How to embed Javascript function in restful api in php? - javascript

I have the following code in one of api files(DispatchJob_Public) and i need ajax here to call the other file(selectDriverForJobResult) after 2 minutes. I can do that in php with sleep(), but that will keep the server busy. Ajax call is at the end of the php code. Can i embed js in api code? Or is there any alternate to do what i am trying to do.
Moreover i have got response from the first file(DispatchJob_Public), but no response from the second file(selectDriverForJobResult) when i called the endpoint in postman. Because the call wasn't made. If the second file was called, it should have return some response. The strange thing is that i get response from second file when i run it in browser. I think that is because the browser supports the javascript but the call made from android to the end point doesn't support that.
Please can i get any solution for this?
include_once ('connection.php');
include_once ('fcm_notification.php');
//error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_PARSE);
$user_id = $_REQUEST["user_id"];
$customer_name = $_REQUEST["customer_name"];
$group_id_fk = $_REQUEST["group_id_fk"];
$readynow_checkbox = $_REQUEST["readynow_checkbox"];
$job_points = '';
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if(strcasecmp($benefits_type, 'Points') == 0){
if(strcasecmp($fixed_price, '') == 0){
$fixed_price_new = $estimated_price;
$fixed_price_new = $fixed_price;
$sql_job_points = "SELECT `points` FROM `hg_job_points` WHERE '$fixed_price_new' BETWEEN `min_price` AND `max_price`";
$res_jobPoints = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_job_points);
$row_job_points = $res_jobPoints->fetch_assoc();
$job_points = $row_job_points["points"];
if(strcasecmp($commission_percent, 'Amount') != 0 && strcasecmp($fixed_price, '') != 0){
$commision_price = ($commission_percent / 100) * $fixed_price;
//insert job in job table
$sql = "INSERT INTO `hg_jobs`(`customer_name`, `pickup_address`, `dropoff_address`, `customer_phone`, `instruction`,
`via`, `user_id_fk`, `group_id_fk`, `pickup_time`, `flight_no`, `car_type`, `post_time`)
VALUES ('$customer_name', '$pickup_address', '$dropoff_address', '$customer_phone', '$instruction', '$via', '$user_id', '$group_id_fk',
'$pick_time', '$flight_no', '$car_type', '$date')";
if(mysqli_query($conn, $sql)){
//get job id from jobs table
$job_id = $conn->insert_id;
//insert new record in advance job table
$sql_adv = "INSERT INTO `hg_job_details`(`no_of_passenger`, `no_of_bags`, `child_seats`,
`car_type_specific`, `job_type`, `job_price`, `estimated_amount`, `payment_type`, `benefits_type`, `benefit_percent`,
`benefit_amount`, `job_points`, `ready_now_job`, `job_id_fk`)
VALUES ('$passenger','$bags','$child_seats','$car_type_specific','$job_type','$fixed_price', '$estimated_price',
'$payment_type','$benefits_type','$commission_percent','$commision_price', '$job_points', '$readynow_checkbox', '$job_id') ";
$res_adv = mysqli_query($conn, $sql_adv);
echo json_encode(Array('message' => 'job success'));
//get black list users
$sql_black = "SELECT blacklist_user_fk FROM hg_black_list WHERE user_id_fk = '$user_id'";
$res_black = mysqli_query($conn,$sql_black);
//if specif type car is any
if(strcasecmp($car_type_specific, 'ANY') == 0){
