How to stop function execution inside nested promises - javascript

I'm a beginner when it comes to promises and I'm trying to understand how to work with them.
I have a firebase trigger where I am performing some validation. If the validation fails, I want to "exit" the trigger, meaning I don't want any code after the validation to execute (assuming the validation failed). But it does. Even though I'm sure that the validation fails (the "You have been timed out due to inactivity. Please go back to the bed booking map and start again" is sent to the android app I'm developing), the code after keeps executing. I know this because I've placed console logs inside it.
I've put comments in my code for the validation I'm talking about, and what code I don't want executed.
exports.createCharge = functions.database.ref('/customers/{userId}/charges/{id}')
.onCreate((snap, context) => {
console.log("Entered createharge function");
const val = snap.val();
return admin.database().ref(`/customers/${context.params.userId}/customer_id`)
.once('value').then((snapshot) => {
return snapshot.val();
}).then((customer) => {
// Do stuff
if (val.type === 'beds') {
// Check if user email is the same as bed email
for (var i = 0; i < val.beds.length; i++) {
var bedEmailRef = db.ref(`beds/${val.hid}/${val.beds[i]}/email`);
bedEmailRef.on("value", function(bedEmailSnap) {
var bedEmail = bedEmailSnap.val();
if ( !== bedEmail) { // VALIDATION
snap.ref.child('error').set("You have been timed out due to inactivity. Please go back to the bed booking map and start again");
return null; // Here, I want to exit the whole function.
// If !== bedEmail, I NEVER want to reach here!
return admin.database().ref(`/hotels/${val.hid}/bedPrice`)
.once('value').then((tempBedPrice) => {
// do stuff
console.log("got here");
return stripe.charges.create(charge, {idempotency_key: idempotencyKey});
}).then((response) => {
// Do more stuff
return snap.ref.set(response);
}).catch((error) => {
return reportError(error, {user: context.params.userId});
} else throw Error('No type');
Why am I getting this behaviour? How can I stop the code after the validation from executing?

The problem is that you are adding a "listener" after checking for "beds" type. A solution would be to fetch data once:
// This is a snippet from Firebase documentation
return firebase.database().ref('/users/' +
userId).once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
var username = (snapshot.val() && snapshot.val().username) ||
// ...
Or refactor your code so your validation can be set as a callback that can be returned if some criteria is met.
Additionally, here's a link for Cloud functions best practices that can help you writing better cloud functions.

In cases where you want to exit / don't want anymore events on the listeners, refactor your code as below:
bedEmailRef.on("value", function(bedEmailSnap) {
var bedEmail = bedEmailSnap.val();
if ( !== bedEmail) { // VALIDATION
snap.ref.child('error').set("You have been timed out due to inactivity. Please go back to the bed booking map and start again");'value'); // This will stop listening for further events
return null; // This is useless because returning inside a listener has no effect


