Displaying array object in ng-repeat angularjs - javascript

I have a simple json load list which uses angular directive to render the data from local json.
I wanted to display likes in a separate column and dislikes in the separate column. but I tried the below code snippet, but achieved likes in first column but not sure how to render dislikes in the second column.
Here is the HTML
<ul class="nav">
<li class="active" ng-repeat="item in artists.People">
<a href ng-click='setSelectedArtist(item)'>{{item.name}}
<!-- Displaying table -->
<tr ng-repeat = "favourites in items.Likes">
<td>{{ favourites }}</td>
/* stuck here */
"name":"Andrew Amernante",
"Description":"Gluten­free cray cardigan vegan. Lumbersexual pork belly blog, fanny pack put a bird on it selvage",
"Long walks on the beach",
"Red things",
"Danish food",
"Dead Batteries"
"name":"Frank Wang",
"Description":"Before errors, mails were only pressures. This is not to discredit the idea that a magic is the prose of anelizabeth. This could be, or perhaps some posit the outmost coil to be less than dedal. Some assert that those treatments are nothing more than carp.",
"Manchester United",
"Long walks on the beach",
$http.get('people.json').success(function(response) {
$scope.artists = response;
$scope.setSelectedArtist = function(artist) {
$scope.items = artist;

This code will work even when the lengths of Likes and Dislikes are not equal
<tbody ng-repeat="items in test.People">
<tr ng-repeat="i in range(items.Likes.length, items.Dislikes.length) track by $index">
$scope.range = function(a,b) {
var n = Math.max(a,b);
return new Array(n);
Sample JSON
"name":"Andrew Amernante",
"Description":"Gluten­free cray cardigan vegan. Lumbersexual pork belly blog, fanny pack put a bird on it selvage",
"Long walks on the beach",
"Red things",
"Danish food",
"Dead Batteries"
"name":"Frank Wang",
"Description":"Before errors, mails were only pressures. This is not to discredit the idea that a magic is the prose of anelizabeth. This could be, or perhaps some posit the outmost coil to be less than dedal. Some assert that those treatments are nothing more than carp.",
"Manchester United",
"Dead Batteries"
"Long walks on the beach",
Sample output

Try the following:
<tr ng-repeat = "favourites in items.Likes">
<td>{{ favourites }}</td>
<td ng-if="$index <= items.Dislikes.length-1">{{items.Dislikes[$index]}}</td>

try this code :
<table ng-repeat="items in artists.People">
<th>Dislikes </th>
<tr ng-if="items.Likes.length <= items.Dislikes.length" ng-repeat="d in items.Dislikes track by $index">
<td ng-if="items.Likes[$index]">{{items.Likes[$index]}}</td>
<tr ng-if="items.Likes.length > items.Dislikes.length" ng-repeat="d in items.Likes track by $index">
<td ng-if="items.Dislikes[$index]">{{items.Dislikes[$index]}}</td>


ng-repeat to produce stars in efficient way of a song's rating

I am writing an app in Angular JS. My HTML code is like below,
<table class="table table-striped">
<tr ng-repeat="music in musicTracks" ng-click="showValue(music)">
<span><h6>Genre: {{music.genre}}</h6></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star" ng-repeat="star in music.stars"></span>
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty" ng-repeat="star in music.noStars"></span>
and there is an array in my app.controller like below,
$scope.musicTracks = [
{"id":1,"name": "Tum hi Ho", "genre": "bollywood", "stars":[0,1,2,3,4], "noStars": []},
{"id":2,"name": "Djwale Babu", "genre": "pop", "stars":[0,1,2], "noStars": [0,1]},
{"id":3,"name": "Into the bluws", "genre": "hollywood", "stars":[0,1,2,3], "noStars": [0]}
Is there any way to achieve the same thing efficiently/ without using two arrays namely stars and noStars ?
My output will be like following,
Try this. you don't even need an array for stars, just a number. since you're doing it out of 5 use the range.
<span ng-class="(n <= music.stars.length)? 'glyphicon glyphicon-star' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty'" ng-repeat="n in range(1,5)">
try like this.Beacaus the length all stars is 5 so you can create array with this length. now repeat stars and check $index with count of stars and change class to glyphicon glyphicon-staror glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty base its condition.
$scope.starArray = new Array(5);
$scope.musicTracks = [
{"id":1,"name": "Tum hi Ho", "genre": "bollywood", "stars":5}
in view
<span ng-repeat="star in starArray track by $index"
ng-class="(music.stars > $index) ?
'glyphicon glyphicon-star' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty'" >