if ($res_black->num_rows > 0) {
//get all fcm key and send notification (if blacklist table not empty)
$sql = "SELECT ft.fcm_token from hg_user_notify_token ft
JOIN hg_users AS u ON u.user_id = ft.user_id_fk
JOIN hg_car_details AS cd ON u.user_id = cd.user_id_fk
WHERE u.user_id != '$user_id' AND cd.car_type = '$car_type' AND u.user_id !=
(SELECT blacklist_user_fk FROM hg_black_list WHERE user_id_fk = '$user_id') ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($keys = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$token = $keys['fcm_token'];
$title = 'HIRENGO';
$message = 'New Job Request Received';
$activity_to_open = 'new job';
sendPushNotification($token, $title, $message,$activity_to_open);
//get all fcm key and send notification (if blacklist table empty)
$sql = "SELECT ft.fcm_token from hg_user_notify_token ft
JOIN hg_users AS u ON u.user_id = ft.user_id_fk
JOIN hg_car_details AS cd ON u.user_id = cd.user_id_fk
WHERE u.user_id != '$user_id' AND cd.car_type = '$car_type'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($keys = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$token = $keys['fcm_token'];
$title = 'HIRENGO';
$message = 'New Job Request Received';
$activity_to_open = 'new job';
sendPushNotification($token, $title, $message,$activity_to_open);
//if specific car type
if ($res_black->num_rows > 0) {
//get all fcm key and send notification (if blacklist table not empty)
$sql = "SELECT ft.fcm_token from hg_user_notify_token ft
JOIN hg_users AS u ON u.user_id = ft.user_id_fk
JOIN hg_car_details AS cd ON u.user_id = cd.user_id_fk
WHERE u.user_id != '$user_id' AND cd.car_type = '$car_type'
AND cd.car_type_specific = '$car_type_specific' AND u.user_id !=
(SELECT blacklist_user_fk FROM hg_black_list WHERE user_id_fk = '$user_id') ";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($keys = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$token = $keys['fcm_token'];
$title = 'HIRENGO';
$message = 'New Job Request Received';
$activity_to_open = 'new job';
sendPushNotification($token, $title, $message,$activity_to_open);
//get all fcm key and send notification (if blacklist table empty)
$sql = "SELECT ft.fcm_token from hg_user_notify_token ft
JOIN hg_users AS u ON u.user_id = ft.user_id_fk
JOIN hg_car_details AS cd ON u.user_id = cd.user_id_fk
WHERE u.user_id != '$user_id' AND cd.car_type = '$car_type'
AND cd.car_type_specific = '$car_type_specific'";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
while ($keys = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)){
$token = $keys['fcm_token'];
$title = 'HIRENGO';
$message = 'New Job Request Received';
$activity_to_open = 'new job';
sendPushNotification($token, $title, $message,$activity_to_open);
function callDispatch()
nIntervId = window.setInterval(myCallback, 5000);
var baseUrl = document.location.origin;
function myCallback()
var user_id = '<?=$GLOBALS["user_id"];?>';
var job_id = '<?=$job_id;?>';
url: baseUrl+'/android/selectDriverForJobResult.php',
type: 'POST',
dataType : 'json',
data: {'user_id': user_id, 'job_id': job_id} ,
success: function(response) {
var resp = response.toString();
if (resp.includes('true') === true)
console.log('true'+ resp);
error: function(response)
console.log('Error in ajax'+response.statusText);
} else{
echo json_encode(Array('message' => 'error job post'));


API receiving Half Data

I have a PHP API but when I send data to it using a post or get request the API receives half data, I don't know what the issue is. this same API works on the localhost but gives error on the Public server.
API sendrequset URL:
And this is my Api sendrequesttoperson.php
require 'db.php';
if(isset( $_GET["$req_status_db"]) && isset($_GET["$loan_request_code_db"]) && isset($_GET["$request_sender_user_name_db"]) && isset($_GET["$request_reciver_user_name_db"]) && isset($_GET["$request_sender_user_id_db"]) && isset($_GET["$request_reciver_user_id_db"]) && isset($_GET["$request_is_seen_db"]) && isset($_GET["$request_time_stamp_db"])){
$loan_request_code = $_GET["$loan_request_code_db"];
$request_sender_user_name = $_GET["$request_sender_user_name_db"];
$request_reciver_user_name = $_GET["$request_reciver_user_name_db"];
$request_sender_user_id = $_GET["$request_sender_user_id_db"];
$request_reciver_user_id = $_GET["$request_reciver_user_id_db"];
$request_time_stamp = $_GET["$request_time_stamp_db"];
$request_is_seen = $_GET["$request_is_seen_db"];
$req_status = $_GET["$req_status_db"];
$sql = "select * from $table_requests where $loan_request_code_db like '".$loan_request_code."';";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
$response = array();
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0){
$code = "failed";
$message = "Request already exists";
array_push($response, array("code" => $code, "message" => $message));
echo json_encode($response);
} else {
$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_requests VALUES (NULL,'$loan_request_code','$request_sender_user_name','$request_reciver_user_name','$request_sender_user_id','$request_reciver_user_id','$request_time_stamp','$request_is_seen','$req_status')";
if (mysqli_query($con, $sql)) {
$code = "success";
$message = "Request sent";
array_push($response, array("code" => $code, "message" => $message));
echo json_encode($response);
echo "Request sent successfully";
} else {
$code = "failed";
$message = "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . mysqli_error($con);
array_push($response, array("code" => $code, "message" => $message));
echo json_encode($response);
//$message = "Thank you for registration";
// array_push($response, array("code" => $code, "message" => $message));
// echo json_encode($response);
$loan_request_code = $_GET["$loan_request_code_db"];
$request_sender_user_name = $_GET["$request_sender_user_name_db"];
$request_reciver_user_name = $_GET["$request_reciver_user_name_db"];
$request_sender_user_id = $_GET["$request_sender_user_id_db"];
$request_reciver_user_id = $_GET["$request_reciver_user_id_db"];
$request_time_stamp = $_GET["$request_time_stamp_db"];
$request_is_seen = $_GET["$request_is_seen_db"];
$req_status = $_GET["$req_status_db"];
$myresponse = 'Enter missing fields_'.$request_sender_user_name."_".$loan_request_code."_".$request_reciver_user_name."_".$request_sender_user_id."_".$request_reciver_user_id."_".$request_time_stamp."_".$request_is_seen."_".$req_status."_";
echo json_encode($myresponse);
And this is my db.php file required for the variable names and db connection
$host = "localhost";
$db_user = "ur5kq7835fnc4";
$db_password ="ch%2#3/^c<1b";
$db_name = "dbhrzz2e49skck";
//Folder Path
$mainpath = "";
$profilepic_folder = "profilepics/";
// loan request statuses {"pending", "rejected","accepted","awaiting money", "paid out", "completed"};
// Table RegisteredUser attributes:
$table_user = "registered_users";
$user_id_db = "user_id";
$firstname_db = "firstname";
$lastname_db = "lastname";
$address_db = "address";
$whatyoupretend_db = "whatyoupretend";
$fieldofactivity_db = "fieldofactivity";
$phone_db = "phone";
$email_db = "email";
$password_db = "password";
$status_db = "status";
$user_img_url_db = "user_img_url";
// Table LoanRequest attributes:
$table_loan_request = "loan_request";
$loan_id_db = "loan_id";
$loan_request_code_db = "loan_request_code";
$user_full_name_db = "user_full_name";
$user_img_url_request_db = "user_img_url_request";
$loan_amount_db = "loan_amount";
$loan_purpose_db = "loan_purpose";
$loan_collateral_db = "loan_collateral";
$loan_market_value_db = "loan_market_value";
$loan_type_db = "loan_type";
$loan_due_date_db = "loan_due_date";
$loan_doc_urls_db = "loan_doc_urls";
$loan_borrowing_rate_db ="loan_borrowing_rate";
$loan_loan_ratio_db ="loan_loan_ratio";
$loan_status_db = "loan_status";
$loan_paid_out_date_db ="loan_paid_out_date";
$loan_duration_db = "loan_duration";
// Table Requests
$table_loan_request = "loan_request";
$loan_id_db = "loan_id";
$loan_request_code_db = "loan_request_code";
$user_full_name_db = "user_full_name";
$user_img_url_request_db = "user_img_url_request";
$loan_amount_db = "loan_amount";
$loan_purpose_db = "loan_purpose";
$loan_collateral_db = "loan_collateral";
$loan_market_value_db = "loan_market_value";
$loan_type_db = "loan_type";
$loan_due_date_db = "loan_due_date";
$loan_doc_urls_db = "loan_doc_urls";
$loan_borrowing_rate_db ="loan_borrowing_rate";
$loan_loan_ratio_db ="loan_loan_ratio";
$loan_status_db = "loan_status";
$loan_lender_id_db = "loan_lender_id";
$loan_paid_out_date_db ="loan_paid_out_date";
$loan_duration_db = "loan_duration";
Table User attributes:
tbname = registered_users
status [true,false]
Table LoanRequest attributes:
tbname = loan_request
Vehicle ID,Owner´s ID,Insurance
Table Requests attributes:
tbname = requests
$con = mysqli_connect($host, $db_user,$db_password,$db_name);
if (!$con){
die("connection failed". mysqli_connect_error());
echo "connected susscesful";
it gives this result
The problem is $_GET["$req_status_db"]
It should be $_GET["req_status_db"]
You will have to remove $ from all the $_GET keys.
Also, you do not have req_status_db as query param in the URL you have shared.