Best way to turn JSON change into event

I'm creating a YouTube upload notification bot for a Discord Server I am in using the YouTube RSS Feed and am having problems with it. I have issues with the bot sending the same video twice even though I've tried everything to fix it. The bot cycles through different users in a for loop and checks the user's latest video's ID with one stored in a JSON file. If they do not match, it sends a message and updates the JSON. Here is my current code:
function update(videoId, n) {
var u = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("./jsons/uploads.json"))
u[n].id = videoId
fs.writeFile("./jsons/uploads.json", JSON.stringify(u, null, 2), (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
// client.channels.cache.get("776895633033396284").send()
console.log('Hey, Listen! ' + n + ' just released a new video! Go watch it:' + videoId + "\n\n")
async function uploadHandler() {
try {
var u = require('./jsons/uploads.json');
var users = require('./jsons/users.json');
for (i = 0; i < Object.keys(users).length; i++) {
// sleep(1000)
setTimeout(function(i) {
var username = Object.keys(users)[i]
let xml = f("" + users[username]).text()
parseString(xml, function(err, result) {
if (err) {} else {
let videoId = result.feed.entry[0]["yt:videoId"][0]
let isMatch = u[username].id == videoId ? true : false
if (isMatch) {} else {
if (!isMatch) {
u[username] = videoId
update(videoId, username)
}, i * 1000, i)
} catch (e) {
My code is rather simple but I've had the same issue with other codes that use this method; therefore what would be the best way to accomplish this? Any advice is appreciated
There are a few issues with your code that I would call out right off the bat:
Empty blocks. You use this especially with your if statements, e.g. if (condition) {} else { // Do the thing }. Instead, you should negate the condition, e.g. if (!condition) { // Do the thing }.
You declare the function uploadHandler as async, but you never declare that you're doing anything asynchronously. I'm suspecting that f is your asynchronous Promise that you're trying to handle.
You've linked the duration of the timeout to your incrementing variable, so in the first run of your for block, the timeout will wait zero seconds (i is 0, times 1000), then one second, then two seconds, then three...
Here's a swag at a refactor with some notes that I hope are helpful in there:
// Only require these values once
const u = require('./jsons/uploads.json');
const users = require('./jsons/users.json');
// This just makes the code a little more readable, I think
const URL_BASE = '';
function uploadHandler() {
Object.keys(users).forEach(username => {
// We will run this code once for each username that we find in users
// I am assuming `f` is a Promise. When it resolves, we'll have xml available to us in the .then method
f(`${URL_BASE}${username}`).then(xml => {
parseString(xml, (err, result) => {
if (!err) {
const [videoId] = result.feed.entry[0]['yt:videoId']; // We can use destructuring to get element 0 from this nested value
if (videoId !== u[username].id) {
// Update the in-memory value for this user's most recent video
u[username].id = videoId;
// Console.log the update
console.log(`Hey listen! ${username} just released a new video! Go watch it:${videoId}\n\n`);
// Attempt to update the json file; this won't affect the u object in memory, but will keep your app up to date
// when you restart it in the future.
fs.writeFile('./jsons/uploads.json', JSON.stringify(u, null, 2), err => {
if (err) {
console.err(`There was a problem updating uploads.json with the new videoId ${videoId} for user ${username}`);
// This .catch method will run if the call made by `f` fails for any reason
.catch(err => console.error(err));
// I am assuming that what you want is to check for updates once every second.
setInterval(uploadHandler, 1000);

Race condition in Amplify.Hub signIn handler when using oath

Example code:
Hub.listen('auth', event => {
const { event: type, data } = event.payload;
if (type === 'signIn') {
const session = data.signInUserSession;
console.log('SESSION', data.signInUserSession);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('SESSION', data.signInUserSession);
}, 100);
When using oath, after the provider redirects to my app, the Hub fires a signIn event. However, the signInUserSession property is null when the event is fired, but gets a value some time later (within 100 ms). This does not seem to occur when using Auth.signIn(email, password) directly; signInUserSession is populated when the event is fired.
What is happening here, and how can I get around it? Currently, I have an explicit delay in the code, which is a terrible hack.
Perhaps the old way of JavaScript for waiting for value to be populated is useful to ensure that code does not fail even if the it takes longer than expected in populating the value.
Here is a sample code that I normally use when no other options are available.
if(myVar!= null && typeof myVar !== "undefined"){
//value exists, do what you want
setTimeout(() => {this.waitForValue()}, 100);
You can refactor this sample code as per your need.
Alternatively, AWS Amplify also have other ways to get current logged in user session. e.g. Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() and Auth.currentSession() return promise. They can be used like this
private async getUser(){
let user = null;
try {
user = await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser();
} catch (err) {
//return user;
i am not used to aws amplify - just read some github and so far i can see we will need info about your userPool implementation - i guess some weird callback issue
But for a workaround you can proxy the reference:
const event = {type: "signIn", data: {signInProperty: "null"}}
setTimeout(()=> = "{Stack: Overflow}", 1000)
// mock events
function emit(type, args){
console.log(type, args)
let watchedValue =
document.getElementById("app").innerHTML =
// protect reference
Object.defineProperty(, "signInProperty", {
watchedValue = newValue
document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = newValue
return watchedValue
<div id="app"></div>

How to pause a Javascript asynchronous function without setTimeout?

