How can I avoid heap out of memory? - javascript

I wrote this code to get ended my homework as a practice.
This code controls browser with nightmare.js.It just iterates clicking button and waiting for a sec.
But this code issued an error of heap out of memory. I just tried out "--max-old-space-size=4096". but it didn't work...
I checked other than iterations can work. Then putting iterations..., it cannot work due to heap out of memory.
To be honest, I am not good at coding and English. If there are any miswriting, ask me please!
const Nightmare = require('nightmare');
const nightmare = Nightmare({show: true});
const LinguaURL = "";
const NumberOfMine = "";
const PwdOfMine = "";
var i,j = -1;
var selection, progress;
var radioSelect = -1;
function main() {
.type("input[type='text']", NumberOfMine)
.type("input[type='password']", PwdOfMine)
for(i = 3;i<43;i++){
if(j % 4 == 0){
.click('input[onclick="select_unit(\'drill\', \''+(1833+j).toString()+'\', \'\');"]')
.click('input[id="answer_0_' + radioSelect.toString() +'"]')
.evaluate(function (){
return selection = document.querySelector('.btn btn-answer-view form-font-size');
.evaluate(function (){
return progress = document.querySelector('btn btn-next-problem form-font-size');
if(selection == null && progress == null)break;
if(selection != null){
.click('input[class="btn btn-next-problem form-font-size"]');
if((j + 1) % 10 == 0)break;

If I'm not mistaken, I think this is the reason.
function main() {
for(i = 3;i<43;i++){
if(j % 4 == 0){
/**** break for the second while. ****/
if(selection == null && progress == null) break;
if(selection != null){
/**** break for the first while. ****/
// But this code will be run if 'j % 4 == 0',
// and I can't see any assigned the value to 'j' variable inside of 'if'.
// There's no way the result will be true.
if((j + 1) % 10 == 0) { break; }
var j = -1;
var limit = 2000 * 4;
if(j != 0 && j % 1000 == 0) console.log("loop: " + j);
// here we go.
if(j % 4 == 0){
// But this code will be run if 'j % 4 == 0',
// and I can't see any assigned the value to 'j' variable inside of 'if'.
// There's no way the result will be true.
if((j + 1) % 10 == 0) { console.log("your if statement"); break; }
// limit
if (j == limit) { console.log("break using limit"); break; }
// Maybe (do you just want to run ten times?)
// if((j + 1) % 10 == 0) { console.log("[maybe] your if statement"); break; }
console.log("process end");


My JavaScript console game is not working

This is my first time asking a question here, so pardon if it has an error/is less descriptive.
Actually, I am a beginner in JavaScript, and while making a console guess game, there is just nothing in the output window(it supports alert and prompt boxes). Here's the code:
function runGame() {
Boolean isPlaying = true;
var tries = 3;
var guess = 0;
var randInt = Math.floor(Math.random(10) * 1);
alert("You have 3 chances to guess a number between 1 & 10!");
while (guess != randInt && tries > 0) {
guess = prompt("Enter a guess between 1 & 10: ");
if (guess > randInt) {
alert("Too high!");
} else if (guess < randInt) {
alert("Too low!");
} else {
alert("Exactly! " + randInt + " it is! You've won!");
if (tries < 1) {
isPlaying = false;
while (isPlaying == true) {
Moved your while isPlaying to the inside while loop. A while loop with a function inside will just call that function over and over again.
Math.random(10) only changes the seed, it does not choose between 1-10.
function runGame() {
var isPlaying = true;
var tries = 3;
var guess = 0;
var randInt = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
alert("You have 3 chances to guess a number between 1 & 10!");
while (guess != randInt && tries > 0 && isPlaying) {
guess = prompt("Enter a guess between 1 & 10: ");
if (guess > randInt) {
alert("Too high!");
} else if (guess < randInt) {
alert("Too low!");
} else {
alert("Exactly! " + randInt + " it is! You've won!");
if (tries < 1) {
isPlaying = false;