Send 2 variables through url

I send 2 variables by url:
var http = false;
http = new XMLHttpRequest();
function carrega(){
var nome = document.getElementById('CodigoUtente').value;
var nomes = document.getElementById('Nome').value;
var url_="conexao4?CodigoUtente="+nome+"&Nome="+nomes;"GET",url_,true);
var retorno = JSON.parse(http.responseText);
document.getElementById('CodigoUtente').value = retorno.CodigoUtente;
document.getElementById('Nome').value = retorno.Nome;
document.getElementById('DataNasc').value = retorno.DataNasc;
document.getElementById('Sexo').value = retorno.Sexo;
document.getElementById('Estadocivil').value = retorno.Estadocivil;
document.getElementById('Nacionalidade').value = retorno.Nacionalidade;
document.getElementById('Responsavel').value = retorno.Responsavel;
document.getElementById('Parentesco').value = retorno.Parentesco;
document.getElementById('Contato').value = retorno.Contato;
in the connection page4 I have the php that receives the variables:
$CodigoUtente = $_GET['CodigoUtente'];
$Nome = $_GET['Nome'];
if((isset($CodigoUtente)) && (isset($Nome))){
$query= "SELECT CodigoUtente, Nome, DataNasc, Sexo, Estadocivil, Nacionalidade, Responsavel, Parentesco, Contato FROM centrodb.PsicUtentes WHERE (CodigoUtente = '$CodigoUtente') OR (Nome LIKE '%$Nome%')";
$resultados = $conn->query($query);
$json = array();
while ($rowResultados = $resultados->fetch_assoc()) {
$dados = array(
'CodigoUtente' => $rowResultados['CodigoUtente'],
'Nome' => $rowResultados['Nome'],
'DataNasc' => $rowResultados['DataNasc'],
'Sexo' => $rowResultados['Sexo'],
'Estadocivil' => $rowResultados['Estadocivil'],
'Nacionalidade' => $rowResultados['Nacionalidade'],
'Responsavel' => $rowResultados['Responsavel'],
'Parentesco' => $rowResultados['Parentesco'],
'Contato' => $rowResultados['Contato']
$json = $dados;
echo json_encode($json);
The problem is that they only work if you fill in the two inputs and intended that they return the data from the database only when filling one of them.
Curious_Mind was saying this way?
$where_caluse = array();
$where_caluse[] = "CodigoUtente = '".$_GET['CodigoUtente']."'";
$where_caluse[] = "Nome = '".$_GET['Nome']."'";
$where = array_filter($where_caluse);
$query = "SELECT CodigoUtente, Nome, DataNasc, Sexo, Estadocivil, Nacionalidade, Responsavel, Parentesco, Contato FROM centrodb.PsicUtentes";
$resultados = $conn->query($query);
$final_where = count($where) > 1 ? implode(' OR ', $where) : end($where);
$query = "$query WHERE ". $final_where;
$json = array();
while ($rowResultados = $resultados->fetch_assoc()) {
$dados = array(
'CodigoUtente' => $rowResultados['CodigoUtente'],
'Nome' => $rowResultados['Nome'],
'DataNasc' => $rowResultados['DataNasc'],
'Sexo' => $rowResultados['Sexo'],
'Estadocivil' => $rowResultados['Estadocivil'],
'Nacionalidade' => $rowResultados['Nacionalidade'],
'Responsavel' => $rowResultados['Responsavel'],
'Parentesco' => $rowResultados['Parentesco'],
'Contato' => $rowResultados['Contato']
$json = $dados;
echo json_encode($json);
I tried to apply the form it said, but it is not working, it gives 500 error when I send the values ​​of the variables.
Can you help fix the problem? I have a form to be populated with these values
$where = " where ";
$CodigoUtente = 'a';
$Nome = '';
if($CodigoUtente != '' && $Nome != '')
$where .= "CodigoUtente = '$CodigoUtente' OR Nome = '$Nome';";
}else if ($CodigoUtente != ''){
$where .= "CodigoUtente = '$CodigoUtente';";
$where .= " Nome = '$Nome';";
$query = "SELECT CodigoUtente, Nome, DataNasc, Sexo, Estadocivil, Nacionalidade, Responsavel, Parentesco, Contato FROM centrodb.PsicUtentes".$where;
echo $query;
You can try like this way before making you sql query. This will help you to handle WHERE with OR condition, without OR condition and without any condition at all.
$where = array();
$_GET['CodigoUtente'] = 'Sany';
$_GET['Nome'] = 'Bruno';
$where[] = "CodigoUtente = '".$_GET['CodigoUtente']."'";
$where[] = "Nome = '".$_GET['Nome']."'";
$sql = "SELECT CodigoUtente, Nome, DataNasc, Sexo, Estadocivil, Nacionalidade, Responsavel, Parentesco, Contato FROM centrodb.PsicUtentes";
$final_where = count($where) > 1 ? implode(' OR ', $where) : end($where);
$sql = "$sql WHERE ". $final_where;
echo $sql;

