Conditionally Validation in Yup - javascript

How to implement the condition like value of 1 field should always be greater than the value of another field.
here's my schema
value: Yup.number().required(''),
value2: Yup.number().when('value',{
is: (val) => something here
then: Yup.number().required('Required').positive('value should be positive'),
otherwise: Yup.number()
I want to check for value2 to always be > value.
How to access value2's value in the when condition?

I'm not sure it's the right way to do it, but I'm using test.
Like this:
yourField: Yup.string().test('should-be-greather-than-yourField2', 'Should be greather than yourfield 2', function(value) {
const otherFieldValue = this.parent.yourField2
if (!otherFieldValue) {
return true;
return value > otherFieldValue;

Try this if you want to compare more than condition between two fields
import * as Yup from 'yup';
value: Yup.number().required(''),
value2: Yup.number().required()
'Should be more than value2'

I'm not sure, but try is: (val) => Yup.number().moreThan(val)

I am validating same fields for email and mobile no so user can validate both is same field.
username: yup
is : value =>isNaN(value),
then: yup.string().required('email/mobileno is required') .matches( Regex.EMAIL_REGX,
'Invalid email',
otherwise: yup.string()
.matches(Regex.PHONENO_REGX, StringUtils.phoneNo)


Yup How to get the value of field using .when on the same field?

How to get the value of field when using when on the same field ?
email: yup
.when([], {
is: (val: string) => {
console.log('val = ', val)
return true
then: (schema) => {
console.log('schema = ', schema)
return schema
I am assuming you want to get the value of email in when condition at is location as well as at then location. then you have wrote everything correctly. just remove starting [] empty array in when condition. It you don't provide any array or string then value of current item will get at is location.
ref: React-hook-form validation when input is empty. Conflict with Yup.matches
I have updated the below as per your latest comment. I have tested this in my JavaScript file. so you might need to convert it as per TSX syntax.
email: yup
is: (val) => {
console.log('val = ', val)
return true
then: yup.string()
.test('testKey', 'error', (value) => console.log('value at then', value)),

Yup validation - check if value doesn't match other field

Hi I am trying to find a way to compare 2 fields and validate only if they are not equal.
This is the only idea I was able to come up with but it doesn't work:
[FormField.houseHoldMembers as any],
'error message',
const schema = yup.object({
field1: yup.number().required(),
field2: yup
.notOneOf([yup.ref('field1'), null], 'The two values should not be equal'),
You can compare the two values and validate only if they are not equal like this:
const mySchema = yup.object({
text1: yup.number().required(),
text2: yup
.when(["text1"], (text1, schema) => {
return schema.notOneOf([text1], "the two values should not be equal");
You can take a look at this sandbox for a live working example of this solution.

Optional field validation in Yup schema

I'm using react-hook-form with yup for my form validation and want some fields to be optional (null).
Following their documentation, I'm using nullable() and optional() but it is still getting validated:
export const updateAddressSchema = yup.object({
address: yup
.min(5, "Address must be more than 5 characters long")
.max(255, "Address must be less than 255 characters long"),
city: yup
.max(32, "City name must be less than 32 characters long"),
postal_code: yup
.length(10, "Postal code must be 10 characters long"),
phone: yup
.min(10, "Phone number must be more than 10 characters long")
.max(20, "Phone number must be less than 20 characters long"),
Is there any right way to do this?
You need to use .when for conditional validation like this below. I have added only for address and city only, you can add for other like this.
export const updateAddressSchema = yup.object().shape({
address: yup.string().when("address", (val, schema) => {
if(val?.length > 0) { //if address exist then apply min max else not
return yup.string().min(5, "min 5").max(255, "max 255").required("Required");
} else {
return yup.string().notRequired();
city: yup.string().when("city", (val, schema) => {
if(val?.length > 0) {
return yup.string().max(32, "max 32").required("Required");
else {
return yup.string().notRequired();
}, [
["address", "address"],
["city", "city"],
] //cyclic dependency
Also, you need to add Cyclic dependency
Thanks a lot to #Usama for their answer and solution!
I experienced another problem when using their solution. My back-end API disregards null values and returns the previous value if null values are submitted. The problem was that on initial render the text field's value was null but after selecting and typing and then deleting the typed letters to get it empty again (without submitting), its value would change to an empty string and so my API would throw an error and wouldn't update the user info.
The way I managed to fix it was to use yup's .transform() method to transform the type from empty string to null if the text field wasn't filled:
export const updateAddressSchema = yup.object().shape(
address: yup.string().when("address", (value) => {
if (value) {
return yup
.min(5, "Address must be more than 5 characters long")
.max(255, "Address must be less than 255 characters long");
} else {
return yup
.transform((value, originalValue) => {
// Convert empty values to null
if (!value) {
return null;
return originalValue;
["address", "address"],
I really hope this helps someone.

Why yup is trigger my tests even though previous tests are failing?

I want to validate my object with the schema using yup.
But I notice that when I wrote my own test function it's trigger anyway.
I mean I validate the age property for number, null, positive, integer value. then I want to continue with my own logic test.
So I expect to NOT enter the function unless the previous tests are valid.
I'm not sure if this is how it meant to be, but in this way I must also check for valid input in my tests function, even though I add the number, null, positive, integer checks.
So am I using the yup wrong?
What I expect form yup is not invoke the test if the previous tests are invalid.
import { object, string, number, date, InferType } from 'yup';
let userSchema = object({
age: number()
message: 'test message',
test: (v) => {
console.log('in test!', v);
return !!v.toPrecision();
.validate({ age: null })
.then((res) => {
console.log({ res });
.catch((e) => {
console.log({ e });

Yup conditional validation based on a a non field value

I am trying to create a yup schema where based on a variables value the schema changes slightly. In my case depending on the value of prop myCondition I need to make a field as required. I would like to know if there is any better way I can achieve the same using Yup. Here's my current code structure that works:
// config.js
str1: yup
.required('Please input str1'),
str3: yup
const VALIDATION_SCHEMA_1 = yup.object().shape({
str2: yup.string().nullable(),
const VALIDATION_SCHEMA_2 = yup.object().shape({
str2: yup
.required('Please input str2'),
const SCHEMAS = {
export default SCHEMAS;
the following is how I conditionally choose different schemas:
// app.js
import SCHEMAS from './config';
this.props.myCondition === true
I feel like I can achieve whatever I am doing above in an easier way with yup. One of the approaches I tried was to pass in the prop myCondition into config file and work with it's value by using yup.when() but when only works if the value you want to use is also a part of the form so I couldn't achieve the same.
This can be achieved by the following way:
You can wrap your schema in a function and pass your conditonal prop:
const wrapperSchema = (condition) =>
str2: yup.string()
.when([], {
is: () => condition === true,
then: yup.string().nullable(),
otherwise: yup.string().nullable().required('Please input str2'),
Please note that first param of when is a required param, you can also pass e.g. ["title", "name"] where title and name can be your field values, and you can retrieve and use them in is callback, in the same order, if you have to.
You can conditionally add validation directly in the validationSchema, like this:
Edited to add, you can include your value in the initial form, so that you can do the when check against that field. For example:
str2: yup.object().when('str2', {
is: str2 => condition check that returns boolean,
then: Yup.string().nullable(),
otherwise: Yup.string().nullable().required('Please input str2')

