Using Buttons in React Material UI Table - javascript

I have made a table using Material UI where I have two buttons in the first column of every row. I wish to edit/delete rows on clicking these but Im stuck on logic. Is it even possible with my implementation ? If not then what's the preferred way of doing so?
render() {
var deleteIcon =
(<IconButton onClick={console.log("delete")}>
<DeleteIcon color="secondary" />
const editIcon = (
<IconButton onClick={console.log("edited")}>
<EditIcon color="primary" />
{ => {
return (
<TableRow key={}>
<TableCell style={styles.editor} component="th" scope="row">
And my result is :

Building on #st4rl00rd's comment, I was able to tie the buttons using :
const editIcon = (
<IconButton onClick={this.editItem}>
<EditIcon color="primary" />
and binding them in the constructor. I was able to get the selected row data by doing :
{ => {
return (
<TableRow key={} onClick={this.getData.bind(this,n)}>

I have recreated your problem and solved the problem with my logic.
I passed the index of each element as a parameter to the handler functions.
const editIcon = index => (
<IconButton onClick={() => this.editComponent(index)}>
<EditIcon color="primary" />
For deletion, pass the index as params to the handler function and delete the element at specified index using splice operator.
deleteComponent(index) {
const serviceData = this.state.serviceData.slice();
serviceData.splice(index, 1);
this.setState({ serviceData });
I have used a state called index to keep track of the index the user is currently editing. Initially the index is -1
So whenever the user clicks edit button the editedIndex is updated.
editComponent(index) {
this.setState({ editedIndex: index });
I created two TextField Component which is shown at the specified cell (the cell where editbutton is clicked)
const editDomain = (
So Whenever the rendering component Index is equal to editedIndex the editing Compomemts are shown at corresponding Tablecell
{serviceData.indexOf(n) === editedIndex
? editDomain
: n.domain}

I suppose you want to do this
I have done same using React-Table here is the link for my project repo you can consider this as an example:


MUI: The `anchorEl` prop provided to the component is invalid

I m building a React 18.2 app using MUI 5.10.5, but I have run into a problem creating a <Menu /> element that opens in response to a button click. The menu appears, but it seems the anchorEl is not configured properly, because the menu appears in the top-left of the screen and the browser console has this complaint:
The issue is complicated by the fact that the menus pertain to each row in a <Table /> so, besides anything else, I am not sure if I am supposed to have a single menu outside the table, or repeat the menu for each row in the table. Which seems expensive. But I have organised the code so that the menu is currently duplicated.
export const MetricsQuery = () => {
const [menuState, setMenuState] = useState<{
open: boolean;
anchorEl: null | Element;
}>({open: false, anchorEl: null});
const handleOpenMenuClick = ({currentTarget}: MouseEvent) =>
setMenuState({open: true, anchorEl: currentTarget});
return (
<TableContainer component={Paper}>
{ QueryMetric) => (
<TableCell component="th" scope="row">
aria-controls={ ? 'basic-menu' : undefined}
aria-expanded={ ? 'true' : undefined}
<MoreVertIcon sx={{color: theme.palette.primary.light}} fontSize="small"/>
'aria-labelledby': 'basic-button'
<MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Remove</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Disable</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Pin to Top</MenuItem>
I have tried quite a number of configurations; such as
omitting the ID of the <IconButton />
making this ID unique for each row
having a single menu outside of the <StyledTable />
following the menu documentation more literally
Not sure what else to try..suggestions?
I am not sure if I am supposed to have a single menu outside the table, or repeat the menu for each row in the table.
You can have just one Menu outside of the table. The anchorEl will determine where it is positioned.
You can also have a Menu for every table row, as it will not be rendered to the DOM when it is closed. The advantage of this approach is that each menu can transition independently, so that one can animate closed while another animates open. But if you want to do it this way then you will need a separate menuState for each row, as they all have their own anchors.
What you have right now will open many copies of the same menu, all on top of each other, when any one of the buttons is clicked.
I would move the button and its menu into a new component so that you can have a separate state for each.
const RowMenu = ({ id }: QueryMetric) => {
const [menuState, setMenuState] = useState<{
open: boolean;
anchorEl: null | Element;
}>({ open: false, anchorEl: null });
const handleOpenMenuClick = ({ currentTarget }: { currentTarget: Element }) =>
setMenuState({ open: true, anchorEl: currentTarget });
const handleClose = () => {
setMenuState((prevState) => ({ ...prevState, open: false }));
const menuId = `basic-menu-${id}`;
const buttonId = `basic-button-${id}`;
return (
aria-controls={ ? menuId : undefined}
aria-expanded={ ? "true" : undefined}
sx={{ alignSelf: "center" }}
sx={{ color: (theme) => theme.palette.primary.light }}
"aria-labelledby": buttonId
<MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Remove</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Disable</MenuItem>
<MenuItem onClick={handleClose}>Pin to Top</MenuItem>
export const MetricsQuery = () => {
return (
<TableContainer component={Paper}>
{ => (
<TableRow key={}>
<TableCell component="th" scope="row">
<RowMenu {...row} />
CodeSandbox Link
making this ID unique for each row
If you have ids in your DOM then they need to be unique. Your aria attributes don't make sense if they are all the same. But this is a separate issue and I don't think that this would cause any of the issues that you are having with anchor elements.

