Restoring values to tokeninput field - jquery error - javascript

I'm trying to take values from a tokeninput field, save them to localstorage then retrieve them later. I am getting an error. Code:
//Save to storage
var selectedValues = $('#Contacts').tokenInput("get");
localStorage.setItem('ContactsJSON', JSON.stringify(selectedValues));
var names = localStorage.getItem("ContactsJSON");
$.each(names, function (index, value) {
$("#Contacts").tokenInput("add", value);
Error message is:
Invalid operand to 'in': Object expected
Error is showing at jquery-1.10.2.js (1009,2)
I'm quite sure that my JSON is correct, as per the tokeninput docs, it should be in the right format when retrieved using the get API:
Gets the array of selected tokens from the tokeninput (each item being an object of the kind {id: x, name: y}).
The data I can see in localstorage is as follows:
[{id":59,"name":"Steve Carrell"},{"id":58,"name":"John Krasinski"},{"id":1,"name":"Jenna Fischer"}]

I believe that your problem is that you are getting string, not an object.
You should call JSON.pase() on your string from localstorage.
So, fixed code should look like:
// here you are converting object to string:
localStorage.setItem('ContactsJSON', JSON.stringify(selectedValues));
var names = localStorage.getItem("ContactsJSON");
// here you should convert string back to object
var names_object = JSON.parse(names);
$.each(names_object, function (index, value) {
$("#Contacts").tokenInput("add", value);


Parsing JSON and loading into array

I am trying to take the JSON from the above link and place it in the following format(date,open,high,low,close)...
The date does not need to be Epoch time.
My code....
function=TIME_SERIES_DAILY&symbol=MSFT&apikey=demo', function(data) {
//Get the time series data
var timeseries = data['Time Series (Daily)']
var ohlcarray = [];
//Loop through each time series and convert it to JSON format
$.each(timeseries, function(key, value) {
var ohlcdata=[];
console.log(ohlcarray[0]);//test if worked properly
The output....
[undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined]
value[x] returns undefined. Any ideas on why this happens?
The reason is that in the each loop, the value is not a list but an object. To access it, you'd have to grab it using keys.
ohlcdata[0] = key; //date
ohlcdata[1] = value['1. open']; //open
ohlcdata[2] = value['2. high']; //high
ohlcdata[3] = value['3. low']; //low
ohlcdata[4] = value['4. close']; //low
At this point it is already JSON. As Patrick mentioned, getJSON automatically parses json. You will need to access it with the array bracket notation since there are spaces in the property name.
var timeSeries = data['Time Series (Daily)'];
See ex:

JQuery - How to loop through JSON using each

I have cached the JSON returned from an Ajax call and need to loop through this to display it. I get the error, 'Cannot read property 'title' of undefined'. Can anyone help?
$.each(cache['cat-'+cat], function(i, jd) {
var title= jd.title; //issue is here
When I console.log(cache['cat-'+cat]) I get the below:
Object {
date: "2016-07-28T15:08:03.596Z",
data: '[{"id":471,"title":"Lines and Calls","solution_areas":"lines-calls"}]'
When I console.log(jd) within the loop I get the below:
if I use console.log(; I get
I have tried the below but they don't work either:
var title=;
var title=[0].title;
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
The way you are currently using it, each is going to iterate over every property of the cache['cat-'+cat] object, of which there are two, date and data.
So your anonymous function function(i, jd)will be called twice. The first time, jdwill be the value of the date property (a string), the second time it will be the value of the data property (also a string, that happens to be formatted as JSON).
The contents of data need to be parsed before they can be accessed as an object/array, and given that data is formatted as an array, I am guessing that you actually want to iterate over that. Given the example provided, I would change it to:
$.each(JSON.parse(cache['cat-'+cat].data), function(i, jd) {
var title= jd.title;
You aren't accessing it properly. And since cache['cat-'+cat] is already the needed object, what's the purpose of $.each? Should be
var title= JSON.parse(cache['cat-'+cat].data)[0].title;
(because the title is in the data, and the data is JSON).
var obj = {
date: "2016-07-28T15:08:03.596Z",
data: '[{"id":471,"title":"Lines and Calls","solution_areas":"lines-calls"}]'
var title= JSON.parse([0].title;
Just need to understand what is JSON and what is STRING
cache['cat-'+cat].data return a string that need to convert to JSON before pass to each loop:
var dataCacheReturned = cache['cat-'+cat];
var objCache =; //Its return a string
objCache = JSON.parse(objCache); //Parse string to json
$.each(objCache, function(i, jd) {
var title = jd.title;

How to To Delete The data in Localstorage

what I need
I need to toggle image on click.
like if user select favorite choice & then it mark unfavorite image is altered and data is deleted from localstoarge.
html code
<div style="display:block; float:right; width:auto; color:#7c7c7c;">
js code
function favaorite(sess_id,name,city,country,event_url,pointer){
var eventData;
//is anything in localstorage?
if (localStorage.getItem('eventData') === null) {
eventData = [];
} else {
// Parse the serialized data back into an array of objects
eventData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('eventData'));
$.each(eventData, function(key, value){
var imageUrl='';
//var imageUrl='';
$(pointer).closest('.evt_date').find('.favourate_dextop').css('background-image', 'url("' + imageUrl + '")');
//$(pointer).closest('.evt_date').find('.favourate_dextop').css('background-image', 'url("' + imageUrl + '")');
var details={};
// Push the new data (whether it be an object or anything else) onto the array
// Alert the array value
//alert(eventData); // Should be something like [Object array]
// Re-serialize the array back into a string and store it in localStorage
var jsondata=localStorage.setItem('eventData', JSON.stringify(eventData));
I'm new in localstorage I need to know how could I delete data from json string.
I have implemented add to favorite now I need to mark unfavorite.
data is stored:
To delete data from localstorage you use localStorage.removeItem('itemNam')
to delete the name item from the localStorage you use
1: changing the original json object
delete originalJson.attributeName
originalJson = {name:'myname',age:30};//our object to test with
example :
delete originalJson.age //in this case originalJson.age is no more available
2: don't change the original object and make another copy instead
originalJson2 = JSON.stringify(originalJson);
originalJson2 = JSON.parse(originalJson2);
delete originalJson2.age //originalJson.age is available but originalJson2.age is not available
here is the : jsfiddle
let assume that sess_id is your unique id for events
function unfavorite(sess_id){
var eventData = localStorage.getItem('eventData');
//is anything in localstorage?
if (localStorage.getItem('eventData') === null) {
console.log('invalid event');
eventData = JSON.parse(eventData);
// Keep all without the one with specified sess_id
$.grep(eventData, function(value) {
return value.sess_id != sess_id;
var jsondata=localStorage.setItem('eventData', JSON.stringify(eventData));

extract single variable from JSON array

I hope my question is not as stupid as I think it is...
I want to extract (the value of) a single variable from an JSONarray. I have this jquery code
if(data !== false) {
var entry = data;
the content of data looks like this ("MyMessage" and "MyName" are values written in a simple form from user):
the var "entry" should give (more or less) following output at the end:
"Send from -MyName- : -MyMessage-"
I'm not able to extract the single array values from data. I tried things like that:
var message = data['message'];
var name = data['name']
var entry = "Send from" + name + ":" +message;
but that gives "Send from undefined: undefined"
Hope you can help me with that.
you can do like this to get first item of array:
var msg = "Send from"+data[0].name + " "+data[0].message;
console.log(msg );
as you are using $.post you will need to explicitly parse response as json:
var response = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
var msg = "Send from"+response [0].name + " "+response [0].message;
console.log(msg );
To access an array you use the [] notation
To access an object you use the . notation
So in case of [{JSON_OBJECT}, {JSON_OBJECT}]
if we have the above array of JSON objects in a variable called data, you will first need to access a particular Json Object in the array:
data[0] // First JSON Object in array
data[1] // Second JSON Object in array.. and so on
Then to access the properties of the JSON Object we need to do it like so:
data[0].name // Will return the value of the `name` property from the first JSON Object inside the data array
data[1].name // Will return the value of the `name` property from the second JSON Object inside the data array

Model Bind to a List<> when Posting JavaScript Data Object

I'm trying to post a JavaScript data object with the following:
$.post(frm.attr("action"), data, function(res)
// do some stuff
}, "json");
where 'data' takes the structure of
- panelId
- siteId
- ConfiguredFactsheetId // this is an array of CheckBox ids that correspond to ConfiguredFactsheets
- 123
- 234
- 345
With this, both site & panel are correctly instantiated & bound with their data but the List object is null.
public JsonResult Edit(Site site, Panel panel, List<ConfiguredFactsheet> configuredFactsheets)
// do stuff
return Json(success);
Now, I realise that my 'data' object's ConfiguredFactsheetId property is just an array of id values. Do I need to specify that each value corresponds to a configuredFactsheetId property of my ConfiguredFactsheet object? If so, my data object would take a form similart to
- panelId
- siteId
- ConfiguredFactsheet // this is an array of CheckBox ids that correspond to ConfiguredFactsheets
- ConfiguredFactsheetId:123
- ConfiguredFactsheetId:234
- ConfiguredFactsheetId:345
but this obviously won't work because every time I add a new ConfiguredFactsheetId to the object, it'll just overwrite the previous one.
I know I can do this if I built a query string of the form
"&ConfiguredFactsheet[i].configuredFactsheetId = " + configuredFactsheetId;
but I'd like to contain everything in a single data object
Any suggestions? Do I need to explain anything (probably everything!) more clearly?
In the end, this worked:
var valuesArray =
return $.getAttributes($(this));
var obj = new Array();
$.each(valuesArray, function(item) { obj.push($(this)[0]); });
$.each(obj, function(i)
// basically I take the rule where you need to append
// the index to the type, and I apply it here.
data["configuredFactsheets[" + i + "].configuredFactsheetId"] = $(this).attr("configuredFactsheetId");
Note: read about $.getAttributes
An alternative is to post:
And accept it as an IEnumerable
public ActionResult DoSomething(IEnumerable<int> myValues) {

