Vue plugin, adding global component which takes data - javascript

I am using Vue plugins so that user can access a global component once registering the global component and configuring it inside Vue.use. For this I need to pass some data from Vue.use() to Component.vue.
Take a look at the following code:
Vue.use(MyPlugin, { data: true });
the code of MyPlugin is
import Plugin from './plugin';
const IconPlugin = {
install(Vue, options) {
console.log(options); // Here I can see {data: true}
Vue.component('GlobalComponent', Icon);
Now I need to pass this options variable to the component. So that a user whenever use
<GlobalComponent />
{data: true} should always be there.
Basically, that is a configuration which user is passing and the further component computation will be dependent on this.

You can use Vue.extend to extend components
var Icon = Vue.extend({
data: function() {
return {
foo: 'fooooo',
bar: 'barr'
template: '<div><button #click="doFooStuff">{{foo}}</button><button #click="doBarStuff">{{bar}}</button></div>',
methods: {
doBarStuff: function() {
doFooStuff: function() {
const IconPlugin = {
install(Vue, options) {
// console.log(options);
// normalize data (select only props you want)
var data = Object.assign({}, options);
var NewIcon = Icon.extend({
data: function() {
return data;
Vue.component('GlobalComponent', NewIcon);
Vue.use(IconPlugin, {
foo: 'FOOO'
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">

it sounds like you want to take a look at the component guide. It would seem that you want to merge the data with where you are passing Icon.


Best practice for implementing custom form in Vue

My goal is to create a custom form component called app-form which provides v-model to access the validation. For the input I want to detect is also a custom component called app-input.
Here is my implementation so far.
const acceptedTags = ['app-input'];
export default {
props: value,
data: isValid
updated() {
// update isValid whenever the view changes
methods: {
checkValidation() {
this.isValid = true;
this.$emit('input', this.isValid);
checkValidationRecursion(node) {
if (acceptedTags.includes(node.$ {
let result = node.checkValidation();
this.isValid &&= result;
node.$children.forEach((child) => this.checkValidationRecursion(child));
export default {
name: 'app-input',
props: value,
data: selfValue,
methods: {
checkValidation() {
let valid = true;
this.rules = [(v) => !!v || 'Required'];
for (let f of this.rules) {
let result = f(this.selfValue);
if (typeof result === 'string') {
valid = false;
return valid;
// onInput() => update selfValue and emit
// watch: update selfValue
In the code above, the app-form have to traverse the whole component tree to get the target inputs every time anything is updated. Is there any better way to achieve it?
For these Kind of things I like to use provide/inject The idea is to "provide" an object in a Parent-Component (your Form-Component) and to "inject" this object in any of your descandant Components. Data here is not reactive, but you can pass a reference to a reactive Object (for example a Vue Object).
If providing a Vue-Instance you can emit an event, like "check-validation" on that instance and your descandant components can listen to that and then emitting an validate-Event with the validation-Result back to the parent Component.
Here is a very basic Example:
Vue.component('my-form', {
provide () {
return {
formBus: this.formBus,
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.formBus.$on("validate-element", isValid => {
this.isValidForm &&= isValid;
data () {
return {
formBus: new Vue(),
isValidForm: true,
template: '<div><slot></slot></div>',
Vue.component('child', {
inject: ['formBus'],
template: '<div></div>',
data() {
return {
isValid: true,
methods: {
validate() {
this.isValid = Boolean(Math.round(Math.random()));
this.formBus.$emit("validate-element", this.isValid);
created() {
this.formBus.$on("check-validation", this.validate);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
<div id="app">

Vue: Accessing data from an unmounted component

I have an issue where I want to retreive data from a child component, but the parent needs to use that data, before the child is mounted.
My parent looks like this
<component :is="childComp" #mounted="setData"/>
data : {
childComp : null,
importantData : null
methods : {
addComponent : function() {
this.childComp = "componentA"; //sometimes will be other component
setData : function(value) {
this.importantData = value;
prepareToAdd : function(importantData){
//something that has to be run before childComp can be mounted.
My child (or rather, all the potential children) would contain something like this:
data : {
importantData : 'ABC',
created: function() {
this.$emit('mounted', this.importantData);
This clearly doesn't work - importantData is set when the childComponent is mounted, but prepareToAdd needs that data first.
Is there another way of reaching in to the child component and accessing its data, before it is mounted?
You can use $options to store your important data and have it available in beforeCreate. You can also use it to initialize a data item, and you can emit data items in created (you don't have to initialize from $options to emit in created, I'm just pointing out two things that can be done). The $options value is, itself, reactive (to my surprise) and can be used like any data item, with the added benefit that it is available before other data items.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
doStuff(val) {
console.log("Got", val);
components: {
theChild: {
template: '<div>Values are {{$options.importantData}} and {{otherData}}</div>',
importantData: 'abc',
data() {
return {
otherData: this.$options.importantData
beforeCreate() {
this.$emit('before-create', this.$options.importantData);
created() {
this.$emit('on-created', this.otherData + ' again');
// It's reactive?!?!?
this.$options.importantData = 'changed';
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<the-child #before-create="doStuff" #on-created="doStuff"></the-child>
My bad :(
We cannot get the data inside beforeCreated() hook.
Use the beforeCreate() hook instead of created() hook:
beforeCreate: function() {
this.$emit('mounted', this.importantData);
We can use a watcher or computed option, so now your parent component would look:
data: {
childComp: null,
importantData: null,
isDataSet: false
methods: {
addComponent: function() {
this.childComp = "componentA"; //sometimes will be other component
setData: function(value) {
this.importantData = value;
this.isDataSet = true;
prepareToAdd: function(importantData) {
//something that has to be run before childComp can be mounted.
watch: {
isDataSet: function(newValue, oldValue) {
if (newValue) {
I would suggest to use computed method as it caches the results. Use watcher when you have to perform asynchronous code.

VueJS2 property not defined

I wrote the following code and Vue complains:
[Vue warn]: Property or method "incidents" is not defined on the
instance but referenced during render. Make sure to declare reactive
data properties in the data option.
I don't see why incidents cannot be accessed?
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
responders: [],
incidents: []
mounted: function () {
methods: {
getIncidents: function() {
var app = this;
this.$http.get('/api/v1/incidents').then(function(response) {
// set data
var incidentsReceived = (incident) {
return incident;
Vue.set(app, 'incidents', incidentsReceived);
getResponders: function() {
var app = this;
this.$http.get('/api/v1/responders').then(function(response) {
// set data on vm
var respondersReceived = (responder) {
return responder
Vue.set(app, 'responders', respondersReceived);
EDIT: Didn't read the code very well for the first time. Verify that you have data inside the response and if not don't set it the incidents array.
data is meant for internal component data modeling, while props, which can be assigned externally, are defined using the props key for your component.
In other words, try:
var app = new Vue({
props: {
incidents: {
type: Array,
required: false //change this as you see fit.
For full documentation on component properties, please refer to the official guide.

set variable from component in instance

I want to set data variable of Vue instance from component. Is that even possible.
Vue.component('graph', {
template: '',
props: {},
data: function () {
methods: {
setBtn: function () {
//here i want to set ShowBtn variable for example to false
}, this.getUserRecordStatistic();
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
showBtn: null
methods: {},
This should do the trick:
Vue.component('graph', {
template: '',
props: {},
data: {},
methods: {
setBtn: function () {
app.showBtn = false;
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
showBtn: null
methods: {},
You can access data on the root vue instance through vm.$root.
setBtn: function () {
this.$root.showBtn = false;
As a best practice you should avoid directly setting params on other components. Vue is intended to decouple its components therefore directly editing a param, although possible, runs in the face of this. Check out the components guide for more info, specifically:
Therefore rather than directly editing this param you should emit an event from the component which you can listen for on the root - or any other component that sets the graph component, i.e.
graph component emit an event
Vue.component('graph', {
methods: {
activateBtn () {
this.$emit('set-button', true)
root or any component that sets graph in its template
# template
<graph #set-button="setBtn"></graph>
# script
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
showBtn: false
methods: {
setBtn (state) {
this.showBtn = state

vuejs using elasticsearch api methods

I have a vuejs script and need to use an elasticsearch api method.
// ./main.js
var Vue = require('vue');
import ES from './elasticsearch.js';
new Vue({
el: 'body',
methods: {
search: function() {
// should call the
and the elasticsearch script:
// ./elasticsearch.js
var es = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new es.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200'
,log: 'trace'
index: 'my_index',
type: 'my_type',
body: {
fields: {},
query: {
match: {
file_content: 'search_text'
}).then(function (resp) {
var hits = resp.hits.hits;
}, function (err) {
So, in the method search in main.js should call the and send the text to be searched in my server (_search_text_).
How do we bind it? Or how do we use the elasticsearch object inside a vuejs method?
your elasticsearch.js file is not configured correctly as a module: import ES from './elasticsearch' won'T do anything because the file does not export anything.
it should probably look more like this:
// ./elasticsearch.js
var es = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new es.Client({
host: 'localhost:9200'
,log: 'trace'
function search (myIndex, myType, searchText)
index: myIndex,
type: myType,
body: {
fields: {},
query: {
match: {
file_content: searchText
}).then(function (resp) {
return hits = resp.hits.hits;
}, function (err) {
export { search }
We define a function named search and export it. Note That I also inxluded return statements to actually return the Promise and result from the function.
Then in main.js we can import it by that name, and use it:
// ./main.js
var Vue = require('vue');
import { search } from './elasticsearch.js';
new Vue({
el: 'body',
methods: {
search: function() {
var result = search('someindex', 'sometype', 'Search text here' ).then(function(res) {
// do something with the result
I suppose "resp.hits.hits" in your code is the search result JSON Object Array ,then you can define your vue instance like below:
// ./main.js
var Vue = require('vue');
import ES from './elasticsearch.js';
new Vue({
el: 'body',
searchResults:[] //this tell vue it is an array
methods: {
search: function() {
var self = this;
// call the search and get response data{
self.searchResults = resp.hits.hits
and in your html,you just bind DOM to searchResults,that's all.

