Why am I not seeing the added property in the object? - javascript

I have to add a property for an object returned from my db before pushing it to an array. Changing properties work, but adding new ones doesn't. Can anyone can explain the logic behind this behavior?
ids.forEach(async (id, index) => {
//get object without highlight property
let real_a = await database.getA(id)
real_a.highlight = "shoud add highlight property to real_a object"
// the correct string is printed
//object still doesn't have that property

It was the intended behavior.Sorry for bothering.
I was using a mongodb query for the database.getA(id) function and it turns out you have to specify a parameter in the mongodb query to get an actual changeable JSON object.
Here is the complete answer:
Why can't you modify the data returned by a Mongoose Query (ex: findById)


Realm object list functions are undefined, even though object is defined and list is populated

Trying to push a new int into an int realm list. I can get the Realm object, I can print it and when I print the object it shows the list with it's content, I can use Realm Studio to edit, add numbers to the list, etc.. But when I try to call any methods form the list it says it is undefined.
Have tried async, await, then, though it was a synchronization issue, but doesn't seem like it.
The code below is similar to mine, but edited to hide the original names, etc, and does not have all the properties from the original, but it does not change the behave for the specific list I am trying to edit. Everything else works fine.
I have an schema like
let mySchema={
my_schema_id: 'string',
numbers: 'int[]'
The function to create a new object is
Realm.open({schema: [mySchema]})
.then(realm => {
realm.write(() => {
realm.create('MySchema', {my_schema_id: `${my_schema_id}`, numbers: [parseInt(number, 10)]});
I try to add a number with:
Realm.open({schema: [mySchema]})
.then((realm) => {
let fetchedSchema = realm.objects('MySchema').filtered(`my_schema_id ="${my_schema_id}"`);
fetchedSchema.numbers.push(parseInt(number, 10));
And it gives an error:
(node:73249) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
I expected to push the item to the list, or to be able to call the list functions. Instead, when I try to use the list it shows as undefined even though I can see it and it's content when I print the object...
Found a solution.
Querying let fetchedSchema = realm.objects('MySchema').filtered(my_schema_id ="${my_schema_id}"); actually returns an array of elements, so I just had to select the first with [0]at the end

Indexing into mongoose.model for an array is returning undefined

I've created a simple table (document?) in mongoDB.
I'm using Node and Mongoose to connect to it.
In my method, I am calling model.find({}) to retrieve all records and then iterating over them to find one that I want (this is within a loop - I'm thinking it will be more efficient to hit the DB once, and then process in memory to avoid connecting to the database each time).
When I console.log the match, I'm getting the full object printed out. When I print out one property, however, it's listing it as undefined. This property is an array, and it's happening for another property that has an array that I added as a test. What am I missing here?
Here's my code snippet:
Documents.find({}).then(docsData => { // Documents is my model
docs.entries.forEach(entry => { // docs.entries is the collection I want to match to
const match = docsData.find(
doc => doc['dropboxId'] == entry['id']
if (match) {
entry['tags'] = match.tags;
console.log('match tags', match.tags); // this prints out undefined
console.log('match', match); // this prints out the object with tags
Any ideas?
match is a Mongoose document which is different from normal JS object. I guess you need to do:
entry['tags'] = match.get('tags');

Javascript includes method does not work with MongoDB IDs

I was trying to use includes method to check existing MongoDB Id in an array but it is always returning false.
Is it a some kind of bug in the includes method or am I doing something wrong below is my code
let user = req.user._id;
let keyword= req.query.q;
let userSearchHistory = await UserSearchHistory.findOne({searchKeywords: keyword}).exec();
if (!userSearchHistory.users.includes(user))
where users in my database is an array with ObjectId refering to user collection
I also tried converting user object
let user= mongoose.Types.ObjectId(req.user._id);
But still the same result.
Converting ObjectIds to String working for me but then I have to remove the references in my model what is the proper way to handle this ?
This is probably happening because userSearchHistory.users returns an array of objectIds.
You can try replacing userSearchHistory.users.includes(user) with userSearchHistory.users.map(user=>user.toString()).includes(user).
This way you will be able to convert the array of objectIds to array of strings before applying 'includes' function.
Edit : Did you try trimming spaces in 'req.user._id' by using req.user._id.trim() and then casting it to objectId?

Cant access single object in array?

Hi I am having problems with accessing Object in array... I dont know is it because i updated Chrome or because i added, and after removed Preact from my React application. Problem is this:
Tags is array of objects:
var fullTag = tags.filter(tag => tag.tagId==tagId);
And as a result i get this in console:
When i expand it i get this:(image)
So there's no way to access it except with
In all other ways i get undefined... Why is this?! I can swear that i could access it with fullTag.tag until yesterday... Can someone explain me please?
The filter() method creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided callback function.
So, after you filter an array, you will obtain another array even if there is only one item which pass the test function. That's why you couldn't access it using fullTag.tag.
Solution is to access one element using its index.
let tags=[{"id":1,"tag":"tag1"},{"id":2,"tag":"tag2"}];
let tagId=1;
var fullTag = tags.filter(tag => tag.id==tagId);
If tagId property is unique in your array you can use find method.
var fullTag = tags.find(tag => tag.id==tagId);
Now you can access your tag property in that way you wished.

Get Value of Child Object with JavaScript

I have a JSON collection produced from an object graph. Shown below is an example value. I am having trouble accessing the nested 'Type' object to retrieve any of it's values.
[{"Id":1,"Name":"My Name","Type":{"Id":1,"Name":"my Value"}}]
I am using a JS component that has a property that can be assigned a value similar to below.
myProperty: Type.Name, //Not working
Can someone recommend how I set this value?
What you have is a JavaScript array, not an object, and certainly not JSON. So if you have
var arr = [{"Id":1,"Name":"My Name","Type":{"Id":1,"Name":"my Value"}}]
you'd need to index it, and grab the Type object off of that.
var typeName = arr[0].Type.Name;

