wait for arrays to be filled with ajax results - javascript

I'm trying to make my page wait untill all data is loaded and put into the right arrays. I load the data using 3 seperate ajax calls but since the loading sometimes takes a little too long, the page continues while having empty arrays, and I need this data before I can do anything on the page.
I've been looking into the jQuery.when function but I can't seem to get it working.
this is 1 of the ajax calls:
function getWerktijden(){
var AllArrays = [];
var dagen = [];
var start = [];
var end = [];
type: "GET",
url: '#Url.Action("getWerktijden")',
data: {
id: #Model.ID,
dag: d,
maandNr: m,
jaarNr: y,
getJson: true,
success: function (result) {
for(var v = 0; v < result.length; v++){
var resultItem = result[v];
var ingangsDatum = resultItem.activatieDatum;
var uitgangsDatum = resultItem.stopDatum;
if(ingangsDatum != ""){
ingangsDatum = new Date(changeDateTimeFormat(ingangsDatum));
ingangsDatum = ingangsDatum.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
if(uitgangsDatum != ""){
uitgangsDatum = new Date(changeDateTimeFormat(uitgangsDatum));
uitgangsDatum = uitgangsDatum.toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
werktijdenID: resultItem.id,
ingang: ingangsDatum,
uitgang: uitgangsDatum,
maandag: resultItem.maandag,
dinsdag: resultItem.dinsdag,
woensdag: resultItem.woensdag,
donderdag: resultItem.donderdag,
vrijdag: resultItem.vrijdag,
zaterdag: resultItem.zaterdag,
zondag: resultItem.zondag
werktijdenID: resultItem.id,
ma_van: resultItem.ma_van,
di_van: resultItem.di_van,
wo_van: resultItem.wo_van,
do_van: resultItem.do_van,
vr_van: resultItem.vr_van,
za_van: resultItem.za_van,
zo_van: resultItem.zo_van,
werktijdenID: resultItem.id,
ma_tot: resultItem.ma_tot,
di_tot: resultItem.di_tot,
wo_tot: resultItem.wo_tot,
do_tot: resultItem.do_tot,
vr_tot: resultItem.vr_tot,
za_tot: resultItem.za_tot,
zo_tot: resultItem.zo_tot,
AllArrays.push(dagen, start, end);
return AllArrays;
Then I call the function on a variable to return those results into that variable and check wether it's done with the jQuery.when function but the page continues no matter if the function has completed.
var allArrays = getWerktijden();
var event = getMeldingen(); //I put this here to show I have more ajax calls
var ziektedatums = getZiektedatums(); //I put this here to show I have more ajax calls
$.when.apply($, allArrays, event, ziektedatums).then(function(){
dagenPerWeek = allArrays[0];
startPerDag = allArrays[1];
endPerDag = allArrays[2];
console.log(dagenPerWeek, startPerDag, endPerDag, event, ziektedatums);
Can somebody explain to me what I am doing wrong?

Return the $.ajax promise instead of the array from each function
The array will be immediately returned before the ajax is complete as it is asynchronous. Also an array is not a promise so $.when won't wait for it to be populated
It's also easier to use Promise.all() vs $.when() in modern browsers
So it will look something like:
function getWerktijden() {
var AllArrays = [];
var dagen = [];
var start = [];
var end = [];
// return the promise
return $.ajax({ /* config options*/ })
.then(function(result) {
// do the processing into various arrays
// return to be used in next part of promise chain
return AllArrays;
Promise.all([getWerktijden(), getMeldingen(), getZiektedatums()])
// results will be array of whatever is returned from `then()`
// in each function and is in same order as they are called
var getWerktijden_Arrays = results[0],
dagenPerWeek = getWerktijden_Arrays[0]


javascript/jquery: Iterative called function; wait till the previous call is finished

I've some problem with a library calling a function on each item. I've to check the state for this item via an ajax request and don't want to call one request per item, but get a range of item states.