React-Window with MUI collapsible table rows

I looking for help sorting out problem I encountered recently while working with React-Window and MUI Collapsible Table Rows.
In general react-window render row for each of my item in the array, with some of the content hidden till we press arrow. When pressed, below our column appear new one with hidden content.
function Row({ index, style }) {
const [showList, toggleShowList] = useState(false);
return (
<TableRow sx={style}>
<TableCell>Visable Row:{index}</TableCell>
aria-label="expand row"
onClick={() => toggleShowList(!showList)}
{showList ? <KeyboardArrowUpIcon /> : <KeyboardArrowDownIcon />}
<TableRow sx={{ style, display: showList ? "table-row" : "none" }}>
<TableCell>hidden row:{index}</TableCell>
Above example is based on MUI Table component page. Problem arise when I passing it to React-Window as its display hidden content out of place.
I try to using useRef() for calculating Row Height but its has no effect on hidden element.
I open for suggestions and solutions. I created an example on code Sandbox with both
how its actually work and how (it should) I want it to work.

Remove a specific item from an array of objects Reactjs

Hi All i am building a clone service desk system using React and materialUI I am having issues with removing specific items from an array of objects when the user clicks on it. I have tried to use updatedRow.splice(index,1) but this just removes the last object added to the array and not a specific object. I am trying to remove it based on the ticketID property I have tried to use the array method indexof to console log the specific index of the object but it just returns -1 meaning the item is not in the array when its displaying on the screen. The function should filter and only keep the items which havent been selected based on if the condition is true and remove what is true then should call Setrows to update what is on the screen. Could someone explain exactly what I am doing wrong here see code below...
/// original array to populated with data
let row = [];
const [rows, setRows] = useState(row);
const formDataHandler = ({ desc, option }) => {
const data = {
description: desc,
priority: option,
setRows([...rows, data]);
/// delete row function
const removeTicket = (index)=> {
let updatedRow = rows;
// updatedRow.splice(index,1)
console.log(updatedRow.filter(index => ticketID !== ))
/// returned
<Container maxWidth="md">
<TableContainer component={Paper}>
<Table className={classes.table} aria-label="simple table">
<TableCell>Last update</TableCell>
<TableCell>Ticket ID</TableCell>
{rows.length>0? => (
<TableRow key={row.ticketID}>
<TableCell component="th" scope="row">
<IconButton onClick={removeTicket} aria-label="delete" color="primary">
<DeleteIcon />
<FormDialog formData={formDataHandler} />
You need to pass the ticketID to your IconButton's onClick handler:
onClick={() => removeTicket(row.ticketID)}
<DeleteIcon />
And update your handler where you can create a new array using the .filter() method:
const removeTicket = (ticketID)=> {
setRows(rows.filter(item => ticketID !== item.ticketID)
This rows.filter() returns every element where the ticketID is not the same as the one you passed down.
If you know index that will be removed you can use Array.prototype.slice and
the logic is disconsider the element at index.
So, you will have to add the index as second param in your map function and change the onClick on IconButton to () => removeTicket(index).
Your remove function will contains the following snippet:
setRows(prevRows => [
...prevRows.slice(0, index),
...prevRows.slice(index + 1)
If you need the ticketId to make a call to an api you can get it through index rows[index] or by passing it in the onClick function () => removeTicket(row.ticketID, index)

Why the index is always the last index when using it to pass to function while map over an array?

I am using map to loop over the array object getting from server, each object is used for one row in a table to show data. And I want to do a particular action for each row by calling function and pass to an index.
The code here:
{, index) => {
return (
<TableRow key={product.productId}>
aria-owns={anchorEl ? `manipulation${index}` : undefined}
Thao tác
<Menu id={`manipulation${index}`} anchorEl={anchorEl} open={Boolean(anchorEl)} onClose={handleClose}>
<MenuItem onClick={**handleOpen(index)**}>Xem trước</MenuItem>
The way I declare handleOpen: const handleOpen = (index) => () => {...}
=> I expected the handleOpen will render like that: handleOpen(0) for row 0, handleOpen(1) for row 1. But it's always end up with the last index of array. May be about the closure in javascript but I dont know how to fix
Please give me any suggestion. Thank in advance.
The way you've done it will call the handleOpen function immediately after rendering, instead of only calling it on click like you want it to.
To fix this, use an anonymous function:
<MenuItem onClick={() => handleOpen(index)}>
This will create a function that will only be called on actual click of the MenuItem component.

material-ui: Get label from Chip component inside onClick() handler

-- Material-UI / React / Redux --
I have a material-ui table. Inside each <TableRow> there are some <TableCell> components with their own <Chip> components. These <Chip> components are rendering text through the label property.
I need to be able to extract the label inside the onClick handler, which in my case is the chipFilter() function.
I am going to use that label to filter my redux state and return new data for the larger component rendering the table.
Click Handler
chipFilter = () => {
Component render
Each row that is rendered in the table:
<TableRow key={}>
onClick={this.chipFilter} />
<TableCell align="center">
onClick={this.chipFilter} />
Thanks for the help!!
A simple solution would be to update your onClick handler so that the n object which contains the meta data of the clicked <Chip> is passed through to chipFilter() like so:
<Chip label={n.procedure} variant="outlined" color="primary" clickable={true}
onClick={ () => this.chipFilter(n) } />
And then update the chipFilter function as follows:
/* Item argument contains data for clicked chip component */
chipFilter = (item) => {

