What does this 'child' in my javascript array mean? - javascript

I keep getting these 'child' things in my Javascript collection after certain operations. The 'child' keyword is showing up in my terminal after logging the Javascript collection.
Whats strange is that I can't actually find good documentation anywhere online on what this means. Seems like it should be a basic concept.
When I do google it I just get a ton of results for 'child' in context of HTML and the DOM.
What does it mean in javascript? And how could I fix this collection to have these nested collections without the 'child' thing.
Gosh I wish I could speak about it with more sophistication :p
More Context on How This 'Bad' Collection is Generated
So I'm trying to populate JSON data from my Mongodb database and return it to the frontend. Essentially I have nested collections like so:
------------> memberOrganizations
---------------------> associatedVIPs
Where I'm originally grabbing Institutions I can populate collections one level down using built in populate functionality.
Doing like so:
.then(function (institutions) {
console.log("All institutions, memberOrganizations populated no problem.");
return res.json(institutions);
The problem is coming in when I try to go populate collections inside those member organizations, and replace existing memberOrganizations data with that.
.then(function (institutions) {
var populateOrganizationOrderManagers = _.map(institutions, function (institution) {
var masterInstitution = _.cloneDeep(institution);
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var ids = _.map(institution.memberOrganizations, 'id');
Organization.find(ids).populate('associatedVIPs').then(function (orgs) {
masterInstitution.memberOrganizations = orgs;
return Promise.all(populateOrganizationOrderManagers)
.then(function (institutionsWithOrderManagers) {
return res.json(institutionsWithOrderManagers);
Printouts of the JSON data using console.log to print to my terminal
(Simplified all data by a bit to make it easier to make a point)
What it looks like:
[ child {
[ { associatedVIPs:
[ { firstName: 'Gregory',
lastName: 'Parker',
email: 'info#parker2018.com',
id: '5ab94183164475010026184b' } ],
institution: '5ab940b71644750100261845',
name: 'Greg Parker',
type: 'Student',
id: '5ab941401644750100261847' },
{ associatedVIPs:
[ { firstName: 'Irma',
lastName: 'Francisco',
email: 'irmaf#houstontransporter.com',
id: '5ae348da1ef63b245a74fe2d' } ],
institution: '5ab940b71644750100261845',
name: 'Transporter Inc',
type: 'Other',
id: '5ae3488d1ef63b2c8f74fe29' } ],
name: 'Corporate',
createdAt: 2018-03-26T18:49:27.955Z,
updatedAt: 2018-07-05T15:00:02.562Z,
id: '5ab940b71644750100261845' }
What I'd like it to look like:
{ memberOrganizations:
[ {
name: 'Tau Kappa Epsilon',
type: 'Greek - Fraternity',
institution: '5a3996d47bab3401001cc1bc',
id: '5a3ae7ebdfd69201001aa54d'
[ { firstName: 'Irma',
lastName: 'Francisco',
email: 'irmaf#houstontransporter.com',
id: '5ae348da1ef63b245a74fe2d' },
{ firstName: 'Zach',
lastName: 'Cook',
email: 'zach#google.com',
id: '5ae348da1ef63b245a74f' } ]
{ name: 'Farmhouse',
type: 'Greek - Fraternity',
institution: '5a3996d47bab3401001cc1bc',
id: '5a4e71e806b97a01003bd313' } ],
name: 'Troy University',
createdAt: '2017-12-19T22:46:44.229Z',
updatedAt: '2018-07-05T15:18:03.182Z',
id: '5a3996d47bab3401001cc1bc' },
{ memberOrganizations:
[ { name: 'Alpha Epsilon Pi',
type: 'Greek - Fraternity',
institution: '5a4d534606b97a01003bd2f1',
id: '5a4f95c44ec7b6010025d2fb' },
{ name: 'Alpha Delta Chi',
type: 'Greek - Sorority',
institution: '5a4d534606b97a01003bd2f1',
id: '5a74a35e1981ef01001d0633' },
{ name: 'Phi Sigma Kappa',
type: 'Greek - Fraternity',
institution: '5a4d534606b97a01003bd2f1',
id: '5a7ba61821024e0100be67b7' } ],
name: 'University of Alabama',
createdAt: '2018-01-03T22:03:50.929Z',
updatedAt: '2018-07-05T15:18:03.182Z',
id: '5a4d534606b97a01003bd2f1' }