Alert message not working using php

I was trying to code where whenever I hit the submit button it will show an alert message when there's no data fetch. Can anyone help me?
if(isset($_POST['submitEstatus'])) {
if($_POST['empValue'] == $valEmp AND $_POST['ageValue'] == $valAge AND $_POST['genValue'] == $valGen){
$query = "SELECT * FROM users $valEmp $valAge $valGen";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if ($result = 0) {
$message = "No Data";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('$message');</script>";
} else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$lat = $row['lat'];
$lon = $row['lon'];
$fname = $row['fname'];
$address = $row['address'];
echo("addMarker($lat, $lon, '<b>$fname</b><br />$address');\n");
$ageSelected = $valAge;
$empSelected = $valEmp;
$genSelected = $valGen;
I have this error:
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, integer given
in C:\xampp\htdocs\admin\mapcon.php on line 20
On your if statement you are not comparing the value:
if ($result = 0) { ....
You are setting 0 to $result.
You should use
if ($result == 0) { ...

Variable is not defined even though it is?

Hi I'm trying to call a php function when a button is pressed but I keep getting the error in the title.
I'm calling the function like so:
echo("<th><input type='button' name = 'Attack_Btn' onclick = 'FightPlayer(".$row['username'].")' value ='Attack'></th>");
just say the username that it gets from $row['user... is James the error will display
index.php:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: casualjames is not defined
This is the code that it calls next
function FightPlayer(enemyName){
var xhttpe;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
xhttpe = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
xhttpe = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
xhttpe.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
};"GET", "FightPlayer.php?enemyname="+enemyName, true);
and then it calls my php script passing in the variable enemyname for it to use
include 'Training.php';
$link = mysqli_connect("","","","");
if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) {
$enemyname = $_REQUEST["enemyname"];
echo $enemyname;
$energyRemove = 1;
$ExperienceGain = 1;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM userstats WHERE username = '$enemyname'";
$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$Defence = $row["Defence"];
$winChance = CalculateWinChance($link,$Defence);
$sql = "SELECT Energy FROM userstats WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$result = mysqli_query($link,$sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$rand = rand ( 1 , 100 );
if($row["Energy"] < 1 ){
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('Not enough energy to fight. please restore in character page');</script>";
if($rand < $winChance){
$_SESSION['Battlemessage'] = "you won against ".$enemyname;
$sql = "UPDATE userstats SET `Energy` = `Energy` - '$energyRemove' WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$sql = "UPDATE userstats SET `Experience` = `Experience` + '$ExperienceGain' WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$sql = "UPDATE userstats SET `Satoshi` = `Satoshi` + 2 WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$_SESSION['Battlemessage'] = "you lost against ".$enemyname;
$sql = "UPDATE userstats SET `Energy` = `Energy` - '$energyRemove' WHERE username = '".$_SESSION['username']."'";
$sql = "UPDATE userstats SET `Satoshi` = `Satoshi` + 1 WHERE username = '".$enemyname."'";
echo "";
I'm not sure where the error is actually happening I've put my scripts through online code checkers and it all returns normal. Where am I going wrong here?
The string you're passing into your javascript function needs to be quoted, or else it thinks that it's a variable:
echo("<th><input type='button' name = 'Attack_Btn' onclick = 'FightPlayer(\"".$row['username']."\")' value ='Attack'></th>");
Your error is most likely with the need to escape quotes in the function argument here:
echo("<th><input type='button' name = 'Attack_Btn' onclick = 'FightPlayer(\"".$row['username']."\")' value ='Attack'></th>");

php returns empty JSON array

I created an array for town name, "Auckland" and "Hamilton", but the response from php is always empty, any idea?
after debugging, I found that the problem is in php query
" where town = '$town' ", once i deleted this line, the rest works perfectly.
But I still can't figure out why :<
var _addNewTowntoList = function(){
if (_request.readyState == 4) {
if (_request.status == 200) {
var data = JSON.parse(_request.responseText);
if(data.length == 0){
alert("No such town");
var t = data[0].town;
var o = data[0].outlook;
var min = data[0].min_temp;
var max = data[0].max_temp;
var witem = new WLine(t,o,min,max);
console.log(t+" "+o+" "+min+" "+max);
here is the php
$town = $POST_['town'];
$query = "Select * From weather WHERE town = '$town'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
//create array for data
$data = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
$data[] = $row;
echo json_encode($data);
change this
$town = $POST_['town'];
> $query = "Select * From weather WHERE town = '$town'";
$town = $_POST['town'];
$query = "Select * From weather WHERE town = '".$town."'";
Remember to properly escape the query string
$town = mysqli_real_escape_strin($conn, $_POST['town']);
Because else your script is opened to SQL Injection attack
The other thing to mention here other than correct name for the $_POST is that you can use mysqli_fetch_all function to fetch all results at once and avoid the loop. For example
echo json_encode(mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC));