Text animation with p5.js and js lagging

I have the following code which uses parts of the p5.js library to animate some text in a fade in - fade out manner (which keeps looping indefinetely), i also inserted an image to make things clearer.
The problem is that after the first loop is done (when the whole text appears and then starts to disappear) i have severe lag in the browser, although it still works fine and keeps looping. Im not sure if there is a mistake in my code that threw the calculations off or if it's simply too heavy for the browser to run.
All of my vars are self explanatory, but if you have any questions or require another part of my script by all means ask me.
Any ideas that could help my case? Thank you.
//FADE animation /w Loop
if ((animType == "FADE") && (animeLoop == true)) {
if (animDirection == true) {
for (i=0; i<userText.length; i++) {
word = userText[i].html();
posXcalc = 0;
for (j=0; j<word.length; j++) {
text(word[j], userPosX + posXcalc, userPosY + (i * (userSize + userLeading)));
posXcalc = posXcalc + textWidth(word[j]);
if (charsOpacity[charsOpacity.length-1][charsOpacity[charsOpacity.length-1].length-1] < 255) {
if ((i == 0) && (j == 0) && (charsOpacity[i][j] < 255)) {charsOpacity[i][j] = charsOpacity[i][j] + speed;}
else if ((j == 0) && (i != 0)) {
temp = charsOpacity[i-1].length;
if ((charsOpacity[i-1][temp-1] > 50) && (charsOpacity[i][j] < 255)) {charsOpacity[i][j] = charsOpacity[i][j] + speed;}
else if (charsOpacity[i][j-1] > 50) {charsOpacity[i][j] = charsOpacity[i][j] + speed;}
else {animDirection = false;}
else {
for (i=0; i<userText.length; i++) {
word = userText[i].html();
posXcalc = 0;
for (j=0; j<word.length; j++) {
text(word[j], userPosX + posXcalc, userPosY + (i * (userSize + userLeading)));
posXcalc = posXcalc + textWidth(word[j]);
if (charsOpacity[charsOpacity.length-1][charsOpacity[charsOpacity.length-1].length-1] > 0) {
if ((i == 0) && (j == 0) && (charsOpacity[i][j] > 0)) {charsOpacity[i][j] = charsOpacity[i][j] - speed;}
else if ((j == 0) && (i != 0)) {
temp = charsOpacity[i-1].length;
if ((charsOpacity[i-1][temp-1] < 200) && (charsOpacity[i][j] > 0)) {charsOpacity[i][j] = charsOpacity[i][j] - speed;}
else if (charsOpacity[i][j-1] < 200) {charsOpacity[i][j] = charsOpacity[i][j] - speed;}
else {animDirection = true;}
Okay, after a lot of trial and error i found the problem, i was missing a check in the sencond else if statement and the array was recieving values much bigger than the range of the 255 (which is the cap for the setAlpha() function) that must have create the severe lag since it had to keep adding all those values and propably recalculate the alpha inside its own function

Cookie seems not to work

Since i needed to have some variables of my programs available in all the pages, i decided to use cookies (js-cookie).
if ((Cookies.get('j') == null) || (Cookies.get('j') == 0)) {
Cookies.set('j', 0);
var j = parseInt(Cookies.get('j'));
var imuno = Cookies.get('imuno');
var imdue = Cookies.get('imdue');
Then i wrote two functions:
function check1(){
if ((src1 == "") || (src1 == "undefined")) {
alert("Selezionare un'immagine.");
else {
function check2(){
if ((src2 == "") || (src2 == "undefined")) {
alert("Selezionare un'immagine.");
else {
As you can see, they're two check functions that retrieve another function (controllo()) which works like that:
function controllo() {
if (j == 0) {
imuno = src1;
Cookies.set('imuno', src1);
location.href = "schienale.html";
Cookies.set('j', 1);
else if (j == 1){
imdue = src2;
Cookies.set('imdue', src2);
location.href = "riep.html";
Cookies.set('j', 2);
All this code is written in my external .JS file. Now the funcion check1() works perfectly, but when the check2() start running the program doesn't work anymore, as if the cookie j doesn't mantain its value. How can i solve? Thanks all!