Because these items are dates I can get some range pretty easy - that's the good part :)
So to to give some code ...
var itemStates = {};
var libraryObj = {
itemCallback: function(item) {
return checkState(item);
function checkState(item) {
if(!itemStates.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
$.get('...', function(result) {
$.extend(true, itemStates, result);
return itemStates[item];
The library is now calling library.itemCallback() on each item, but I want to wait for the request made in checkState() before calling checkState() again (because the chance is extremly high the next items' state was allready requested within the previous request.
I read about the defer and wait(), then() and so on, but couldn't really get an idea how to implement this.
Many thanks to everybody who could help me with this :)
You can achieve this by using jQuery.Deferred or Javascript Promise. In the following code, itemCallback() will wait for previous calls to finish before calling checkState().
var queue = [];
var itemStates = {};
var libraryObj = {
itemCallback: function(item) {
var def = $.Deferred();
$.when.apply(null, queue)
.then(function() {
return checkState(item);
.then(function(result) {
return def.promise();
function checkState(item) {
var def = $.Deferred();
if (!itemStates.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
$.get('...', function(result) {
$.extend(true, itemStates, result);
} else
return def.promise();
//these will execute in order, waiting for the previous call
libraryObj.itemCallback(1).done(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(2).done(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(3).done(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(4).done(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(5).done(function(r) { console.log(r); });
Same example built with Javascript Promises
var queue = [];
var itemStates = {};
var libraryObj = {
itemCallback: function(item) {
var promise = new Promise(resolve => {
.then(() => checkState(item))
.then((result) => resolve(result));
return promise;
function checkState(item) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
if (item in itemStates)
else {
$.get('...', function(result) {
$.extend(true, itemStates, result);
//these will execute in order, waiting for the previous call
libraryObj.itemCallback(1).then(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(2).then(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(3).then(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(4).then(function(r) { console.log(r); });
libraryObj.itemCallback(5).then(function(r) { console.log(r); });
The library is now calling library.itemCallback() on each item, but I want to wait for the request made in checkState() before calling checkState() again (because the chance is extremely high the next items' state was already requested within the previous request.
One thing I can think of doing is making some caching function, depending on the last time the function was called return the previous value or make a new request
var cached = function(self, cachingTime, fn){
var paramMap = {};
return function( ) {
var arr = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var parameters = JSON.stringify(arr);
var returning;
returning = fn.apply(self,arr);
paramMap[parameters]={timeCalled: new Date(), value:returning};
} else {
var diffMs = Math.abs(paramMap[parameters].timeCalled - new Date());
var diffMins = ( diffMs / 1000 ) / 60;
if(diffMins > cachingTime){
returning = fn.apply(self,arr);
paramMap[parameters] = {timeCalled: new Date(), value:returning};
} else {
returning = paramMap[parameters].value;
return returning;
Then you'd wrap the ajax call into the function you've made
var fn = cached(null, 1 , function(item){
return $.get('...', function(result) {
$.extend(true, itemStates, result);
Executing the new function would get you the last promise called for those parameters within the last request made at the last minute with those parameters or make a new request
simplest and dirty way of taking control over the library is to override their methods
But I don't really know core problem here so other hints are below
If you have the control over the checkState then just collect your data and change your controller on the server side to work with arrays that's it
and if you don't know when the next checkState will be called to count your collection and make the request use setTimeout to check collection after some time or setIterval to check it continuously
if you don't want to get same item multiple times then store your checked items in some variable like alreadyChecked and before making request search for this item in alreadyChecked
to be notified when some library is using your item use getter,
and then collect your items.