I have a function that checks the existence of token in the database. The problem is it takes some amount of time to return that bool value and I kinda need to pause the function so that the function realizes that the token has existed and run the query again.
const registerToken = dispatch => {
var tokenExisted = null
do {
let token = generateRandomToken();
firebase.database().ref(`/Token`).orderByChild("token").equalTo(token).once("value", snapshot => { // check whether token exists
if (!snapshot.val()) { // if token not exist
token = false;
// register token to firebase
} else {
token = true; // continue the loop to generate a new token and query again
} while (tokenExisted === true);
My setup is basically a do-while loop, when the function first gets call
tokenExisted = null, then a random 4 digit token will be generated and a query will be dispatched to firebase and verify it token has existed.
If token has existed, then tokenExisted = true. I expect it the assignment to be executed but the single threaded nature of Javascript will reach the end of the loop before the query return anything.
I figured to use setTimeout and periodically add some small amount of time whenever tokenExisted = null to kinda safe guard so that the function will always catch when query function returns anything.
Has anyone had a better approach to achieve the same thing?
You might want to call the function itself recursively, as such.
const registerToken = dispatch => {
let token = generateRandomToken();
const tokenObjectRef = firebase.database().ref(`/Token`);
.then(snapshot => {
if (!snapshot.val()) {
// success!
} else {
registerToken(dispatch) // call itself again
.catch(error => {} ))
The logic is that token will be refreshed during each new iteration, should the process fails and a new query is needed (if this is what you need).
Note: avoid using do-while in async logic. Plan carefully ahead as you might encounter lots of logic error and it is hard to trace.
Call the function recursively.
function get_token_then(callback_when_token_found) {
firebase.database().etc.etc(function (data) {
if (data == what_you_want) {
} else {
// You might want to wrap this in setTimeout in order to throttle your database calls