How to show a div depending on the numbers of games

I have a question and I can't resolve it. Can you help me please?
So my php code :
$aTicketsGames = array(134, 137, 165, 136, 177, 181, 190);
$b_isRapidGame = false;
if(in_array($i_jeu, $aTicketsGames)){
$b_isRapidGame = true;
In .js after click on the button I do :
if(obj.google_analytics.is_rapid_game == true){
var i++;
if(i == 10){
The idea is : suppose I have a variable i signifying the number of games played.
if i = 10,30,50,70,90.... show div1.
if i = 20,40,60,80,100.... show div2.
I'm newbie in .js and I have no idea how to impliment this. Help me please!!!!
Thx in advance.
Use style instead of class and use % for the if condition. Also, i should be set globally not locally.
var i = 0;
if(obj.google_analytics.is_rapid_game == true){
if(i % 20 == 10){
else if(i % 20 == 0 && i > 0){
See comments inline:
var i = 0; // Define it out of `if`.
if (obj.google_analytics.is_rapid_game === true) {
i++; // Increment by 1
if (i && (i % 20) === 0) { // If divisible by 20
$('#div2').show(); // Show `div2`
// OR
$('#div2').addClass('display-block'); // Add Class
} else if (i && (i % 10) === 0) { // If divisible by 10
$('#div1').hide(); // Hide `div1`
// OR
$('#div1').removeClass('display-block'); // Remove Class
var i = 0;
if (obj.google_analytics.is_rapid_game === true) {
if ((i % 20) === 0) {
$('#div2').show();**//or** $('#div2;).css('display','block');
$('#div1').hide();**//or** $('#div1;).css('display','none');
} else if ((i % 10) === 0) {

Javascript: Mathfloor still generating a 0

In my script to generate a playing card, it's generating a 0, even though my random generator is adding a 1, so it should never be 0. What am I doing wrong?! If you refresh, you'll eventually get a "0 of Hearts/Clubs/Diamonds/Spades":
var theSuit;
var theFace;
var theValue;
var theCard;
// deal a card
function generateCard() {
var randomCard = Math.floor(Math.random()*52+1)+1;
return randomCard;
function calculateSuit(card) {
if (card <= 13) {
theSuit = "Hearts";
} else if ((card > 13) && (card <= 26)) {
theSuit = "Clubs";
} else if ((card > 26) && (card <= 39)) {
theSuit = "Diamonds";
} else {
theSuit = "Spades";
return theSuit;
function calculateFaceAndValue(card) {
if (card%13 === 1) {
theFace = "Ace";
theValue = 11;
} else if (card%13 === 13) {
theFace = "King";
theValue = 10;
} else if (card%13 === 12) {
theFace = "Queen";
theValue = 10;
} else if (card%13 === 11) {
theFace = "Jack";
theValue = 10;
} else {
theFace = card%13;
theValue = card%13;
return theFace;
return theValue
function getCard() {
var randomCard = generateCard();
var theCard = calculateFaceAndValue(randomCard);
var theSuit = calculateSuit(randomCard);
return theCard + " of " + theSuit + " (this card's value is " + theValue + ")";
// begin play
var myCard = getCard();
This line is problematic:
} else if (card%13 === 13) {
Think about it: how a remainder of division to 13 might be equal to 13? ) It may be equal to zero (and that's what happens when you get '0 of... '), but will never be greater than 12 - by the very defition of remainder operation. )
Btw, +1 in generateCard() is not necessary: the 0..51 still give you the same range of cards as 1..52, I suppose.
card%13 === 13
This will evaluate to 0 if card is 13. a % n will never be n. I think you meant:
card % 13 === 0
return theFace;
return theValue
return exits the function; you'll never get to the second statement.

