One legend, multiple charts Chart JS - javascript

I have two pie charts with different data but same labels and background colors. How can I create a standalone legend (a legend without a chart) using ChartJS so that the legend corresponds to both the pie charts at the same time?
I tried creating a pie chart with the data array set to an array of 0s. However, that causes an empty pie chart to be generated, which takes up a lot of space; so that's a no go.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.


How to create an interactive pie chart with javascript, html, css?

How to create a pie chart widget where the user can change the distribution of the pie chart by dragging the borders of the wedges?
Is there a package with such a widget in react?
Personally i have never seen a pie with draggable border to change the distribution. I have worked with ApexCharts ( Each part of the pie is basicaly a number so, you can create for example a slider for each part and dynamicly update the part of the chart.

Javascript D3.js Nested Axis Labels for Radar Chart

I would like to add nested axis Labels to my radar chart. All online resources just show a singular axis.
An example of the image I am trying to reproduce is shown in the below figure.
The axis is Management.sr_lvl_1, Management.sr_lvl_2, Management.sr_lvl_3... However, I want the word management to appear only once in the label which spans across all sr_lvl

Pie of pie charts in Highcharts Reactjs

I'm trying to create a pie of pie charts like they show in excel. I could not find a pie of pie support in highcharts for reactjs. I can create two pie charts but I can't seem to connect them with lines as shown in the image below. Is there a workaround for this?
click on one slice of pie chart and its move to its more detail like in i share links below
Pie of pie Example
click this for more info

Is it possible to draw a single line chart with different colors portion of that line chart in dc.js

Is it possible to draw a single line chart just like in image with different colors portion of line chart in dc.js. Can it be done with color accessor or there is another way for both ordinal charts or linear charts.

Way to toggle x-axis label-grouping in Chart.js?

I'm trying to make a vertical bar chart (aka "column graph") using Chart.js with multiple datasets that does not group by the x-axis labels. I would like each column to have its own label and I would like datasets to be grouped only by color. Chart.js automatically takes the first data entry of each dataset and plots it on the first x-axis label, and so on. Rather than that, I want my chart to look like this:
If this is simply a terrible way of presenting data, I'm open to other suggestions... But I like the alphabetical sorting of the show titles and the color-coded grouping of networks.