When you will have enough items collected then you can make the request,
but when you will not have enought items then use setTimeout and wait for some time. If nothing changes, then it means that library finishes the iteration for now and you can make the request with items that left of.
let collection=[];// collection for request
let _items={};// real items for you when you don't want to perfrom actions while getting values
let itemStates={};// items for library
let timeoutId;
//instead of itemStates[someState]=someValue; use
function setItem(someState,someValue){
Object.defineProperty(itemStates, someState, { get: function () {
if(typeof timeoutId=="number")clearTimeout(timeoutId);
//here you can add someState to the collection for request
return someValue;
} });

For loop is returning promises in the wrong order

I'm calling a function a certain amount of times to fetch individual src attributes from an array of lists. The src attributes are coming back in the wrong order. I've tried using setTimeout but that returns an array of nulls and my own pause function just returns the same order of list just a certain amount of milliseconds later.
The function is called here:
myLoopingFunction: function(links) {
var pause = function sleep(milliseconds) {
var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
while (currentTime + milliseconds >= new Date().getTime()) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promise = deferred.promise;
var src = [];
for (var i = 0;i < links.length;i++) {
getSrc(links[i]).then(function(response) {
return deferred.promise;
This is the function:
var getSrc = function(links) {
return $q.all(links.map(function(link){
return $http.get(link.Address);
var src = results.map(function(result){
var tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
tmp.body.innerHTML = result.data;
var video = $(tmp.body.children).find('#definitionblock iframe');
var video_src = $(video[0]).attr("src");
return video_src;
It's being called here:
bslLogin.getSrc($scope.links).then(function(response) {
$scope.videos = response;
It's now returning undefined. I can see via console.logs that the chain of functions is producing the right result till the end where it returns undefined. It doesn't even recognise the return value as an array.
You have to use $q.all() to get the results of your "http-promises" in the expected order. In your code the http calls are running asynchronous (concurrently) and the callback handlers, which add responses to the array, too.
This could be a solution with an array of promises (be careful, the code is untested):
return $http.get(link.Address);
var src = results.map(function(result){
var tmp = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
tmp.body.innerHTML = response.data;
var video = $(tmp.body.children).find('#definitionblock iframe');
var video_src = $(video[0]).attr("src");
return video_src;
return src;

How to know when a long series of async calls is finished in AngularJS?

I have a service SQLService on my PhoneGap/AngularJS app that runs when the app is loading. It iterates through a long array of Guidelines, and makes a DB transaction for each one. How can I signal that the final transaction has been completed?
What I want to have happen is something like:
In the controller, call `SQLService.ParseJSON`
ParseJSON calls `generateIntersectionSnippets`
`generateIntersectionSnippets` makes multiple calls to `getKeywordInCategory``
When the final call to getKeywordInCategory is called, resolve the whole chain
SQLService.ParseJSON is complete, fire `.then`
I really don't understand how to combine the multiple asynchronous calls here. ParseJSON returns a promise which will be resolved when generateIntersectionSnippets() is completed, but generateIntersectionSnippets() makes multiple calls to getKeywordInCategory which also returns promises.
Here's a simplified version of what's not working (apologies for any misplaced brackets, this is very stripped down).
What I want to happen is for $scope.ready = 2 to run at the completion of all of the transactions. Right now, it runs as soon as the program has looped through generateIntersectionSnippets once.
in the controller:
SQLService.parseJSON().then(function(d) {
console.log("finished parsing JSON")
$scope.ready = 2;
.factory('SQLService', ['$q',
function ($q) {
function parseJSON() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
function generateIntersectionSnippets(guideline, index) {
var snippet_self, snippet_other;
for (var i = 0; i < guideline.intersections.length; i++) {
snippet_self = getKeywordInCategory(guideline.line_id, snippets.keyword).then(function() {
//Should something go here?
snippet_other = getKeywordInCategory(guideline.intersections[i].line_id, snippets.keyword).then(function() {
//Should something go here?
deferred.resolve(); //Is fired before the transactions above are complete
return deferred.promise;
} //End ParseJSON
function getKeywordInCategory(keyword, category) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var query = "SELECT category, id, chapter, header, snippet(guidelines, '<b>', '</b>', '...', '-1', '-24' ) AS snip FROM guidelines WHERE content MATCH '" + keyword + "' AND id='" + category + "';",
results = [];
db.transaction(function(transaction) {
transaction.executeSql(query, [],
function(transaction, result) {
if (result != null && result.rows != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.rows.length; i++) {
var row = result.rows.item(i);
return deferred.promise;
return {
parseJSON : parseJSON
I'd appreciate any guidance on what the correct model is to doing a chain of promises that includes an iteration across multiple async transactions- I know that how I have it right now is not correct at all.
