How to deploy a Meteor.js app through Galaxy without MongoDB? - javascript

Let's say I want to build a SPA using Meteor.js but I don't need MongoDB right away and would like to add MongoDB later when I have more data, or at least set the MONGO_URL="null" just so I can deploy through Galaxy without the console blowing up. For now I just want/need a static site, but to also have the flexibility to make it a dynamic SPA later. Is this possible through Meteor and Galaxy?
I have combed through the Meteor docs
but it doesn't seem possible through their documentation.
This would be a great feature and thanks for any info!


What are the best tools to make an online card game?

I'm looking for some event/reactive online tools to make a card game in a browser.
I think JS is most appropriate here but I'm open to all propositions.
I already tried VueJS / Node with Socket.IO but I think it's very messy and not organized enough to make a project like this. So I was wondering if you guys knew some frameworks to make the job.
The projects is to make an online card game like poker.
Thanks !
You could try pixi.js or phaser 3+.
Also I've wright one of my card-games only using html+css+javascript.
For back-end you could use whatever you want. NodeJS + websockets is good choice!
If the main matter is the realtime database connection (for which you are looking for websockets), you could create the game and store it's data to firebase firestore, this way you could get everything synced in real time with a less pain than a node server setup, (for this purpose), if you need some backend functionality you could also work with firebase functions in order to achieve some backend stuff, also you could even store your project on firebase hosting, have an authentication ready platform with firebase auth and depending on your needs you would not even pay a penny (this really depends on the usage)
Hope this could at least be an option to consider.
Check the firebase documentation: FIREBASE
Even if you wish to work with Unity instead of VueJS you can also use firebase for all this matters.

Is it possible to use Github Pages using React without using create-react-app

I have an app that I would like to serve to Github Pages, It's nothing special just an API fetch APP that displays some data. However, I didn't use create-react-app, I built it from the ground up.
I've been interested in displaying it to some of my friends to help them with their coding and to actually use something that was built, however I've never tackled this problem and wanted to know if it was even possible

How to embed a database into my vuejs app?

I know this is a "generic" question, but please read it before judging:
I try to create a vuejs fullstack application that i can build and run with a single command. I use the vue-cli to create and build a project. Included is express and node (works fine). But I cannot figure out how to add database functionality to it. I thought mongodb and mongoose would fit, until I learned that I need a separate mongodb server running instead of getting it embedded within my build.
Is this even possible? I mean, android apps ship with SQLite that every app can use. Where do I need to research to get this job done? Google tells me to use mongoose, but it is not embedded as it seems.
As requested, as an answer:
Databases are usually part of the back-end (in this case nodejs). There's plenty of choices for embedable databases, the most popular one is SQLite.
It can be used either purely "in memory" or with persistence in the form of "database files". More information how to use it in node can be found in the node-sqlite3 documentation

Is there a way to run universal apps on Firebase Hosting?

I have recently deployed my Angular 2 application to Firebase hosting successfully and am really enjoying this set up so far, particularly on how easy it is to deploy using CI as well.
At the moment, I am looking at adding a universal server rendering support to my app, but I'm not sure if this is handled by Firebase Hosting, as it says it is static file only.
However, what made me think that this could be a potential feature that I am missing is that Firebase offers support for single page applications, hence I decided to ask.
If there isn't support for such apps, can we expect it in the future?
At the moment this is not possible. However since Angular 2, Google and Firebase go hand in hand I would say this it is just a matter of time.
In the meantime you can create a Node.js-based server, where you install Angular Universal, and have it connect to Firebase with the Firebase Node SDK.
Next, you simply communicate with that Node-backend from your Angular 2 application.
If you're using angularfire2, that will break universal either way. There's something in the package that calls "window" which doesn't exist on the server. Unless something changes with universal or angularfire this is a ways off
At the end of that video David East mentions that one can use Google Cloud Functions with Angular Universal and such:
The video itself is quite useful for firebase users. But the topic starts at approximately 23:30.
A different approach is to skip universal altogether and do something like this.
Rendertron is a headless chrome that can be launched. Similar to phantomjs. But universal gives speed.

Using Ember.js with DDP / Meteor backend

After past experience with Laravel and Backbone, I've recently gotten into contact with Ember.js and Meteor (for different projects). I really like Ember.js for its structured, route-based approach and for its open and forward-thinking community. On the other hand, I really like Meteor for its simplicity; how fast you can get something working.
There is one thing that I really love about Meteor, which is the DDP Protocol. The reason I ended up using Meteor for a project was because I wanted the best Websocket solution, and DDP's simple combination of RPC for client->server and PubSub for server->client is absolutely brilliant.
Would it be possible to connect Ember.js with a Meteor backend, and how would I go about doing this?
There's some work done for AngularJs:
The best option that you have currently for Emberjs is to create your own solution.
I've a background in AngularJs but I don't like the idea of using AngularJs + Meteor. The same goes for Emberjs or any other frameworks that are redundant. By adding AngularJS/Ember/others you're increasing your project complexity. Meteor is great because every plays nice together but there is still a lot of work to be done by the MDG or by community packages.
You can simply use DDP in your application but then you're going to reinvent the wheel. Meteor already handles DDP, in-browser database (minimongo), the UI is reactive (Blaze), the auth system is integrated at the client and server, etc, etc, etc.
You can use 3rd party plugins with your Meteor app but trying to replace parts that Meteor already provides is the quickest way to have a really hard project to maintain. But, in the end, it's just my opinion on this topic and you should use whatever makes you happy.
Maybe you should consider sails.js: it has support for SQL systems and probably serves best your purpose.
You can indeed connect other apps to a meteor backend without using meteor on the client.
Meteor has a full wiki page on different libraries. I think that is the most up to date source for information on libraries to connect to a DDP meteor backend.
A link to the JavaScript section:

