Node.js/Azure: upload HTML to BlobStorage - javascript

I have a frontend which sends the HTML of that page to a Node.js server. The server should then send that HTML to Azure BlobStorage.
Here is my express route to handle this:"/sendcode", function(req, res) {
let code = "";
code = req.body.code;
let service = storage.createBlobService(process.env.AccountName, process.env.AccountKey);
service.createContainerIfNotExists("htmlcontainer", function(error, result, response) {
if (error) {
throw error;
} else {
service.createBlockBlobFromStream("htmlcontainer", code, function(err, result, response) {
if (err) {
throw err;
} else {
When I call this route, I receive this in my console:
<html><style>* { box-sizing: border-box; } body {margin: 0;}</style><body></body></html>
How can I send it to BlobStorage? Avoid the method I used as it maybe wrong because I can't figure out what function to use because of scarce documentation.

There are many answers on stack overflow, you can follow this one and adjust it to your needs:
Uploading a file in Azure File Storage using node.js

So after trying a little bit, i was able to send it not from stream but after writing it to a file, sending that file through createBlockBlobFromLocalFile function in azure-storage module and deleting the file from disk.
I know this isnt the most efficient method out there but it got my work done.
The problem i was facing was that after uploading html code in a block blob(without file operation), its content type was application/octet which i wanted to be text/html. So i had to perform one more operation to change its content type, which i found to be a little difficult due to unavailability of documentation and examples in javascript.


Meteor reports my server method does not exist

fairly new to Meteor and JS, doing a lot of reading and research. I have been following an example of an HTTP request but I keep getting an error "404, method Abc not found":
This is how my JS file looks like:
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Abc: function () {
if (Meteor.isClient) {"Abc", function(error, results) {
Why the server method is not found if it is in the same file? I only want to show the content of the HTTP response.
Debugging and re-reading the tutorials.
Apparently, your code is loaded only on the client side. You should separate the client and the server logic by using the "client" and "server" folders respectively . Or in your example you should use "both" folder.

How to call web service from Alexa Lambda function

I want to make a GET request to a web site using the Amazon Profile API. I am trying to do what is described in the last code chunk in this article: (very end of article) and it just does not happen. My callback function never seems to get called.
I have added the required context.succeed(), actually the latest version of that, and am still not getting results. I know the url is good, as I can take it and copy/paste into a browser and it returns an expected result.
Here is a SO answer on using the appropriate context function calls within the callback, which I have tried. Why is this HTTP request not working on AWS Lambda?
I am not using a VPC.
What am I doing wrong? I feel like a moron, as I have been researching this and trying solutions for 2 days. I log the full URL, and when I copy/paste that out of the log file, and put it in a browser window, I do get a valid result. Thanks for your help.
Here is the code:
function getUserProfileInfo(token, context) {
console.log("IN getUserProfileInfo");
var request = require('request');
var amznProfileURL = '';
amznProfileURL += token;
console.log("calling it");
console.log("called it");
request(amznProfileURL, function(error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
var profile = JSON.parse(body);
console.log("IN getUserProfileInfo success");
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
callback(null, 'Success message');
} else {
console.log("in getUserProfileInfo fail");
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
callback('Fail object', 'Failed result');
console.log("OUT getUserProfileInfo");
This is the logging output I get in CloudWatch:
2017-03-08T22:20:53.671Z 7e393297-044d-11e7-9422-39f5f7f812f6 IN getUserProfileInfo
2017-03-08T22:20:53.728Z 7e393297-044d-11e7-9422-39f5f7f812f6 OUT getUserProfileInfo
Problem might be that you are using var request = require('request'); which is external dependency and will require you to make a packaged lambda deployment for it to work. See this answer for relevant information.
AWS Node JS with Request
Another way is that you can use NodeJS module such as var http= require('http'); which is builtin module to make the requests. This way you can just make plain lambda script deployment.