You can use $q.all() to wait for a list of promises to be resolved.
function parseJSON() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
var promiseList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < guideline.intersections.length; i++) {
promiseList.push(getKeywordInCategory(guideline.line_id, snippets.keyword));
promiseList.push(getKeywordInCategory(guideline.intersections[i].line_id, snippets.keyword));
$q.all(promiseList).then(function() {
return deferred.promise;
} //End ParseJSON

Return an object from a function that has nested ajax calls

I would like to write a javascript function that returns informations from youtube videos; to be more specific I would like to get the ID and the length of videos got by a search, in a json object. So I took a look at the youtube API and I came out with this solution:
function getYoutubeDurationMap( query ){
var youtubeSearchReq = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q="+ query +
var youtubeMap = [];
$.getJSON(youtubeSearchReq, function(youtubeResult){
var youtubeVideoDetailReq = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/";
for(var i =0;i<youtubeResult.feed.entry.length;i++){
var youtubeVideoId = youtubeResult.feed.entry[i].id.$t.substring(27);
$.getJSON(youtubeVideoDetailReq + youtubeVideoId + "?alt=json&v=2",function(videoDetails){
youtubeMap.push({id: videoDetails.entry.id.$t.substring(27),runtime: videoDetails.entry.media$group.media$content[0].duration});
return youtubeMap;
The logic is ok, but as many of you have already understood because of ajax when I call this function I get an empty array. Is there anyway to get the complete object? Should I use a Deferred object? Thanks for your answers.
Yes, you should use deferred objects.
The simplest approach here is to create an array into which you can store the jqXHR result of your inner $.getJSON() calls.
var def = [];
for (var i = 0; ...) {
def[i] = $.getJSON(...).done(function(videoDetails) {
... // extract and store in youtubeMap
and then at the end of the whole function, use $.when to create a new promise that will be resolved only when all of the inner calls have finished:
return $.when.apply($, def).then(function() {
return youtubeMap;
and then use .done to handle the result from your function:
getYoutubeDurationMap(query).done(function(map) {
// map contains your results
See http://jsfiddle.net/alnitak/8XQ4H/ for a demonstration using this YouTube API of how deferred objects allow you to completely separate the AJAX calls from the subsequent data processing for your "duration search".
The code is a little long, but reproduced here too. However whilst the code is longer than you might expect note that the generic functions herein are now reusable for any calls you might want to make to the YouTube API.
// generic search - some of the fields could be parameterised
function youtubeSearch(query) {
var url = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos';
return $.getJSON(url, {
q: query,
'max-results': 20,
duration: 'long', category: 'film', // parameters?
alt: 'json', v: 2
// get details for one YouTube vid
function youtubeDetails(id) {
var url = 'https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/' + id;
return $.getJSON(url, {
alt: 'json', v: 2
// get the details for *all* the vids returned by a search
function youtubeResultDetails(result) {
var details = [];
var def = result.feed.entry.map(function(entry, i) {
var id = entry.id.$t.substring(27);
return youtubeDetails(id).done(function(data) {
details[i] = data;
return $.when.apply($, def).then(function() {
return details;
// use deferred composition to do a search and then get all details
function youtubeSearchDetails(query) {
return youtubeSearch(query).then(youtubeResultDetails);
// this code (and _only_ this code) specific to your requirement to
// return an array of {id, duration}
function youtubeDetailsToDurationMap(details) {
return details.map(function(detail) {
return {
id: detail.entry.id.$t.substring(27),
duration: detail.entry.media$group.media$content[0].duration
// and calling it all together
youtubeSearchDetails("after earth").then(youtubeDetailsToDurationMap).done(function(map) {
// use map[i].id and .duration
As you have discovered, you can't return youtubeMap directly as it's not yet populated at the point of return. But you can return a Promise of a fully populated youtubeMap, which can be acted on with eg .done(), .fail() or .then().