Adding element inside nested array in mongoose

Server Started at Port 3000...
_id: new ObjectId("61c707e9f4ff040a47d27c3f"),
username: 'adityaaryam',
password: '1234',
nameOfUser: 'Aditya Aryam',
emailOfUser: 'adityaaryam#gmail.com',
userAllLists: [
name: 'Hello',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c70d915448262d1dca1a69")
name: 'Work',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c70d965448262d1dca1a70")
name: 'Home Work',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c70d9b5448262d1dca1a79")
name: 'Hello',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c70e7f5448262d1dca1a84")
name: 'Play',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c7126a5448262d1dca1a9b")
name: 'Eat',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c71325b0219e6ce4f57990")
name: 'Walla',
items: [],
_id: new ObjectId("61c7197de9564390d506cbe9")
__v: 7
This is how my database looks like. I want to push new elements to "items" array which is nested inside the "userAllLists" array using mongoose. How do I implement this?
I have been trying findOneAndUpdate using $push but I am not able to achieve my desriable results.
My Schemas are as follows:
const itemSchema = {
name: String
const customListSchema ={
const userSchema={
username: String,
password: String,
nameOfUser: String,
emailOfUser: String,
userAllLists: [customListSchema],
Thanks in Advance!
I think $push is the right way to push new elements to nested arrays, you didn't show the code you tried to see if it works or not, at all here is an example based on your schema
User.update({_id: "61c707e9f4ff040a47d27c3f", }, {
'$push': {
"userAllLists.$[].items": {name: "test item name"}
Note: $[] expressions will push the specified object inside all items arrays that exist in userAllLists
To push the item for only specific userAllLists object you can use the following syntax
User.update({_id: "61c707e9f4ff040a47d27c3f", "usersAllLists._id": "61c70d915448262d1dca1a69"}, {
'$push': {
"userAllLists.$.items": {name: "test item name"}
this will ensure to push the item object to the specified usersAllLists object which has this id 61c70d915448262d1dca1a69

Gatsby createResolvers for data types within other data types

I've got this data set:
const avengers = [
firstName: 'Tony',
lastName: 'Stark',
name: 'Iron Man',
bestFriends: {
name: 'Captain America',
firstName: 'Bruce',
lastName: 'Banner',
name: 'Hulk',
bestFriends: {
name: 'Black Widow',
firstName: 'Thor',
lastName: 'Odinson',
name: 'Thor',
bestFriends: {
name: 'Rocket',
and what I'm trying to accomplish in Gatsby is to extend the bestFriends node in my Gatsby Nodes and allow the bestFriend's data to be fetched via a single query. My result query would look like this:
query myQuery {
Avenger (name: {eq: "Iron Man}) {
bestFriends {
friendData {
However I'm struggling to figure out how to set up my createResolvers so that I can set a custom resolver function for the friendData node. It almost seems as if the Gatsby createResolvers API isn't able to resolve nested data sets. I assumed that this should work but when I do query the data via GraphiQL the node bestFriends returns "null".
Avenger: {
bestFriends: {
type: "Avenger",
resolve: (source, args, context) => {
return context.nodeModel.runQuery({
query: {
filter: {
name: {eq: source.bestFriends.name}
Any idea how I can accomplish what I'm getting at? I imagine that this is how Facebook would set up data structures for posts and comments, where the commentor's name, profile url, profile picture, and the comment itself is visible when you look at a post.

Sequelize get own attributes only, ignore included instances

What I'm looking for is an instance method in Model that will return only the attributes of that model & exclude instances of any included model.
eg: Imagine I have 2 models, with a hasMany ( or any ) association:
Post {
User: {
and I have:
const userWithPosts = await User.findOne({
where: { id: 33 },
include: [{
model: Post,
as: 'posts'
id: 33,
name: 'John Doe',
posts: [
Post {
id: 1,
content: '..',
user_id: 33
Post {
id: 2,
content: '...',
user_id: 33
I'm looking for a method, say getOwnAttributes or something like that which does:
id: 33,
name: 'John Doe',
I've looked into couple of things:
userWithPosts.get({ raw: true })
userWithPosts.get({ plain: true })
All of the above returns included instances as well.
Any existing method or workaround that can do this?
EDIT: I'm not talking about doing it at query time, but getting the value from already queried instance. Currently my work-around for this is:
const payload = _.pick(userWithPosts.toJSON(), [
You can refer to the code below to exclude attributes of Post table.
const userWithPosts = await User.findOne({
where: { id: 33 },
include: [{
model: Post,
as: 'posts',
attributes: []
I hope it helps!