Break the loop/promise and return from function

I have following code snippet.
this.clickButtonText = function (buttonText, attempts, defer) {
var me = this;
if (attempts == null) {
attempts = 3;
if (defer == null) {
defer = protractor.promise.defer();
browser.driver.findElements(by.tagName('button')).then(function (buttons) {
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
function (text) {
console.log('button_loop:' + text);
if (text == buttonText) {
return defer.promise;
function (err) {
console.log("ERROR::" + err);
if (attempts > 0) {
return me.clickButtonText(buttonText, attempts - 1, defer);
} else {
throw err;
return defer.promise;
From time to time my code reaches 'ERROR::StaleElementReferenceError: stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document' line so I need to try again and invoke my function with "attempt - 1" parameter. That is expected behaviour.
But once it reaches "RESOLVED!" line it keeps iterating so I see smth like this:
The question is: how to break the loop/promise and return from function after console.log('RESOLVED!'); line?
There is no way to stop or break a forEach() loop other than by throwing an exception. If you need such behavior, the forEach() method is the wrong tool, use a plain loop instead.
Out of curiosity what are you trying to accomplish? To me it seems like you want to click a button based on it's text so you are iterating through all buttons on the page limited by an attempt number until you find a match for the text.
It also looks like you are using protractor on a non-angular page it would be easier if you used browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; in your spec files or the onPrepare block in the conf.js file so you could still leverage the protractor API which has two element locators that easily achieve this.
this.clickButtonText = function(buttonText) {
return element.all(by.cssContainingText('button',buttonText)).get(0).click();
this.clickButtonText = function(buttonText) {
return element.all(by.buttonText(buttonText)).get(0).click();
If there is another reason for wanting to loop through the buttons I could write up a more complex explanation that uses bluebird to loop through the elements. It is a very useful library for resolving promises.
You are making it harder on yourself by creating an extra deferred object. You can use the promises themselves to retry the action if the click fails.
var clickOrRetry = function(element, attempts) {
attempts = attempts === undefined ? 3 : attempts;
return {}, function(err) {
if (attempts > 0) {
return clickOrRetry(element, attempts - 1);
} else {
throw new Error('I failed to click it -- ' + err);
return browser.driver.findElements(by.tagName('button')).then(function(buttons) {
return buttons.forEach(function(button) {
return clickOrRetry(button);
One approach would be to build (at each "try") a promise chain that continues on failure but skips to the end on success. Such a chain would be of the general form ...
return initialPromise.catch(...).catch(...).catch(...)...;
... and is simple to construct programmatically using the javascript Array method .reduce().
In practice, the code will be made bulky by :
the need to call the async button.getText() then perform the associated test for matching text,
the need to orchestrate 3 tries,
but still not too unwieldy.
As far as I can tell, you want something like this :
this.clickButtonText = function (buttonText, attempts) {
var me = this;
if(attempts === undefined) {
attempts = 3;
return browser.driver.findElements(by.tagName('button')).then(function(buttons) {
return buttons.reduce(function(promise, button) {
return promise.catch(function(error) {
return button.getText().then(function(text) {
if(text === buttonText) {
return; // if/when this happens, the rest of the catch chain (including its terminal catch) will be bypassed, and whatever is returned by `` will be delivered.
} else {
throw error; //rethrow the "no match" error
}, Promise.reject(new Error('no match'))).catch(function(err) {
if (attempts > 0) {
return me.clickButtonText(buttonText, attempts - 1); // retry
} else {
throw err; //rethrow whatever error brought you to this catch; probably a "no match" but potentially an error thrown by `button.getText()`.
Notes :
With this approach, there's no need to pass in a deferred object. In fact, whatever approach you adopt, that's bad practice anyway. Deferreds are seldom necessary, and even more seldom need to be passed around.
I moved the terminal catch(... retry ...) block to be a final catch, after the catch chain built by reduce. That makes more sense than an button.getText().then(onSucccess, onError) structure, which would cause a retry at the first failure to match buttonText; that seems wrong to me.
You could move the terminal catch even further down such that an error thrown by browser.driver.findElements() would be caught (for retry), though that is probably overkill. If browser.driver.findElements() fails once, it will probably fail again.
the "retry" strategy could be alternatively achieved by 3x concatenatation of the catch chain built by the .reduce() process. But you would see a larger memory spike.
I omitted the various console.log()s for clarity but they should be quite simple to reinject.

How do I run an asynchronous 'find' in a loop while incrementing the find parameter so I can generate unique custom id's?

I'm new to mongoose/mongodb and I am trying to do some sort of error handling with my document save.
I am trying to create a stub id to store into the db for easier data retrieval later on (and also to put into the url bar so people can send links to my website to that particular page more easily -- like jsfiddle or codepen).
Basically I want to search for a document with a page_id and if it exists, I want to regenerate that page_id and search until it gets to one that's unused like this:
Model.findOne({'page_id': some_hex}, function (err, doc) {
some_hex = generate_hex();
done = true;
model.page_id = some_hex;;
However, since mongoose is asynchronous, the while loop will pretty much run indefinitely while the find works in the background until it finds something. This will kill the resources on the server.
I'm looking for an efficient way to retry save() when it fails (with a change to page_id). Or to try and find an unused page_id. I have page_id marked as unique:true in my schema.
Retrying should be performed asynchronously:
var tryToSave = function(doc, callback) {
var instance = new Model(doc);
instance.page_id = generate_hex(); {
if (err)
if (err.code === 11000) { // 'duplicate key error'
// retry
return tryToSave(doc, callback);
} else {
// another error
return callback(err);
// it worked!
callback(null, instance);
// And somewhere else:
tryToSave(doc, function(err, instance) {
if (err) ...; // handle errors