function getYoutubeDurationMap(query) {
var youtubeSearchReq = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q=" + query + "&max-results=20&duration=long&category=film&alt=json&v=2";
var youtubeVideoDetailReq = "https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos/";
var youtubeMap = [];
var dfrd = $.Deferred();
var p = $.getJSON(youtubeSearchReq).done(function(youtubeResult) {
$.each(youtubeResult.feed.entry, function(i, entry) {
var youtubeVideoId = entry.id.$t.substring(27);
//Build a .then() chain to perform sequential queries
p = p.then(function() {
return $.getJSON(youtubeVideoDetailReq + youtubeVideoId + "?alt=json&v=2").done(function(videoDetails) {
id: videoDetails.entry.id.$t.substring(27),
runtime: videoDetails.entry.media$group.media$content[0].duration
//Add a terminal .then() to resolve dfrd when all video queries are complete.
p.then(function() {
dfrd.resolve(query, youtubeMap);
return dfrd.promise();
And the call to getYoutubeDurationMap() would be of the following form :
getYoutubeDurationMap("....").done(function(query, map) {
alert("Query: " + query + "\nYouTube videos found: " + map.length);
In practice, you would probably loop through map and display the .id and .runtime data.
Sequential queries is preferable to parallel queries as sequential is kinder to both client and server, and more likely to succeed.
Another valid approach would be to return an array of separate promises (one per video) and to respond to completion with $.when.apply(..), however the required data would be more awkward to extract.

Parallel asynchronous Ajax requests using jQuery

I'd like to update a page based upon the results of multiple ajax/json requests. Using jQuery, I can "chain" the callbacks, like this very simple stripped down example:
$.getJSON("/values/1", function(data) {
// data = {value: 1}
var value_1 = data.value;
$.getJSON("/values/2", function(data) {
// data = {value: 42}
var value_2 = data.value;
var sum = value_1 + value_2;
However, this results in the requests being made serially. I'd much rather a way to make the requests in parallel, and perform the page update after all are complete. Is there any way to do this?
jQuery $.when() and $.done() are exactly what you need:
$.when($.ajax("/page1.php"), $.ajax("/page2.php"))
.then(myFunc, myFailure);
Try this solution, which can support any specific number of parallel queries:
var done = 4; // number of total requests
var sum = 0;
/* Normal loops don't create a new scope */
$([1,2,3,4,5]).each(function() {
var number = this;
$.getJSON("/values/" + number, function(data) {
sum += data.value;
done -= 1;
if(done == 0) $("#mynode").html(sum);
Run multiple AJAX requests in parallel
When working with APIs, you sometimes need to issue multiple AJAX requests to different endpoints. Instead of waiting for one request to complete before issuing the next, you can speed things up with jQuery by requesting the data in parallel, by using jQuery's $.when() function:
$.when($.get('1.json'), $.get('2.json')).then(function(r1, r2){
console.log(r1[0].message + " " + r2[0].message);
The callback function is executed when both of these GET requests finish successfully. $.when() takes the promises returned by two $.get() calls, and constructs a new promise object. The r1 and r2 arguments of the callback are arrays, whose first elements contain the server responses.
Here's my attempt at directly addressing your question
Basically, you just build up and AJAX call stack, execute them all, and a provided function is called upon completion of all the events - the provided argument being an array of the results from all the supplied ajax requests.