Change uib-tabset content based on ng-table row click

I'm new to Angularjs, and web programming period, but I've made some progress on this.
So, I have an ng-table and I have ng-click working so that it changes the color of the row that is selected, but I also want the content of a tab to change based on the same click.
What I have so far:
.selected {
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<table ng-table="tableParams" class="table table-bordered ">
<tr ng-repeat="user in $data" ng-class="{'selected':$index == selectedRow}" ng-click="setClickedRow($index, user.information)">
<td data-title="'First Name'">{{user.firstName}}</td>
<td data-title="'Last Name'">{{user.lastName}}</td>
<uib-tabset type="pills">
<uib-tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs"
angular.module('app', ['ngTable'])
.controller('ctrl', function($scope, NgTableParams) {
$scope.names = [{"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "information": "Alpha"},
{ "firstName": "Mary", "lastName": "Manson", "information": "Bravo"},
{"firstName": "Bob", "lastName": "Smith", "information": "Charlie"}];
$scope.tableParams = new NgTableParams({
count: 20
}, {
data: $scope.names
$scope.setClickedRow = function(index, information){
$scope.selectedRow = index;
$scope.information = information;
//now I want to set the tab content to the value of information, my first guess was this below, that doesn't work.
//$scope.tabs.content = $scope.information;
$scope.tabs = [{id: 1, name: "heading", active:true, content: "no user selected."},
{id: 2, name: "heading2", active:false, content: "static content"}];
So, if you look at the setClickedRow function I have comments where I think this should go, as well as one of the things I tried, but I can't seem to get all the way there.
The goal is to just have the heading tab, which has the id or 1, to have whatever information is set to in the names array. So, for example, if the user selected the Mary Manson row, I would expect the heading tab to contain the content of "Alpha".
I have a jsfiddle, but I didn't actually get the tabset working in it b/c I'm new to jsfiddle too....but maybe it will help to show it.
If you know the index of the tab you need to set the content of, you can use $scope.tabs[someIndex].content = $scope.information;.
If not, but you know a property of the tab (like the name) you can use .filter() like this: $scope.tabs.filter(function(t){ return t.name == 'heading'; })[0].content = $scope.information;
If you can pass the tab in as a parameter to your method (which in this case it doesn't look like you can, but for reference) you can simply say tab.content = $scope.information;.
I didn't really understand the question but I observed that your ng-controller element is not wrapping the <uib-tabset> element. So the <uib-tabset> element doesn't even have the scope of the controller from which you are trying to pass the tabs. Try doing this. Might just solve your issue at least partially.
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">
<table ng-table="tableParams" class="table table-bordered ">
<tr ng-repeat="user in $data" ng-class="{'selected':$index == selectedRow}" ng-click="setClickedRow($index, user.information)">
<td data-title="'First Name'">{{user.firstName}}</td>
<td data-title="'Last Name'">{{user.lastName}}</td>
<uib-tabset type="pills">
<uib-tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs"

Mustache.js escaping "/"

