v-model in icheck-box component not working in vue - javascript

I'm trying to create a checkbox component but I am unable to do it. How can I create three checkboxs (using ichecks and inputs) and get all the selected ones using v-model in an array? The problem is that I can get the value of the clicked checkbox separately but I can not get all the values in array as it is suppose happen with vue's v-model. It seems that, they are getting lost somewhere. here my code
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iCheck/1.0.2/icheck.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/iCheck/1.0.2/skins/all.css" rel="stylesheet">
<div id='app'>
<icheck :value="'Jack'" id="jack" v-model="checkedNames" > </icheck>
<icheck :value="'John'" id="john" v-model="checkedNames" > </icheck>
<input type="checkbox" id="mike" value="Mike" v-model="checkedNames">
<label for="mike">Mike</label>
<span>Checked names: {{ checkedNames }}</span>
Vue.component('icheck', {
props: {
value:{ required: false }
template: `
<input type="checkbox" >
mounted: function () {
var vm = this
//checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal',
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-red',
//radioClass: 'iradio_minimal',
radioClass: 'iradio_square',
increaseArea: '20%' // optional
// emit event on change. here the problem
.on('ifChanged', (event)=>{
let isChecked = event.target.checked
let val = event.target.value
// here the problem need an array
vm.$emit('input',isChecked ? [val]:[])
watch: {
value: function (value) {
// update value
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
checkedNames: []

Here is how I would do it.
<icheck :val="'Jack'" id="jack" v-model="checkedNames" > </icheck>
<icheck :val="'John'" id="john" v-model="checkedNames" > </icheck>
props: {
val:{ required: true },
value: { required: false }
// Check if the value is preset from the props and toggle check
if (this.value.includes(this.val)) {
//checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal',
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-red',
//radioClass: 'iradio_minimal',
radioClass: 'iradio_square',
increaseArea: '20%' // optional
.on('ifChanged', (event)=>{
// create a local copy so as not to modify the prop
let value = [].concat(this.value)
// check if the array includes the value already
// if it does remove it
value.splice(value.indexOf(this.val), 1)
} else {
// if it doesn't add it
// emit the entire array
vm.$emit('input', value)

I see what you try to do, but this only works with native checkboxes. if the v-model is an array and the element is a checkbox, it will change the v-model to something like v-model="data[index]". This does not work with custom elements, as you try to do.


proper use of Vue $refs

Im attempting to recreate this exact inline editing functionality in on of my vue components. However, and I may be wrong, I see some of the syntax is outdated Vue, in particular the v-el directive being used. I've attempted to update the syntax like so:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
numbers: [{
val: 'one',
edit: false
val: 'two',
edit: false
val: 'three',
edit: false
methods: {
toggleEdit: function(ev, number) {
number.edit = !number.edit
// Focus input field
if (number.edit) {
Vue.nextTick(function() {
ev.$refs.input.focus(); // error occurs here
saveEdit: function(ev, number) {
//save your changes
this.toggleEdit(ev, number);
<div id="app">
<template v-for="number in numbers">
<span v-show="!number.edit"
v-on:click="toggleEdit(this, number)">{{number.val}}</span>
<input type="text"
v-on:blur="saveEdit(ev, number)"> <br>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue#2.5.13/dist/vue.js"></script>
However I get a range of errors... any suggestions on how to properly execute this?
Here is the Error:
[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "TypeError: undefined is not an object
(evaluating 'ev.$refs.input')"
Many things changed from Vue.js 1.x to 2.x. I will walk you through the changes necessary in that snippet of yours:
v-repeat should be v-for
Replace v-el="input" with ref="input"
Since you are using ref="input" inside a v-for, then this.$refs.input will be an array of elements, not a single element.
To access each single element, you will need an index (for the array), that's why you should include the index variable in the v-for: v-for="(number, index) in numbers"
Pass the index instead of the ev to the functions, so you can get the<input>s later using vm.$refs.input[index].focus();
And that's pretty much it. After changes you'll get:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
numbers: [
val: 'one',
edit: false
{ val: 'two',
edit: false
val: 'three',
edit: false
methods: {
toggleEdit: function(index, number){
number.edit = !number.edit;
// Focus input field
var vm = this;
if (number.edit){
Vue.nextTick(function() {
saveEdit: function(index, number){
//save your changes
this.toggleEdit(index, number);
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue#2.5.13/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<template v-for="(number, index) in numbers">
<span v-show="!number.edit"
v-on:click="toggleEdit(index, number)">{{number.val}}</span>
<input type="text"
v-on:blur="saveEdit(index, number)"> <br>
If you want the functionality and not the code design, I'd recommend you redesign it. I think you want to edit data, and the data shouldn't have to know whether it's being edited. That is the role of a component.
So let's make a component that lets you v-model data. The component itself has a span and an input. If you're editing, it shows the input, otherwise, the span. Click starts editing, blur stops editing. When editing starts, set focus on the input.
It takes a value prop. Its input element emits an input event to signal changes (per component v-model spec.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
stuff: ['one', 'two', 'three']
components: {
inlineEditor: {
template: '#inline-editor-template',
props: ['value'],
data() {
return {
editing: false
methods: {
startEditing() {
this.editing = true;
this.$nextTick(() => this.$refs.input.focus());
stopEditing() {
this.editing = false;
<script src="//unpkg.com/vue#latest/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<inline-editor v-for="item, index in stuff" v-model="stuff[index]"></inline-editor>
<template id="inline-editor-template">
<span #click="startEditing" v-show="!editing">{{value}}</span>
<input ref="input" :value="value" #input="e => $emit('input', e.target.value)" #blur="stopEditing" v-show="editing">

Vue 2 Component not calling main instance function

Okay, this web app I am "still" trying to make is taking longer than I expected and I still don't get some stuff about Vue 2.
For example, I have a componenent that renders in the main Vue instance and I $emit a function inside the componenet. Of course, the "inside" function is working but not the "main" one:
This is the component file PropertyHouseComponent.vue:
<fieldset class="form-group col-md">
<div class="form-check">
module.exports = {
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
required: false
data: function() {
return {
data: false
created: function() {
if(this.value) {
this.data = this.value;
methods: {
callFunc: function() { <-- this method is being called correctly
this.$emit('toggleHouse', this.data);
I've also tried with this.$parent.$emit('toggleHouse') and it's the same and by using instead of #click="callFunc":
watch: {
data: function(value) {
this.$emit('toggleHouse', value);
This is the main Vue instance function toggleHouse() in app.js:
Vue.component('property-house', require('./components/PropertyHouseComponent.vue'));
toggleHouse: function() { <-- this method is being completely ignored
if(value) {
this.csHouse = value;
Just in case you think "you are not passing value to the function, so it won't change anything, I tried with console.log(). But is not my concern right now (I think)
And finally, this is the HTML part:
<property-house :value="true"></property-house>
And then it renders in the DOM correcly:
So, what am I doing wrong this time and what I should do in order to call toggleHouse from inside the component? Thanks in advance.
You don't emit functions. You emit events.
You need to listen for the toggleHouse event, and I would additionally recommend never using camel cased event names (for reasons beyond the scope of this answer).
Let's assume you change to use toggle-house instead.
this.$emit('toggle-house', value)
Where you use the property-house should look like this
<property-house :value="true" #toggle-house="toggleHouse"></property-house>
Note the #toggle-house. This is the shortcut method for listening to an event in Vue; you could also use the full syntax, v-on:toggle-house="toggleHouse".
In either case (using #toggle-house or v-on:toggle-house) a listener is set up that listens for the toggle-house event you are emitting from the child component that calls the toggleHouse method when the event occurs.
Here is a very rudimentary example.
Vue.component("property-house", {
template: `
<button #click="$emit('toggle-house', 'Clicked the button')">Click Me</button>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
methods: {
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.13/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<property-house #toggle-house="toggleHouse"></property-house>
I needed to change the strategy since #click="callFunc" was taking the opposite checkbox value, I guess, that event was fired before changing the v-model="data".
Therefore my new components look like this:
<fieldset class="form-group col-md">
<div class="form-check">
module.exports = {
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
required: false
data: function() {
return {
data: false
created: function() {
if(this.value) {
this.data = this.value;
watch: {
data: function(value) {
this.$emit('callback', value);

Input-fields as components with updating data on parent

I'm trying to make a set of components for repetitive use. The components I'm looking to create are various form fields like text, checkbox and so on.
I have all the data in data on my parent vue object, and want that to be the one truth also after the user changes values in those fields.
I know how to use props to pass the data to the component, and emits to pass them back up again. However I want to avoid having to write a new "method" in my parent object for every component I add.
<div class="vue-parent">
<vuefield-checkbox :vmodel="someObject.active" label="Some object active" #value-changed="valueChanged"></vuefield-checkbox>
My component is something like:
props: ['vmodel', 'label'],
return {
value: this.vmodel
template:`<div class="form-field form-field-checkbox">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="value" #change="$emit('value-changed', value)">
I have this Vue object:
var vueObject= new Vue({
el: '.vue-parent',
anotherBoolean: true,
name:'My object',
imageAd: {
methods: {
valueChange: function (newVal) {
this.carouselAd.autoOrder = newVal;
See this jsfiddle to see example: JsFiddle
The jsfiddle is a working example using a hard-coded method to set one specific value. I'd like to eighter write everything inline where i use the component, or write a generic method to update the parents data. Is this possible?
You can use v-model on your component.
When using v-model on a component, it will bind to the property value and it will update on input event.
<div class="vue-parent">
<vuefield-checkbox v-model="someObject.active" label="Some object active"></vuefield-checkbox>
<p>Parents someObject.active: {{someObject.active}}</p>
props: ['value', 'label'],
return {
innerValue: this.value
template:`<div class="form-field form-field-checkbox">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="innerValue" #change="$emit('input', innerValue)">
var vueObject= new Vue({
el: '.vue-parent',
anotherBoolean: true,
name:'My object',
imageAd: {
Example fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/hqb6ufwr/2/
As an addition to Gudradain answer - v-model field and event can be customized:
From here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Customizing-Component-v-model
By default, v-model on a component uses value as the prop and input as
the event, but some input types such as checkboxes and radio buttons
may want to use the value prop for a different purpose. Using the
model option can avoid the conflict in such cases:
Vue.component('my-checkbox', {
model: {
prop: 'checked',
event: 'change'
props: {
checked: Boolean,
// this allows using the `value` prop for a different purpose
value: String
// ...
<my-checkbox v-model="foo" value="some value"></my-checkbox>
The above will be equivalent to:
#change="val => { foo = val }"
value="some value">

Vue.js checkbox component multiple instances

I have a list of filters using checkboxes. I'm trying to make each checkbox it's own components. So I loop through my list of filters adding a checkbox component for each filter. The Vue.js documentation says that if I have multiple checkboxes that use the same model that array will get updated with the value of the checkboxes. I see that working if the group of checkboxes is part of the parent component. But if I make the checkbox a component and add each checkbox component in a loop then the model doesn't update as expected.
How can I have a checkbox component that updates an array on the parent? I know I can do this with emitting an event for a method on the component that updates the array but the Vue documentation makes it seems like the framework does this for you.
Here is a code sample I've been playing around with https://www.webpackbin.com/bins/-KwGZ5eSofU5IojAbqU3
Here is a working version.
<div class="filter-wrapper">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="internalValue" :value="value">
export default {
props: ['checked','value', 'label'],
model: {
prop: "checked"
internalValue: {
get(){return this.checked},
set(v){this.$emit("input", v) }
Updated bin.
The answer given by #Bert is right. I just want to complete the picture with the list of components and how thay are integrated. As this is a useful pattern.
Also including Select All functionality
<div class="item">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="internalChecked" :value="item.id" />
... other stuff
export default {
// Through this we get the initial state (or if the parent changes the state)
props: ['value'],
internalChecked: {
get() { return this.value; },
// We let the parent know if it is checked or not, by sending the ID
set(selectedId) { this.$emit("input", selectedId) }
<div class="list">
<label><input type="checkbox" v-model="checkedAll" /> All</label>
v-for="item in items"
... other stuff
import ListItem from './ListItem';
export default {
data: function() {
return: {
// The list of items we need to do operation on
items: [],
// The list of IDs of checked items
areChecked: []
computed: {
// Boolean for checked all items functionality
checkedAll: {
get: function() {
return this.items.length === this.areChecked.length;
set: function(value) {
if (value) {
// We've checked the All checkbox
// Starting with an empty list
this.areChecked = [];
// Adding all the items IDs
this.invoices.forEach(item => { this.areChecked.push(item.id); });
} else {
// We've unchecked the All checkbox
this.areChecked = [];
components: {
Once boxes get checked we have in checked the list of IDS [1, 5] which we can use to do operation on the items with those IDs

Fire different functions depending on checkbox state in Vue2

I'd like to know is there any way to fire custom functions - one function when checkbox changes to true value and another when it changes to false value (without using $watch).
For example:
I have input wrapped in root div
<div id="root">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="editModeOn">
and a vue instance with disableEditMode (on checkbox unchecked) and enableEditMode (on checkbox checked)
new Vue({
el: '#root',
props: {
editModeOn: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
methods: {
disableEditMode() {
// some code
enableEditMode() {
// some code
How can I achieve this functionality? Thanks!
Handle the change event.
#change="editModeOn ? enableEditMode() : disableEditMode()"
new Vue({
el: '#root',
editModeOn: false
methods: {
disableEditMode() {
enableEditMode() {
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.4.2"></script>
<div id="root">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="editModeOn" #change="editModeOn ? enableEditMode() : disableEditMode()">