Clearly this is early code - you could get more elaborate with this in terms of the flexibility.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ParallelAjaxExecuter = function( onComplete )
this.requests = [];
this.results = [];
this.onComplete = onComplete;
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.addRequest = function( method, url, data, format )
this.requests.push( {
"method" : method
, "url" : url
, "data" : data
, "format" : format
, "completed" : false
} )
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.dispatchAll = function()
var self = this;
$.each( self.requests, function( i, request )
request.method( request.url, request.data, function( r )
return function( data )
r.completed = true;
self.results.push( data );
}( request ) )
} )
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.allRequestsCompleted = function()
var i = 0;
while ( request = this.requests[i++] )
if ( request.completed === false )
return false;
return true;
ParallelAjaxExecuter.prototype.checkAndComplete = function()
if ( this.allRequestsCompleted() )
this.onComplete( this.results );
var pe = new ParallelAjaxExecuter( function( results )
alert( eval( results.join( '+' ) ) );
} );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:1}, 'text' );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:2}, 'text' );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:3}, 'text' );
pe.addRequest( $.get, 'test.php', {n:4}, 'text' );
here's test.php
echo pow( $_GET['n'], 2 );
Update: Per the answer given by Yair Leviel, this answer is obsolete. Use a promise library, like jQuery.when() or Q.js.
I created a general purpose solution as a jQuery extension. Could use some fine tuning to make it more general, but it suited my needs. The advantage of this technique over the others in this posting as of the time of this writing was that any type of asynchronous processing with a callback can be used.
Note: I'd use Rx extensions for JavaScript instead of this if I thought my client would be okay with taking a dependency on yet-another-third-party-library :)
// jQuery extension for running multiple async methods in parallel
// and getting a callback with all results when all of them have completed.
// Each worker is a function that takes a callback as its only argument, and
// fires up an async process that calls this callback with its result.
// Example:
// $.parallel(
// function (callback) { $.get("form.htm", {}, callback, "html"); },
// function (callback) { $.post("data.aspx", {}, callback, "json"); },
// function (formHtml, dataJson) {
// // Handle success; each argument to this function is
// // the result of correlating ajax call above.
// }
// );
(function ($) {
$.parallel = function (anyNumberOfWorkers, allDoneCallback) {
var workers = [];
var workersCompleteCallback = null;
// To support any number of workers, use "arguments" variable to
// access function arguments rather than the names above.
var lastArgIndex = arguments.length - 1;
$.each(arguments, function (index) {
if (index == lastArgIndex) {
workersCompleteCallback = this;
} else {
workers.push({ fn: this, done: false, result: null });
// Short circuit this edge case
if (workers.length == 0) {
// Fire off each worker process, asking it to report back to onWorkerDone.
$.each(workers, function (workerIndex) {
var worker = this;
var callback = function () { onWorkerDone(worker, arguments); };
// Store results and update status as each item completes.
// The [0] on workerResultS below assumes the client only needs the first parameter
// passed into the return callback. This simplifies the handling in allDoneCallback,
// but may need to be removed if you need access to all parameters of the result.
// For example, $.post calls back with success(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest). If
// you need textStatus or XMLHttpRequest then pull off the [0] below.
function onWorkerDone(worker, workerResult) {
worker.done = true;
worker.result = workerResult[0]; // this is the [0] ref'd above.
var allResults = [];
for (var i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) {
if (!workers[i].done) return;
else allResults.push(workers[i].result);
workersCompleteCallback.apply(this, allResults);
UPDATE And another two years later, this looks insane because the accepted answer has changed to something much better! (Though still not as good as Yair Leviel's answer using jQuery's when)
18 months later, I just hit something similar. I have a refresh button, and I want the old content to fadeOut and then the new content to fadeIn. But I also need to get the new content. The fadeOut and the get are asynchronous, but it would be a waste of time to run them serially.
What I do is really the same as the accepted answer, except in the form of a reusable function. Its primary virtue is that it is much shorter than the other suggestions here.
var parallel = function(actions, finished) {
finishedCount = 0;
var results = [];
$.each(actions, function(i, action) {
action(function(result) {
results[i] = result;
if (finishedCount == actions.length) {
You pass it an array of functions to run in parallel. Each function should accept another function to which it passes its result (if any). parallel will supply that function.
