items in the new object are different to the existing ones - otherwise you'd have to do a nested foreach or something. If you can change the notation of the objects a little you could think about using a dictionary-like object for Markets to make that a little cleaner.
In fact, changing data from an associative array would probably work for that too. Then you could easily check for existence with:
//add to markets
} else {
data[myNewDataName] = myNewData;

Convert One field in an Object Array data with angularjs and Javascript to another value

In an angularjs controller I have this code:
var ysshControllers = angular.module('theControllers', []);
function($scope, $http, $route) {
$scope.dbKey = $route.current.customInput;
$scope.urlToDb = 'https://' + $scope.dbKey + '/.json';
$http.get($scope.urlToDb).success(function(data) {
var values = [];
for (var name in data) {
$scope.Items = values;
// Initially order by date and time
$scope.orderProp = 'ac';
It creates an object array with the name Items. The key values are just labed aa, ab, ac etc. When the user inputs data from a drop down menu, I want to save only values like: 1,2,3,4,5 and then when the data is imported back into the website, convert the values back. Like 0 = Bad; 5 = Very Good. So, for every record with the key name ae I want to convert the values from 1,2,3,4,5 to Bad, Okay, Fair, Good, Very Good.
I can figure out the program flow, what I need to know is how to reference the values using object oriented JavaScript I guess.
The data is structured like this:
C5_200630_Option 1
aa:"Option 1"
ae:"Tacoma, Silver, 1/2 ton 4wd"
I ran this like of code:
And it gives values of 0,1,2,3,4 etc. So I guess the key values in $scope.UsedItems are just numbers. I don't know how to access the key and value data specifically. What is a simple way I can just display in an alert what the content of the array is?
I used this line:
And that will reference the data in every record with the name ad. So that gives me a way to identify a specific item in the record.
Okay, I figured out a solution:
if (data[name].af === "3") {
data[name].af = "Awesome!";
Even though I figured out the solution to my problem, I still have almost no idea what I'm doing. So if there is a better way, let me know.
You can define an array like this
var example = ["Bad", "Not Bad", "Fine", "Good", "Very Good"];
and instead of checking value of data[name].af every time you can simply set it like this
data[name].af = example[data[name].af];
which gives you the result you want as you want data[name].af=3 should be fine and example[3] is what you want...

Finding a particular value in a Javascript object

I humbly ask for assistance. I am working on a project where I need to set up a search to find all instances, inside an Object where a particular value equals whatever term the user is searching for. I found the following code:
function getObjects(obj, key, val) {
var objects = [];
for (var i in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
if (typeof obj[i] == 'object') {
objects = objects.concat(getObjects(obj[i], key, val));
} else if (i == key && obj[key] == val) {
return objects;
here (to make sure proper credit is given),which works great, but I am looking for some help on expanding the functionality of this code to include the ability to search for more than one element at a time, and also, on the return, display other values in the same objects being returned. As an example, the returns, using the above code, are simply [Object]:
What I was hoping to do was to append the [>Object] with another variable value from the Object, perhaps the ID or Description, both of which are part of the returned results. So, the desired results would be something like "Object: ID=b01" or "Object: Desc = This is Maple", something that will allow my users to quickly see which one of the results they need to look at.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
From your description, I have changed the function to look through a tree like object and be able to pick out the objects that contain all of the supplied key-value pairs. In addition, it allows you to specify that you want to output extra parameters on the objects that match. (like the id and description)
Here is the code and example

How do I scan JSON with jquery to determine the number of instances of a certain string?

I have some JSON which looks generally like this...
{"appJSON": [
"title":"Application Title",
"title":"Airline Quality Assurance",
I'm looping through JSON to get an array of all of the unique Tags in the data.
My question is, now that I have an array of the different unique Tags in the JSON, how do I best determine the number of times each Tag occurs?
So basically I'm looking to generate a list of all of the tags found in the JSON (which I already have) with the number of times each one occurs (which I don't already have).
Thanks a lot in advance!
I'm assuming when you find a new tag you check to see if you already have that tag somewhere. If you don't you add it to your list. Why not when you check do something like.
var nextTag=//get the next tag in the JSON list
var newTag=true;
for(var i=0;i<tags.length;i++){
if(nextTag === tags[i]){
This uses two arrays where tagCount[i] is the number of times tag in tags[i] occurs. You could uses an object to do this or however you wanted to.
As an alternative, here's a function which will fill an associative array; the keys will be the tags and the values will be the number of occurrences of that tag.
var tagCounts = []; // Global variable here, but could be an object property or any array you like really
function countTags(tags, tagCounts)
$.each(tags, function(i, item) {
var tag = item.tags; // This would change depending on the format of your JSON
if(tagCounts[tag] == undefined) // If there's not an index for this tag
tagCounts[tag] = 0;
So you can call this function on any number of arrays of tags, passing in your tagCounts (totals) array, and it will aggregate the totals.
var tags1 = [{"tags":"Sales"},{"tags":"Reporting"},{"tags":"Transportation"},{"tags":"Hospitality"}];
var tags2 = [{"tags":"Reporting"},{"tags":"Transportation"}];
var tags3 = [{"tags":"Reporting"},{"tags":"Hospitality"}];
countTags(tags1, tagCounts);
countTags(tags2, tagCounts);
countTags(tags3, tagCounts);
Then you can read them out like so:
for(var t in tagCounts)
// t will be the tag, tagCounts[t] will be the number of occurrences
Working example here:
qw3n's answer is actually a more efficient way of doing things, as you're only looping through all the tags onceā€”but unless you have a really huge JSON source the difference isn't going to be noticeable.