I have a simple JSON file as shown below:
"products": [
"title": "United Colors of Benetton Men's Shirt",
"description": "Cool, breezy and charming – this solid green shirt from United Colors of Benetton is born on the beach. Effortlessly classy, this full sleeved shirt is perfect when worn with faded blue jeans and a pair of shades for a weekend get-together.",
"quantity": "10",
"cost": "3.00",
"brand": "United",
"image": "catalog/images/img2.jpg",
"category": "1",
"popularity": "100"
I am displaying this JSON file using Mustache.js into the template blow:
<table class="product-list">
<table class="product">
<td class="product-image">
<img src"{{image}}" height="150" width="150" />
<td class="product-details">
<p class="title">{{title}}</p>
<p class="description">{{description}}</p>
<p class="quantity"><b>Quanity Available: </b>{{quantity}}</p>
<p class="cost"><b>Cost: </b>£ {{cost}}</p>
<p class="brand"><b>Brand:</b> {{brand}}</p>
Everything works fine but for some reason the slashes in the image property are escaped due to which the images don't show up.
I've tried escaping slashes in the JSON file by adding a backslash in front of them. But instead of correct path I get this.
I also try disabling HTML escaping by using {{{ image }}} and I get this.
catalog\="" images\="" img2.jpg=\""
How can I display the image property properly?
Can anyone please help me with this?
Edit: JS used to generate the template:
$template = $('#product-template').html();
$renderedHtml = Mustache.render($template, $data);
From what I see it should work with triple mustaches {{{image}}}. You are also missing = after src.
Example fiddle:
var jsn = {
"products": [{
"title": "United Colors of Benetton Men's Shirt",
"description": "Cool, breezy and charming – this solid green shirt from United Colors of Benetton is born on the beach. Effortlessly classy, this full sleeved shirt is perfect when worn with faded blue jeans and a pair of shades for a weekend get-together.",
"quantity": "10",
"cost": "3.00",
"brand": "United",
"image": "http://static.cilory.com/26111-large_default/united-colors-of-benetton-men-white-t-shirt.jpg",
"category": "1",
"popularity": "100"
var t = document.getElementById('template').innerHTML;
var m = Mustache.to_html(t, jsn);
document.getElementById('res').innerHTML = m;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mustache.js/0.7.2/mustache.min.js"></script>
<script id="template" type="text/template">
<table class="product-list">
<table class="product">
<td class="product-image">
<img src="{{{image}}}" height="180" width="150" />
<td class="product-details">
<p class="title">{{title}}</p>
<p class="description">{{description}}</p>
<p class="quantity"><b>Quanity Available: </b>{{quantity}}</p>
<p class="cost"><b>Cost: </b>£ {{cost}}</p>
<p class="brand"><b>Brand:</b> {{brand}}</p>
<div id="res"></div>
override the mustache.js escape function to not escape texts:
mustache.escape = function (text) {
return text;

Splitting ng-repeat every 3 items

Using AngularJS, I'm iterating over a JSON object containing an array of event objects, containing an array of competition objects.
I wish to show each event in a table, and then each competition in a td, but only three cells per row
I'm using ng-repeat to return a list of tables for each event, but I'm having trouble with splitting the competitions into a new <tr> every three <td>s
Aside from rebuilding my own massive object from the JSON, what is the best way to do what I'm describing in Angular?
Current view:
<table ng-repeat="listing in listings">
<th colspan="3">{{listing.name}}</th>
<td ng-repeat="competition in listing.competitions">
{{competition.id}} - {{competition.name}}
Desired output:
<th colspan="3">Event Name</th>
<td>competition id - competition name</td>
<td>competition id - competition name</td>
<td>competition id - competition name</td>
<td>competition id - competition name</td>
<td>competition id - competition name</td>
<td>competition id - competition name</td>
app.controller('EventsCtrl', function ($scope, $http) {
$scope.loading = true;
$http.get('scripts/JSON/events.json').then(function (response) {
var listings = response['data'].events;
$scope.listings = listings;
"events": [
"id": 418,
"name": "et ullamco",
"competitions": [
"id": 933,
"name": "qui in deserunt occaecat et",
"startTime": 1381092189
"id": 853,
"name": "eu enim ex incididunt do",
"startTime": 1380708266
"id": 5738,
"name": "ad est ut aliquip et",
"startTime": 1381366623
"id": 7599,
"name": "sit ex voluptate aliqua dolor",
"startTime": 1381284106
"id": 7481,
"name": "laborum consequat deserunt do aliqua",
"startTime": 1380874273
"id": 3441,
"name": "amet reprehenderit sint sunt proident",
"startTime": 1380554850
"id": 1959,
"name": "ullamco minim minim in voluptate",
"startTime": 1380651981
You are using a table but the semantics of your data indicate you have a list of lists. You should consider outputting this with <ul><li> instead of a grid.
<ul ng-repeat="listing in listings">
<ul ng-repeat="competition in listing.competitions">
{{competition.id}} - {{competition.name}}
You can achieve your desired layout with CSS quite easily using the above HTML. Checkout the "block grids" in Twitter Bootstrap or Foundation for examples. Tables should generally be used only for data that is actually tabular.
You're question does still bear answering since there may be other reasons to alternate templates in the way you suggest. You could use a function for this to get things three at a time:
<table ng-repeat="listing in listings">
<th colspan="3">{{listing.name}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="group in competitions">
<td ng-repeat="competition in group">
{{competition.id}} - {{competition.name}}
In your controller you can create a "list of lists" to bind to the nested repeaters
// Adapted from Fresheyeball's solution
$scope.competitions = []
compSet = []
for(var i; i < $scope.listings.competitions; i++){
var competition = $scope.listings.competitions[i];
if( i % 3 ){
compSet = [];