Mongoose find and findOne return entire collection

I have the code below in javascript and the database is already populated. Now when I use either find() or findOne(), Mongoose returns the entire collection of over 6000 entries. Why is the filter not happening?
var tickerIDSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
ticker: String,
name: String,
exchange: String,
"_id": false
var tickerListSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
complete: [tickerIDSchema]
{ "complete.ticker": 1, "complete.exhcange": 1 },
{ unique: true }
var tickerList = mongoose.model("tickerList", tickerListSchema);
tickerList.findOne({"complete.ticker": "BMO"}, function(err, data){
{ _id: 5a44452bb1dac235f039c66c,
__v: 0,
[ { ticker: 'AAPL', name: 'Apple Inc.', exchange: 'Nasdaq' },
{ exchange: 'Amex',
name: 'Altisource Asset Management Corp',
ticker: 'AAMC' },
{ exchange: 'Amex',
name: 'Almaden Minerals, Ltd.',
ticker: 'AAU' },
{ exchange: 'Amex',
name: 'Aberdeen Emerging Markets Smaller Company Opportunities Fund I',
ticker: 'ABE' },
{ exchange: 'Amex',
name: 'Acme United Corporation.',
ticker: 'ACU' },
{ exchange: 'Amex', name: 'AeroCentury Corp.', ticker: 'ACY' },
{ exchange: 'Amex',
name: 'Adams Resources & Energy, Inc.',
ticker: 'AE' },
{ exchange: 'Amex', name: 'Ashford Inc.', ticker: 'AINC' },
{ exchange: 'Amex',
name: 'Air Industries Group',
ticker: 'AIRI' },
... 6675 more items ] }
You appear to have an extra layer of abstraction that is unnecessary.
This code effectively creates a document with a single attribute.
var tickerListSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
complete: [tickerIDSchema]
The result is that you have a single document in your mongodb collection tickerList that contains all of your data within that single attribute, complete. Per the mongodb documentation (https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findOne/), findOne should return the matching document. Because you are querying for a subdocument, the returned result is the parent document, which contains all of the data you have in your tickerIDSchema
To achieve your desired results, your mongoose code should probably look something like this.
var tickerIDSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
ticker: String,
name: String,
exchange: String,
"_id": false
{ "ticker": 1, "exchange": 1 },
{ unique: true }
var tickerList = mongoose.model("tickerList", tickerIDSchema);
tickerList.findOne({"ticker": "BMO"}, function(err, data){
Removing the tickerListSchema will allow you to query the tickerIDSchema directly. The findOne() query would appear as shown, and find() should operate as follows:
tickerList.find({}, function(err, data){

Sails Js populate don't retrieve all attributes

I have a problem with populate. I made a query to get User, Project and Topic information (Those are my 3 models). I need to show multiples dates in profile view. This is my code:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: "string"
topics: {
collection: "topic",
via: "projects"
members: {
collection: "user",
via: "projects"
content: {
collection: "content",
via: "projectData"
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: "string"
projects: {
collection: "project",
via: "topics"
in User.js:
show: function(req, res, next) {
User.findOne({id: req.session.User.id}).populateAll().exec(function prjFound(err, user){
if (err) return next(err);
if (!user) return next();
user: user
Console print this:
{ projects:
[ { name: 'Fran',
createdAt: '2017-06-19T21:33:17.152Z',
updatedAt: '2017-06-19T21:33:17.190Z',
id: 97 },
{ name: 'River Plate',
createdAt: '2017-06-19T21:36:38.757Z',
updatedAt: '2017-06-19T21:36:38.798Z',
id: 98 },
{ name: 'Guido',
createdAt: '2017-06-20T01:33:53.843Z',
updatedAt: '2017-06-20T01:33:53.926Z',
id: 99 } ],
group: [],
mat: 222222,
name: 'Francisco',
lastname: 'P',
email: 'fran#1.com.ar',
encryptedPassword: '$2a$10$nKp/eAOCDPw4BS.PvQCThe42wa2/8ZABw4JzA0no9GPVT4VjFl3ZO',
createdAt: '2017-06-19T21:32:10.535Z',
updatedAt: '2017-06-19T21:32:10.535Z',
id: '594842da6aeecd880ebab4e6'
I want to get all atributes of project model (Content, topic, and members), not only the name and id.
Anyone can explain Why my code is wrong?
Sails/Waterline populate/populateAll do 1 level of population. For 2 or deeper level you need to write code for it.
E.g. Gather ids of user's project and do populateAll on Project.find
Sailsjs doesn't currently support population within a populated field. Write a query in the returned response and append it to the field that you want to populate, send the response with your desired results.
Check this.
let result = await model.find(filter).populate("fieldName", {select:['attribute1','attribute1']})