You also pass it a function to be called when all the operations have completed. This will receive an array with all the results in. So my example was:
refreshButton.click(function() {
function(f) {
function(f) {
function(results) {
So when my refresh button is clicked, I launch jQuery's fadeOut effect and also my own portlet.content function (which does an async get, builds a new bit of content and passes it on), and then when both are complete I remove the old content, append the result of the second function (which is in results[1]) and fadeIn the new content.
As fadeOut doesn't pass anything to its completion function, results[0] presumably contains undefined, so I ignore it. But if you had three operations with useful results, they would each slot into the results array, in the same order you passed the functions.
you could do something like this
var allData = []
$.getJSON("/values/1", function(data) {
if(data.length == 2){
processData(allData) // where process data processes all the data
$.getJSON("/values/2", function(data) {
if(data.length == 2){
processData(allData) // where process data processes all the data
var processData = function(data){
var sum = data[0] + data[1]
Here's an implementation using mbostock/queue:
.defer(function(callback) {
$.post('/echo/json/', {json: JSON.stringify({value: 1}), delay: 1}, function(data) {
callback(null, data.value);
.defer(function(callback) {
$.post('/echo/json/', {json: JSON.stringify({value: 3}), delay: 2}, function(data) {
callback(null, data.value);
.awaitAll(function(err, results) {
var result = results.reduce(function(acc, value) {
return acc + value;
}, 0);
The associated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MdbW2/
With the following extension of JQuery (to can be written as a standalone function you can do this:
val1: $.getJSON('/values/1'),
val2: $.getJSON('/values/2')
.done(function (results) {
var sum = results.val1.value + results.val2.value;
The JQuery (1.x) extension whenAll():
$.whenAll = function (deferreds) {
function isPromise(fn) {
return fn && typeof fn.then === 'function' &&
String($.Deferred().then) === String(fn.then);
var d = $.Deferred(),
keys = Object.keys(deferreds),
args = keys.map(function (k) {
return $.Deferred(function (d) {
var fn = deferreds[k];
(isPromise(fn) ? fn : $.Deferred(fn))
.fail(function (err) { d.reject(err, k); })
$.when.apply(this, args)
.done(function () {
var resObj = {},
resArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
resArgs.forEach(function (v, i) { resObj[keys[i]] = v; });
return d;
See jsbin example:
The most professional solution for me would be by using async.js and Array.reduce like so:
async.map([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], function (number, callback) {
$.getJSON("/values/" + number, function (data) {
callback(null, data.value);
}, function (err, results) {
$("#mynode").html(results.reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue) {
return previousValue + currentValue;
If the result of one request depends on the other, you can't make them parallel.
Building on Yair's answer.
You can define the ajax promises dynamically.
var start = 1; // starting value
var len = 2; // no. of requests
var promises = (new Array(len)).fill().map(function() {
return $.ajax("/values/" + i++);
$.when.apply($, promises)
.then(myFunc, myFailure);
Suppose you have an array of file name.
var templateNameArray=["test.html","test2.html","test3.html"];
var deffereds=[];
for (var i = 0; i < templateNameArray.length; i++)
if (!htmlTemplatesLoadStateMap[templateNameArray[i]])
deferreds.push($.get("./Content/templates/" +templateNameArray[i],
function (response, status, xhr) {
if (status == "error") { }
else {
htmlTemplatesLoadStateMap[templateNameArray[i]] = true;
$.when.all(deferreds).always(function(resultsArray) { yourfunctionTobeExecuted(yourPayload);
I needed multiple, parallel ajax calls, and the jquery $.when syntax wasn't amenable to the full $.ajax format I am used to working with. So I just created a setInterval timer to periodically check when each of the ajax calls had returned. Once they were all returned, I could proceed from there.
I read there may be browser limitations as to how many simultaneous ajax calls you can have going at once (2?), but .$ajax is inherently asynchronous, so making the ajax calls one-by-one would result in parallel execution (within the browser's possible limitation).