AngularJS - Building a dynamic table based on a json

Given a json like this:
"name": "john"
"colours": [{"id": 1, "name": "green"},{"id": 2, "name": "blue"}]
and two regular html inputs:
<input type="text" name="name" />
<input type="text" name="color" />
<input type="submit" value="submit" />
I need to build a table with all the possible variations, ex:
John green
John blue
That means that if a user continues adding values through the inputs new rows will appear building the new variations, for instance:
I also need to have available the id to handle it, and I need that when I add new values using the inputs for instance: "Peter" "Black", I need to autofill the id (colour id) dynamically like an auto increment in mysql, resulting in something like this:
"colours": […...{"id": 3, "name": "black"}]
Is that possible? Which options do I have for doing that with angular? I'm still thinking in the jQuery way and I would like to do it in the angular way.
I took a look to hg-repeat, and used it, but I'm not figuring out how to deliver the expected result, the only thing that come to my mind was to use nested ng-repeats, but it didm´t work.
Thanks so much in advance,
Just want to share with what I used so far to save your time.
Here are examples of hard-coded headers and dynamic headers (in case if don't care about data structure). In both cases I wrote some simple directive: customSort
.directive("customSort", function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
transclude: true,
scope: {
order: '=',
sort: '='
template :
' <a ng-click="sort_by(order)" style="color: #555555;">'+
' <span ng-transclude></span>'+
' <i ng-class="selectedCls(order)"></i>'+
link: function(scope) {
// change sorting order
scope.sort_by = function(newSortingOrder) {
var sort = scope.sort;
if (sort.sortingOrder == newSortingOrder){
sort.reverse = !sort.reverse;
sort.sortingOrder = newSortingOrder;
scope.selectedCls = function(column) {
if(column == scope.sort.sortingOrder){
return ('icon-chevron-' + ((scope.sort.reverse) ? 'down' : 'up'));
}// end link
[1st option with static headers]
I used single ng-repeat
This is a good example in Fiddle (Notice, there is no jQuery library!)
<tr ng-repeat="item in pagedItems[currentPage] | orderBy:sortingOrder:reverse">
[2nd option with dynamic headers]
Demo 2: Fiddle
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
<th ng-repeat="header in table_headers"
class="{{header.name}}" custom-sort order="header.name" sort="sort"
>{{ header.name }}
<td colspan="6">
<div class="pagination pull-right">
<li ng-class="{disabled: currentPage == 0}">
<a href ng-click="prevPage()">« Prev</a>
<li ng-repeat="n in range(pagedItems.length, currentPage, currentPage + gap) "
ng-class="{active: n == currentPage}"
<a href ng-bind="n + 1">1</a>
<li ng-class="{disabled: (currentPage) == pagedItems.length - 1}">
<a href ng-click="nextPage()">Next »</a>
<pre>pagedItems.length: {{pagedItems.length|json}}</pre>
<pre>currentPage: {{currentPage|json}}</pre>
<pre>currentPage: {{sort|json}}</pre>
<tr ng-repeat="item in pagedItems[currentPage] | orderBy:sort.sortingOrder:sort.reverse">
<td ng-repeat="val in item" ng-bind-html-unsafe="item[table_headers[$index].name]"></td>
As a side note:
The ng-bind-html-unsafe is deprecated, so I used it only for Demo (2nd example). You welcome to edit.
Here's an example of one with dynamic columns and rows with angularJS: http://plnkr.co/edit/0fsRUp?p=preview
TGrid is another option that people don't usually find in a google search. If the other grids you find don't suit your needs, you can give it a try, its free
Check out this angular-table directive.
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed table-hover">
<th ng-repeat="header in headers | filter:headerFilter | orderBy:headerOrder" width="{{header.width}}">{{header.label}}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="user in users" ng-class-odd="'trOdd'" ng-class-even="'trEven'" ng-dblclick="rowDoubleClicked(user)">
<td ng-repeat="(key,val) in user | orderBy:userOrder(key)">{{val}}</td>
refer this https://gist.github.com/ebellinger/4399082
First off all I would like to thanks #MaximShoustin.
Thanks of you I have really nice table.
I provide some small modification in $scope.range and $scope.setPage.
In this way I have now possibility to go to the last page or come back to the first page.
Also when I'm going to next or prev page the navigation is changing when $scope.gap is crossing. And the current page is not always on first position. For me it's looking more nicer.
Here is the new fiddle example:

