Three.js: LookAt with parent rotated - javascript

I have some planes, parented to an empty Object3D. Those planes are always facing the camera,like sprites. It works fine unless I rotate the parent. Three.js documentation says that .lookAt doesn't support transformed parents
So I am trying to figure out how to solve it manually.
Here is what I have now:
plane.onBeforeRender = function( renderer, scene, camera,
geometry, material, group ){
var worldCamPos = new THREE.Vector3();
// this.quaternion.copy(camera.quaternion);//this one rotates in local space of the container
So I a m trying to convert camera's position to the space inside which the plane lives,and use it as lookAt target.
The problem is,the plane is sort of looking at the camera,but it constantly flickering as if swapping rotations from default to the desired one,back and forth. I don't concatenate here anything,so I don't understand why it happens.
I would appreciate if someone could point out to more elegant solution,maybe with quaternions.


Fit object group to page centre without breaking OrbitControls

What I have is an OrthographicCamera set up so that is has an isometric view of the scene and OrbitConrols added to allow for panning around and zooming but not for rotation.
What I’d like to have is a button that will centre the objects in a scene and zoom the OrthographicCamera so that the objects fit within the canvas area while keeping the isometric view, i.e. the angle between the camera.position and the camera.lookAt ( point.
What I’ve tried is to set the at the centre of the bounding box of the objects in the scene.
I have 2 problems with the code at the moment.
The First is I couldn’t work out how to calculate the zoom level needed to make sure the objects in the scene are all in view. I’ve hard coded a value for just now.
The Second is that with the current code, if the camera is panned so that the objects appear nearly off the screen, either up or down, then when centred the angle of the camera changes. This was happening when the camera was panned far left or right but setting the max and min Azimuth Angle seems to prevent this.
camera rotates after centring
The image above shows the scene when loaded then after centering when the camera was panned so the objects were going off the top of the screen.
I have tried a number of ways to do this after looking at answers to similar questions as this but am still having problems getting it to work.
function fitDrawingToPage(){
// Variables Bbox etc are set outside the function
Bbox = new THREE.Box3();
for (const object of sceneObjects) Bbox.expandByObject(object);
newTarget = Bbox.getCenter(new THREE.Vector3()); newTarget.x, newTarget.y, newTarget.z );
camera.zoom = 0.5;
current example of code in jsfiddle

how to remove clipping plane in THREE js?

I want to remove clipping planes in THREE js but I can't seem to find any information on how to do this. What I found is that orthographic camera can have negative value for near clipping plane.
If I put negative value in near clipping plane of perspective camera, it doesn't throw an error but doesn't show any objects.
I draw relatively huge objects and the near clipping plane is very frustrating when I try to explore them as they disapear completely if they are behind the camera even if most of the object should still be visible, is there a way to remove it so my objects always gets drawn?
here is the camera values I use:
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(90, size.x/size.y, 0.1, 1000);
When I move, I move the camera instead of all the objects relative to a fixed camera, I guessed it would be more performent, but I don't think it matters for my problem.
All of the objects have position (0, 0, 0) but can have part extending up to 10-15 units away from their position

Three.js How to get an object's rotation relative to another?

I have a camera and an box. I want to get the camera's rotation as if it were a child of the box, without actually parenting the camera.
THREE.js has object.worldToLocal(position) which will correctly get the camera's position relative to the box, but that function will of course not work for euler rotations, so I'm looking for the equivalent for euler or quaternion rotation.
Unity has transform.InverseTransformDirection(vector), and I'm looking for something similar.
Ok, I think I got it!
var rot = camera.getWorldQuaternion();
var euler = new THREE.Euler().setFromQuaternion(rot);

How do I determine when small object in front of big object and visible for camera?

I'm newbie in three.js and WebGL.
In my application, there is 3D scene in which the two objects.
object - it is a big sphere;
object - a smaller sphere, which is located on the surface of the first object.
Big sphere rotates around its axis. And also there is the possibility to rotate the camera around the spheres.
So as a small sphere on the surface of a large sphere, it also rotates with it. Small sphere will be visible to us as large sphere turns to the camera and it will not be visible when a large sphere is in front of it.
The question is, how do I determine when a small sphere is visible to the camera, and when it is not visible?
Also, I need to get the coordinates in 2d for small sphere where it is visible. How can I do this?
This can be accomplished with three.js's built-in raycaster and projector functionalities. To start, try taking a look at this demo and its source code. Here is another example. In this way you can determine which objects are closer to an invisible line that is emitted from the camera's position.
Otherwise, if you are simply interested in which of the two objects is closer to the camera, you can simply check to see which of their position values have a lesser distance to the camera's coordinates. The three-dimensional distance formula would come in handy:
bigSphereDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(camera.position.x - big.position.x,2) +
Math.pow(camera.position.y - big.position.y,2) +
Math.pow(camera.position.z - big.position.z,2) );
smallSphereDistance = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(camera.position.x - small.position.x,2) +
Math.pow(camera.position.y - small.position.y,2) +
Math.pow(camera.position.z - small.position.z,2) );
//then check...
bigSphereDistance > smallSphereDistance ? /*case*/ : /*case*/;
Intuitively, the small sphere is visible when its distance is less than that of the big sphere, with a buffer of the small sphere's radius.
To answer your second question, finding any object's 2D coordinates can accomplished like this.

Rotation of a shape loaded with ObjLoader [duplicate]

When we add a CustomGeometry to the scene with defining vertices and not setting the position, how can we get it to rotate around its own center point?
Fiddle :
In the sample code, object is rotating around Scenes X axis. I need to rotate it around its center point.
Hint: The red cube mesh is the initial centerpoint of the object which is rotating. I need to rotate it around x axis of red cube... I tried alot but failed anyway.
One solution is to translate the mesh geometry, and compensate by changing the mesh position, like so:
var offset = objMesh.centroid.clone();
objMesh.geometry.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation( -offset.x, -offset.y, -offset.z ) );
objMesh.position.copy( objMesh.centroid );
updated fiddle:
P.S. You do not need to save your fiddle before running it. There is no reason to have so many versions.
three.js r.55
You can use the center of the bounding box, which would basically be the 'average' of your vertices but it is not guaranteed to fall onto the red cube.