Update a JSON file in AngularJS

I've got some data from a JSON file, which I use in my HTML getting it first from AngularJS like this:
$http.get('js/data.json').success(function(data) {
$ = data;
And I want to update this JSON file after clicking a button in the HTML:
<button ng-click="postData(id)">Post</button>
You cannot write on files via JavaScript only (AngularJS).
You are to go via server side and point your "post" request to a server side script (i.e: PHP) and make that script do the job.
This sort of thing won't work. The file you are trying to write to would be on a server; and as it is right now, it would be a static resource. I'd suggest reading up on Angular resources, here. You can set up your server-side code to perform CRUD operations on the json file, but an actually database would be best. If you prefer to use a json format, Mongodb is your best choice; here is a link to Mongodb University, which offers free courses. I've done it in the past, and it's been great.
Now, for some actually help in your situation:
You can perform a GET request on your json file because it's seen as a static resource. The POST request, however, needs server-side scripting to do anything.
$http.get('api/YOUR_RESOURCE').success(function(data) {
$scope.database = data;
data_key: data_value,
data_key2: data_value2
}).success(function(data) {
data[id].available = false;
This may be further ahead on your path to learning Angular, but here is a snippet of Node.js server code, with a Mongo database and Mongoose to handle the 'Schema', to help you get an idea of how this works:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
YOUR_RESOURCE = mongoose.model('YOUR_RESOURCE');
// This should be your GET request; 'api/
// Get all docs in resource
YOUR_RESOURCE.find().exec(function (err, data) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
} else {
res.json(data); // return list of all docs found
// Add new doc to database
.post(function (req, res) {
// The keys of the object sent from your Angular app should match
// those of the model
var your_resource = new YOUR_RESOURCE(req.body); (err) {
if (err) {
return res.status(400).send({
} else {
// returns newly created doc to Angular after successful save
Here is an SO page with a list of resources on getting started with Node; I recommend Node because of it's ease of use and the fact that it is written in JS. The Mongo University lessons also go through setting up you server for use with the database; you can choose between several flavors, such as Java, .NET, Python or Node.
There is a bit left out in the examples above, such as the Mongoose model and Node setup, but those will be covered in the resources I've linked to on the page, if you choose to read them. Hope this helps :)

Serving New Data With Node.js

There may already by an answer to this question but I was unable to find it.
Let's say I have a Node.js webpage doing somewhat time-consuming API calls and computations:
var request = require('request'),
Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise,
is_open = require('./is_open');
// Fetch the name of every eatery
var api_url = 'url of some api';
request(api_url, function (error, response, body) {
if (error) {
} else if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
// Good to go!
var results = JSON.parse(body).events;
results.(function (result) {
// This line makes its own set of API calls
.then(function (output) {
if (output == false) {
} else {
} else {
console.log('Returned an unknown error.');
(I haven't yet created an actual web server, I'm just running the app locally through the command line.)
I want the web server to serve a loading page first to every user. Then, once the API calls are complete and the data is ready, it should send that data in a new webpage to the same user.
The reason I think there's an issue is because in order to serve a webpage, you must end with:
Therefore ending the connection to that specific user.
Thanks for the help!
You must conceptually separate static content from dynamic content (later you will serve static with nginx or apache leaving only dynamic to node)
The best solution to your "problem" is to make the first webpage ask the data via AJAX once loaded. Ideally, your node app will return JSON to an ajax query from the first page, and js on the page will format the result creating DOM nodes.

How to create a ajax POST with node JS?

I am not sure how to use an ajax POST to POST from a Jade Page to Node JS. If someone can provide an example or tell me what I am missing from the script I have, please let me know.
This is the script file:
//Add friends
$('.addContact').click(function() {
{friendRequest: $(this).data('user')});
if($(this).html!=='Contact Requested') {
return $(this).html('Contact Requested');
The url I have for a POST on my app.js file is:'/addContact', user.addContactPost);
I am trying to post true for a click event on the button Add Contact and change it to Contact Requested if the data in the db is shown as true.
This is the jade file:
extends layout
block content
legend Search Results
for user in ufirstName
p #{user.firstName} #{user.lastName}
button.addContact Add Contact
The route file is this:
exports.addContactPost = function(req, res, err) {
User.findByIdAndUpdate(req.signedCookies.userid, {
$push: {friendRequest: req.body.friendRequest}
}, function(err) {
if(err) {
return console.log('error');
//return res.render('addContactError', {title: 'Weblio'});
else {
//alert('Contact added');
res.json({response: true});
If you are posting AJAX request, then you are expecting from JS on client-side to get some response, and react to this response accordingly.
If it would be separate request to another page - then probably rendering whole page - would be actual option.
But as you just need to get response from server and then update your front-end without reloading based on response, then you need to response from server on this POST request with some JSON. And then on client-side, do some templating, use jQuery or some templating libraries on client side for it.
Everything looks good I just think the $.post code is a little off. This might fix your problem.
$('.addContact').click(function() {
$.post('/addContact', { addContact : true }, function(data){
The object I added to the $.post is what is going to be sent to the server. The function you specified at the end is your callback. It's going to be called when the function returns. I think that may have been some of your confusion.
Your node route should look something like this
exports.addContactPost = function(req, res, err) {
addContact: req.body.addContact
}, function(err) {
if(err) {
res.render('addContactError', {title: 'Weblio'});
//assuming express return a json object to update your button
res.json({ response : true });

